# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Financial data plotter with better defaults, api, behavior and performance than
mpl_finance and plotly.

Lines up your time-series with a shared X-axis; ideal for volume, RSI, etc.

Zoom does something similar to what you'd normally expect for financial data,
where the Y-axis is auto-scaled to highest high and lowest low in the active

from ast import literal_eval
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from functools import partial, partialmethod
from math import floor, fmod
import numpy as np
import os.path
import pandas as pd
import pyqtgraph as pg
from pyqtgraph import QtCore, QtGui

legend_border_color = '#000000dd'
legend_fill_color   = '#00000055'
legend_text_color   = '#dddddd66'
soft_colors = ['#1f77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#d62728', '#9467bd', '#8c564b', '#e377c2', '#7f7f7f', '#bcbd22', '#17becf']
hard_colors = ['#000000', '#772211', '#000066', '#555555', '#0022cc', '#ffcc00']
foreground = '#000000'
background = '#ffffff'
hollow_brush_color = background
candle_bull_color = '#26a69a'
candle_bear_color = '#ef5350'
volume_bull_color = '#92d2cc'
volume_bear_color = '#f7a9a7'
odd_plot_background = '#f0f0f0'
band_color = '#ddbbaa'
cross_hair_color = '#00000077'
draw_line_color = '#000000'
draw_done_color = '#555555'
significant_decimals = 8
significant_eps = 1e-8
max_zoom_points = 20 # number of visible candles at maximum zoom
top_graph_scale = 2
clamp_grid = True
lod_candles = 3000
lod_labels = 700
y_label_width = 65

windows = [] # no gc
timers = [] # no gc
sounds = {} # no gc
plotdf2df = {} # for pandas df.plot
epoch_period = 1e30
last_ax = None # always assume we want to plot in the last axis, unless explicitly specified
overlay_axs = [] # for keeping track of candlesticks in overlays
viewrestore = False

lerp = lambda t,a,b: t*b+(1-t)*a

class EpochAxisItem(pg.AxisItem):
    def __init__(self, vb, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.vb = vb

    def tickStrings(self, values, scale, spacing):
        return [_epoch2local(self.vb.datasrc, value) for value in values]

class YAxisItem(pg.AxisItem):
    def __init__(self, vb, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.vb = vb

    def tickStrings(self, values, scale, spacing):
        return ['%g'%self.vb.yscale.xform(value) for value in values]

class YScale:
    def __init__(self, scaletype, scalef):
        self.scaletype = scaletype
        self.scalef = scalef

    def set_scale(self, scale):
        self.scalef = scale if self.scaletype != 'log' else 1

    def xform(self, y):
        if self.scaletype == 'log':
            y = 10**y
        return y * self.scalef

    def invxform(self, y, verify=False):
        if self.scaletype == 'log':
            if verify and y <= 0:
                return -1e6
            y = np.log10(y)
            y /= self.scalef
        return y

class PandasDataSource:
    '''Candle sticks: create with five columns: time, open, close, hi, lo - in that order.
       Volume bars: create with three columns: time, open, close, volume - in that order.
       For all other types, time needs to be first, usually followed by one or more Y-columns.'''
    def __init__(self, df):
        if type(df.index) == pd.DatetimeIndex:
            df = df.reset_index()
        self.df = df.copy()
        # manage time column
        if _has_timecol(self.df):
            timecol = self.df.columns[0]
            self.df[timecol] = _pdtime2epoch(df[timecol])
            self.standalone = _is_standalone(self.df[timecol])
            self.col_data_offset = 1 # no. of preceeding columns for other plots and time column
            self.standalone = False
            self.col_data_offset = 0 # no. of preceeding columns for other plots and time column
        # setup data for joining data sources and zooming
        self.scale_cols = [i for i in range(self.col_data_offset,len(self.df.columns)) if self.df.iloc[:,i].dtype!=object]
        self.cache_hilo_query = ''
        self.cache_hilo_answer = None
        self.renames = {}

    def period(self):
        timecol = self.df.columns[0]
        return self.df[timecol].diff().median() / 1000

    def index(self):
        return self.df.index

    def x(self):
        timecol = self.df.columns[0]
        return self.df[timecol]

    def y(self):
        col = self.df.columns[self.col_data_offset]
        return self.df[col]

    def z(self):
        col = self.df.columns[self.col_data_offset+1]
        return self.df[col]

    def calc_significant_decimals(self):
        absdiff = self.y.diff().abs()
        absdiff[absdiff<1e-30] = 1e30
        smallest_diff = absdiff.min()
        s = '%.0e' % smallest_diff
        exp = -int(s.partition('e')[2])
        decimals = max(1, min(10, exp))
        return decimals, smallest_diff

    def update_init_x(self, init_steps):
        self.init_x0 = max(len(self.df)-init_steps, 0) - 0.5
        self.init_x1 = len(self.df) - 0.5

    def closest_time(self, x):
        timecol = self.df.columns[0]
        return self.df.loc[int(x), timecol]

    def addcols(self, datasrc):
        new_scale_cols = [c+len(self.df.columns)-datasrc.col_data_offset for c in datasrc.scale_cols]
        self.scale_cols += new_scale_cols
        orig_col_data_cnt = len(self.df.columns)
        if _has_timecol(datasrc.df):
            timecol = self.df.columns[0]
            df = self.df.set_index(timecol)
            timecol = timecol if timecol in datasrc.df.columns else datasrc.df.columns[0]
            newcols = datasrc.df.set_index(timecol)
            df = self.df
            newcols = datasrc.df
        cols = list(newcols.columns)
        for i,col in enumerate(cols):
            old_col = col
            while col in self.df.columns:
                cols[i] = col = str(col)+'+'
            if old_col != col:
                datasrc.renames[old_col] = col
        newcols.columns = cols
        self.df = pd.concat([df, newcols], axis=1)
        if _has_timecol(datasrc.df):
        datasrc.df = self.df # they are the same now
        datasrc.init_x0 = self.init_x0
        datasrc.init_x1 = self.init_x1
        datasrc.col_data_offset = orig_col_data_cnt
        datasrc.scale_cols = new_scale_cols
        self.cache_hilo_query = ''
        self.cache_hilo_answer = None

    def update(self, datasrc):
        orig_cols = list(self.df.columns)
        timecol = orig_cols[0]
        df = self.df.set_index(timecol)
        data = datasrc.df.set_index(timecol)
        data.columns = [self.renames.get(col, col) for col in data.columns]
        for col in df.columns:
            if col not in data.columns:
                data[col] = df[col]
        data = data.reset_index()
        self.df = data[orig_cols]
        self.init_x1 = len(self.df) - 0.5

    def hilo(self, x0, x1):
        '''Return five values in time range: t0, t1, highest, lowest, number of rows.'''
        if x0 == x1:
            x0 = x1 = int(x1)
            x0,x1 = int(x0+0.5),int(x1)
        query = '%i,%i' % (x0,x1)
        if query != self.cache_hilo_query:
            self.cache_hilo_query = query
            self.cache_hilo_answer = self._hilo(x0, x1)
        return self.cache_hilo_answer

    def _hilo(self, x0, x1):
        df = self.df.loc[x0:x1, :]
        if not len(df):
            return 0,0,0,0,0
        timecol = df.columns[0]
        t0 = df[timecol].iloc[0]
        t1 = df[timecol].iloc[-1]
        valcols = df.columns[self.scale_cols]
        hi = df[valcols].max().max()
        lo = df[valcols].min().min()
        return t0,t1,hi,lo,len(df)

    def rows(self, colcnt, x0, x1, yscale, lod=True):
        df = self.df.loc[x0:x1, :]
        origlen = len(df)
        return self._rows(df, colcnt, yscale=yscale, lod=lod), origlen

    def _rows(self, df, colcnt, yscale, lod):
        if lod and len(df) > lod_candles:
            df = df.iloc[::len(df)//lod_candles]
        colcnt -= 1 # time is always implied
        colidxs = [0] + list(range(self.col_data_offset, self.col_data_offset+colcnt))
        dfr = df.iloc[:,colidxs]
        if yscale.scaletype == 'log' or yscale.scalef != 1:
            dfr = dfr.copy()
            for i in range(1, colcnt+1):
                if dfr.iloc[:,i].dtype != object:
                    dfr.iloc[:,i] = yscale.invxform(dfr.iloc[:,i])
        return dfr

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return id(self) == id(other) or id(self.df) == id(other.df)

class PlotDf(object):
    '''This class is for allowing you to do df.plot(...), as you normally would in Pandas.'''
    def __init__(self, df):
        global plotdf2df
        plotdf2df[self] = df
    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        if name == 'plot':
            return partial(dfplot, plotdf2df[self])
        return getattr(plotdf2df[self], name)
    def __getitem__(self, i):
        return plotdf2df[self].__getitem__(i)
    def __setitem__(self, i, v):
        return plotdf2df[self].__setitem__(i, v)

class FinWindow(pg.GraphicsWindow):
    def __init__(self, title):
        self.title = title

    def close(self):
        return super().close()

    def eventFilter(self, obj, ev):
        if ev.type()== QtCore.QEvent.WindowDeactivate:
        return False

class FinCrossHair:
    def __init__(self, ax, color):
        self.ax = ax
        self.x = 0
        self.y = 0
        self.clamp_x = 0
        self.clamp_y = 0
        self.infos = []
        pen = pg.mkPen(color=color, style=QtCore.Qt.CustomDashLine, dash=[7, 7])
        self.vline = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=False, pen=pen)
        self.hline = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=0, movable=False, pen=pen)
        self.xtext = pg.TextItem(color=color, anchor=(0,1))
        self.ytext = pg.TextItem(color=color, anchor=(0,0))
        ax.addItem(self.vline, ignoreBounds=True)
        ax.addItem(self.hline, ignoreBounds=True)
        ax.addItem(self.xtext, ignoreBounds=True)
        ax.addItem(self.ytext, ignoreBounds=True)

    def update(self, point=None):
        if point is not None:
            self.x,self.y = x,y = point.x(),point.y()
            x,y = self.x,self.y
        x,y = _clamp_xy(self.ax, x,y)
        if x == self.clamp_x and y == self.clamp_y:
        self.clamp_x,self.clamp_y = x,y
        self.xtext.setPos(x, y)
        self.ytext.setPos(x, y)
        xtext = _epoch2local(self.ax.vb.datasrc, x)
        linear_y = y
        y = self.ax.vb.yscale.xform(y)
        rng = self.ax.vb.y_max - self.ax.vb.y_min
        rngmax = abs(self.ax.vb.y_min) + rng # any approximation is fine
        sd,se = (self.ax.significant_decimals,self.ax.significant_eps) if clamp_grid else (significant_decimals,significant_eps)
        ytext = _round_to_significant(rng, rngmax, y, sd, se)
        far_right = self.ax.viewRect().x() + self.ax.viewRect().width()*0.9
        far_bottom = self.ax.viewRect().y() + self.ax.viewRect().height()*0.1
        close2right = x > far_right
        close2bottom = linear_y < far_bottom
        space = '      '
        if close2right:
            rxtext = xtext + space
            rytext = ytext + space
            xanchor = [1,1]
            yanchor = [1,0]
            rxtext = space + xtext
            rytext = space + ytext
            xanchor = [0,1]
            yanchor = [0,0]
        if close2bottom:
            rytext = ytext + space
            yanchor = [1,1]
            if close2right:
                xanchor = [1,2]
            for info in self.infos:
                rxtext,rytext = info(self.ax,x,y,rxtext,rytext)
        except Exception as e:

class FinLegendItem(pg.LegendItem):
    def __init__(self, border_color, fill_color, **kwargs):
        self.layout.setContentsMargins(2, 2, 10, 2)
        self.border_color = border_color
        self.fill_color = fill_color

    def paint(self, p, *args):

class FinPolyLine(pg.PolyLineROI):
    def __init__(self, vb, *args, **kwargs):
        self.vb = vb # init before parent constructor
        self.texts = []
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def addSegment(self, h1, h2, index=None):
        super().addSegment(h1, h2, index)
        text = pg.TextItem(color=draw_line_color)
        text.segment = self.segments[-1 if index is None else index]
        if index is None:
            self.texts.insert(index, text)
        self.vb.addItem(text, ignoreBounds=True)

    def removeSegment(self, seg):
        for text in list(self.texts):
            if text.segment == seg:

    def update_text(self, text):
        h0 = text.segment.handles[0]['item']
        h1 = text.segment.handles[1]['item']
        diff = h1.pos() - h0.pos()
        if diff.y() < 0:
        text.setText(_draw_line_segment_text(self, text.segment, h0.pos(), h1.pos()))

    def update_texts(self):
        for text in self.texts:

    def movePoint(self, handle, pos, modifiers=QtCore.Qt.KeyboardModifier(), finish=True, coords='parent'):
        super().movePoint(handle, pos, modifiers, finish, coords)

    def segmentClicked(self, segment, ev=None, pos=None):
        pos = segment.mapToParent(ev.pos())
        pos = _clamp_point(self.vb.parent(), pos)
        super().segmentClicked(segment, pos=pos)

    def addHandle(self, info, index=None):
        handle = super().addHandle(info, index)
        handle.movePoint = partial(_roihandle_move_snap, self.vb, handle.movePoint)
        return handle

class FinLine(pg.GraphicsObject):
    def __init__(self, points, pen):
        self.points = points
        self.pen = pen

    def paint(self, p, *args):
        p.drawLine(QtCore.QPointF(*self.points[0]), QtCore.QPointF(*self.points[1]))

    def boundingRect(self):
        return QtCore.QRectF(*self.points[0], *self.points[1])

class FinEllipse(pg.EllipseROI):
    def addRotateHandle(self, *args, **kwargs):

class FinViewBox(pg.ViewBox):
    def __init__(self, win, init_steps=300, yscale=YScale('linear', 1), v_zoom_scale=1, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.win = win
        self.yscale = yscale
        self.v_zoom_scale = v_zoom_scale
        self.v_zoom_baseline = 0.5
        self.v_autozoom = True
        self.y_max = 1000
        self.y_min = 0
        self.y_positive = True
        self.force_range_update = 0
        self.rois = []
        self.draw_line = None
        self.drawing = False
        self.setMouseEnabled(x=True, y=False)
        self.init_steps = init_steps

    def set_datasrc(self, datasrc):
        self.datasrc = datasrc
        if not self.datasrc:

    def wheelEvent(self, ev, axis=None):
        if ev.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier:
            scale_fact = 1
            self.v_zoom_scale /= 1.02 ** (ev.delta() * self.state['wheelScaleFactor'])
            scale_fact = 1.02 ** (ev.delta() * self.state['wheelScaleFactor'])
        vr = self.targetRect()
        center = self.mapToView(ev.pos())
        if (center.x()-vr.left())/vr.width() < 0.05: # zoom to far left => all the way left
            center = pg.Point(vr.left(), center.y())
        elif (center.x()-vr.left())/vr.width() > 0.95: # zoom to far right => all the way right
            center = pg.Point(vr.right(), center.y())
        self.zoom_rect(vr, scale_fact, center)
        # update crosshair
        _mouse_moved(self.win, None)

    def mouseDragEvent(self, ev, axis=None):
        if not self.datasrc:
        if ev.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:
            self.mouseLeftDrag(ev, axis)
        elif ev.button() == QtCore.Qt.MiddleButton:
            self.mouseMiddleDrag(ev, axis)
            super().mouseDragEvent(ev, axis)

    def mouseLeftDrag(self, ev, axis):
        if ev.modifiers() != QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier:
            super().mouseDragEvent(ev, axis)
            if ev.isFinish() or self.drawing:
            if not self.drawing:
        if self.draw_line and not self.drawing:
        p1 = self.mapToView(ev.pos())
        p1 = _clamp_point(self.parent(), p1)
        if not self.drawing:
            # add new line
            p0 = self.mapToView(ev.lastPos())
            p0 = _clamp_point(self.parent(), p0)
            self.draw_line = FinPolyLine(self, [p0, p1], closed=False, pen=pg.mkPen(draw_line_color), movable=False)
            self.drawing = True
            # draw placed point at end of poly-line
            self.draw_line.movePoint(-1, p1)
        if ev.isFinish():
            self.drawing = False

    def mouseMiddleDrag(self, ev, axis):
        if ev.modifiers() != QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier:
            return super().mouseDragEvent(ev, axis)
        p1 = self.mapToView(ev.pos())
        p1 = _clamp_point(self.parent(), p1)
        def nonzerosize(a, b):
            c = b-a
            return pg.Point(abs(c.x()) or 1, abs(c.y()) or 1)
        if not self.drawing:
            # add new line
            p0 = self.mapToView(ev.lastPos())
            p0 = _clamp_point(self.parent(), p0)
            s = nonzerosize(p0, p1)
            self.draw_ellipse = FinEllipse(p0, s, pen=pg.mkPen(draw_line_color), movable=True)
            self.drawing = True
            c = self.draw_ellipse.pos() + self.draw_ellipse.size()*0.5
            s = nonzerosize(c, p1)
            self.draw_ellipse.setSize(s*2, update=False)
        if ev.isFinish():
            self.drawing = False

    def mouseClickEvent(self, ev):
        if _mouse_clicked(self, ev):
        if ev.button() != QtCore.Qt.LeftButton or ev.modifiers() != QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier or not self.draw_line:
            return super().mouseClickEvent(ev)
        # add another segment to the currently drawn line
        p = self.mapToView(ev.pos())
        p = _clamp_point(self.parent(), p)
        self.drawing = False

    def keyPressEvent(self, ev):
        if _key_pressed(self, ev):

    def linkedViewChanged(self, view, axis):
        if not self.datasrc:
        if view:
            tr = self.targetRect()
            vr = view.targetRect()
            is_dirty = view.force_range_update > 0
            if is_dirty or abs(vr.left()-tr.left()) >= 1 or abs(vr.right()-tr.right()) >= 1:
                if is_dirty:
                    view.force_range_update -= 1
                self.update_y_zoom(vr.left(), vr.right())

    def zoom_rect(self, vr, scale_fact, center):
        if not self.datasrc:
        x0 = center.x() + (vr.left()-center.x()) * scale_fact
        x1 = center.x() + (vr.right()-center.x()) * scale_fact
        self.update_y_zoom(x0, x1)

    def pan_x(self, steps=None, percent=None):
        if steps is None:
            steps = int(percent/100*self.targetRect().width())
        tr = self.targetRect()
        x1 = tr.right() + steps
        startx = -0.5
        endx = len(self.datasrc.x) - 0.5
        if x1 > endx:
            x1 = endx
        x0 = x1 - tr.width()
        if x0 < startx:
            x0 = startx
            x1 = x0 + tr.width()
        self.update_y_zoom(x0, x1)

    def refresh_all_y_zoom(self):
        '''This updates Y zoom on all views, such as when a mouse drag is completed.'''
        main_vb = self
        if self.linkedView(0):
            self.force_range_update = 1 # main need to update only once to us
            main_vb = list(self.win.ci.items)[0].vb
        main_vb.force_range_update = len(self.win.ci.items)-1 # update main as many times as there are other rows
        # refresh crosshair when done
        _mouse_moved(self.win, None)

    def update_y_zoom(self, x0=None, x1=None):
        if x0 is None or x1 is None:
            tr = self.targetRect()
            x0 = tr.left()
            x1 = tr.right()
        # make edges rigid
        xl = max(round(x0-0.5)+0.5, -0.5)
        xr = min(round(x1-0.5)+0.5, len(self.datasrc.df)-0.5)
        dxl = xl-x0
        dxr = xr-x1
        if dxl > 0:
            x1 += dxl
        if dxr < 0:
            x0 += dxr
        x0 = max(round(x0-0.5)+0.5, -0.5)
        x1 = min(round(x1-0.5)+0.5, len(self.datasrc.df)-0.5)
        # fetch hi-lo and set range
        t0,t1,hi,lo,cnt = self.datasrc.hilo(x0, x1)
        if cnt < max_zoom_points:
        if not self.v_autozoom:
            tr = self.viewRect()
            hi = tr.bottom()
            lo = tr.top()
        if self.yscale.scaletype == 'log':
            lo = max(1e-100, lo)
            rng = (hi / lo) ** (1/self.v_zoom_scale)
            rng = min(rng, 1e50) # avoid float overflow
            base = (hi*lo) ** self.v_zoom_baseline
            y0 = base / rng**self.v_zoom_baseline
            y1 = base * rng**(1-self.v_zoom_baseline)
            rng = (hi-lo) / self.v_zoom_scale
            rng = max(rng, 2e-7) # some very weird bug where high/low exponents stops rendering
            base = (hi+lo) * self.v_zoom_baseline
            y0 = base - rng*self.v_zoom_baseline
            y1 = base + rng*(1-self.v_zoom_baseline)
        self.set_range(x0, y0, x1, y1)

    def set_range(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
        if x0 is None or x1 is None:
            tr = self.targetRect()
            x0 = tr.left()
            x1 = tr.right()
        if np.isnan(y0) or np.isnan(y1):
        _y0 = self.yscale.invxform(y0, verify=True)
        _y1 = self.yscale.invxform(y1, verify=True)
        self.setRange(QtCore.QRectF(pg.Point(x0, _y0), pg.Point(x1, _y1)), padding=0)

    def remove_last_roi(self):
        if self.rois:
            if isinstance(self.rois[-1], pg.EllipseROI):
                self.rois = self.rois[:-1]
                self.draw_ellipse = None
                h = self.rois[-1].handles[-1]['item']
                if not self.rois[-1].segments:
                    self.rois = self.rois[:-1]
                    self.draw_line = None
            if self.rois:
                if isinstance(self.rois[-1], pg.EllipseROI):
                    self.draw_ellipse = self.rois[-1]
                    self.draw_line = self.rois[-1]
            return True

    def append_draw_segment(self, p):
        h0 = self.draw_line.handles[-1]['item']
        h1 = self.draw_line.addFreeHandle(p)
        self.draw_line.addSegment(h0, h1)
        self.drawing = True

    def set_draw_line_color(self, color):
        if self.draw_line:
            pen = pg.mkPen(color)
            for segment in self.draw_line.segments:
                segment.currentPen = segment.pen = pen

    def suggestPadding(self, axis):
        return 0

class FinPlotItem(pg.GraphicsObject):
    def __init__(self, ax, datasrc):
        self.ax = ax
        self.datasrc = datasrc
        self.picture = QtGui.QPicture()
        self.painter = QtGui.QPainter()
        self.dirty = True

    def repaint(self):
        self.dirty = True

    def paint(self, p, *args):
        p.drawPicture(0, 0, self.picture)

    def update_dirty_picture(self, visibleRect):
        if self.dirty or \
            visibleRect.left() < self.cachedRect.left() or \
            visibleRect.right() > self.cachedRect.right() or \
            visibleRect.width() < self.cachedRect.width() / 3: # optimize when zooming in

    def _generate_picture(self, boundingRect):
        w = boundingRect.width()
        self.cachedRect = QtCore.QRectF(boundingRect.left()-w, 0, 3*w, 0)
        self.dirty = False

    def boundingRect(self):
        return QtCore.QRectF(self.picture.boundingRect())

class CandlestickItem(FinPlotItem):
    def __init__(self, ax, datasrc, draw_body, draw_shadow, candle_width, colorfunc):
        self.colors = dict(bull_shadow      = candle_bull_color,
                           bull_frame       = candle_bull_color,
                           bull_body        = hollow_brush_color,
                           bear_shadow      = candle_bear_color,
                           bear_frame       = candle_bear_color,
                           bear_body        = candle_bear_color,
                           weak_bull_shadow = brighten(candle_bull_color, 1.2),
                           weak_bull_frame  = brighten(candle_bull_color, 1.2),
                           weak_bull_body   = brighten(candle_bull_color, 1.2),
                           weak_bear_shadow = brighten(candle_bear_color, 1.5),
                           weak_bear_frame  = brighten(candle_bear_color, 1.5),
                           weak_bear_body   = brighten(candle_bear_color, 1.5))
        self.draw_body = draw_body
        self.draw_shadow = draw_shadow
        self.candle_width = candle_width
        self.colorfunc = colorfunc
        self.x_offset = 0
        super().__init__(ax, datasrc)

    def generate_picture(self, boundingRect):
        w = self.candle_width
        w2 = w * 0.5
        left,right = boundingRect.left(), boundingRect.right()
        p = self.painter
        df,origlen = self.datasrc.rows(5, left, right, yscale=self.ax.vb.yscale)
        drawing_many_shadows = self.draw_shadow and origlen > lod_candles*2//3
        for shadow,frame,body,df_rows in self.colorfunc(self, self.datasrc, df):
            idxs = df_rows.index
            rows = df_rows.values
            if self.x_offset:
                idxs += self.x_offset
            if self.draw_shadow:
                for x,(t,open,close,high,low) in zip(idxs, rows):
                    if high > low:
                        p.drawLine(QtCore.QPointF(x, low), QtCore.QPointF(x, high))
            if self.draw_body and not drawing_many_shadows: # settle with only drawing shadows if too much detail
                for x,(t,open,close,high,low) in zip(idxs, rows):
                    p.drawRect(QtCore.QRectF(x-w2, open, w, close-open))

    def rowcolors(self, prefix):
        return [self.colors[prefix+'_shadow'], self.colors[prefix+'_frame'], self.colors[prefix+'_body']]

class ScatterLabelItem(FinPlotItem):
    def __init__(self, ax, datasrc, color, anchor):
        self.color = color
        self.text_items = {}
        self.anchor = anchor
        self.show = False
        super().__init__(ax, datasrc)

    def generate_picture(self, bounding_rect):
        rows = self.getrows(bounding_rect)
        if len(rows) > lod_labels: # don't even generate when there's too many of them
        drops = set(self.text_items.keys())
        created = 0
        for x,t,y,txt in rows:
            txt = str(txt)
            key = '%s:%.8f' % (t, y)
            if key in self.text_items:
                item = self.text_items[key]
                item.setPos(x, y)
                self.text_items[key] = item = pg.TextItem(txt, color=self.color, anchor=self.anchor)
                item.setPos(x, y)
                created += 1
        if created > 0 or self.dirty: # only reduce cache if we've added some new or updated

    def clear_items(self, drop_keys):
        for key in drop_keys:
            item = self.text_items[key]
            del self.text_items[key]

    def getrows(self, bounding_rect):
        left,right = bounding_rect.left(), bounding_rect.right()
        df,_ = self.datasrc.rows(3, left, right, yscale=self.ax.vb.yscale, lod=False)
        rows = df.dropna()
        idxs = rows.index
        rows = rows.values
        rows = [(i,t,y,txt) for i,(t,y,txt) in zip(idxs, rows) if txt]
        return rows

    def boundingRect(self):
        return self.viewRect()

def create_plot(title='Finance Plot', rows=1, init_zoom_periods=1e10, maximize=True, yscale='linear'):
    global windows, last_ax
    pg.setConfigOptions(foreground=foreground, background=background)
    win = FinWindow(title)
    if maximize:
    # normally first graph is of higher significance, so enlarge
    win.ci.layout.setRowStretchFactor(0, top_graph_scale)
    win.ci.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0 ,0)
    axs = []
    prev_ax = None
    for n in range(rows):
        ysc = yscale[n] if type(yscale) in (list,tuple) else yscale
        ysc = YScale(ysc, 1)
        v_zoom_scale = 0.97
        viewbox = FinViewBox(win, init_steps=init_zoom_periods, yscale=ysc, v_zoom_scale=v_zoom_scale)
        ax = prev_ax = _add_timestamp_plot(win, prev_ax, viewbox=viewbox, index=n, yscale=ysc)
        if n == 0:
        axs += [ax]
    win.proxy_mmove = pg.SignalProxy(win.scene().sigMouseMoved, rateLimit=144, slot=partial(_mouse_moved, win))
    win._last_mouse_evs = None
    win._last_mouse_y = 0
    last_ax = axs[0]
    if len(axs) == 1:
        return axs[0]
    return axs

def price_colorfilter(item, datasrc, df):
    opencol = df.columns[1]
    closecol = df.columns[2]
    is_up = df[opencol] <= df[closecol] # open lower than close = goes up
    yield item.rowcolors('bull') + [df.loc[is_up, :]]
    yield item.rowcolors('bear') + [df.loc[~is_up, :]]

def volume_colorfilter(item, datasrc, df):
    opencol = df.columns[3]
    closecol = df.columns[4]
    is_up = df[opencol] <= df[closecol] # open lower than close = goes up
    yield item.rowcolors('bull') + [df.loc[is_up, :]]
    yield item.rowcolors('bear') + [df.loc[~is_up, :]]

def strength_colorfilter(item, datasrc, df):
    opencol = df.columns[1]
    closecol = df.columns[2]
    startcol = df.columns[3]
    endcol = df.columns[4]
    is_up = df[opencol] <= df[closecol] # open lower than close = goes up
    is_strong = df[startcol] <= df[endcol]
    yield item.rowcolors('bull') + [df.loc[is_up&is_strong, :]]
    yield item.rowcolors('weak_bull') + [df.loc[is_up&(~is_strong), :]]
    yield item.rowcolors('weak_bear') + [df.loc[(~is_up)&is_strong, :]]
    yield item.rowcolors('bear') + [df.loc[(~is_up)&(~is_strong), :]]

def candlestick_ochl(datasrc, draw_body=True, draw_shadow=True, candle_width=0.6, ax=None, colorfunc=price_colorfilter):
    ax = _create_plot(ax=ax, maximize=False)
    datasrc = _create_datasrc(ax, datasrc)
    datasrc.scale_cols = [3,4] # only hi+lo scales
    _set_datasrc(ax, datasrc)
    item = CandlestickItem(ax=ax, datasrc=datasrc, draw_body=draw_body, draw_shadow=draw_shadow, candle_width=candle_width, colorfunc=colorfunc)
    _update_significants(ax, datasrc, force=True)
    item.update_data = partial(_update_data, None, item)
    return item

def volume_ocv(datasrc, candle_width=0.8, ax=None, colorfunc=volume_colorfilter):
    ax = _create_plot(ax=ax, maximize=False)
    datasrc = _create_datasrc(ax, datasrc)
    _set_datasrc(ax, datasrc)
    item = CandlestickItem(ax=ax, datasrc=datasrc, draw_body=True, draw_shadow=False, candle_width=candle_width, colorfunc=colorfunc)
    _update_significants(ax, datasrc, force=True)
    item.colors['bull_body'] = item.colors['bull_frame']
    if colorfunc == volume_colorfilter: # assume normal volume plot
        item.colors['bull_frame'] = volume_bull_color
        item.colors['bull_body']  = volume_bull_color
        item.colors['bear_frame'] = volume_bear_color
        item.colors['bear_body']  = volume_bear_color
        ax.vb.v_zoom_baseline = 0
        item.colors['weak_bull_frame'] = brighten(volume_bull_color, 1.2)
        item.colors['weak_bull_body']  = brighten(volume_bull_color, 1.2)
    item.update_data = partial(_update_data, _adjust_volume_datasrc, item)
    return item

def plot(x, y=None, color=None, width=1, ax=None, style=None, legend=None, zoomscale=True):
    ax = _create_plot(ax=ax, maximize=False)
    used_color = _get_color(ax, style, color)
    datasrc = _create_datasrc(ax, x, y)
    if not zoomscale:
        datasrc.scale_cols = []
    _set_datasrc(ax, datasrc)
    if legend is not None and ax.legend is None:
        ax.legend = FinLegendItem(border_color=legend_border_color, fill_color=legend_fill_color, size=None, offset=(3,2))
    y = datasrc.y / ax.vb.yscale.scalef
    if style is None or style=='-':
        connect_dots = 'finite' # same as matplotlib; use datasrc.standalone=True if you want to keep separate intervals on a plot
        item = ax.plot(datasrc.index, y, pen=pg.mkPen(used_color, width=width), name=legend, connect=connect_dots)
        symbol = {'v':'t', '^':'t1', '>':'t2', '<':'t3'}.get(style, style) # translate some similar styles
        ser = y.loc[y.notnull()]
        item = ax.plot(ser.index, ser.values, pen=None, symbol=symbol, symbolPen=None, symbolSize=10, symbolBrush=pg.mkBrush(used_color), name=legend)
        item.scatter._dopaint = item.scatter.paint
        item.scatter.paint = partial(_paint_scatter, item.scatter)
        # optimize (when having large number of points) by ignoring scatter click detection
        _dummy_mouse_click = lambda ev: 0
        item.scatter.mouseClickEvent = _dummy_mouse_click
    item.opts['handed_color'] = color
    item.ax = ax
    item.datasrc = datasrc
    _update_significants(ax, datasrc, force=False)
    item.update_data = partial(_update_data, None, item)
    if ax.legend is not None:
        for _,label in ax.legend.items:
            label.setAttr('justify', 'left')
            label.setText(label.text, color=legend_text_color)
    return item

def labels(x, y=None, labels=None, color=None, ax=None, anchor=(0.5,1)):
    ax = _create_plot(ax=ax, maximize=False)
    color = _get_color(ax, None, color) if color is not None else '#000000'
    datasrc = _create_datasrc(ax, x, y, labels)
    datasrc.scale_cols = [] # don't use this for scaling
    _set_datasrc(ax, datasrc)
    item = ScatterLabelItem(ax=ax, datasrc=datasrc, color=color, anchor=anchor)
    _update_significants(ax, datasrc, force=False)
    item.update_data = partial(_update_data, None, item)
    if ax.vb.v_zoom_scale > 0.9: # adjust to make hi/lo text fit
        ax.vb.v_zoom_scale = 0.9
    return item

def fill_between(plot0, plot1, color=None):
    used_color = brighten(_get_color(plot0.ax, None, color), 1.3)
    item = pg.FillBetweenItem(plot0, plot1, brush=pg.mkBrush(used_color))
    item.ax = plot0.ax
    return item

def dfplot(df, x=None, y=None, color=None, width=1, ax=None, style=None, legend=None, zoomscale=True):
    legend = legend if legend else y
    x = x if x else df.columns[0]
    y = y if y else df.columns[1]
    return plot(df[x], df[y], color=color, width=width, ax=ax, style=style, legend=legend, zoomscale=zoomscale)

def set_y_range(ymin, ymax, ax=None):
    ax = _create_plot(ax=ax, maximize=False)
    ax.setLimits(yMin=ymin, yMax=ymax)
    ax.vb.v_autozoom = False
    ax.vb.set_range(None, ymin, None, ymax)

def set_yscale(yscale='linear', ax=None):
    ax = _create_plot(ax=ax, maximize=False)
    ax.vb.yscale = YScale(yscale, ax.vb.yscale.scalef)

def add_band(y0, y1, color=band_color, ax=None):
    ax = _create_plot(ax=ax, maximize=False)
    lr = pg.LinearRegionItem([y0,y1], orientation=pg.LinearRegionItem.Horizontal, brush=pg.mkBrush(color), movable=False)

def add_line(p0, p1, color=draw_line_color, interactive=False, ax=None):
    ax = _create_plot(ax=ax, maximize=False)
    x_pts = _pdtime2index(ax, pd.Series([p0[0], p1[0]]))
    pts = [(x_pts[0], p0[1]), (x_pts[1], p1[1])]
    if interactive:
        line = FinPolyLine(ax.vb, pts, closed=False, pen=pg.mkPen(color), movable=False)
        line = FinLine(pts, pen=pg.mkPen(color))
    line.ax = ax
    return line

def remove_line(line):
    ax = line.ax
    if line in ax.vb.rois:
    if hasattr(line, 'texts'):
        for txt in line.texts:

def add_text(pos, s, color=draw_line_color, anchor=(0,0), ax=None):
    ax = _create_plot(ax=ax, maximize=False)
    text = pg.TextItem(s, color=color, anchor=anchor)
    text.setPos(_pdtime2index(ax, pd.Series([pos[0]]))[0], pos[1])
    text.ax = ax
    ax.addItem(text, ignoreBounds=True)
    return text

def remove_text(text):

def set_time_inspector(inspector, ax=None):
    '''Callback when clicked like so: inspector().'''
    ax = ax if ax else last_ax
    win = ax.vb.win
    win.proxy_click = pg.SignalProxy(win.scene().sigMouseClicked, slot=partial(_time_clicked, ax, inspector))

def add_crosshair_info(infofunc, ax=None):
    '''Callback when crosshair updated like so: info(x,y,xtext,ytext); the info()
       callback must return two values: xtext and ytext.'''
    ax = _create_plot(ax=ax, maximize=False)

def timer_callback(update_func, seconds, single_shot=False):
    global timers
    timer = QtCore.QTimer()
    if single_shot:

def autoviewrestore(enable=True):
    '''Restor functionality saves view zoom coordinates when closing a window, and
       load them when creating the plot (with the same name) again.'''
    global viewrestore
    viewrestore = enable

def show():
    for win in windows:
        vbs = set(ax.vb for ax in win.ci.items)
        for vb in vbs:
        if viewrestore:
            if _loadwindata(win):
        for vb in vbs:
            if vb.datasrc:
                vb.update_y_zoom(vb.datasrc.init_x0, vb.datasrc.init_x1)
    if windows:

def play_sound(filename):
    if filename not in sounds:
        from PyQt5.QtMultimedia import QSound
        sounds[filename] = QSound(filename) # disallow gc
    s = sounds[filename]

#################### INTERNALS ####################

def _loadwindata(win):
    try: os.mkdir(os.path.expanduser('~/.finplot'))
    except: pass
        f = os.path.expanduser('~/.finplot/'+win.title.replace('/','-')+'.ini')
        settings = [(k.strip(),literal_eval(v.strip())) for line in open(f) for k,d,v in [line.partition('=')] if v]
    kvs = {k:v for k,v in settings}
    vbs = set(ax.vb for ax in win.ci.items)
    for vb in vbs:
        ds = vb.datasrc
        if ds:
            period = ds.period
            if kvs['min_x'] >= ds.x.iloc[0]-period and kvs['max_x'] <= ds.x.iloc[-1]+period:
                x0,x1 = ds.x.loc[ds.x>=kvs['min_x']].index[0], ds.x.loc[ds.x<=kvs['max_x']].index[-1]
                vb.update_y_zoom(x0, x1)
    return True

def _savewindata(win):
    if not viewrestore:
        min_x = int(1e100)
        max_x = int(-1e100)
        for ax in win.ci.items:
            if ax.vb.targetRect().right() < 4: # ignore empty plots
            t0,t1,_,_,_ = ax.vb.datasrc.hilo(ax.vb.targetRect().left(), ax.vb.targetRect().right())
            min_x = np.nanmin([min_x, t0])
            max_x = np.nanmax([max_x, t1])
        if np.max(np.abs([min_x, max_x])) < 1e99:
            s = 'min_x = %s\nmax_x = %s\n' % (min_x, max_x)
            f = os.path.expanduser('~/.finplot/'+win.title.replace('/','-')+'.ini')
            try: changed = open(f).read() != s
            except: changed = True
            if changed:
                open(f, 'wt').write(s)
                ## print('%s saved' % win.title)
    except Exception as e:
        print('Error saving plot:', e)

def _create_plot(ax=None, **kwargs):
    if ax:
        return ax
    if last_ax:
        return last_ax
    return create_plot(**kwargs)

def _add_timestamp_plot(win, prev_ax, viewbox, index, yscale):
    if prev_ax is not None:
        prev_ax.hideAxis('bottom') # hide the whole previous axis
    axes = {'bottom': EpochAxisItem(vb=viewbox, orientation='bottom'),
            'left':   YAxisItem(vb=viewbox, orientation='left')}
    ax = pg.PlotItem(viewBox=viewbox, axisItems=axes, name='plot-%i'%index)
    ax.axes['left']['item'].textWidth = y_label_width # this is to put all graphs on equal footing when texts vary from 0.4 to 2000000
    ax.axes['left']['item'].setStyle(tickLength=-5) # some bug, totally unexplicable (why setting the default value again would fix repaint width as axis scale down)
    ax.axes['left']['item'].setZValue(30) # put axis in front instead of behind data
    ax.significant_decimals = significant_decimals
    ax.significant_eps = significant_eps
    ax.crosshair = FinCrossHair(ax, color=cross_hair_color)
    ax.overlay = partial(_overlay, ax)
    if index%2:
    return ax

def _overlay(ax, scale=0.25):
    global overlay_axs
    viewbox = FinViewBox(ax.vb.win, init_steps=ax.vb.init_steps, yscale=YScale('linear', 1))
    viewbox.v_zoom_scale = scale
    def updateView():
    axo = pg.PlotItem()
    axo.significant_decimals = significant_decimals
    axo.significant_eps = significant_eps
    axo.vb = viewbox
    return axo

def _update_significants(ax, datasrc, force):
    # check if no epsilon set yet
    default_dec = 0.99 < ax.significant_decimals/significant_decimals < 1.01
    default_eps = 0.99 < ax.significant_eps/significant_eps < 1.01
    if force or (default_dec and default_eps):
            sd,se = datasrc.calc_significant_decimals()
            if default_dec or sd > ax.significant_decimals:
                ax.significant_decimals = sd
            if default_eps or se < ax.significant_eps:
                ax.significant_eps = se
            pass # datasrc probably full av NaNs

def _is_standalone(timeser):
    # more than N percent gaps or time reversals probably means this is a standalone plot
    return timeser.isnull().sum() + (timeser.diff()<=0).sum() > len(timeser)*0.1

def _create_series(a):
    return a if isinstance(a, pd.Series) else pd.Series(a)

def _create_datasrc(ax, *args, datacols=1):
    def do_create(*args):
        args = [a for a in args if a is not None]
        if len(args) == 1 and type(args[0]) == PandasDataSource:
            return args[0]
        if len(args) == 1 and type(args[0]) in (list, tuple):
            args = [np.array(args[0])]
        if len(args) == 1 and type(args[0]) == np.ndarray:
            args = [pd.DataFrame(args[0].T)]
        if len(args) == 1 and type(args[0]) == pd.DataFrame:
            return PandasDataSource(args[0])
        args = [_create_series(a) for a in args]
        return PandasDataSource(pd.concat(args, axis=1))
    datasrc = do_create(*args)
    # check if time column missing
    if len(datasrc.df.columns) == datacols:
        # assume time data has already been added before
        for a in ax.vb.win.ci.items:
            if a.vb.datasrc and len(a.vb.datasrc.df.columns) >= 2:
                col = a.vb.datasrc.df.columns[0]
                datasrc.df.insert(0, col, a.vb.datasrc.df[col])
                datasrc = PandasDataSource(datasrc.df)
    # FIX: stupid QT bug causes rectangles larger than 2G to flicker, so scale rendering down some
    if datasrc.df.iloc[:, 1:].max(numeric_only=True).max() > 1e8: # too close to 2G for comfort
    return datasrc

def _set_datasrc(ax, datasrc):
    viewbox = ax.vb
    if not datasrc.standalone:
        if viewbox.datasrc is None:
            viewbox.set_datasrc(datasrc) # for mwheel zoom-scaling
            _set_x_limits(ax, datasrc)
            _set_x_limits(ax, datasrc)
            viewbox.set_datasrc(viewbox.datasrc) # update zoom
    # update period if this datasrc has higher resolution
    global epoch_period
    if epoch_period > 1e10 or not datasrc.standalone:
        ep = datasrc.period
        epoch_period = ep if ep < epoch_period else epoch_period

def _has_timecol(df):
    return len(df.columns) >= 2

def _adjust_volume_datasrc(datasrc):
    if len(datasrc.df.columns) <= 4:
        datasrc.df.insert(3, '_zero_', [0]*len(datasrc.df)) # base of candles is always zero
    datasrc.df = datasrc.df.iloc[:,[0,3,4,1,2]] # re-arrange columns for rendering
    datasrc.scale_cols = [1, 2] # scale by both baseline and volume

def _update_data(adjustfunc, item, ds):
    ds = _create_datasrc(item.ax, ds)
    if adjustfunc:
    if isinstance(item, FinPlotItem):
        item.dirty = True
        item.setData(item.datasrc.index, item.datasrc.y)
    x_min,x1 = _set_x_limits(item.ax, item.datasrc)
    # scroll all plots if we're at the far right
    tr = item.ax.vb.targetRect()
    x0 = x1 - tr.width()
    for ax in item.ax.vb.win.ci.items:
        ax.setLimits(xMin=x_min, xMax=x1)
    if tr.right() >= x1-5:
        for ax in item.ax.vb.win.ci.items:
            ax.vb.update_y_zoom(x0, x1)
    for ax in item.ax.vb.win.ci.items:

def _pre_process_data(vb):
    if vb.datasrc and vb.datasrc.scale_cols:
        df = vb.datasrc.df.iloc[:, vb.datasrc.scale_cols]
        vb.y_max = df.max().max()
        vb.y_min = df.min().min()
        if vb.y_min <= 0:
            vb.y_positive = False

def _set_plot_x_axis_leader(ax):
    '''The first plot to add some data is the leader. All other's X-axis will follow this one.'''
    if ax.vb.linkedView(0):
    for _ax in ax.vb.win.ci.items:
        if not _ax.vb.linkedView(0) and _ax.vb.name != ax.vb.name:

def _set_x_limits(ax, datasrc):
    x0 = -0.5
    ax.setLimits(xMin=x0, xMax=datasrc.init_x1)
    return x0, datasrc.init_x1

def _repaint_candles():
    '''Candles are only partially drawn, and therefore needs manual dirty reminder whenever it goes off-screen.'''
    axs = [ax for win in windows for ax in win.ci.items] + overlay_axs
    for ax in axs:
        for item in ax.items:
            if isinstance(item, FinPlotItem):

def _paint_scatter(item, p, *args):
    with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): # make pg's mask creation calls to numpy shut up
        item._dopaint(p, *args)

def _key_pressed(vb, ev):
    if ev.text() == 'g': # grid
        global clamp_grid
        clamp_grid = not clamp_grid
        for win in windows:
            for ax in win.ci.items:
    elif ev.text() in ('\r', ' '): # enter, space
        vb.draw_line = None
    elif ev.text() in ('\x7f', '\b'): # del, backspace
        if not vb.remove_last_roi():
            return False
    elif ev.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Left:
    elif ev.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Right:
    elif ev.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Home:
    elif ev.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_End:
    elif ev.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape:
        return False
    return True

def _mouse_clicked(vb, ev):
    if ev.button() == 8: # back
    elif ev.button() == 16: # fwd
        return False
    return True

def _mouse_moved(win, evs):
    if not evs:
        evs = win._last_mouse_evs
        if not evs:
    win._last_mouse_evs = evs
    pos = evs[-1]
    # allow inter-pixel moves if moving mouse slowly
    y = pos.y()
    dy = y - win._last_mouse_y
    if 0 < abs(dy) <= 1:
        pos.setY(pos.y() - dy/2)
    win._last_mouse_y = y
    # apply to all crosshairs
    for ax in win.ci.items:
        point = ax.vb.mapSceneToView(pos)
        if ax.crosshair:

def _wheel_event_wrapper(self, orig_func, ev):
    # scrolling on the border is simply annoying, pop in a couple of pixels to make sure
    d = QtCore.QPoint(-2,0)
    ev = QtGui.QWheelEvent(ev.pos()+d, ev.globalPos()+d, ev.pixelDelta(), ev.angleDelta(), ev.angleDelta().y(), QtCore.Qt.Vertical, ev.buttons(), ev.modifiers())
    orig_func(self, ev)

def _time_clicked(ax, inspector, evs):
    if evs[-1].accepted:
    pos = evs[-1].scenePos()
    point = ax.vb.mapSceneToView(pos)
    t = point.x() + 0.5
    t = ax.vb.datasrc.closest_time(t)
    inspector(t, point.y())

def brighten(color, f):
    if not color:
        return color
    return pg.mkColor(color).lighter(f*100)

def _get_color(ax, style, wanted_color):
    if type(wanted_color) == str:
        return wanted_color
    index = wanted_color if type(wanted_color) == int else None
    if style is None or style=='-':
        if index is None:
            index = len([i for i in ax.items if isinstance(i,pg.PlotDataItem) and not i.opts['symbol'] and not i.opts['handed_color']])
        return soft_colors[index%len(soft_colors)]
    if index is None:
        index = len([i for i in ax.items if isinstance(i,pg.PlotDataItem) and i.opts['symbol'] and not i.opts['handed_color']])
    return hard_colors[index%len(hard_colors)]

def _pdtime2epoch(t):
    if isinstance(t, pd.Series):
        if isinstance(t.iloc[0], pd.Timestamp):
            return t.astype('int64') // int(1e6)
        if np.nanmax(t.values) > 1e13: # handle ns epochs
            return t.astype('float64') / 1e3
        if np.nanmax(t.values) < 1e10: # handle s epochs
            return t.astype('float64') * 1e3
    return t

def _pdtime2index(ax, ts):
    if isinstance(ts.iloc[0], pd.Timestamp):
        ts = ts.astype('int64') // int(1e6)
    elif np.nanmax(ts.values) > 1e13: # handle ns epochs
        ts = ts.astype('float64') / 1e3
    elif np.nanmax(ts.values) < 1e10: # handle s epochs
        ts = ts.astype('float64') * 1e3
    r = []
    datasrc = _get_datasrc(ax)
    for t in ts:
        xs = datasrc.x
        xss = xs.loc[xs>t]
        if len(xss) == 0:
            t0 = xs.iloc[-1]
            if t0 == t:
            assert t <= t0, 'must plot this primitive in prior time-range'
        i1 = xss.index[0]
        i0 = i1-1
        t0,t1 = xs.loc[i0], xs.loc[i1]
        dt = (t-t0) / (t1-t0)
        r.append(lerp(dt, i0, i1))
    return r

def _get_datasrc(ax):
    if ax.vb.datasrc is not None:
        return ax.vb.datasrc
    vbs = set(ax.vb for win in windows for ax in win.ci.items)
    for vb in vbs:
        if vb.datasrc:
            return vb.datasrc
    assert ax.vb.datasrc, 'not possible to plot this primitive without a prior time-range to compare to'

def _epoch2local(datasrc, x):
    if not datasrc:
        return ''
        x += 0.5
        t,_,_,_,cnt = datasrc.hilo(x, x)
        if cnt:
            s = datetime.fromtimestamp(t/1000).isoformat().replace('T',' ')
            if epoch_period >= 24*60*60:
                i = s.index(' ')
            elif epoch_period >= 60*60:
                i = s.index(':')
            elif epoch_period >= 60:
                i = s.rindex(':')
            elif epoch_period >= 1:
                i = s.index('.') if '.' in s else len(s)
            elif epoch_period >= 0.001:
                i = -3
                i = len(s)
            return s[:i]
    except Exception as e:
        import traceback
    return ''

def _round_to_significant(rng, rngmax, x, significant_decimals, significant_eps):
    is_highres = rng/significant_eps > 1e2 and (rngmax>1e7 or rngmax<1e-2)
    sd = significant_decimals
    if is_highres and abs(x)>0:
        exp10 = floor(np.log10(abs(x)))
        x = x / (10**exp10)
        sd = min(5, sd+int(np.log10(rngmax)))
        fmt = '%%%i.%ife%%i' % (sd, sd)
        r = fmt % (x, exp10)
        eps = fmod(x, significant_eps)
        if abs(eps) >= significant_eps/2:
            # round up
            eps -= np.sign(eps)*significant_eps
        x -= eps
        fmt = '%%%i.%if' % (sd, sd)
        r = fmt % x
    return r

def _roihandle_move_snap(vb, orig_func, pos, modifiers=QtCore.Qt.KeyboardModifier(), finish=True):
    pos = vb.mapDeviceToView(pos)
    pos = _clamp_point(vb.parent(), pos)
    pos = vb.mapViewToDevice(pos)
    orig_func(pos, modifiers=modifiers, finish=finish)

def _clamp_xy(ax, x, y):
    y = ax.vb.yscale.xform(y)
    if clamp_grid:
        x = round(x)
        eps = ax.significant_eps
        eps2 = np.sign(y) * 0.5 * eps
        y -= fmod(y+eps2, eps) - eps2
    y = ax.vb.yscale.invxform(y, verify=True)
    return x, y

def _clamp_point(ax, p):
    if clamp_grid:
        x,y = _clamp_xy(ax, p.x(), p.y())
        return pg.Point(x, y)
    return p

def _draw_line_segment_text(polyline, segment, pos0, pos1):
    diff = pos1 - pos0
    fsecs = abs(diff.x()*epoch_period)
    secs = int(fsecs)
    mins = secs//60
    hours = mins//60
    mins = mins%60
    secs = secs%60
    if hours==0 and mins==0 and secs < 60 and epoch_period < 1:
        msecs = int((fsecs-int(fsecs))*1000)
        ts = '%0.2i:%0.2i.%0.3i' % (mins, secs, msecs)
    elif hours==0 and mins < 60 and epoch_period < 60:
        ts = '%0.2i:%0.2i:%0.2i' % (hours, mins, secs)
    elif hours < 24:
        ts = '%0.2i:%0.2i' % (hours, mins)
        days = hours // 24
        hours %= 24
        ts = '%id %0.2i:%0.2i' % (days, hours, mins)
        if ts.endswith(' 00:00'):
            ts = ts.partition(' ')[0]
    ysc = polyline.vb.yscale
    if polyline.vb.y_positive:
        y0,y1 = ysc.xform(pos0.y()), ysc.xform(pos1.y())
        value = '%+.2f %%' % (100 * y1 / y0 - 100)
        dy = ysc.xform(diff.y())
        if dy and (abs(dy) >= 1e4 or abs(dy) <= 1e-2):
            value = '%+3.3g' % dy
            value = '%+2.2f' % dy
    extra = _draw_line_extra_text(polyline, segment, pos0, pos1)
    return '%s %s (%s)' % (value, extra, ts)

def _draw_line_extra_text(polyline, segment, pos0, pos1):
    '''Shows the proportions of this line height compared to the previous segment.'''
    prev_text = None
    for text in polyline.texts:
        if prev_text is not None and text.segment == segment:
            h0 = prev_text.segment.handles[0]['item']
            h1 = prev_text.segment.handles[1]['item']
            prev_change = h1.pos().y() - h0.pos().y()
            this_change = pos1.y() - pos0.y()
            if not abs(prev_change) > 1e-14:
            change_part = abs(this_change / prev_change)
            return ' = 1:%.2f ' % change_part
        prev_text = text
    return ''

qtver = '%d.%d' % (QtCore.QT_VERSION//256//256, QtCore.QT_VERSION//256%256)
if qtver not in ('5.9', '5.13'):
    print('WARNING: your version of Qt may not plot curves containing NaNs and is not recommended.')
    print('See https://github.com/pyqtgraph/pyqtgraph/issues/1057')

# default to black-on-white
pg.widgets.GraphicsView.GraphicsView.wheelEvent = partialmethod(_wheel_event_wrapper, pg.widgets.GraphicsView.GraphicsView.wheelEvent)
# pick up win resolution
    import ctypes
    user32 = ctypes.windll.user32
    lod_candles = int(user32.GetSystemMetrics(0) * 1.6)

if False: # performance measurement code
    import time, sys
    def self_timecall(self, pname, fname, func, *args, **kwargs):
        ## print('self_timecall', pname, fname)
        t0 = time.perf_counter()
        r = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
        t1 = time.perf_counter()
        print('%s.%s: %f' % (pname, fname, t1-t0))
        return r
    def timecall(fname, func, *args, **kwargs):
        ## print('timecall', fname)
        t0 = time.perf_counter()
        r = func(*args, **kwargs)
        t1 = time.perf_counter()
        print('%s: %f' % (fname, t1-t0))
        return r
    def wrappable(fn, f):
        try:    return callable(f) and str(f.__module__) == 'finplot'
        except: return False
    m = sys.modules['finplot']
    for fname in dir(m):
        func = getattr(m, fname)
        if wrappable(fname, func):
            for fname2 in dir(func):
                func2 = getattr(func, fname2)
                if wrappable(fname2, func2):
                    print(fname, str(type(func)), '->', fname2, str(type(func2)))
                    setattr(func, fname2, partialmethod(self_timecall, fname, fname2, func2))
            setattr(m, fname, partial(timecall, fname, func))