#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- python -*-
# Mark Charney 
#Copyright (c) 2019 Intel Corporation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
"""Base functionality: messages, verbosity, python version checking"""

import os
import sys
import traceback
import locale

_MBUILD_ENCODING = locale.getpreferredencoding()
def unicode_encoding():

PY3 = sys.version_info > (3,)
def is_python3():
    global PY3
    return PY3

_mbuild_verbose_level = 1
def verbose(level=0):
  """Return True if the configured message level supplied is >= the
  level arguement
  @param level: int
  @param level: the verbosity level at which this function should return True
  @rtype: bool
  @return: True iff the level argument is >= current verbosity level
  global _mbuild_verbose_level
  if _mbuild_verbose_level >= level:
    return True
  return False
def set_verbosity(v):
  """Set the global verbosity level. 0=quiet, 99=very very noisy"""
  global _mbuild_verbose_level
  _mbuild_verbose_level = v

def get_verbosity():
  """Return the global verbosity level. 0=quiet, 99=very very noisy"""
  global _mbuild_verbose_level
  return _mbuild_verbose_level

def bracket(s,m=''):
  """add a bracket around s and append m.
  @rtype: string
  @return: a bracketed string s and a suffixed message m
  n = convert2unicode(m)
  return u'[{}] {}'.format(s,n)

def error_msg(s,t):
  """Emit '[s] t' to stderr with a newline"""
  sys.stderr.write(u2output(bracket(s,t) + "\n"))

def msg(s, pad=''):
  """Emit s to stdout with a newline"""
  # someone could pass unicode as pad...
def msgn(s, pad=''):
  """Emit s to stdout without a newline"""
  # someone could pass unicode as pad...

def msgb(s,t='',pad=''):
  """a bracketed  string s  sent to stdout, followed by a string t"""
  msg(bracket(s,t), pad=pad)

def vmsgb(v,s,t='',pad=''):
  """If verbosity v is sufficient, emit a bracketed string s sent to
  stdout, followed by a string t"""
  if verbose(v):

def cond_die(v, cmd, msg):
  """Conditionally die, if v is not zero. Print the msg and the cmd.
  @type v: int
  @param v: we die if v is not 0

  @type cmd: string
  @param cmd: a command to print

  @type msg: string
  @param msg: a message to print before the command
  if v != 0:
    s = msg + "\n  [CMD] " + cmd

def die(m,s=''):
  """Emit an error message m (and optionally s) and exit with a return
     value 1"""
  msgb("MBUILD ERROR", "%s %s\n\n" % (m,s) )
  etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
  if tb is None:
    stack = traceback.extract_stack()[:-1]
    traceback.print_list(stack, file=sys.stdout)
    traceback.print_exception(etype, value, tb, file=sys.stdout)

def warn(m):
  """Emit an warning message"""
  msgb("MBUILD WARNING", m)

def get_python_version():
  """Return the python version as an integer
  @rtype: int
  @return: major * 100000 + minor + 1000 + fixlevel
  tuple = sys.version_info
  major = int(tuple[0])
  minor = int(tuple[1])
  fix  = int(tuple[2])
  vnum = major *100000 + minor * 1000 + fix
  return vnum

def get_python_version_tuple():
  """Return the python version as a tuple (major,minor,fixlevel)
  @rtype: tuple
  @return: (major,minor,fixlevel)
  tuple = sys.version_info
  major = int(tuple[0])
  minor = int(tuple[1])
  fix  = int(tuple[2])
  return (major,minor,fix)

def check_python_version(maj,minor,fix=0):
  """Return true if the current python version at least the one
  specified by the arguments.
  @rtype: bool
  @return: True/False
  t = get_python_version_tuple()
  if t[0] > maj:
    return True
  if t[0] == maj and t[1] > minor:
    return True
  if t[0] == maj and t[1] == minor and t[2] >= fix:
    return True
  return False

  if check_python_version(2,7) == False:
    die("MBUILD error: Need Python version 2.7 or later.")
  die("MBUILD error: Need Python version 2.7 or later.")

import platform # requires python 2.3
_on_mac = False
_on_native_windows = False
_on_windows = False # cygwin or native windows
_on_cygwin = False
_on_linux  = False
_on_freebsd = False
_on_netbsd = False
_operating_system_name = platform.system()
if _operating_system_name.find('CYGWIN') != -1:
   _on_cygwin = True
   _on_windows = True
elif  _operating_system_name == 'Microsoft' or  _operating_system_name == 'Windows':
   _on_native_windows = True
   _on_windows = True
elif _operating_system_name == 'Linux':
   _on_linux = True
elif _operating_system_name == 'FreeBSD':
   _on_freebsd = True
elif _operating_system_name == 'NetBSD':
   _on_netbsd = True
elif _operating_system_name == 'Darwin':
   _on_mac = True
   die("Could not detect operating system type: " + _operating_system_name)

def on_native_windows():
  @rtype: bool
  @return: True iff on native windows win32/win64
  global _on_native_windows
  return _on_native_windows

def on_windows(): 
  @rtype: bool
  @return: True iff on  windows cygwin/win32/win64
  global _on_windows
  return _on_windows



# unicode string constructors
if PY3:
    ustr = str
    ustr = unicode  # converts its argument to a unicode object

# binary data strings constructors
if PY3:
    bstr = bytes
    bstr = str

def unicode2bytes(us):
    """convert a unicode object (unicode type in python2 or string type in
       python3) to bytes suitable for writing to a file."""
    return us.encode(unicode_encoding())

def bytes2unicode(bs):
    """Convert a bytes object or a python2 string to unicode"""
    return bs.decode(unicode_encoding())

def ensure_string(x):
    # strings in python2 turn up as bytes
    # strings in python3 show up as strings and are unicode
    if isinstance(x,bytes):
        return bytes2unicode(x)
    if isinstance(x,list):
        o = []
        for y in x:
            if isinstance(y,bytes):
                o.append( bytes2unicode(y) )
                o.append( y )
        return o
    return x

def uappend(lst,s):
    """Make sure s is unicode before adding it to the list lst"""
def u2output(s):
    """encode unicode string for output to stderr/stdout, but leave bytes
       strings as is. Python3 can print unicode to stdout/stderr if
       the locale (LANG env var, etc.) supports it.    """
    # we don't want to call encode for non-unicode (bytes) strings
    # because that can generate *decode* errors. In python3 we are set
    # since all strings are unicode and thus it is always safe to call
    # encode on them. In python2 we must see if the string is unicode
    # or bytes.

    # python3 does not allow bytes objects as arguments to
    # sys.stdout.write() so we just leave stuff as unicode strings in
    # python3. If LANG is not C, that works. If LANG is C, wait for
    # python 3.7 in mid June 2018. Or just do not use LANG = C!
    global PY3
    if not PY3:
        if isinstance(s,unicode):
            return unicode2bytes(s)
    return s

def uprint(s):
    """encode unicode for output and print"""
    t = u2output(s)

def is_stringish(x):
   global PY3
   if isinstance(x,bytes) or isinstance(x,str):
      return True
   # python2 has a type unicode, which does not exist by default in
   # python3.
   if not PY3:
      return isinstance(x,unicode)
   return False

def convert2unicode(x):
   """convert an arbitrary x to a unicode string"""
   return ustr(x)