Utilities for creating bokeh Server instances.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals

import os
import signal
import sys
import threading
import uuid

from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import partial
from types import FunctionType, MethodType

from bokeh.document.events import ModelChangedEvent
from bokeh.server.server import Server
from tornado.websocket import WebSocketHandler
from tornado.web import RequestHandler, StaticFileHandler
from tornado.wsgi import WSGIContainer

from .state import state

# Private API

INDEX_HTML = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '_templates', "index.html")

def _origin_url(url):
    if url.startswith("http"):
        url = url.split("//")[1]
    return url

def _server_url(url, port):
    if url.startswith("http"):
        return '%s:%d%s' % (url.rsplit(':', 1)[0], port, "/")
        return 'http://%s:%d%s' % (url.split(':')[0], port, "/")

def set_curdoc(doc):
    state.curdoc = doc
    state.curdoc = None

def _eval_panel(panel, server_id, title, location, doc):
    from ..template import BaseTemplate
    from ..pane import panel as as_panel

    with set_curdoc(doc):
        if isinstance(panel, (FunctionType, MethodType)):
            panel = panel()
        if isinstance(panel, BaseTemplate):
            doc = panel._modify_doc(server_id, title, doc, location)
            doc = as_panel(panel)._modify_doc(server_id, title, doc, location)
        return doc

# Public API

def unlocked():
    Context manager which unlocks a Document and dispatches
    ModelChangedEvents triggered in the context body to all sockets
    on current sessions.
    curdoc = state.curdoc
    if curdoc is None or curdoc.session_context is None:
    connections = curdoc.session_context.session._subscribed_connections

    hold = curdoc._hold
    if hold:
        old_events = list(curdoc._held_events)
        old_events = []
        events = []
        for conn in connections:
            socket = conn._socket
            if hasattr(socket, 'write_lock') and socket.write_lock._block._value == 0:
            locked = socket in state._locks
            for event in curdoc._held_events:
                if (isinstance(event, ModelChangedEvent) and event not in old_events
                    and hasattr(socket, 'write_message') and not locked):
                    msg = conn.protocol.create('PATCH-DOC', [event])
                    WebSocketHandler.write_message(socket, msg.header_json)
                    WebSocketHandler.write_message(socket, msg.metadata_json)
                    WebSocketHandler.write_message(socket, msg.content_json)
                    for header, payload in msg._buffers:
                        WebSocketHandler.write_message(socket, header)
                        WebSocketHandler.write_message(socket, payload, binary=True)
                elif event not in events:
        curdoc._held_events = events
        if not hold:

def serve(panels, port=0, address=None, websocket_origin=None, loop=None,
          show=True, start=True, title=None, verbose=True, location=True,
    Allows serving one or more panel objects on a single server.
    The panels argument should be either a Panel object or a function
    returning a Panel object or a dictionary of these two. If a 
    dictionary is supplied the keys represent the slugs at which
    each app is served, e.g. `serve({'app': panel1, 'app2': panel2})`
    will serve apps at /app and /app2 on the server.

    panel: Viewable, function or {str: Viewable or function}
      A Panel object, a function returning a Panel object or a
      dictionary mapping from the URL slug to either.
    port: int (optional, default=0)
      Allows specifying a specific port
    address : str
      The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.
    websocket_origin: str or list(str) (optional)
      A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket.

      This is typically required when embedding a server app in
      an external web site.

      If None, "localhost" is used.
    loop : tornado.ioloop.IOLoop (optional, default=IOLoop.current())
      The tornado IOLoop to run the Server on
    show : boolean (optional, default=False)
      Whether to open the server in a new browser tab on start
    start : boolean(optional, default=False)
      Whether to start the Server
    title: str or {str: str} (optional, default=None)
      An HTML title for the application or a dictionary mapping
      from the URL slug to a customized title
    verbose: boolean (optional, default=True)
      Whether to print the address and port
    location : boolean or panel.io.location.Location
      Whether to create a Location component to observe and
      set the URL location.
    kwargs: dict
      Additional keyword arguments to pass to Server instance
    return get_server(panels, port, address, websocket_origin, loop,
                      show, start, title, verbose, location, **kwargs)

class ProxyFallbackHandler(RequestHandler):
    """A `RequestHandler` that wraps another HTTP server callback and
    proxies the subpath.

    def initialize(self, fallback, proxy=None):
        self.fallback = fallback
        self.proxy = proxy

    def prepare(self):
        if self.proxy:
            self.request.path = self.request.path.replace(self.proxy, '')
        self._finished = True

def get_static_routes(static_dirs):
    Returns a list of tornado routes of StaticFileHandlers given a
    dictionary of slugs and file paths to serve.
    patterns = []
    for slug, path in static_dirs.items():
        if not slug.startswith('/'):
            slug = '/' + slug
        if slug == '/static':
            raise ValueError("Static file route may not use /static "
                             "this is reserved for internal use.")
        path = os.path.abspath(path)
        if not os.path.isdir(path):
            raise ValueError("Cannot serve non-existent path %s" % path)
            (r"%s/(.*)" % slug, StaticFileHandler, {"path": path})
    return patterns

def get_server(panel, port=0, address=None, websocket_origin=None,
               loop=None, show=False, start=False, title=None,
               verbose=False, location=True, static_dirs={}, **kwargs):
    Returns a Server instance with this panel attached as the root

    panel: Viewable, function or {str: Viewable}
      A Panel object, a function returning a Panel object or a
      dictionary mapping from the URL slug to either.
    port: int (optional, default=0)
      Allows specifying a specific port
    address : str
      The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.
    websocket_origin: str or list(str) (optional)
      A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket.

      This is typically required when embedding a server app in
      an external web site.

      If None, "localhost" is used.
    loop : tornado.ioloop.IOLoop (optional, default=IOLoop.current())
      The tornado IOLoop to run the Server on.
    show : boolean (optional, default=False)
      Whether to open the server in a new browser tab on start.
    start : boolean(optional, default=False)
      Whether to start the Server.
    title : str or {str: str} (optional, default=None)
      An HTML title for the application or a dictionary mapping
      from the URL slug to a customized title.
    verbose: boolean (optional, default=False)
      Whether to report the address and port.
    location : boolean or panel.io.location.Location
      Whether to create a Location component to observe and
      set the URL location.
    static_dirs: dict (optional, default={})
      A dictionary of routes and local paths to serve as static file
      directories on those routes.
    kwargs: dict
      Additional keyword arguments to pass to Server instance.

    server : bokeh.server.server.Server
      Bokeh Server instance running this panel
    from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop

    server_id = kwargs.pop('server_id', uuid.uuid4().hex)
    kwargs['extra_patterns'] = extra_patterns = kwargs.get('extra_patterns', [])
    if isinstance(panel, dict):
        apps = {}
        for slug, app in panel.items():
            if isinstance(title, dict):
                    title_ = title[slug]
                except KeyError:
                    raise KeyError(
                        "Keys of the title dictionnary and of the apps "
                        f"dictionary must match. No {slug} key found in the "
                        "title dictionnary.") 
                title_ = title
            slug = slug if slug.startswith('/') else '/'+slug
            if 'flask' in sys.modules:
                from flask import Flask
                if isinstance(app, Flask):
                    wsgi = WSGIContainer(app)
                    if slug == '/':
                        raise ValueError('Flask apps must be served on a subpath.')
                    if not slug.endswith('/'):
                        slug += '/'
                    extra_patterns.append(('^'+slug+'.*', ProxyFallbackHandler,
                                           dict(fallback=wsgi, proxy=slug)))
            apps[slug] = partial(_eval_panel, app, server_id, title_, location)
        apps = {'/': partial(_eval_panel, panel, server_id, title, location)}

    extra_patterns += get_static_routes(static_dirs)

    opts = dict(kwargs)
    if loop:
        opts['io_loop'] = loop
    elif opts.get('num_procs', 1) == 1:
        opts['io_loop'] = IOLoop.current()

    if 'index' not in opts:
        opts['index'] = INDEX_HTML

    if address is not None:
        opts['address'] = address

    if websocket_origin:
        if not isinstance(websocket_origin, list):
            websocket_origin = [websocket_origin]
        opts['allow_websocket_origin'] = websocket_origin

    server = Server(apps, port=port, **opts)
    if verbose:
        address = server.address or 'localhost'
        print("Launching server at http://%s:%s" % (address, server.port))

    state._servers[server_id] = (server, panel, [])

    if show:
        def show_callback():

    def sig_exit(*args, **kwargs):

    def do_stop(*args, **kwargs):

        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sig_exit)
    except ValueError:
        pass # Can't use signal on a thread

    if start:
        except RuntimeError:
    return server

class StoppableThread(threading.Thread):
    """Thread class with a stop() method."""

    def __init__(self, io_loop=None, timeout=1000, **kwargs):
        from tornado import ioloop
        super(StoppableThread, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self._stop_event = threading.Event()
        self.io_loop = io_loop
        self._cb = ioloop.PeriodicCallback(self._check_stopped, timeout)

    def _check_stopped(self):
        if self.stopped:

    def run(self):
        if hasattr(self, '_target'):
            target, args, kwargs = self._target, self._args, self._kwargs
            target, args, kwargs = self._Thread__target, self._Thread__args, self._Thread__kwargs
        if not target:
        bokeh_server = None
            bokeh_server = target(*args, **kwargs)
            if isinstance(bokeh_server, Server):
            if hasattr(self, '_target'):
                del self._target, self._args, self._kwargs
                del self._Thread__target, self._Thread__args, self._Thread__kwargs

    def stop(self):

    def stopped(self):
        return self._stop_event.is_set()