from calendar import timegm
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime
from functools import reduce
from hashlib import sha1
from os import walk, sep
from os.path import join, getsize, normpath
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Union, Optional, Tuple
from urllib.parse import urlencode

from .bencode import Bencode
from .exceptions import TorrentError
from .utils import get_app_version

_ITERABLE_TYPES = (list, tuple, set)

TorrentFile = namedtuple('TorrentFile', ['name', 'length'])

class Torrent:
    """Represents a torrent file, and exposes utilities to work with it."""

    def __init__(self, dict_struct: dict = None):
        dict_struct: dict = dict_struct or {'info': {}}
        self._struct = dict_struct
        self._filepath: Optional[Path] = None

    def __str__(self):
        return f'Torrent: {}'

    def _list_getter(self, key) -> list:
        return self._struct.get(key) or []

    def _list_setter(self, key, val):
        if val is None:
                del self._struct[key]
            except KeyError:

        if not isinstance(val, _ITERABLE_TYPES):
            val = [val]

        self._struct[key] = val

    def webseeds(self) -> List[str]:
        """A list of URLs where torrent data can be retrieved.

        See also: Torrent.httpseeds

        return self._list_getter('url-list')

    def webseeds(self, val: List[str]):
        self._list_setter('url-list', val)

    def httpseeds(self) -> List[str]:
        """A list of URLs where torrent data can be retrieved.

        See also and prefer Torrent.webseeds

        return self._list_getter('httpseeds')

    def httpseeds(self, val: List[str]):
        self._list_setter('httpseeds', val)

    def files(self) -> List['TorrentFile']:
        """Files in torrent.

        List of namedtuples (filepath, size).

        files = []
        info = self._struct.get('info')

        if not info:
            return files

        if 'files' in info:
            base = info['name']

            for f in info['files']:
                files.append(TorrentFile(join(base, *f['path']), f['length']))

            files.append(TorrentFile(info['name'], info['length']))

        return files

    def total_size(self) -> int:
        """Total size of all files in torrent."""
        return reduce(lambda prev, curr: prev + curr[1], self.files, 0)

    def info_hash(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Hash of torrent file info section. Also known as torrent hash."""
        info = self._struct.get('info')

        if not info:
            return None

        return sha1(Bencode.encode(info)).hexdigest()

    def magnet_link(self) -> str:
        """Magnet link using BTIH (BitTorrent Info Hash) URN."""
        return self.get_magnet(detailed=False)

    def announce_urls(self) -> Optional[List[List[str]]]:
        """List of lists of announce (tracker) URLs.

        First inner list is considered as primary announcers list,
        the following lists as back-ups.

        urls = self._struct.get('announce-list')

        if not urls:
            urls = self._struct.get('announce')
            if not urls:
                return []
            urls = [[urls]]

        return urls

    def announce_urls(self, val: List[str]):
        self._struct['announce'] = ''
        self._struct['announce-list'] = []

        def set_single(val):
            del self._struct['announce-list']
            self._struct['announce'] = val

        if isinstance(val, _ITERABLE_TYPES):
            length = len(val)

            if length:
                if length == 1:
                    for item in val:
                        if not isinstance(item, _ITERABLE_TYPES):
                            item = [item]
                    self._struct['announce'] = val[0]


    def comment(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Optional. Free-form textual comments of the author."""
        return self._struct.get('comment')

    def comment(self, val: str):
        self._struct['comment'] = val

    def creation_date(self) -> Optional[datetime]:
        """Optional. The creation time of the torrent, in standard UNIX epoch format. UTC."""

        date = self._struct.get('creation date')
        if date is not None:
            date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(date))

        return date

    def creation_date(self, val: datetime):
        self._struct['creation date'] = timegm(val.timetuple())

    def created_by(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Optional. Name and version of the program used to create the .torrent"""
        return self._struct.get('created by')

    def created_by(self, val: str):
        self._struct['created by'] = val

    def private(self) -> bool:
        """Optional. If True the client MUST publish its presence to get other peers
        ONLY via the trackers explicitly described in the metainfo file. If False or is not present,
        the client may obtain peer from other means, e.g. PEX peer exchange, dht.

        return self._struct.get('info', {}).get('private', False)

    def private(self, val: bool):
        if not val:
                del self._struct['info']['private']
            except KeyError:
            self._struct['info']['private'] = 1

    def name(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Torrent name (title)."""
        return self._struct.get('info', {}).get('name', None)

    def name(self, val: str):
        self._struct['info']['name'] = val

    def get_magnet(self, detailed: Union[bool, list, tuple, set] = True) -> str:
        """Returns torrent magnet link, consisting of BTIH (BitTorrent Info Hash) URN
        anr optional other information.

        :param bool|list|tuple|set detailed:
            For boolean - whether additional info (such as trackers) should be included.
            For iterable - expected allowed parameter names:
                tr - trackers
                ws - webseeds

        result = 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:' + self.info_hash

        def add_tr():
            urls = self.announce_urls
            if not urls:

            trackers = []

            urls = urls[0]  # Only primary announcers are enough.
            for url in urls:
                trackers.append(('tr', url))

            if trackers:
                return urlencode(trackers)

        def add_ws():
            webseeds = [('ws', url) for url in self.webseeds]
            if webseeds:
                return urlencode(webseeds)

        params_map = {
            'tr': add_tr,
            'ws': add_ws,

        if detailed:
            details = []

            if isinstance(detailed, _ITERABLE_TYPES):
                requested_params = detailed
                requested_params = params_map.keys()

            for param in requested_params:
                param_val = params_map[param]()
                param_val and details.append(param_val)

            if details:
                result += f'&{"&".join(details)}'

        return result

    def to_file(self, filepath: str = None):
        """Writes Torrent object into file, either

        :param filepath:

        if filepath is None and self._filepath is None:
            raise TorrentError('Unable to save torrent to file: no filepath supplied.')

        if filepath is not None:
            self._filepath = filepath

        with open(self._filepath, mode='wb') as f:

    def to_string(self) -> bytes:
        """Returns bytes representing torrent file."""
        return Bencode.encode(self._struct)

    def _get_target_files_info(cls, src_path: Path) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[str, int, List[str]]], int]:
        is_dir = src_path.is_dir()

        src_path = f'{src_path}'  # Force walk() to return unicode names.
        target_files = []

        if is_dir:
            for base, _, files in walk(src_path):
                target_files.extend([join(base, fname) for fname in sorted(files)])


        target_files_ = []
        total_size = 0

        for fpath in target_files:
            file_size = getsize(fpath)

            if not file_size:

            target_files_.append((fpath, file_size, normpath(fpath.replace(src_path, '')).strip(sep).split(sep)))
            total_size += file_size

        return target_files_, total_size

    def create_from(cls, src_path: Union[str, Path]) -> 'Torrent':
        """Returns Torrent object created from a file or a directory.

        :param src_path:

        if isinstance(src_path, str):
            src_path = Path(src_path)

        target_files, size_data = cls._get_target_files_info(src_path)

        size_min = 32768  # 32 KiB
        size_default = 262144  # 256 KiB
        size_max = 1048576  # 1 MiB

        # todo use those limits as advised
        # chunks_min = 1000
        # chunks_max = 2200

        size_piece = size_min
        if size_data > size_min:
            size_piece = size_default

        if size_piece > size_max:
            size_piece = size_max

        def read(filepath):
            with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
                while True:
                    chunk = - len(pieces_buffer))
                    chunk_size = len(chunk)
                    if chunk_size == 0:
                    yield chunk

        pieces = bytearray()
        pieces_buffer = bytearray()

        for fpath, _, _ in target_files:
            for chunk in read(fpath):
                pieces_buffer += chunk

                if len(pieces_buffer) == size_piece:
                    pieces += sha1(pieces_buffer).digest()[:20]
                    pieces_buffer = bytearray()

        if len(pieces_buffer):
            pieces += sha1(pieces_buffer).digest()[:20]
            pieces_buffer = bytearray()

        info = {
            'pieces': bytes(pieces),
            'piece length': size_piece,

        if src_path.is_dir():
            files = []

            for _, length, path in target_files:
                files.append({'length': length, 'path': path})

            info['files'] = files

                info['length'] = target_files[0][1]

            except IndexError:
                # Since empty files are skipped.
                raise TorrentError('Unable to create torrent for an empty file.')

        torrent = cls({'info': info})
        torrent.created_by = get_app_version()
        torrent.creation_date = datetime.utcnow()

        return torrent

    def from_string(cls, string: str) -> 'Torrent':
        """Alternative constructor to get Torrent object from string.

        :param string:

        return cls(Bencode.read_string(string))

    def from_file(cls, filepath: Union[str, Path]) -> 'Torrent':
        """Alternative constructor to get Torrent object from file.

        :param filepath:

        if isinstance(filepath, str):
            filepath = Path(filepath)

        torrent = cls(Bencode.read_file(filepath))
        torrent._filepath = filepath
        return torrent