"""A collection of functions which act on surfaces or lists of surfaces."""
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import combinations
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union  # noqa
import warnings

from eppy.bunch_subclass import EpBunch  # noqa
from eppy.idf_msequence import Idf_MSequence  # noqa
from numpy import float64  # noqa
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.ops import polygonize
from shapely.ops import unary_union

from geomeppy.geom.polygons import Polygon2D
from .polygons import intersect, Polygon3D
from .vectors import Vector2D, Vector3D  # noqa
from ..utilities import almostequal

def set_coords(
    surface,  # type: EpBunch
    # type: Union[List[Vector3D], List[Tuple[float, float, float]], Polygon3D]
    ggr,  # type: Union[List, None, Idf_MSequence]
    # type: (...) -> None
    """Update the coordinates of a surface.

    :param surface: The surface to modify.
    :param coords: The new coordinates as lists of [x,y,z] lists.
    :param ggr: Global geometry rules.
    coords = list(coords)
    deduped = [c for i, c in enumerate(coords) if c != coords[(i + 1) % len(coords)]]
    poly = Polygon3D(deduped)
    poly = poly.normalize_coords(ggr)
    coords = [i for vertex in poly for i in vertex]
    if len(coords) > 120:
            "To create surfaces with >120 vertices, ensure you have customised your IDD before running EnergyPlus. "
    # find the vertex fields
    n_vertices_index = surface.objls.index("Number_of_Vertices")
    first_x = n_vertices_index + 1  # X of first coordinate
    surface.obj = surface.obj[:first_x]
    # set the vertex field values

def set_matched_surfaces(surface, matched):
    # type: (EpBunch, EpBunch) -> None
    """Set boundary conditions for two adjoining surfaces.

    :param surface: The first surface.
    :param matched: The second surface.
    if (
        str(surface.key).upper() == "BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED"
        and str(matched.key).upper() == "BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED"
        for s in [surface, matched]:
            s.Outside_Boundary_Condition = "surface"
            s.Sun_Exposure = "NoSun"
            s.Wind_Exposure = "NoWind"
        surface.Outside_Boundary_Condition_Object = matched.Name
        matched.Outside_Boundary_Condition_Object = surface.Name
    elif str(surface.key).upper() == "BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED" and str(
        surface.Outside_Boundary_Condition = "adiabatic"
        surface.Sun_Exposure = "NoSun"
        surface.Wind_Exposure = "NoWind"
    elif str(matched.key).upper() == "BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED" and str(
        matched.Outside_Boundary_Condition = "adiabatic"
        matched.Sun_Exposure = "NoSun"
        matched.Wind_Exposure = "NoWind"

def set_unmatched_surface(surface, vector):
    # type: (EpBunch, Union[Vector2D, Vector3D]) -> None
    """Set boundary conditions for a surface which does not adjoin another one.

    :param surface: The surface.
    :param vector: The surface normal vector.
    if not hasattr(surface, "View_Factor_to_Ground"):
    surface.View_Factor_to_Ground = "autocalculate"
    poly = Polygon3D(surface.coords)
    if min(poly.zs) < 0 or all(z == 0 for z in poly.zs):
        # below ground or ground-adjacent surfaces
        surface.Outside_Boundary_Condition_Object = ""
        surface.Outside_Boundary_Condition = "ground"
        surface.Sun_Exposure = "NoSun"
        surface.Wind_Exposure = "NoWind"
        surface.Outside_Boundary_Condition = "outdoors"
        surface.Outside_Boundary_Condition_Object = ""
        surface.Wind_Exposure = "WindExposed"
        if almostequal(vector, (0, 0, -1)):
            # downward facing surfaces
            surface.Sun_Exposure = "NoSun"
            surface.Sun_Exposure = "SunExposed"  # other external surfaces

def getidfplanes(surfaces):
    # type: (Idf_MSequence) -> Dict[float64, Dict[Union[Vector2D, Vector3D], List[EpBunch]]]
    """Fast access data structure for potentially matched surfaces.

    Get a data structure populated with all the surfaces in the IDF, keyed by their distance from the origin, and their
    normal vector.

    :param surfaces: List of all the surfaces.
    :returns: Mapping to look up IDF surfaces.
    round_factor = 8
    planes = {}  # type: Dict[float64, Dict[Union[Vector2D, Vector3D], List[EpBunch]]]
    for s in surfaces:
        poly = Polygon3D(s.coords)
        rounded_distance = round(poly.distance, round_factor)
        rounded_normal_vector = Vector3D(
            *[round(axis, round_factor) for axis in poly.normal_vector]
        planes.setdefault(rounded_distance, {}).setdefault(
            rounded_normal_vector, []
    return planes

def get_adjacencies(surfaces):
    # type: (Idf_MSequence) -> defaultdict
    """Create a dictionary mapping surfaces to their adjacent surfaces.

    :param surfaces: A mutable list of surfaces.
    :returns: Mapping of surfaces to adjacent surfaces.
    adjacencies = defaultdict(list)  # type: defaultdict
    # find all adjacent surfaces
    for s1, s2 in combinations(surfaces, 2):
        adjacencies = populate_adjacencies(adjacencies, s1, s2)
    for adjacency, polys in adjacencies.items():
        adjacencies[adjacency] = minimal_set(polys)
    return adjacencies

def minimal_set(polys):
    """Remove overlaps from a set of polygons.

    :param polys: List of polygons.
    :returns: List of polygons with no overlaps.
    normal = polys[0].normal_vector
    as_2d = [p.project_to_2D() for p in polys]
    as_shapely = [Polygon(p) for p in as_2d]
    lines = [p.boundary for p in as_shapely]
    borders = unary_union(lines)
    shapes = [Polygon2D(p.boundary.coords) for p in polygonize(borders)]
    as_3d = [p.project_to_3D(polys[0]) for p in shapes]
    if not almostequal(as_3d[0].normal_vector, normal):
        as_3d = [p.invert_orientation() for p in as_3d]
    return [p for p in as_3d if p.area > 0]

def populate_adjacencies(adjacencies, s1, s2):
    # type: (defaultdict, EpBunch, EpBunch) -> defaultdict
    """Update the adjacencies dict with any intersections between two surfaces.

    :param adjacencies: Dict to contain lists of adjacent surfaces.
    :param s1: Object representing an EnergyPlus surface.
    :param s2: Object representing an EnergyPlus surface.
    :returns: An updated dict of adjacencies.
    poly1 = Polygon3D(s1.coords)
    poly2 = Polygon3D(s2.coords)
    if not almostequal(abs(poly1.distance), abs(poly2.distance), 4):
        return adjacencies
    if not almostequal(poly1.normal_vector, poly2.normal_vector, 4):
        if not almostequal(poly1.normal_vector, -poly2.normal_vector, 4):
            return adjacencies

    intersection = poly1.intersect(poly2)
    if intersection:
        new_surfaces = intersect(poly1, poly2)
        new_s1 = [
            for s in new_surfaces
            if almostequal(s.normal_vector, poly1.normal_vector, 4)
        new_s2 = [
            for s in new_surfaces
            if almostequal(s.normal_vector, poly2.normal_vector, 4)
        adjacencies[(s1.key, s1.Name)] += new_s1
        adjacencies[(s2.key, s2.Name)] += new_s2
    return adjacencies