# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# ---------------------------------------------------------

# import pytest

# Tests for model explainability SDK
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

# import shap
import logging

# from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

from azureml.explain.model.tabular_explainer import TabularExplainer

# from common_utils import (
#     create_sklearn_random_forest_classifier,
#     create_sklearn_random_forest_regressor,
#     create_sklearn_linear_regressor,
#     create_sklearn_logistic_regressor,
# )
# from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

test_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def tabular_explainer_imp(model, x_train, x_test, allow_eval_sampling=True):
    # Create local tabular explainer without run history
    exp = TabularExplainer(model, x_train, features=list(range(x_train.shape[1])))
    # Validate evaluation sampling
    policy = {
        ExplainParams.SAMPLING_POLICY: SamplingPolicy(
    explanation = exp.explain_global(x_test, **policy)
    return explanation.global_importance_rank

# TODO: remove this and replace with current contrib method once azureml-contrib-explain-model moved to release
def dcg(true_order_relevance, validate_order, top_values=10):
    # retrieve relevance score for each value in validation order
    relevance = np.vectorize(lambda x: true_order_relevance.get(x, 0))(
    gain = 2 ** relevance - 1
    discount = np.log2(np.arange(1, len(gain) + 1) + 1)
    sum_dcg = np.sum(gain / discount)
    return sum_dcg

# TODO: remove this and replace with current contrib method once azureml-contrib-explain-model moved to release
def validate_correlation(true_order, validate_order, threshold, top_values=10):
    # Create map from true_order to "relevance" or reverse order index
    true_order_relevance = {}
    num_elems = len(true_order)
    for index, value in enumerate(true_order):
        # Set the range of the relevance scores to be between 0 and 10
        # This is to prevent very large values when computing 2 ** relevance - 1
        true_order_relevance[value] = ((num_elems - index) / float(num_elems)) * 10.0
    # See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discounted_cumulative_gain for reference
    dcg_p = dcg(true_order_relevance, validate_order, top_values)
    idcg_p = dcg(true_order_relevance, true_order, top_values)
    ndcg = dcg_p / idcg_p
    test_logger.info("ndcg: " + str(ndcg))
    assert ndcg > threshold

def validate_spearman_correlation(overall_imp, shap_overall_imp, threshold):
    # Calculate the spearman rank-order correlation
    rho, p_val = stats.spearmanr(overall_imp, shap_overall_imp)
    # Validate that the coefficients from the linear model are highly correlated with the results from shap
        "Calculated spearman correlation coefficient rho: "
        + str(rho)
        + " and p_val: "
        + str(p_val)
    assert rho > threshold

def get_shap_imp_classification(explanation):
    global_importance_values = np.mean(
        np.mean(np.absolute(explanation), axis=1), axis=0
    return global_importance_values.argsort()[..., ::-1]

def get_shap_imp_regression(explanation):
    global_importance_values = np.mean(np.absolute(explanation), axis=0)
    return global_importance_values.argsort()[..., ::-1]