# +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# |  Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                                    |
# |                                                                          |
# | (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2009-2018.                                      |
# +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | This module complies with Django 1.0 and is                              |
# | Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");          |
# | you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.         |
# | You may obtain a copy of the License at                                  |
# | http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable |
# | law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is   |
# | KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific        |
# | language governing permissions and limitations under the License.        |
# +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Authors: Ambrish Bhargava, Tarun Pasrija, Rahul Priyadarshi              |
# +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

import sys
_IS_JYTHON = sys.platform.startswith( 'java' )

# Importing IBM_DB wrapper ibm_db_dbi, if not running on jython
if not _IS_JYTHON:
        import ibm_db_dbi as Database
    except ImportError as e:
        raise ImportError( "ibm_db module not found. Install ibm_db module from http://code.google.com/p/ibm-db/. Error: %s" % e )

    from django.db.backends.creation import BaseDatabaseCreation
except ImportError:
    from django.db.backends.base.creation import BaseDatabaseCreation

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.management import call_command
from django import VERSION as djangoVersion
from django.db.backends.utils import truncate_name

    dbms_name = 'dbname'
    dbms_name = 'dbms_name'

class DatabaseCreation ( BaseDatabaseCreation ):
    psudo_column_prefix = 'psudo_'
    data_types = { 
        'AutoField':                    'INTEGER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY (START WITH 1, INCREMENT BY 1, CACHE 10 ORDER)', # DB2 Specific
        'BigAutoField':                 'BIGINT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY (START WITH 1, INCREMENT BY 1, CACHE 10 ORDER)', # DB2 Specific
        'CharField':                    'VARCHAR(%(max_length)s)',
        'CommaSeparatedIntegerField':   'VARCHAR(%(max_length)s)',
        'DateField':                    'DATE',
        'DateTimeField':                'TIMESTAMP',
        'DecimalField':                 'DECIMAL(%(max_digits)s, %(decimal_places)s)',
        'FileField':                    'VARCHAR(%(max_length)s)',
        'FilePathField':                'VARCHAR(%(max_length)s)',
        'FloatField':                   'DOUBLE',
        'ImageField':                   'VARCHAR(%(max_length)s)',
        'IntegerField':                 'INTEGER',
        'BigIntegerField':              'BIGINT',
        'IPAddressField':               'VARCHAR(15)',
        'GenericIPAddressField':        'VARCHAR(39)',
        'ManyToManyField':              'VARCHAR(%(max_length)s)',
        'OneToOneField':                'VARCHAR(%(max_length)s)',
        'PhoneNumberField':             'VARCHAR(16)',
        'SlugField':                    'VARCHAR(%(max_length)s)',
        'SmallIntegerField':            'SMALLINT',
        'TextField':                    'CLOB',
        'TimeField':                    'TIME',
        'USStateField':                 'VARCHAR(2)',
        'URLField':                     'VARCHAR2(%(max_length)s)',
        'XMLField':                     'XML',
        'BinaryField':                  'BLOB',
    if( djangoVersion[0:2] >= ( 1, 8 ) ):
            'UUIDField':                 'VARCHAR(255)',
            "DurationField":                'DOUBLE',
    if( djangoVersion[0:2] <= ( 1, 6 ) ):
            'BooleanField':                 'SMALLINT CHECK (%(attname)s IN (0,1))',
            'NullBooleanField':             'SMALLINT CHECK (%(attname)s IN (0,1) OR (%(attname)s IS NULL))',
            'PositiveIntegerField':         'INTEGER CHECK (%(attname)s >= 0)',
            'PositiveSmallIntegerField':    'SMALLINT CHECK (%(attname)s >= 0)',
            'BooleanField':                 'SMALLINT',
            'NullBooleanField':             'SMALLINT',
            'PositiveIntegerField':         'INTEGER',
            'PositiveSmallIntegerField':    'SMALLINT',
    data_type_check_constraints = {
        'BooleanField': '%(attname)s IN (0,1)',
        'NullBooleanField': '(%(attname)s IN (0,1)) OR (%(attname)s IS NULL)',
        'PositiveIntegerField': '%(attname)s >= 0',
        'PositiveSmallIntegerField': '%(attname)s >= 0',
    def sql_indexes_for_field( self, model, f, style ):
        """Return the CREATE INDEX SQL statements for a single model field"""
        output = []
        qn = self.connection.ops.quote_name
        max_name_length = self.connection.ops.max_name_length()
        # ignore tablespace information
        tablespace_sql = ''
        i = 0
        if( djangoVersion[0:2] >= ( 1, 8 ) and  'DB2' not in getattr(self.connection.connection, dbms_name)) or getattr(self.connection.connection, dbms_name) != 'DB2':
            if len( model._meta.unique_together_index ) != 0:
                for unique_together_index in model._meta.unique_together_index:
                    i = i + 1
                    column_list = []
                    for column in unique_together_index:
                        for local_field in model._meta.local_fields:
                            if column == local_field.name:
                                column_list.extend( [ local_field.column ] )
                    self.__add_psudokey_column( style, self.connection.cursor(), model._meta.db_table, model._meta.pk.attname, column_list )
                    column_list.extend( [ truncate_name( "%s%s" % ( self.psudo_column_prefix, "_".join( column_list ) ), max_name_length ) ] )            
                    output.extend( [style.SQL_KEYWORD( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX' ) + ' ' + \
                                    style.SQL_TABLE( qn( 'db2_%s_%s' % ( model._meta.db_table, i ) ) ) + ' ' + \
                                    style.SQL_KEYWORD( 'ON' ) + ' ' + \
                                    style.SQL_TABLE( qn( model._meta.db_table ) ) + ' ' + \
                                    '( %s )' % ", ".join( column_list ) + ' ' + \
                                    '%s;' % tablespace_sql] )
                model._meta.unique_together_index = []
            if f.unique_index:
                column_list = []
                column_list.extend( [f.column] )
                self.__add_psudokey_column( style, self.connection.cursor(), model._meta.db_table, model._meta.pk.attname, column_list )
                cisql = 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX'
                output.extend( [style.SQL_KEYWORD( cisql ) + ' ' + 
                            style.SQL_TABLE( qn( '%s_%s' % ( model._meta.db_table, f.column ) ) ) + ' ' + 
                            style.SQL_KEYWORD( 'ON' ) + ' ' + 
                            style.SQL_TABLE( qn( model._meta.db_table ) ) + ' ' + 
                            "(%s, %s )" % ( style.SQL_FIELD( qn( f.column ) ), style.SQL_FIELD( qn( truncate_name( ( self.psudo_column_prefix + f.column ), max_name_length ) ) ) ) + 
                            "%s;" % tablespace_sql] )
                return output
        if f.db_index and not f.unique:
            cisql = 'CREATE INDEX'
            output.extend( [style.SQL_KEYWORD( cisql ) + ' ' + 
                        style.SQL_TABLE( qn( '%s_%s' % ( model._meta.db_table, f.column ) ) ) + ' ' + 
                        style.SQL_KEYWORD( 'ON' ) + ' ' + 
                        style.SQL_TABLE( qn( model._meta.db_table ) ) + ' ' + 
                        "(%s)" % style.SQL_FIELD( qn( f.column ) ) + 
                        "%s;" % tablespace_sql] )
        return output
    # Method to create and return test database, before creating test database it takes confirmation from user. 
    # If test database already exists then it takes confirmation from user to recreate that database .
    # If create test database not supported in current scenario then it takes confirmation from user to use settings file's database name as test database
    # For Jython this method prepare the settings file's database. First it drops the tables from the database,then create tables on the basis of installed models.
    def create_test_db( self, verbosity = 0, autoclobber = False , keepdb=False,serialize=False):
        kwargs = self.__create_test_kwargs()
        if not _IS_JYTHON:
            old_database = kwargs['database']
            max_db_name_length = self.connection.ops.max_db_name_length()
            kwargs['database'] = truncate_name( "%s%s" % ( TEST_DBNAME_PREFIX, old_database ), max_db_name_length )
            kwargsKeys = kwargs.keys()
            if ( kwargsKeys.__contains__( 'port' ) and 
                    kwargsKeys.__contains__( 'host' ) ):
                    kwargs['dsn'] = "DATABASE=%s;HOSTNAME=%s;PORT=%s;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;" % ( 
                             kwargs.get( 'dbname' ),
                             kwargs.get( 'host' ),
                             kwargs.get( 'port' )
                kwargs['dsn'] = ''
            if kwargsKeys.__contains__( 'port' ):
                del kwargs['port']
            if not autoclobber:
                confirm = raw_input( "Wants to create %s as test database. Type yes to create it else type no" % ( kwargs.get( 'database' ) ) )
            if autoclobber or confirm == 'yes':
                    if verbosity > 1:
                        print ("Creating Test Database %s" % ( kwargs.get( 'database' ) ))
                    Database.createdb( **kwargs )
                except Exception as inst:
                    message = repr( inst )
                    if ( message.find( 'Not supported:' ) != -1 ):
                        if not autoclobber:
                            confirm = raw_input( "Not able to create test database, %s. Type yes to use %s as test database, or no to exit" % ( message.split( ":" )[1], old_database ) )
                            confirm = raw_input( "Not able to create test database, %s. Type yes to use %s as test database, or no to exit" % ( message.split( ":" )[1], old_database ) )
                        if autoclobber or confirm == 'yes':
                            kwargs['database'] = old_database   
                            self.__clean_up( self.connection.cursor() )
                            print("Tests cancelled")
                            sys.exit( 1 )
                        sys.stderr.write( "Error occurred during creation of test database: %s" % ( message ) )
                        index = message.find( 'SQLCODE' )
                        if( message != '' ) & ( index != -1 ):
                            error_code = message[( index + 8 ): ( index + 13 )]
                            if( error_code != '-1005' ):
                                print ("Tests cancelled")
                                sys.exit( 1 )
                                if not autoclobber:
                                    confirm = raw_input( "\nTest database: %s already exist. Type yes to recreate it, or no to exit" % ( kwargs.get( 'database' ) ) )
                                    confirm = raw_input( "\nTest database: %s already exist. Type yes to recreate it, or no to exit" % ( kwargs.get( 'database' ) ) )
                                if autoclobber or confirm == 'yes':
                                    if verbosity > 1:
                                        print(("Recreating Test Database %s" % ( kwargs.get( 'database' ) )))
                                    Database.recreatedb( **kwargs )
                                    print ("Tests cancelled.")
                                    sys.exit( 1 )
                confirm = raw_input("Wants to use %s as test database, Type yes to use it as test database or no to exit" % ( old_database ) )
                if confirm == 'yes':
                    kwargs['database'] = old_database
                    self.__clean_up( self.connection.cursor() )
                    sys.exit( 1 )
            self.__clean_up( self.connection.cursor() )
        test_database = kwargs.get( 'database' )
        if verbosity > 1:
            print ("Preparing Database..." )
        if( djangoVersion[0:2] <= ( 1, 1 ) ):
            settings.DATABASE_NAME = test_database
            settings.__setattr__( 'PCONNECT', False )
            call_command( 'syncdb', verbosity = verbosity, interactive = False )
            self.connection.settings_dict['NAME'] = test_database
            self.connection.settings_dict['PCONNECT'] = False     
            # Confirm the feature set of the test database
            if( ( 1, 2 ) < djangoVersion[0:2] < (1,5) ):
            if (djangoVersion[0:2] < (1, 7)):
                call_command( 'syncdb', database = self.connection.alias, verbosity = verbosity, interactive = False, load_initial_data = False )
                if(djangoVersion[0:2] >= (2 , 0)):
                    call_command( 'migrate', database = self.connection.alias, verbosity = verbosity, interactive = False)
                    call_command( 'migrate', database = self.connection.alias, verbosity = verbosity, interactive = False ,load_initial_data = False )
            # We need to then do a flush to ensure that any data installed by custom SQL has been removed.
            call_command('flush', database=self.connection.alias, verbosity = verbosity, interactive=False)
        return test_database
    # Method to destroy database. For Jython nothing is getting done over here.
    def destroy_test_db( self, old_database_name, verbosity = 0 ):
        print ("Destroying Database...")
        if not _IS_JYTHON:
            kwargs = self.__create_test_kwargs()
            if( old_database_name != kwargs.get( 'database' ) ):
                kwargsKeys = kwargs.keys()
                if ( kwargsKeys.__contains__( 'port' ) and 
                    kwargsKeys.__contains__( 'host' ) ):
                    kwargs['dsn'] = "DATABASE=%s;HOSTNAME=%s;PORT=%s;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;" % ( 
                             kwargs.get( 'database' ),
                             kwargs.get( 'host' ),
                             kwargs.get( 'port' )
                    kwargs['dsn'] = ''
                if kwargsKeys.__contains__( 'port' ):
                    del kwargs['port']
                if verbosity > 1:
                    print ("Droping Test Database %s" % ( kwargs.get( 'database' ) ))
                Database.dropdb( **kwargs )
            if( djangoVersion[0:2] <= ( 1, 1 ) ):
                settings.DATABASE_NAME = old_database_name
                settings.PCONNECT = True
                self.connection.settings_dict['NAME'] = old_database_name
                self.connection.settings_dict['PCONNECT'] = True
        return old_database_name
    # As DB2 does not allow to insert NULL value in UNIQUE col, hence modifing model.
    def sql_create_model( self, model, style, known_models = set() ):
        if getattr(self.connection.connection, dbms_name) != 'DB2':
            model._meta.unique_together_index = []
            temp_changed_uvalues = []
            temp_unique_together = model._meta.unique_together
            for i in range( len( model._meta.local_fields ) ):
                model._meta.local_fields[i].unique_index = False
                if model._meta.local_fields[i]._unique and model._meta.local_fields[i].null:
                    model._meta.local_fields[i].unique_index = True
                    model._meta.local_fields[i]._unique = False
                    temp_changed_uvalues.append( i )
                if len( model._meta.unique_together ) != 0:
                    for unique_together in model._meta.unique_together:
                        if model._meta.local_fields[i].name in unique_together:
                            if model._meta.local_fields[i].null:
                                unique_list = list( model._meta.unique_together )
                                unique_list.remove( unique_together )
                                model._meta.unique_together = tuple( unique_list )
                                model._meta.unique_together_index.append( unique_together )                    
            sql, references = super( DatabaseCreation, self ).sql_create_model( model, style, known_models )
            for i in temp_changed_uvalues:
                model._meta.local_fields[i]._unique = True
            model._meta.unique_together = temp_unique_together
            return sql, references
            return super( DatabaseCreation, self ).sql_create_model( model, style, known_models )

    # Private method to clean up database.
    def __clean_up( self, cursor ):
        tables = self.connection.introspection.django_table_names( only_existing = True )
        for table in tables:
            sql = "DROP TABLE %s" % self.connection.ops.quote_name( table )
            cursor.execute( sql )
    # Private method to alter a table with adding psudokey column
    def __add_psudokey_column( self, style, cursor, table_name, pk_name, column_list ):
        qn = self.connection.ops.quote_name
        max_name_length = self.connection.ops.max_name_length()
        sql = style.SQL_KEYWORD( 'ALTER TABLE ' ) + \
            style.SQL_TABLE( qn( table_name ) ) + \
            style.SQL_KEYWORD( ' ADD COLUMN ' ) + \
            style.SQL_FIELD( qn( truncate_name( "%s%s" % ( self.psudo_column_prefix, "_".join( column_list ) ), max_name_length ) ) ) + \
            style.SQL_KEYWORD( ' GENERATED ALWAYS AS( CASE WHEN ' ) + \
            style.SQL_FIELD( "%s %s" % ( " IS NULL OR ".join( column_list ), 'IS NULL THEN ' ) ) + \
            style.SQL_FIELD( qn( pk_name ) ) + \
            style.SQL_KEYWORD( ' END ) ;' )
        cursor.execute( 'SET INTEGRITY FOR ' + style.SQL_TABLE( qn( table_name ) ) + ' OFF CASCADE DEFERRED;' )
        cursor.execute( sql )
        cursor.execute( 'SET INTEGRITY FOR ' + style.SQL_TABLE( table_name ) + ' IMMEDIATE CHECKED;' )
    #private method to create dictionary of login credentials for test database
    def __create_test_kwargs( self ):
        if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
            strvar = str
            strvar = basestring
        if( djangoVersion[0:2] <= ( 1, 1 ) ):
            if( isinstance( settings.TEST_DATABASE_NAME, strvar ) and 
                ( settings.TEST_DATABASE_NAME != '' ) ):
                database = settings.TEST_DATABASE_NAME
                database = settings.DATABASE_NAME
            database_user = settings.DATABASE_USER
            database_pass = settings.DATABASE_PASSWORD
            database_host = settings.DATABASE_HOST
            database_port = settings.DATABASE_PORT
            settings.DATABASE_SUPPORTS_TRANSACTIONS = True
            if( isinstance( self.connection.settings_dict['NAME'], strvar ) and 
                ( self.connection.settings_dict['NAME'] != '' ) ):
                database = self.connection.settings_dict['NAME']
                from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
                raise ImproperlyConfigured( "the database Name doesn't exist" )
            database_user = self.connection.settings_dict['USER']
            database_pass = self.connection.settings_dict['PASSWORD']
            database_host = self.connection.settings_dict['HOST']
            database_port = self.connection.settings_dict['PORT']
            self.connection.settings_dict['SUPPORTS_TRANSACTIONS'] = True
        kwargs = { }   
        kwargs['database'] = database
        if isinstance( database_user, basestring ):
            kwargs['user'] = database_user
        if isinstance( database_pass, basestring ):
            kwargs['password'] = database_pass
        if isinstance( database_host, basestring ):
            kwargs['host'] = database_host
        if isinstance( database_port, basestring ):
            kwargs['port'] = database_port
        if isinstance( database_host, basestring ):
            kwargs['host'] = database_host
        return kwargs