The main tests for the public API.

import time
import types
import tempfile

import imageio_ffmpeg

from pytest import skip, raises
from testutils import no_warnings_allowed
from testutils import ensure_test_files, test_dir, test_file1, test_file2, test_file3

def setup_module():

def test_ffmpeg_version():
    version = imageio_ffmpeg.get_ffmpeg_version()
    print("ffmpeg version", version)
    assert version > "3.0"

def test_read_nframes():
    nframes, nsecs = imageio_ffmpeg.count_frames_and_secs(test_file1)
    assert nframes == 280
    assert 13.80 < nsecs < 13.99

def test_reading1():

    # Calling returns a generator
    gen = imageio_ffmpeg.read_frames(test_file1)
    assert isinstance(gen, types.GeneratorType)

    # First yield is a meta dict
    meta = gen.__next__()
    assert isinstance(meta, dict)
    for key in ("size", "fps", "duration"):
        assert key in meta

    # Read frames
    framesize = meta["size"][0] * meta["size"][1] * 3
    assert framesize == 1280 * 720 * 3
    count = 0
    for frame in gen:
        assert isinstance(frame, bytes) and len(frame) == framesize
        count += 1

    assert count == 280

def test_reading2():
    # Same as 1, but using other pixel format

    gen = imageio_ffmpeg.read_frames(test_file1, pix_fmt="gray", bpp=1)
    meta = gen.__next__()
    framesize = meta["size"][0] * meta["size"][1] * 1
    assert framesize == 1280 * 720 * 1

    count = 0
    for frame in gen:
        count += 1
        assert isinstance(frame, bytes) and len(frame) == framesize

    assert count == 280

def test_reading3():
    # Same as 1, but using other fps

    gen = imageio_ffmpeg.read_frames(test_file1, output_params=["-r", "5.0"])
    meta = gen.__next__()
    framesize = meta["size"][0] * meta["size"][1] * 3
    assert framesize == 1280 * 720 * 3

    count = 0
    for frame in gen:
        count += 1
        assert isinstance(frame, bytes) and len(frame) == framesize

    assert 50 < count < 100  # because smaller fps, same duration

def test_reading4():
    # Same as 1, but wrong, using an insane bpp, to invoke eof halfway a frame

    gen = imageio_ffmpeg.read_frames(test_file1, bpp=13)
    gen.__next__()  # == meta

    with raises(RuntimeError) as info:
        for frame in gen:
    msg = str(info.value).lower()
    assert "end of file reached before full frame could be read" in msg
    assert "ffmpeg version" in msg  # The log is included

def test_reading5():
    # Same as 1, but using other pixel format and bits_per_pixel
    bits_per_pixel = 12
    bits_per_bytes = 8
    gen = imageio_ffmpeg.read_frames(
        test_file3, pix_fmt="yuv420p", bits_per_pixel=bits_per_pixel

    meta = gen.__next__()
    assert isinstance(meta, dict)
    for key in ("size", "fps", "duration"):
        assert key in meta

    # Read frames
    framesize = meta["size"][0] * meta["size"][1] * bits_per_pixel / bits_per_bytes
    assert framesize == 320 * 240 * bits_per_pixel / bits_per_bytes
    count = 0
    for frame in gen:
        assert isinstance(frame, bytes) and len(frame) == framesize
        count += 1

    assert count == 36

def test_reading_invalid_video():
    Check whether invalid video is
    handled correctly without timeouts
    # empty file as an example of invalid video
    _, test_invalid_file = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=test_dir)
    gen = imageio_ffmpeg.read_frames(test_invalid_file)

    start = time.time()
    with raises(OSError):
    end = time.time()

    # check if metadata extraction doesn't hang
    # for a timeout period
    assert end - start < 1, "Metadata extraction hangs"

def test_write1():

    for n in (1, 9, 14, 279, 280, 281):

        # Prepare for writing
        gen = imageio_ffmpeg.write_frames(test_file2, (64, 64))
        assert isinstance(gen, types.GeneratorType)
        gen.send(None)  # seed

        # Write n frames
        for i in range(n):
            data = bytes([min(255, 100 + i * 10)] * 64 * 64 * 3)

        # Check that number of frames is correct
        nframes, nsecs = imageio_ffmpeg.count_frames_and_secs(test_file2)
        assert nframes == n

        # Check again by actually reading
        gen2 = imageio_ffmpeg.read_frames(test_file2)
        gen2.__next__()  # == meta
        count = 0
        for frame in gen2:
            count += 1
        assert count == n

def test_write_pix_fmt_in():

    sizes = []
    for pixfmt, bpp in [("gray", 1), ("rgb24", 3), ("rgba", 4)]:
        # Prepare for writing
        gen = imageio_ffmpeg.write_frames(test_file2, (64, 64), pix_fmt_in=pixfmt)
        gen.send(None)  # seed
        for i in range(9):
            data = bytes([min(255, 100 + i * 10)] * 64 * 64 * bpp)
        with open(test_file2, "rb") as f:
        # Check nframes
        nframes, nsecs = imageio_ffmpeg.count_frames_and_secs(test_file2)
        assert nframes == 9

    assert sizes[0] <= sizes[1] <= sizes[2]

def test_write_pix_fmt_out():

    sizes = []
    for pixfmt in ["gray", "yuv420p"]:
        # Prepare for writing
        gen = imageio_ffmpeg.write_frames(test_file2, (64, 64), pix_fmt_out=pixfmt)
        gen.send(None)  # seed
        for i in range(9):
            data = bytes([min(255, 100 + i * 10)] * 64 * 64 * 3)
        with open(test_file2, "rb") as f:
        # Check nframes
        nframes, nsecs = imageio_ffmpeg.count_frames_and_secs(test_file2)
        assert nframes == 9

    assert sizes[0] < sizes[1]

def test_write_wmv():
    # Switch to MS friendly codec when writing .wmv files

    for ext, codec in [("", "h264"), (".wmv", "msmpeg4")]:
        fname = test_file2 + ext
        gen = imageio_ffmpeg.write_frames(fname, (64, 64))
        gen.send(None)  # seed
        for i in range(9):
            data = bytes([min(255, 100 + i * 10)] * 64 * 64 * 3)
        meta = imageio_ffmpeg.read_frames(fname).__next__()
        assert meta["codec"].startswith(codec)

def test_write_quality():

    sizes = []
    for quality in [2, 5, 9]:
        # Prepare for writing
        gen = imageio_ffmpeg.write_frames(test_file2, (64, 64), quality=quality)
        gen.send(None)  # seed
        for i in range(9):
            data = bytes([min(255, 100 + i * 10)] * 64 * 64 * 3)
        with open(test_file2, "rb") as f:
        # Check nframes
        nframes, nsecs = imageio_ffmpeg.count_frames_and_secs(test_file2)
        assert nframes == 9

    assert sizes[0] < sizes[1] < sizes[2]

def test_write_bitrate():

    # Mind that we send uniform images, so the difference is marginal

    sizes = []
    for bitrate in ["1k", "10k", "100k"]:
        # Prepare for writing
        gen = imageio_ffmpeg.write_frames(test_file2, (64, 64), bitrate=bitrate)
        gen.send(None)  # seed
        for i in range(9):
            data = bytes([min(255, 100 + i * 10)] * 64 * 64 * 3)
        with open(test_file2, "rb") as f:
        # Check nframes
        nframes, nsecs = imageio_ffmpeg.count_frames_and_secs(test_file2)
        assert nframes == 9

    assert sizes[0] < sizes[1] < sizes[2]

# @no_warnings_allowed --> will generate warnings abiut macro block size
def test_write_macro_block_size():

    frame_sizes = []
    for mbz in [None, 10]:  # None is default == 16
        # Prepare for writing
        gen = imageio_ffmpeg.write_frames(test_file2, (40, 50), macro_block_size=mbz)
        gen.send(None)  # seed
        for i in range(9):
            data = bytes([min(255, 100 + i * 10)] * 40 * 50 * 3)
        # Check nframes
        nframes, nsecs = imageio_ffmpeg.count_frames_and_secs(test_file2)
        assert nframes == 9
        # Check size
        meta = imageio_ffmpeg.read_frames(test_file2).__next__()

    assert frame_sizes[0] == (48, 64)
    assert frame_sizes[1] == (40, 50)

# @no_warnings_allowed --> Will generate a warning about killing ffmpeg
def test_write_big_frames():
    """Test that we give ffmpeg enough time to finish."""
        import numpy as np
    except ImportError:
        return skip("Missing 'numpy' test dependency")

    n = 9

    def _write_frames(pixfmt, bpp, tout):
        gen = imageio_ffmpeg.write_frames(
            test_file2, (2048, 2048), pix_fmt_in=pixfmt, ffmpeg_timeout=tout
        gen.send(None)  # seed
        for i in range(n):
            data = (255 * np.random.rand(2048 * 2048 * bpp)).astype(np.uint8)
            data = bytes(data)

    # Short timeout is not enough time
    # Note that on Windows, if we wait a bit before calling count_frames_and_secs(),
    # it *does* work. Probably because killing a process on Windows is not instant (?)
    # and ffmpeg is able to still process the frames.
    _write_frames("rgb24", 3, 1.0)
    raises(RuntimeError, imageio_ffmpeg.count_frames_and_secs, test_file2)

    _write_frames("gray", 1, 15.0)
    nframes, nsecs = imageio_ffmpeg.count_frames_and_secs(test_file2)
    assert nframes == n

    _write_frames("rgb24", 3, 15.0)
    nframes, nsecs = imageio_ffmpeg.count_frames_and_secs(test_file2)
    assert nframes == n

    _write_frames("rgba", 4, 15.0)
    nframes, nsecs = imageio_ffmpeg.count_frames_and_secs(test_file2)
    assert nframes == n

    _write_frames("rgba", 4, None)  # the default os to wait (since v0.4.0)
    nframes, nsecs = imageio_ffmpeg.count_frames_and_secs(test_file2)
    assert nframes == n

if __name__ == "__main__":