#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright 2016 DIANA-HEP
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import json
import math
import numbers
import struct

from histogrammar.defs import *
from histogrammar.util import *
from histogrammar.primitives.count import *

class IrregularlyBin(Factory, Container):
    """Accumulate a suite of aggregators, each between two thresholds, filling exactly one per datum.

    This is a variation on :doc:`Stack <histogrammar.primitives.stack.Stack>`, which fills ``N + 1`` aggregators with ``N`` successively tighter cut thresholds. IrregularlyBin fills ``N + 1`` aggregators in the non-overlapping intervals between ``N`` thresholds.

    IrregularlyBin is also similar to :doc:`CentrallyBin <histogrammar.primitives.centrallybin.CentrallyBin>`, in that they both partition a space into irregular subdomains with no gaps and no overlaps. However, CentrallyBin is defined by bin centers and IrregularlyBin is defined by bin edges, the first and last of which are at negative and positive infinity.

    def ed(entries, bins, nanflow):
        """Create a IrregularlyBin that is only capable of being added.

            entries (float): the number of entries.
            bins (list of float, :doc:`Container <histogrammar.defs.Container>` pairs): the ``N + 1`` thresholds and sub-aggregator pairs.
            nanflow (:doc:`Container <histogrammar.defs.Container>`): the filled nanflow bin.
        if not isinstance(entries, numbers.Real) and entries not in ("nan", "inf", "-inf"):
            raise TypeError("entries ({0}) must be a number".format(entries))
        if not isinstance(bins, (list, tuple)) and not all(isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) and len(v) == 2 and isinstance(v[0], numbers.Real) and isinstance(v[1], Container) for v in bins):
            raise TypeError("bins ({0}) must be a list of number, Container pairs".format(bins))
        if not isinstance(nanflow, Container):
            raise TypeError("nanflow ({0}) must be a Container".format(nanflow))
        if entries < 0.0:
            raise ValueError("entries ({0}) cannot be negative".format(entries))

        out = IrregularlyBin(bins, None, None, nanflow)
        out.entries = float(entries)
        return out.specialize()

    def ing(bins, quantity, value=Count(), nanflow=Count()):
        """Synonym for ``__init__``."""
        return IrregularlyBin(bins, quantity, value, nanflow)

    def __init__(self, thresholds, quantity, value=Count(), nanflow=Count()):
        """Create a IrregularlyBin that is capable of being filled and added.

            thresholds (list of float) specifies ``N`` cut thresholds, so the IrregularlyBin will fill ``N + 1`` aggregators in distinct intervals.
            quantity (function returning float): computes the quantity of interest from the data.
            value (:doc:`Container <histogrammar.defs.Container>`): generates sub-aggregators for each bin.
            nanflow (:doc:`Container <histogrammar.defs.Container>`): a sub-aggregator to use for data whose quantity is NaN.

        Other parameters:
            entries (float): the number of entries, initially 0.0.
            bins (list of float, :doc:`Container <histogrammar.defs.Container>` pairs): the ``N + 1`` thresholds and sub-aggregators. (The first threshold is minus infinity; the rest are the ones specified by ``thresholds``).
        if not isinstance(thresholds, (list, tuple)) and not all(isinstance(v, numbers.Real) for v in thresholds):
            raise TypeError("thresholds ({0}) must be a list of numbers".format(thresholds))
        if value is not None and not isinstance(value, Container):
            raise TypeError("value ({0}) must be None or a Container".format(value))
        if not isinstance(nanflow, Container):
            raise TypeError("nanflow ({0}) must be a Container".format(nanflow))

        self.entries = 0.0
        self.quantity = serializable(quantity)
        if value is None:
            self.bins = tuple(thresholds)
            self.bins = tuple((float(x), value.zero()) for x in (float("-inf"),) + tuple(thresholds))
        self.nanflow = nanflow.copy()
        super(IrregularlyBin, self).__init__()

    def thresholds(self):
        """Cut thresholds (first items of ``bins``)."""
        return [k for k, v in self.bins]

    def values(self):
        """Sub-aggregators (second items of ``bins``)."""
        return [v for k, v in self.bins]

    def zero(self):
        return IrregularlyBin([(c, v.zero()) for c, v in self.bins], self.quantity, None, self.nanflow.zero())

    def __add__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, IrregularlyBin):
            if self.thresholds != other.thresholds:
                raise ContainerException("cannot add IrregularlyBin because cut thresholds differ")

            out = IrregularlyBin([(k1, v1 + v2) for ((k1, v1), (k2, v2)) in zip(self.bins, other.bins)], self.quantity, None, self.nanflow + other.nanflow)
            out.entries = self.entries + other.entries
            return out.specialize()

            raise ContainerException("cannot add {0} and {1}".format(self.name, other.name))

    def __iadd__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, IrregularlyBin):
            if self.thresholds != other.thresholds:
                raise ContainerException("cannot add IrregularlyBin because cut thresholds differ")
            self.entries += other.entries
            for ((k1, v1), (k2, v2)) in zip(self.bins, other.bins):
                v1 += v2
            self.nanflow += other.nanflow
            return self
            raise ContainerException("cannot add {0} and {1}".format(self.name, other.name))

    def __mul__(self, factor):
        if math.isnan(factor) or factor <= 0.0:
            return self.zero()
            out = self.zero()
            out.entries = factor * self.entries
            out.bins = [(c, v * factor) for (c, v) in self.bins]
            out.nanflow = self.nanflow * factor
            return out.specialize()

    def __rmul__(self, factor):
        return self.__mul__(factor)

    def fill(self, datum, weight=1.0):

        if weight > 0.0:
            q = self.quantity(datum)
            if not isinstance(q, numbers.Real):
                raise TypeError("function return value ({0}) must be boolean or number".format(q))

            if math.isnan(q):
                self.nanflow.fill(datum, weight)
                for (low, sub), (high, _) in zip(self.bins, self.bins[1:] + ((float("nan"), None),)):
                    if q >= low and not q >= high:
                        sub.fill(datum, weight)
            # no possibility of exception from here on out (for rollback)
            self.entries += weight

    def _cppGenerateCode(self, parser, generator, inputFieldNames, inputFieldTypes, derivedFieldTypes, derivedFieldExprs, storageStructs, initCode, initPrefix, initIndent, fillCode, fillPrefix, fillIndent, weightVars, weightVarStack, tmpVarTypes):
        return self._c99GenerateCode(parser, generator, inputFieldNames, inputFieldTypes, derivedFieldTypes, derivedFieldExprs, storageStructs, initCode, initPrefix, initIndent, fillCode, fillPrefix, fillIndent, weightVars, weightVarStack, tmpVarTypes)

    def _c99GenerateCode(self, parser, generator, inputFieldNames, inputFieldTypes, derivedFieldTypes, derivedFieldExprs, storageStructs, initCode, initPrefix, initIndent, fillCode, fillPrefix, fillIndent, weightVars, weightVarStack, tmpVarTypes):
        normexpr = self._c99QuantityExpr(parser, generator, inputFieldNames, inputFieldTypes, derivedFieldTypes, derivedFieldExprs, None)

        initCode.append(" " * initIndent + self._c99ExpandPrefix(*initPrefix) + ".entries = 0.0;")
        fillCode.append(" " * fillIndent + self._c99ExpandPrefix(*fillPrefix) + ".entries += " + weightVarStack[-1] + ";")

        fillCode.append(" " * fillIndent + "if (std::isnan({0})) {{".format(normexpr))
        self.nanflow._c99GenerateCode(parser, generator, inputFieldNames, inputFieldTypes, derivedFieldTypes, derivedFieldExprs, storageStructs, initCode, initPrefix + (("var", "nanflow"),), initIndent, fillCode, fillPrefix + (("var", "nanflow"),), fillIndent + 2, weightVars, weightVarStack, tmpVarTypes)
        fillCode.append(" " * fillIndent + "}")
        fillCode.append(" " * fillIndent + "else {")

        bin = "bin_" + str(len(tmpVarTypes))
        tmpVarTypes[bin] = "int"

        initCode.append(" " * initIndent + "for ({0} = 0;  {0} < {1};  ++{0}) {{".format(bin, len(self.bins)))
        fillCode.append(" " * fillIndent + "  const double edges[{0}] = {{{1}}};".format(
            len(self.values) - 1,
            ", ".join(floatToC99(low) for low, v in self.bins[1:])))

        fillCode.append(" " * fillIndent + "  for ({0} = 0;  {0} < {1};  ++{0}) {{".format(bin, len(self.bins) - 1))
        fillCode.append(" " * fillIndent + "    if ({0} < edges[{1}])".format(normexpr, bin))
        fillCode.append(" " * fillIndent + "      break;")
        fillCode.append(" " * fillIndent + "  }")

        self.bins[0][1]._c99GenerateCode(parser, generator, inputFieldNames, inputFieldTypes, derivedFieldTypes, derivedFieldExprs, storageStructs, initCode, initPrefix + (("var", "values"), ("index", bin)), initIndent + 2, fillCode, fillPrefix + (("var", "values"), ("index", bin)), fillIndent + 2, weightVars, weightVarStack, tmpVarTypes)

        initCode.append(" " * initIndent + "}")
        fillCode.append(" " * fillIndent + "}")

        storageStructs[self._c99StructName()] = """
  typedef struct {{
    double entries;
    {3} nanflow;
    {1} values[{2}];
    {1}& getValues(int i) {{ return values[i]; }}
  }} {0};

    def _clingUpdate(self, filler, *extractorPrefix):
        obj = self._clingExpandPrefix(filler, *extractorPrefix)
        self.entries += obj.entries
        for i in xrange(len(self.values)):
            self.bins[i][1]._clingUpdate(obj, ("func", ["getValues", i]))
        self.nanflow._clingUpdate(obj, ("var", "nanflow"))

    def _c99StructName(self):
        return "Ir" + str(len(self.bins)) + self.bins[0][1]._c99StructName() + self.nanflow._c99StructName()

    def _cudaGenerateCode(self, parser, generator, inputFieldNames, inputFieldTypes, derivedFieldTypes, derivedFieldExprs, storageStructs, initCode, initPrefix, initIndent, fillCode, fillPrefix, fillIndent, combineCode, totalPrefix, itemPrefix, combineIndent, jsonCode, jsonPrefix, jsonIndent, weightVars, weightVarStack, tmpVarTypes, suppressName):
        normexpr = self._cudaQuantityExpr(parser, generator, inputFieldNames, inputFieldTypes, derivedFieldTypes, derivedFieldExprs, None)

        initCode.append(" " * initIndent + self._c99ExpandPrefix(*initPrefix) + ".entries = 0.0f;")
        fillCode.append(" " * fillIndent + "atomicAdd(&" + self._c99ExpandPrefix(*fillPrefix) + ".entries, " + weightVarStack[-1] + ");")
        combineCode.append(" " * combineIndent + "atomicAdd(&" + self._c99ExpandPrefix(*totalPrefix) + ".entries, " + self._c99ExpandPrefix(*itemPrefix) + ".entries);")
        jsonCode.append(" " * jsonIndent + "fprintf(out, \"{\\\"entries\\\": \");")
        jsonCode.append(" " * jsonIndent + "floatToJson(out, " + self._c99ExpandPrefix(*jsonPrefix) + ".entries);")

        fillCode.append(" " * fillIndent + "if (isnan({0})) {{".format(normexpr))
        jsonCode.append(" " * jsonIndent + "fprintf(out, \", \\\"nanflow:type\\\": \\\"" + self.nanflow.name + "\\\"\");")
        jsonCode.append(" " * jsonIndent + "fprintf(out, \", \\\"nanflow\\\": \");")
        self.nanflow._cudaGenerateCode(parser, generator, inputFieldNames, inputFieldTypes, derivedFieldTypes, derivedFieldExprs, storageStructs, initCode, initPrefix + (("var", "nanflow"),), initIndent + 2, fillCode, fillPrefix + (("var", "nanflow"),), fillIndent + 2, combineCode, totalPrefix + (("var", "nanflow"),), itemPrefix + (("var", "nanflow"),), combineIndent, jsonCode, jsonPrefix + (("var", "nanflow"),), jsonIndent, weightVars, weightVarStack, tmpVarTypes, False)
        fillCode.append(" " * fillIndent + "}")
        fillCode.append(" " * fillIndent + "else {")

        bin = "bin_" + str(len(tmpVarTypes))
        tmpVarTypes[bin] = "int"

        initCode.append(" " * initIndent + "for ({0} = 0;  {0} < {1};  ++{0}) {{".format(bin, len(self.bins)))

        fillCode.append(" " * fillIndent + "  const float edges[{0}] = {{{1}}};".format(
            len(self.values) - 1,
            ", ".join(floatToC99(low) for low, v in self.bins[1:])))
        fillCode.append(" " * fillIndent + "  for ({0} = 0;  {0} < {1};  ++{0}) {{".format(bin, len(self.bins) - 1))
        fillCode.append(" " * fillIndent + "    if ({0} < edges[{1}])".format(normexpr, bin))
        fillCode.append(" " * fillIndent + "      break;")
        fillCode.append(" " * fillIndent + "  }")

        combineCode.append(" " * combineIndent + "for ({0} = 0;  {0} < {1}; ++{0}) {{".format(bin, len(self.bins)))

        jsonCode.append(" " * jsonIndent + "fprintf(out, \", \\\"bins:type\\\": \\\"" + self.bins[0][1].name + "\\\"\");")
        if hasattr(self.bins[0][1], "quantity") and self.bins[0][1].quantity.name is not None:
            jsonCode.append(" " * jsonIndent + "fprintf(out, \", \\\"bins:name\\\": \\\"" + self.bins[0][1].quantity.name + "\\\"\");")
        jsonCode.append(" " * jsonIndent + "{")
        jsonCode.append(" " * jsonIndent + "  const float edges[{0}] = {{{1}}};".format(
            ", ".join(floatToC99(low) for low, v in self.bins)))
        jsonCode.append(" " * jsonIndent + "  fprintf(out, \", \\\"bins\\\": [\");")
        jsonCode.append(" " * jsonIndent + "  for ({0} = 0;  {0} < {1};  ++{0}) {{".format(bin, len(self.values)))
        jsonCode.append(" " * jsonIndent + "    fprintf(out, \"{\\\"atleast\\\": \");")
        jsonCode.append(" " * jsonIndent + "    floatToJson(out, edges[" + bin + "]);")
        jsonCode.append(" " * jsonIndent + "    fprintf(out, \", \\\"data\\\": \");")

        self.bins[0][1]._cudaGenerateCode(parser, generator, inputFieldNames, inputFieldTypes, derivedFieldTypes, derivedFieldExprs, storageStructs, initCode, initPrefix + (("var", "values"), ("index", bin)), initIndent + 2, fillCode, fillPrefix + (("var", "values"), ("index", bin)), fillIndent + 2, combineCode, totalPrefix + (("var", "values"), ("index", bin)), itemPrefix + (("var", "values"), ("index", bin)), combineIndent + 2, jsonCode, jsonPrefix + (("var", "values"), ("index", bin)), jsonIndent + 4, weightVars, weightVarStack, tmpVarTypes, True)

        initCode.append(" " * initIndent + "}")
        fillCode.append(" " * fillIndent + "}")
        combineCode.append(" " * combineIndent + "}")
        jsonCode.append(" " * jsonIndent + "    fprintf(out, \"}\");")
        jsonCode.append(" " * jsonIndent + "    if ({0} != {1})".format(bin, len(self.values) - 1))
        jsonCode.append(" " * jsonIndent + "      fprintf(out, \", \");")
        jsonCode.append(" " * jsonIndent + "  }")
        jsonCode.append(" " * jsonIndent + "}")

        if suppressName or self.quantity.name is None:
            jsonCode.append(" " * jsonIndent + "fprintf(out, \"]}\");")
            jsonCode.append(" " * jsonIndent + "fprintf(out, \"], \\\"name\\\": " + json.dumps(json.dumps(self.quantity.name))[1:-1] + "}\");")

        storageStructs[self._c99StructName()] = """
  typedef struct {{
    float entries;
    {3} nanflow;
    {1} values[{2}];
  }} {0};

    def _cudaUnpackAndFill(self, data, bigendian, alignment):
        format = "<f"
        entries, = struct.unpack(format, data[:struct.calcsize(format)])
        self.entries += entries
        data = data[struct.calcsize(format):]

        data = self.nanflow._cudaUnpackAndFill(data, bigendian, alignment)

        for atleast, value in self.bins:
            data = value._cudaUnpackAndFill(data, bigendian, alignment)

        return data

    def _numpy(self, data, weights, shape):
        q = self.quantity(data)
        self._checkNPQuantity(q, shape)
        self._checkNPWeights(weights, shape)
        weights = self._makeNPWeights(weights, shape)
        newentries = weights.sum()

        import numpy

        selection = numpy.isnan(q)
        numpy.bitwise_not(selection, selection)
        subweights = weights.copy()
        subweights[selection] = 0.0
        self.nanflow._numpy(data, subweights, shape)

        # avoid nan warning in calculations by flinging the nans elsewhere
        numpy.bitwise_not(selection, selection)
        q = numpy.array(q, dtype=numpy.float64)
        q[selection] = float("-inf")
        weights = weights.copy()
        weights[selection] = 0.0

        # FIXME: the case of all Counts could be optimized with numpy.histogram (see CentrallyBin for an example)

        selection = numpy.empty(q.shape, dtype=numpy.bool)
        selection2 = numpy.empty(q.shape, dtype=numpy.bool)
        subweights = weights.copy()
        for (low, sub), (high, _) in zip(self.bins, self.bins[1:] + ((float("nan"), None),)):
            numpy.greater_equal(q, low, selection)
            numpy.greater_equal(q, high, selection2)
            numpy.bitwise_not(selection2, selection2)
            numpy.bitwise_and(selection, selection2, selection)
            numpy.bitwise_not(selection, selection)

            subweights[:] = weights
            subweights[selection] = 0.0

            sub._numpy(data, subweights, shape)

        # no possibility of exception from here on out (for rollback)
        self.entries += float(newentries)

    def _sparksql(self, jvm, converter):
        return converter.IrregularlyBin([e for e, v in self.bins[1:]], quantity.asSparkSQL(), self.bins[0][1]._sparksql(jvm, converter), self.nanflow._sparksql(jvm, converter))

    def children(self):
        """List of sub-aggregators, to make it possible to walk the tree."""
        return [self.nanflow] + self.values

    def toJsonFragment(self, suppressName):
        if getattr(self.bins[0][1], "quantity", None) is not None:
            binsName = self.bins[0][1].quantity.name
        elif getattr(self.bins[0][1], "quantityName", None) is not None:
            binsName = self.bins[0][1].quantityName
            binsName = None

        return maybeAdd({
            "entries": floatToJson(self.entries),
            "bins:type": self.bins[0][1].name,
            "bins": [{"atleast": floatToJson(atleast), "data": sub.toJsonFragment(True)} for atleast, sub in self.bins],
            "nanflow:type": self.nanflow.name,
            "nanflow": self.nanflow.toJsonFragment(False),
            }, **{"name": None if suppressName else self.quantity.name,
                  "bins:name": binsName})

    def fromJsonFragment(json, nameFromParent):
        if isinstance(json, dict) and hasKeys(json.keys(), ["entries", "bins:type", "bins", "nanflow:type", "nanflow"], ["name", "bins:name"]):
            if json["entries"] in ("nan", "inf", "-inf") or isinstance(json["entries"], numbers.Real):
                entries = float(json["entries"])
                raise JsonFormatException(json, "IrregularlyBin.entries")

            if isinstance(json.get("name", None), basestring):
                name = json["name"]
            elif json.get("name", None) is None:
                name = None
                raise JsonFormatException(json["name"], "IrregularlyBin.name")

            if isinstance(json["bins:type"], basestring):
                factory = Factory.registered[json["bins:type"]]
                raise JsonFormatException(json, "IrregularlyBin.bins:type")

            if isinstance(json.get("bins:name", None), basestring):
                dataName = json["bins:name"]
            elif json.get("bins:name", None) is None:
                dataName = None
                raise JsonFormatException(json["bins:name"], "IrregularlyBin.bins:name")

            if isinstance(json["nanflow:type"], basestring):
                nanflowFactory = Factory.registered[json["nanflow:type"]]
                raise JsonFormatException(json, "IrregularlyBin.nanflow:type")
            nanflow = nanflowFactory.fromJsonFragment(json["nanflow"], None)

            if isinstance(json["bins"], list):
                bins = []
                for i, elementPair in enumerate(json["bins"]):
                    if isinstance(elementPair, dict) and hasKeys(elementPair.keys(), ["atleast", "data"]):
                        if elementPair["atleast"] not in ("nan", "inf", "-inf") and not isinstance(elementPair["atleast"], numbers.Real):
                            raise JsonFormatException(json, "IrregularlyBin.bins {0} atleast".format(i))

                        bins.append((float(elementPair["atleast"]), factory.fromJsonFragment(elementPair["data"], dataName)))

                        raise JsonFormatException(json, "IrregularlyBin.bins {0}".format(i))

                out = IrregularlyBin.ed(entries, bins, nanflow)
                out.quantity.name = nameFromParent if name is None else name
                return out.specialize()

                raise JsonFormatException(json, "IrregularlyBin.bins")

            raise JsonFormatException(json, "IrregularlyBin")

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<IrregularlyBin values={0} thresholds=({1}) nanflow={2}>".format(self.bins[0][1].name, ", ".join([str(x) for x in self.thresholds]), self.nanflow.name)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, IrregularlyBin) and numeq(self.entries, other.entries) and self.quantity == other.quantity and all(numeq(c1, c2) and v1 == v2 for (c1, v1), (c2, v2) in zip(self.bins, other.bins)) and self.nanflow == other.nanflow

    def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self.entries, self.quantity, self.bins, self.nanflow))
