# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import os.path
from nltk.stem import SnowballStemmer
from nltk.tokenize.punkt import PunktSentenceTokenizer, PunktParameters
from string import punctuation
from preprocess import unicode_to_ascii

class Tokenizer(object):

    def __init__(self, language='english', stopwords=None, stemming=True):
        if stemming:
            self._stemmer = SnowballStemmer(language)
            self._stemmer = None

        if isinstance(stopwords, list):
            self._stopwords = stopwords
        elif isinstance(stopwords, (str, unicode)):
            # stopwords argument is a path
                self._stopwords = self._load_stopwords(stopwords)
            except IOError:
                raise IOError('stopwords argument must be a path to a .txt file, a list of word strings '
                              'or None (which loads the default list)')
            # Load built-in stopwords
            stopwords_dir = 'stopwords/{0}.txt'.format(language.lower())
            application_root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
            stopwords_file = os.path.join(application_root, '..', stopwords_dir)
            self._stopwords = self._load_stopwords(stopwords_file)

    def stopwords(self):
        return self._stopwords

    def stemmer(self):
        return self._stemmer

    def _load_stopwords(file_path):
            with open(file_path, 'rb') as stopwords_file:
                stopwords = [word.strip('\n') for word in stopwords_file.readlines()]
        except IOError:
            stopwords = []

        return stopwords

    def remove_stopwords(self, tokens):
        """Remove all stopwords from a list of word tokens or a string of text."""
        if isinstance(tokens, (list, tuple)):
            return [word for word in tokens if word.lower() not in self._stopwords]
            return ' '.join(
                [word for word in tokens.split(' ') if word.lower() not in self._stopwords]

    def stem(self, word):
        """Perform stemming on an input word."""
        if self.stemmer:
            return unicode_to_ascii(self._stemmer.stem(word))
            return word

    def stem_tokens(self, tokens):
        """Perform snowball (Porter2) stemming on a list of word tokens."""
        return [self.stem(word) for word in tokens]

    def strip_punctuation(text, exclude='', include=''):
        """Strip leading and trailing punctuation from an input string."""
        chars_to_strip = ''.join(
            set(list(punctuation)).union(set(list(include))) - set(list(exclude))
        return text.strip(chars_to_strip)

    def strip_all_punctuation(text):
        """Strip all punctuation from an input string."""
        return ''.join([char for char in text if char not in punctuation])

    def tokenize_words(self, text):
        """Tokenize an input string into a list of words (with punctuation removed)."""
        return [
            self.strip_punctuation(word) for word in text.split(' ')
            if self.strip_punctuation(word)

    def sanitize_text(self, text):
        tokens = self.tokenize_words(text.lower())
        tokens = self.remove_stopwords(tokens)
        tokens = self.stem_tokens(tokens)
        sanitized_text = ' '.join(tokens)
        return sanitized_text

    def _remove_whitespace(text):
        """Remove excess whitespace from the ends of a given input string."""
        # while True:
        #     old_text = text
        #     text = text.replace('  ', ' ')
        #     if text == old_text:
        #         return text
        non_spaces = re.finditer(r'[^ ]', text)

        if not non_spaces:
            return text

        first_non_space = non_spaces.next()
        first_non_space = first_non_space.start()

        last_non_space = None
        for item in non_spaces:
            last_non_space = item

        if not last_non_space:
            return text[first_non_space:]
            last_non_space = last_non_space.end()
            return text[first_non_space:last_non_space]

    def tokenize_sentences(self, text, word_threshold=5):
        Returns a list of sentences given an input string of text.

        :param text: input string
        :param word_threshold: number of significant words that a sentence must contain to be counted
        (to count all sentences set equal to 1; 5 by default)
        :return: list of sentences
        punkt_params = PunktParameters()
        # Not using set literal to allow compatibility with Python 2.6
        punkt_params.abbrev_types = set([
            'dr', 'vs', 'mr', 'mrs', 'ms', 'prof', 'mt', 'inc', 'i.e', 'e.g'
        sentence_splitter = PunktSentenceTokenizer(punkt_params)

        # Need to adjust quotations for correct sentence splitting
        text_unprocessed = text.replace('?"', '? "').replace('!"', '! "').replace('."', '. "')

        # Treat line breaks as end of sentence (needed in cases where titles don't have a full stop)
        text_unprocessed = text_unprocessed.replace('\n', ' . ')

        # Perform sentence splitting
        unprocessed_sentences = sentence_splitter.tokenize(text_unprocessed)

        # Now that sentences have been split we can return them back to their normal formatting
        for ndx, sentence in enumerate(unprocessed_sentences):
            sentence = unicode_to_ascii(sentence)  # Sentence splitter returns unicode strings
            sentence = sentence.replace('? " ', '?" ').replace('! " ', '!" ').replace('. " ', '." ')
            sentence = self._remove_whitespace(sentence)  # Remove excess whitespace
            sentence = sentence[:-2] if (sentence.endswith(' .') or sentence.endswith(' . ')) else sentence
            unprocessed_sentences[ndx] = sentence

        processed_sentences = [self.sanitize_text(sen) for sen in unprocessed_sentences]

        # Sentences should contain at least 'word_threshold' significant terms
        filter_sentences = [i for i in range(len(processed_sentences))
                            if len(processed_sentences[i].replace('.', '').split(' ')) > word_threshold]

        processed_sentences = [processed_sentences[i] for i in filter_sentences]
        unprocessed_sentences = [unprocessed_sentences[i] for i in filter_sentences]

        return processed_sentences, unprocessed_sentences

    def tokenize_paragraphs(cls, text):
        """Convert an input string into a list of paragraphs."""
        paragraphs = []
        paragraphs_first_pass = text.split('\n')
        for p in paragraphs_first_pass:
            paragraphs_second_pass = re.split('\s{4,}', p)
            paragraphs += paragraphs_second_pass

        # Remove empty strings from list
        paragraphs = [p for p in paragraphs if p]
        return paragraphs