# Copyright 2018 Davide Spadini
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

This module includes 1 class, GitRepository, representing a repository in Git.

import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from threading import Lock
from typing import List, Dict, Set, Generator

from git import Git, Repo, GitCommandError, Commit as GitCommit

from pydriller.domain.commit import Commit, ModificationType, Modification
from pydriller.utils.conf import Conf

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class GitRepository:
    Class representing a repository in Git. It contains most of the logic of
    PyDriller: obtaining the list of commits, checkout, reset, etc.

    def __init__(self, path: str, conf=None):
        Init the Git RepositoryMining.

        :param str path: path to the repository
        self.path = Path(path)
        self.project_name = self.path.name
        self.lock = Lock()
        self._git = None
        self._repo = None

        # if no configuration is passed, then creates a new "emtpy" one
        # with just "path_to_repo" inside.
        if conf is None:
            conf = Conf({
                "path_to_repo": str(self.path),
                "git_repo": self

        self._conf = conf
        self._conf.set_value("main_branch", None)  # init main_branch to None

    def git(self):
        GitPython object Git.

        :return: Git
        if self._git is None:
        return self._git

    def repo(self):
        GitPython object Repo.

        :return: Repo
        if self._repo is None:
        return self._repo

    def _open_git(self):
        self._git = Git(str(self.path))

    def clear(self):
        According to GitPython's documentation, sometimes it leaks resources.
        This holds especially for Windows users. Hence, we need to clear the
        cache manually.
        if self._git:
        if self._repo:

    def _open_repository(self):
        self._repo = Repo(str(self.path))
        self._repo.config_writer().set_value("blame", "markUnblamableLines", "true").release()
        if self._conf.get("main_branch") is None:

    def _discover_main_branch(self, repo):
            self._conf.set_value("main_branch", repo.active_branch.name)
        except TypeError:
            # The current HEAD is detached. In this case, it doesn't belong to
            # any branch, hence we return an empty string
            logger.info("HEAD is a detached symbolic reference, setting main branch to empty string")
            self._conf.set_value("main_branch", '')

    def get_head(self) -> Commit:
        Get the head commit.

        :return: Commit of the head commit
        head_commit = self.repo.head.commit
        return Commit(head_commit, self._conf)

    def get_list_commits(self, rev='HEAD', **kwargs) -> Generator[Commit, None, None]:
        Return a generator of commits of all the commits in the repo.

        :return: Generator[Commit], the generator of all the commits in the
        # If not specified otherwise, analyze the repository in reversed order
        if 'reverse' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['reverse'] = True

        for commit in self.repo.iter_commits(rev=rev, **kwargs):
            yield self.get_commit_from_gitpython(commit)

    def get_commit(self, commit_id: str) -> Commit:
        Get the specified commit.

        :param str commit_id: hash of the commit to analyze
        :return: Commit
        gp_commit = self.repo.commit(commit_id)
        return Commit(gp_commit, self._conf)

    def get_commit_from_gitpython(self, commit: GitCommit) -> Commit:
        Build a PyDriller commit object from a GitPython commit object.
        This is internal of PyDriller, I don't think users generally will need

        :param GitCommit commit: GitPython commit
        :return: Commit commit: PyDriller commit
        return Commit(commit, self._conf)

    def checkout(self, _hash: str) -> None:
        Checkout the repo at the speficied commit.
        BE CAREFUL: this will change the state of the repo, hence it should
        *not* be used with more than 1 thread.

        :param _hash: commit hash to checkout
        with self.lock:
            self.git.checkout('-f', _hash, b='_PD')

    def _delete_tmp_branch(self) -> None:
            # we are already in _PD, so checkout the master branch before
            # deleting it
            if self.repo.active_branch.name == '_PD':
                self.git.checkout('-f', self._conf.get("main_branch"))
            self.repo.delete_head('_PD', force=True)
        except GitCommandError:
            logger.debug("Branch _PD not found")

    def files(self) -> List[str]:
        Obtain the list of the files (excluding .git directory).

        :return: List[str], the list of the files
        _all = []
        for path, _, files in os.walk(str(self.path)):
            if '.git' in path:
            for name in files:
                _all.append(os.path.join(path, name))
        return _all

    def reset(self) -> None:
        Reset the state of the repo, checking out the main branch and
        local changes (-f option).

        with self.lock:
            self.git.checkout('-f', self._conf.get("main_branch"))

    def total_commits(self) -> int:
        Calculate total number of commits.

        :return: the total number of commits
        return len(list(self.get_list_commits()))

    def get_commit_from_tag(self, tag: str) -> Commit:
        Obtain the tagged commit.

        :param str tag: the tag
        :return: Commit commit: the commit the tag referred to
            selected_tag = self.repo.tags[tag]
            return self.get_commit(selected_tag.commit.hexsha)
        except (IndexError, AttributeError):
            logger.debug('Tag %s not found', tag)

    def get_tagged_commits(self):
        Obtain the hash of all the tagged commits.

        :return: list of tagged commits (can be empty if there are no tags)
        tags = []
        for tag in self.repo.tags:
            if tag.commit:
        return tags

    def get_commits_last_modified_lines(self, commit: Commit,
                                        modification: Modification = None,
                                        hashes_to_ignore_path: str = None) \
            -> Dict[str, Set[str]]:
        Given the Commit object, returns the set of commits that last
        "touched" the lines that are modified in the files included in the
        commit. It applies SZZ.

        The algorithm works as follow: (for every file in the commit)

        1- obtain the diff

        2- obtain the list of deleted lines

        3- blame the file and obtain the commits were those lines were added

        Can also be passed as parameter a single Modification, in this case
        only this file will be analyzed.

        :param Commit commit: the commit to analyze
        :param Modification modification: single modification to analyze
        :param str hashes_to_ignore_path: path to a file containing hashes of
               commits to ignore.
        :return: the set containing all the bug inducing commits
        if modification is not None:
            modifications = [modification]
            modifications = commit.modifications

        return self._calculate_last_commits(commit, modifications,

    def _calculate_last_commits(self, commit: Commit,
                                modifications: List[Modification],
                                hashes_to_ignore_path: str = None) \
            -> Dict[str, Set[str]]:

        commits = {}  # type: Dict[str, Set[str]]

        for mod in modifications:
            path = mod.new_path
            if mod.change_type == ModificationType.RENAME or mod.change_type == ModificationType.DELETE:
                path = mod.old_path
            deleted_lines = mod.diff_parsed['deleted']

                blame = self._get_blame(commit.hash, path, hashes_to_ignore_path)
                for num_line, line in deleted_lines:
                    if not self._useless_line(line.strip()):
                        buggy_commit = blame[num_line - 1].split(' ')[0].replace('^', '')

                        # Skip unblamable lines.
                        if buggy_commit.startswith("*"):

                        if mod.change_type == ModificationType.RENAME:
                            path = mod.new_path

                        commits.setdefault(path, set()).add(self.get_commit(buggy_commit).hash)
            except GitCommandError:
                    "Could not found file %s in commit %s. Probably a double "
                    "rename!", mod.filename, commit.hash)

        return commits

    def _get_blame(self, commit_hash: str, path: str, hashes_to_ignore_path: str = None):
        args = ['-w', commit_hash + '^']
        if hashes_to_ignore_path is not None:
            if self.git.version_info >= (2, 23):
                args += ["--ignore-revs-file", hashes_to_ignore_path]
                logger.info("'--ignore-revs-file' is only available from git v2.23")
        return self.git.blame(*args, '--', path).split('\n')

    def _useless_line(line: str):
        # this covers comments in Java and Python, as well as empty lines.
        # More have to be added!
        return not line or \
               line.startswith('//') or \
               line.startswith('#') or \
               line.startswith("/*") or \
               line.startswith("'''") or \
               line.startswith('"""') or \

    def get_commits_modified_file(self, filepath: str) -> List[str]:
        Given a filepath, returns all the commits that modified this file
        (following renames).

        :param str filepath: path to the file
        :return: the list of commits' hash
        path = str(Path(filepath))

        commits = []
            commits = self.git.log("--follow", "--format=%H", path).split('\n')
        except GitCommandError:
            logger.debug("Could not find information of file %s", path)

        return commits

    def __del__(self):