Copyright 2017 Glen Harmon


import os
import ipaddress
import logging
import importlib
import socket

import sublime

from .html_helper import Html
from .selection_utility import SelectionUtility
from .variables import ip

Iana = importlib.import_module('Network Tech.lib.iana').Iana
cache = importlib.import_module('Network Tech.lib.utilities').cache

# from network_tech.lib.iana import Iana

logger = logging.getLogger('network_tech.search.network.network')

iana = Iana(os.path.sep.join(['Network Tech', 'iana.cache']))

def _ipv6_mac(network):
    """ Get the MAC address from an auto generated IPv6 address """
    # Example address used in comments: fe80::a021:27ff:fe00:d8
    address = ipaddress.ip_interface(network).ip

    # Fully written out fe80::a021:27ff:fe00:d8 → fe80:0:0:0:a021:27ff:fe00:d8

    # Remove the first 64 bits
    binary_digits = bin(int(address))[2:].zfill(128)

    removed_prefix = binary_digits[64:]

    # We now have a021:27ff:fe00:d8

    # Verify it is auto generated, bits 24-40 are 'fffe':
    if hex(int(removed_prefix[24:40], 2)).lower() != '0xfffe':
        return None

    # Flip bit 6 using a mask
    flipped_bit = '0' if removed_prefix[6] == '1' else '1'
    bit_flipped = removed_prefix[0:6] + flipped_bit + removed_prefix[7:]

    # Remove the inserted ff:fe in the middle
    mac_in_binary = bit_flipped[0:24] + bit_flipped[40:]

    mac_in_hex = hex(int(mac_in_binary, 2))

    mac_in_hex_zero_padded = mac_in_hex[2:].zfill(12)

    mac_parts = list()
    for i in range(0, len(mac_in_hex_zero_padded), 4):
            mac_in_hex_zero_padded[i:i + 4]

    return ".".join(mac_parts)

class Network:
    prefix_removals = [

    def info(cls, network):
        """ Returns HTML formated information about the network """
        content = ''
        if network.network.num_addresses == 1:
            content = cls._info_address(network)
            content = cls._info_network(network)
        return content
        # elif isinstance(network, (ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv6Address)):
        #     pass
    def _info_address(cls, ip):
        content = Html.div('IP: {}'.format(ip.ip))
        if ip.is_link_local:
            content += ''.join([
                Html.div('Link Local Address'),

            link_local_mac = _ipv6_mac(ip)
            if link_local_mac is not None:
                content += ''.join([
                    Html.div('Auto Generated from MAC: {}'.format(link_local_mac)),

        return content

    def _info_network(cls, network):
        content = ''
        neighbors = cls.get_neighbors(network)
        logger.debug('Neighbors {}'.format(len(neighbors)))
        before, _, after = cls.get_neighbors(network)
        network_address = str(network.network.network_address)
        broadcast_address = str(network.network.broadcast_address)
        if network_address != broadcast_address:
            if network.version == 4:
                content = ''.join([
                    Html.div('Network: {}'.format(network.network)),
                    Html.div('Broadcast: {}'.format(broadcast_address)),
                    Html.div('# Addresses: {}'.format(network.network.num_addresses)),
                content = ''.join([
                    Html.div('Network: {}/{}'.format(network_address, network.network.prefixlen)),
                if network.is_link_local:
                    content += ''.join([
                        Html.div('Link Local Address'),

                link_local_mac = _ipv6_mac(network)
                if link_local_mac is not None:
                    content += ''.join([
                        Html.div('Auto Generated from MAC: {}'.format(link_local_mac)),

            if before or after:
                content += Html.div('Neighboring Networks')
            if after:
                content += Html.div(' Next: {}'.format(after.network))
            if before:
                content += Html.div(' Previous: {}'.format(before.network))
        return content

    def rir(cls, network):
        rir = iana.get_registrar(network)
        if rir is not None:
            content = Html.div('RIR: {}'.format(rir))
            content = ''
        return content

    @cache.memory(expire_minutes=5, is_class_method=True)
    def ptr_lookup(cls, network):
        ip = str(ipaddress.ip_interface(network).ip)
            primary_hostname, alias_hostnames, other_ips = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)
        except socket.herror as e:
            logger.debug('DNS Reverse Lookup Error {}'.format(e))
            return Html.div('DNS: n/a')

        content = Html.div(
            'DNS: {}'.format(

        if alias_hostnames:
            content += Html.div('DNS Aliases:')
        for hostname in alias_hostnames:
            fqdn_hostname = socket.getfqdn(hostname)
            logger.debug('Alias {} FQDN {}'.format(hostname, fqdn_hostname))
            content += Html.div(fqdn_hostname)
        return content

    def _neighboring_network(cls, interface, after=True):
        prefix = interface.network.prefixlen
        network = interface.network
            neighbor = network.broadcast_address + 1 if after else network.network_address - 1
        except ipaddress.AddressValueError:
            return None
        return ipaddress.ip_interface('{}/{}'.format(neighbor, prefix))

    def get_neighbors(cls, networks, neighbors=1):
        if not isinstance(networks, list):
            networks = [networks]
        if len(networks) == 0:
            raise ValueError('No network defined')

        before = cls._neighboring_network(networks[0], after=False)
        after = cls._neighboring_network(networks[-1], after=True)

        networks.insert(0, before)

        remaining_neighbors = neighbors - 1
        if remaining_neighbors > 0:
            networks = cls.get_neighbors(networks, neighbors=remaining_neighbors)
        return networks

    def get_network_on_cursor(cls, region, view):
        network = None
        selection_functions = [
            lambda view, region: SelectionUtility.word(view, region),
            lambda view, region: SelectionUtility.left_word(view, region),
            lambda view, region: SelectionUtility.right_word(view, region),
            lambda view, region: SelectionUtility.left_word(view, region, repeat=2),
            lambda view, region: SelectionUtility.right_word(view, region, repeat=2),
            lambda view, region: SelectionUtility.right_word(
                view, SelectionUtility.left_word(view, region).begin(), repeat=2
        for index, selection_function in enumerate(selection_functions):
            selected = selection_function(view, region)
            network_region = view.substr(selected)
            current_network = cls.get(network_region)
            if current_network:
                    logger.debug('Selection function #{} found network {} in text "{}". '.format(
                        index + 1,
                    if network is None:
                        network = current_network
                    elif current_network.network.prefixlen < network.network.prefixlen:
                        network = current_network
        return str(network) if network else ''

    def masks(cls, interface):
        return [
            '/' + str(interface.network.prefixlen),

    def contains(cls, group, member):
        return int(group.network.network_address) <= int(member.network.network_address) and \
            int(group.network.broadcast_address) >= int(member.network.broadcast_address)

    def clean(cls, network_text):
        for remove in cls.prefix_removals:
            network_text = network_text.replace(remove, '')
        network_text = network_text.strip()
        network_text = network_text.replace('  ', ' ')
        return network_text

    def _get_from_re_match(cls, network_text):
        network = None

        match = ip.v4.network.search(network_text)
        if match:
            ip_address = match.group('ip')
            prefix_length = match.group('prefix_length')
            netmask = match.group('netmask')
            wildcard = match.group('wildcard')
            mask = prefix_length or netmask or wildcard
                if mask:
                    network = ipaddress.ip_interface('/'.join([ip_address, mask]))
                    network = ipaddress.ip_interface(ip_address)
            except ValueError:
            logger.debug('Network regexp match: "{}" from {}'.format(network, match.group()))
            return network
        match = ip.v4.host.search(network_text)
        if match:
            ip_address = match.group('ip')
            network = ipaddress.ip_interface(ip_address)
            logger.debug('Host regexp match: "{}" from {}'.format(network, match.group()))
            return network

        match = ip.v6.network.search(network_text)
        if match:
            network = ipaddress.ip_interface(match.group(0))
            logger.debug('Host regexp match: "{}" from {}'.format(network, match.group()))
            return network

        match = ip.v6.host.search(network_text)
        if match:
            network = ipaddress.ip_interface(match.group(0))
            logger.debug('Host regexp match: "{}" from {}'.format(network, match.group()))
            return network

        return network

    def get(cls, network_text):
        network_text = cls.clean(network_text)
        # network_text = '/'.join(network_text.split())
        # logger.debug('bang: {}'.format(network_text))
        network = cls._get_from_re_match(network_text)
        # try:
        #     network = ipaddress.ip_interface(network_text)
        # except ValueError:
        #     network = None
        return network

    def clean_region(cls, view, region):
        text = view.substr(region)
        for remove in cls.prefix_removals:
            if text.startswith(remove):
                cleaned = text.replace(remove, '').strip()
                removed_characters = len(text) - len(cleaned)
                return sublime.Region(region.begin() + removed_characters, region.end())
        return region

    def clean_regions(cls, view, regions):
        cleaned = list()
        for region in regions:
            cleaned = cls.clean_region(view, region)
        return cleaned