import io
import typing as ty

from . import base

from .. import multipart
from .. import utils

class Section(base.SectionBase):
	Functions used to manage files in IPFS's virtual “Mutable File System” (MFS)
	file storage space.
	def cp(self, source, dest, **kwargs):
		"""Copies files within the MFS.

		Due to the nature of IPFS this will not actually involve any of the
		file's content being copied.

		.. code-block:: python

			{'Entries': [
				{'Size': 0, 'Hash': '', 'Name': 'Software', 'Type': 0},
				{'Size': 0, 'Hash': '', 'Name': 'test', 'Type': 0}
			>>> client.files.cp("/test", "/bla")
			{'Entries': [
				{'Size': 0, 'Hash': '', 'Name': 'Software', 'Type': 0},
				{'Size': 0, 'Hash': '', 'Name': 'bla', 'Type': 0},
				{'Size': 0, 'Hash': '', 'Name': 'test', 'Type': 0}

		source : str
			Filepath within the MFS to copy from
		dest : str
			Destination filepath within the MFS to which the file will be
			copied to
		args = (source, dest)
		return self._client.request('/files/cp', args, **kwargs)

	#TODO: Add `flush(path="/")`

	def ls(self, path, **kwargs):
		"""Lists contents of a directory in the MFS.

		.. code-block:: python

			{'Entries': [
				{'Size': 0, 'Hash': '', 'Name': 'Software', 'Type': 0}

		path : str
			Filepath within the MFS

		| Entries | List of files in the given MFS directory |
		args = (path,)
		return self._client.request('/files/ls', args, decoder='json', **kwargs)
	def mkdir(self, path, parents=False, **kwargs):
		"""Creates a directory within the MFS.

		.. code-block:: python

			>>> client.files.mkdir("/test")

		path : str
			Filepath within the MFS
		parents : bool
			Create parent directories as needed and do not raise an exception
			if the requested directory already exists
		kwargs.setdefault("opts", {})["parents"] = parents

		args = (path,)
		return self._client.request('/files/mkdir', args, **kwargs)
	def mv(self, source, dest, **kwargs):
		"""Moves files and directories within the MFS.

		.. code-block:: python

			>>>"/test/file", "/bla/file")

		source : str
			Existing filepath within the MFS
		dest : str
			Destination to which the file will be moved in the MFS
		args = (source, dest)
		return self._client.request('/files/mv', args, **kwargs)
	def read(self, path, offset=0, count=None, **kwargs):
		"""Reads a file stored in the MFS.

		.. code-block:: python


		path : str
			Filepath within the MFS
		offset : int
			Byte offset at which to begin reading at
		count : int
			Maximum number of bytes to read

			bytes : MFS file contents
		opts = {"offset": offset}
		if count is not None:
			opts["count"] = count
		kwargs.setdefault("opts", {}).update(opts)

		args = (path,)
		return self._client.request('/files/read', args, **kwargs)
	def rm(self, path, recursive=False, **kwargs):
		"""Removes a file from the MFS.

		.. code-block:: python

			>>> client.files.rm("/bla/file")

		path : str
			Filepath within the MFS
		recursive : bool
			Recursively remove directories?
		kwargs.setdefault("opts", {})["recursive"] = recursive

		args = (path,)
		return self._client.request('/files/rm', args, **kwargs)
	def stat(self, path, **kwargs):
		"""Returns basic ``stat`` information for an MFS file
		(including its hash).

		.. code-block:: python

			>>> client.files.stat("/test")
			{'Hash': 'QmUNLLsPACCz1vLxQVkXqqLX5R1X345qqfHbsf67hvA3Nn',
			 'Size': 0, 'CumulativeSize': 4, 'Type': 'directory', 'Blocks': 0}

		path : str
			Filepath within the MFS

			dict : MFS file information
		args = (path,)
		return self._client.request('/files/stat', args, decoder='json', **kwargs)
	def write(self, path, file, offset=0, create=False, truncate=False, count=None, **kwargs):
		"""Writes to a mutable file in the MFS.

		.. code-block:: python

			>>> client.files.write("/test/file", io.BytesIO(b"hi"), create=True)

		path : str
			Filepath within the MFS
		file : Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike, io.RawIOBase, int]
			IO stream object with data that should be written
		offset : int
			Byte offset at which to begin writing at
		create : bool
			Create the file if it does not exist
		truncate : bool
			Truncate the file to size zero before writing
		count : int
			Maximum number of bytes to read from the source ``file``
		opts = {"offset": offset, "create": create, "truncate": truncate}
		if count is not None:
			opts["count"] = count
		kwargs.setdefault("opts", {}).update(opts)

		args = (path,)
		body, headers = multipart.stream_files(file, chunk_size=self.chunk_size)
		return self._client.request('/files/write', args, data=body, headers=headers, **kwargs)

class Base(base.ClientBase):
	files = base.SectionProperty(Section)
	def add(self, file: ty.Union[utils.path_t, int, io.IOBase], *files,
	        recursive: bool = False, pattern: multipart.match_spec_t[ty.AnyStr] = None,
	        trickle: bool = False, follow_symlinks: bool = False,
	        period_special: bool = True, only_hash: bool = False,
	        wrap_with_directory: bool = False, chunker: ty.Optional[str] = None,
	        pin: bool = True, raw_leaves: bool = None, nocopy: bool = False,
		"""Adds a file, several files or directory of files to IPFS
		Arguments marked as “directories only” will be ignored unless *file*
		refers to a directory path or file descriptor. Passing a directory file
		descriptor is currently restricted to Unix (due to Python standard
		library limitations on Windows) and will prevent the *nocopy* feature
		from working.
		.. code-block:: python
			>>> with'nurseryrhyme.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
			... 	numbytes = f.write('Mary had a little lamb')
			>>> client.add('nurseryrhyme.txt')
			{'Hash': 'QmZfF6C9j4VtoCsTp4KSrhYH47QMd3DNXVZBKaxJdhaPab',
			 'Name': 'nurseryrhyme.txt'}
		Directory uploads
		By default only regular files and directories immediately below the given
		directory path/FD are uploaded to the connected IPFS node; to upload an
		entire directory tree instead, *recursive* can be set to ``True``.
		Symbolic links and special files (pipes, sockets, devices nodes, …) cannot
		be represented by the UnixFS data structure this call creates and hence
		are ignored while scanning the target directory, to include the targets
		of symbolic links in the upload set *follow_symlinks* to ``True``.
		The set of files and directories included in the upload may be restricted
		by passing any combination of glob matching strings, compiled regular
		expression objects and custom :class:`~ipfshttpclient.filescanner.Matcher`
		objects. A file or directory will be included if it matches of the
		patterns provided. For regular expressions please note that as predicting
		which directories are relevant to the given pattern is impossible to do
		reliably if *recursive* is set to ``True`` the entire directory hierarchy
		will always be scanned and compared to the given expression even if only
		very few files are actually matched by the expression. To avoid this, pass
		a custom matching class or use glob-patterns instead (which will only
		cause a scan of the directories required to match their value).
		Note that unlike the ``ipfs add`` CLI interface this implementation will
		be default include dot-files (“files that are hidden”) – any file or
		directory whose name starts with a period/dot character – in the upload.
		For behaviour that is similar to the CLI command set *pattern* to
		``"**"`` – this enables the default glob behaviour of not matching
		dot-files unless *period_special* is set to ``False`` or the pattern
		actually starts with a period.
			A filepath, path-object, file descriptor or open file object the
			file or directory to add
			Upload files in subdirectories, if *file* refers to a directory?
			A `*glob* <>`_ pattern,
			compiled regular expression object or arbitrary matcher used to limit
			the files and directories included as part of adding a directory
			(directories only)
			Use trickle-dag format (optimized for streaming) when generating
			the dag; see `the FAQ <>` for
			more information
			Follow symbolic links when recursively scanning directories? (directories only)
			Treat files and directories with a leading period character (“dot-files”)
			specially in glob patterns? (directories only)
			If this is set these files will only be matched by path labels whose
			initial character is a period, but not by those starting with ``?``,
			``*`` or ``[``.
			Only chunk and hash, but do not write to disk
			Wrap files with a directory object to preserve their filename
			The chunking algorithm to use
			Pin this object when adding
			Use raw blocks for leaf nodes. (experimental). (Default: ``True``
			when *nocopy* is True, or ``False`` otherwise)
			Add the file using filestore. Implies raw-leaves. (experimental).
			Union[dict, list]
				File name and hash of the added file node, will return a list
				of one or more items unless only a single file was given
		opts = {  # type: ty.Dict[str, ty.Union[str, bool]]
			"trickle": trickle,
			"only-hash": only_hash,
			"wrap-with-directory": wrap_with_directory,
			"pin": pin,
			"raw-leaves": raw_leaves if raw_leaves is not None else nocopy,
			"nocopy": nocopy
		if chunker is not None:
			opts["chunker"] = chunker
		kwargs.setdefault("opts", {}).update(opts)
		# There may be other cases where nocopy will silently fail to work, but
		# this is by far the most obvious one
		if isinstance(file, int) and nocopy:
			raise ValueError("Passing file descriptors is incompatible with *nocopy*")
		assert not isinstance(file, (tuple, list)), \
		       "Use `client.add(name1, name2, …)` to add several items"
		multiple = (len(files) > 0)
		to_send  = ((file,) + files) if multiple else file
		body, headers, is_dir = multipart.stream_filesystem_node(
			to_send, chunk_size=self.chunk_size, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks,
			period_special=period_special, patterns=pattern, recursive=recursive
		resp = self._client.request('/add', decoder='json', data=body, headers=headers, **kwargs)
		if not multiple and not is_dir and not wrap_with_directory:
			assert len(resp) == 1
			return base.ResponseBase(resp[0])
		elif kwargs.get("stream", False):
			return base.ResponseWrapIterator(resp, base.ResponseBase)
		return [base.ResponseBase(v) for v in resp]
	def get(self, cid, target: utils.path_t = ".", **kwargs):
		"""Downloads a file, or directory of files from IPFS
		cid : Union[str, cid.CIDv0, cid.CIDv1]
			The path to the IPFS object(s) to be outputted
			The directory to place the downloaded files in
			Defaults to the current working directory.
		args = (str(cid),)
		return'/get', target, args, **kwargs)
	def cat(self, cid, offset=0, length=-1, **kwargs):
		r"""Retrieves the contents of a file identified by hash.

		.. code-block:: python

			Traceback (most recent call last):
			ipfsapi.exceptions.Error: this dag node is a directory
			b'<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n\n<head>\n<title>ipfs example viewer</…'

		cid : Union[str, cid.CIDv0, cid.CIDv1]
			The name or path of the IPFS object(s) to be retrieved
		offset : int
			Byte offset to begin reading from
		length : int
			Maximum number of bytes to read(-1 for all)

				The file's contents
		args = (str(cid),)
		opts = {}
		if offset != 0:
			opts['offset'] = offset
		if length != -1:
			opts['length'] = length
		kwargs.setdefault('opts', opts)
		return self._client.request('/cat', args, **kwargs)
	def ls(self, cid, **kwargs):
		"""Returns a list of objects linked to by the given hash.

		.. code-block:: python

			{'Objects': [
				{'Hash': 'QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D',
					'Links': [
						{'Hash': 'Qmd2xkBfEwEs9oMTk77A6jrsgurpF3ugXSg7dtPNFkcNMV',
						 'Name': 'Makefile',          'Size': 174, 'Type': 2},
						{'Hash': 'QmSY8RfVntt3VdxWppv9w5hWgNrE31uctgTiYwKir8eXJY',
						 'Name': 'published-version', 'Size': 55,  'Type': 2}

		cid : Union[str, cid.CIDv0, cid.CIDv1]
			The path to the IPFS object(s) to list links from

				Directory information and contents
		args = (str(cid),)
		return self._client.request('/ls', args, decoder='json', **kwargs)