from IPython.display import HTML, SVG, display
from ipykernel.comm import Comm
import json
import random
import time

class _IGVComm:

    def __init__(self, id):

        # Use comm to send a message from the kernel
        self.comm = Comm(target_name=id, data={})

    def send(self, message):

class Browser(object):

    # Always remember the *self* argument
    def __init__(self, config):
        """Initialize an igv Browser object.

        :param: config - A dictionary specifying the browser configuration.  This will be converted to JSON and passed
                to igv.js  "igv.createBrowser(config)" as described in the igv.js documentation. See
       for configuration options.
        :type dict

        # Check for minimal igv.js requirements (the only required field for all tracks is url, which must be a string)
        if isinstance(config, dict) == False:
            raise Exception("config parameter must be a dictionary")
        has_genome = "genome" in config or "reference" in config
        if not has_genome:
            raise Exception("config must specify either 'genome' or 'reference'")

        id = self._gen_id()
        config["id"] = id
        self.igv_id = id
        self.config = config
        self.comm = _IGVComm("igvcomm")
        self._status = "initializing" = None
        self.eventHandlers = {}
        self.svg = None
        self.message_queue = []

        # Add a callback for received messages.
        def _recv(msg):
            data = json.loads(msg['content']['data'])
            if 'status' in data:
                self.status = data['status']
            elif 'locus' in data:
       = data['locus']
            elif 'svg' in data:
                self.svg = data['svg']
            elif 'event' in data:
                if data['event'] in self.eventHandlers:
                    handler = self.eventHandlers[data['event']]
                    eventData = None
                    if 'data' in data:
                        eventData = data['data']

    def status(self):
        return self._status

    def status(self, value):
        self._status = value
        if value == "ready" and len(self.message_queue) > 0:

    def show(self):
        Create an igv.js "Browser" instance on the front end.
        display(HTML("""<div id="%s"></div>""" % (self.igv_id)))
        # DON'T check status before showing browser,
        msg = json.dumps({
            "id": self.igv_id,
            "command": "create",
            "options": self.config

    def search(self, locus):
        Go to the specified locus.

        :param locus:  Chromosome location of the form  "chromsosome:start-end", or for supported genomes (hg38, hg19, and mm10) a gene name.
        :type str


            "id": self.igv_id,
            "command": "search",
            "locus": locus

    def zoom_in(self):
        Zoom in by a factor of 2

            "id": self.igv_id,
            "command": "zoomIn"

    def zoom_out(self):
        Zoom out by a factor of 2
            "id": self.igv_id,
            "command": "zoomOut"

    def load_track(self, track):
        Load a track.  Corresponds to the igv.js Browser function loadTrack (see

        :param  track: A dictionary specifying track options.  See
        :type dict

        # Check for minimal igv.js requirements (the only required field for all tracks is url, which must be a string)
        if isinstance(track, dict) == False:
            raise Exception("track parameter must be a dictionary")

            "id": self.igv_id,
            "command": "loadTrack",
            "track": track

    def to_svg(self):
        Fetch the current IGV view as an SVG image and display it in this cell
        div_id = self._gen_id();
        display(HTML("""<div id="%s"></div>""" % div_id))
            "id": self.igv_id,
            "div": div_id,
            "command": "toSVG"

    def get_svg(self):
        Fetch the current IGV view as an SVG image.  To display the message call display_svg()
        self.svg = "FETCHING"
        return self._send({
            "id": self.igv_id,
            "command": "toSVG"

    def display_svg(self):
        Display the current SVG image.  You must call get_svg() before calling this method.
        if self.svg == None:
            return "Must call get_svg() first"
        elif self.svg == "FETCHING":
            return 'Awaiting SVG - try again in a few seconds'
            svg = self.svg
            self.svg == None

    def on(self, eventName, cb):
        Subscribe to an igv.js event.

        :param Name of the event.  Currently only "locuschange" is supported.
        :type str
        :param cb - callback function taking a single argument.  For the locuschange event this argument will contain
                a dictionary of the form  {chr, start, end}
        :type function
        self.eventHandlers[eventName] = cb
            "id": self.igv_id,
            "command": "on",
            "eventName": eventName

    def remove(self):
        Remove the igv.js Browser instance from the front end.  The server Browser object should be disposed of after calling
        this method.
            "id": self.igv_id,
            "command": "remove"

    def _send(self, msg):
        if self.status == "ready":
            self.status = "busy"

    def _gen_id(self):
        return 'igv_' + str(random.randint(1, 10000000))