# This file is a part of the normalize python library
# normalize is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the MIT License.
# normalize is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# MIT License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the MIT license along with
# normalize.  If not, refer to the upstream repository at
# http://github.com/hearsaycorp/normalize

from __future__ import absolute_import
import six

from builtins import range, object
import collections
from copy import deepcopy
import functools
import re

from normalize.coll import DictCollection
from normalize.coll import ListCollection
from normalize.exc import FieldSelectorAttributeError
from normalize.exc import FieldSelectorException
from normalize.exc import FieldSelectorKeyError

def _try_index(instance, selector):
    if isinstance(instance, six.string_types):
        return False
    if isinstance(selector, six.integer_types):
        return True
    if getattr(instance, "__getitem__", False):
        return True
    return False

class FieldSelector(object):
    A way to refer to fields/record/properties within a data structure.

    This is modeled as a list of either attribute names or collection indices,

    * A string specifies an attribute of an object (or a dictionary key)
    * An integer specifies an index into a collection.
    * 'None' specifies the full collection.
    def __init__(self, expr=None):
        """Initializer for FieldSelector instances.


            ``expr=``\ *FieldSelector*\ \|\ *<iterable>*
                Starting expression for the selector; can copy an existing
                FieldSelector or instantiate one from an iterable list of
                attribute names/indices
        self.selectors = []

        if expr:
            if hasattr(expr, "selectors"):
                expr_selectors = expr.selectors
                expr_selectors = list(expr)

            # Validate the selector
            if any(
                e for e in expr_selectors if not (
                    isinstance(e, six.string_types) or
                    isinstance(e, six.integer_types) or e is None
                raise ValueError(
                    "FieldSelectors can only contain ints/longs, "
                    "strings, and None"
            # shallow copying via slice is faster than copy.copy()
            self.selectors = expr_selectors[:]

    def add_property(self, prop):
        """Extends the selector, adding a new attribute property lookup at the
        end, specified by name."""
        if not isinstance(prop, six.string_types):
            raise ValueError(
                "properties must be specified by their string name"

    def add_index(self, index):
        """Extends the selector, adding a new indexed collection lookup at the
        if not isinstance(index, six.integer_types):
            raise ValueError("index must be an int or a long")

    def add_full_collection(self):
        """Extends the selector, making it refer to *all* items in the
        collection at this point."""

    def extend(self, other):
        Extends this field selector with another FieldSelector, combining them
        to one longer field selector.
        return self  # Useful for chaining

    def __getnewargs__(self):
        The pickle protocol is supported on this type.
        return (tuple(self.selectors),)

    def get(self, record):
        Evaluate the FieldSelector's path to get a specific attribute (or
        collection of attributes, if there is a ``None`` in the selector
        expression) from the passed record.

        If there is a problem, this method will typically raise

        If the FieldSelector contains ``None``, then exceptions from iterating
        over all of the sub-fields are suppressed, so long as one of the items
        succeed.  The return value will have ``None`` for the values which did
        not have the attribute.  If all the items fail, then one of the
        exceptions will be bubbled up to the caller.


           record.foo = "bar"
           field_selector = FieldSelector(["foo"])
           print field_selector.get(record)  # "bar"
        i = 0
        for selector in self.selectors:
            if selector is None:
                sub_field_selector = type(self)(self.selectors[i + 1:])
                rv = []
                all_exc = None
                for r in record:
                    val = None
                        val = sub_field_selector.get(r)
                        all_exc = False
                    except FieldSelectorException as e:
                        if all_exc is None:
                            all_exc = e
                if all_exc:
                    raise all_exc
                    return rv
            elif _try_index(record, selector):
                    record = record[selector]
                except IndexError:
                    raise FieldSelectorKeyError(key=selector)
                if not hasattr(record, selector):
                    raise FieldSelectorAttributeError(name=selector)
                record = getattr(record, selector)
            i = i + 1
        return record

    def get_or_none(self, record):
        """Evaluate the FieldSelector's path and return the value, like

        If there is a problem, such as the attribute does not exist,
        this method will return ``None``.
            return self.get(record)
        except FieldSelectorException:
            return None

    def put(self, record, value):
        Sets the field referenced by this field selector for the given Record
        with the given value.


           field_selector.put(record, "baz")
           print record.foo  # "baz"
        if len(self.selectors) == 1:
            selector = self.selectors[0]
            if selector is None:
                record[:] = value
            elif _try_index(record, selector):
                    record[selector] = value
                except LookupError:
                    raise FieldSelectorException(
                        "Could not find Record specified by index: %s." %
                    setattr(record, selector, value)
                except AttributeError:
                    raise FieldSelectorException(
                        "Could not find Record specified by property "
                        "name: %s." % selector
            selector = self.selectors[0]
            sub_selector = type(self)(self.selectors[1:])
            if selector is None:
                for x in record:
                    sub_selector.put(x, value)
                if _try_index(record, selector):
                        sub_record = record[selector]
                    except IndexError:
                        raise FieldSelectorException(
                            "Could not find Record specified by index: %s." %
                        sub_record = getattr(record, selector)
                    except AttributeError:
                        raise FieldSelectorException(
                            "Could not find Record specified by property "
                            "name: %s." % selector
                sub_selector.put(sub_record, value)

    def post(self, record, value):
        """auto-vivifying version of 'put'; if properties are not found along
        the path, attempts are made to set them to empty values.

        Returns the number of values set; may be 0 if there is 'None' in the
        selector and there were no existing items in that collection.


           field_selector = FieldSelector(["stuff", 0, "name"])
           obj = SomeObject()
           field_selector.post(obj, "Bob")
           print obj.stuff[0].name  # "Bob"
        i = 0
        put_final = False
        for selector in self.selectors[:-1]:
            if selector is None:
                sub_field_selector = type(self)(self.selectors[i + 1:])
                return sum(sub_field_selector.post(r) for r in record)

            # supports the case where an item is created by setting
            # a single required field value
            kwarg = {}
            if i >= len(self.selectors) - 2 and self.selectors[-1] is not None:
                kwarg[self.selectors[-1]] = value

            if _try_index(record, selector):
                    record = record[selector]
                except IndexError:
                    if isinstance(selector, six.integer_types):
                        if len(record) != selector:
                            raise ValueError(
                                "FieldSelector set out of order: "
                                "[%d]" % selector
                        if kwarg:
                            put_final = True
                    record = record[selector]
                except KeyError:
                    record[selector] = type(record).itemtype(**kwarg)
                    if kwarg:
                        put_final = True
                if not hasattr(record, selector):
                    prop = type(record).properties[selector]
                    if not prop.valuetype:
                        raise FieldSelectorException(
                            "Must specify default= or isa= to auto-vivify "
                            "%s" % prop
                    setattr(record, selector, prop.valuetype(**kwarg))
                    if kwarg:
                        put_final = True
                record = getattr(record, selector)
            i = i + 1
        if not put_final:
            type(self)([self.selectors[-1]]).put(record, value)
        return 1

    def delete(self, record):
        Like 'put', but deletes the item from the specified location.

        If there is a problem, this method will typically raise

        This function has the same behavior with respect to collections as
        ``get()``: it will only raise an exception if all of the items in the
        set did not have the property to delete.


           record.foo = "bar"
           field_selector = FieldSelector(["foo"])
           print field_selector.foo  # AttributeError
        i = 0
        for selector in self.selectors[:-1]:
            if selector is None:
                sub_field_selector = type(self)(self.selectors[i + 1:])
                all_exc = None
                for r in record:
                        all_exc = False
                    except FieldSelectorException as e:
                        if all_exc is None:
                            all_exc = e
                if all_exc:
                    raise all_exc
            elif _try_index(record, selector):
                    record = record[selector]
                except IndexError:
                    raise FieldSelectorKeyError(key=selector)
                if not hasattr(record, selector):
                    raise FieldSelectorAttributeError(name=selector)
                record = getattr(record, selector)
            i = i + 1
        to_delete = self.selectors[-1]
        if _try_index(record, to_delete):
            if to_delete is None:
                # empty out a collection
                if hasattr(record, "clear") and callable(record.clear):
                    record[:] = ()
                del record[to_delete]
            if hasattr(record, to_delete):
                delattr(record, to_delete)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Implemented; field selectors must have identical paths to compare
        if not isinstance(other, FieldSelector):
            raise TypeError(
                "Cannot compare FieldSelector with %s" % type(other).__name__
        return self.selectors == other.selectors

    def __hash__(self):
        return super(FieldSelector, self).__hash__()

    def __ne__(self, other):
        functools.total_ordering() currently doesn't take care of __ne__().
        Don't call other comparison methods directly to avoid infinite
        return self.selectors != other.selectors

    def __lt__(self, other):
        """Ordering field selectors makes sure that all integer-indexed
        selectors are incrementing.  This is mainly needed for
        :py:meth:`FieldSelector.post`, which will only auto-extend collections
        items at the end."""
        end = len(self.selectors)
        if len(self.selectors) > len(other.selectors):
            end = len(other.selectors)
        for i in range(end):
            self_selector = self.selectors[i]
            other_selector = other.selectors[i]
            if self_selector == other_selector:
            if type(self_selector) != type(other_selector):
                raise TypeError(
                    "Cannot compare incompatible FieldSelectors. "
                    "Incompatibility detected at index: %s for selectors: "
                    "%s and %s" % (
                        i, self.selectors, other.selectors,
            return self_selector < other_selector

        # Individual selectors compared at this point have been the
        # same. Fallback to length.
        return len(self.selectors) < len(other.selectors)

    def __str__(self):
        """Returns a compact representation of the field selector, shown as a
        python expression."""
        return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.path)

    def __repr__(self):
        """Returns a evaluable representation of a field selector."""
        return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.selectors)

    def __add__(self, other):
        """Creates a new FieldSelector, with the two attribute/index expression
        lists concatenated.  Like :py:meth:`extend` but creates a new


            fs = FieldSelector(["foo"])
            bar = FieldSelector(["bar"])

            print fs + bar  # <FieldSelector: .foo.bar>
            print fs + [0]  # <FieldSelector: .foo[0]>
        if isinstance(other, (six.string_types, six.integer_types)):
            return type(self)(self.selectors + [other])
        elif isinstance(other, collections.Iterable):
            return type(self)(self.selectors + list(other))
        elif isinstance(other, FieldSelector):
            return type(self)(self).extend(other)
            raise TypeError(
                "Cannot add a %s to a FieldSelector" % type(other).__name__

    def __len__(self):
        """Returns the number of elements in the field selector expression."""
        return len(self.selectors)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Indexing can be used to return a particular item from the selector
        expression, and slicing can be used to make a new FieldSelector which
        has a shorter expression.  For instance, to trim the last:


           trimmed_fs = field_selector[:-1]
        if isinstance(key, slice):
            return type(self)(self.selectors[key])
            return self.selectors[key]

    def startswith(self, key_or_fs):
        """Can be used to assert how the field selector begins.


            ``key_or_fs=``\ *FieldSelector*\ \|\ *<attribute-or-index>*

                If the argument is another FieldSelector (or a tuple/list), it
                checks that the invocant's first selector expression components
                match the components in the selector passed.

                If the argument is a valid index/key or attribute name, it will
                check that the first member in the expression is the same as
                that passed.
        if isinstance(key_or_fs, (FieldSelector, list, tuple)):
            return all(
                key_or_fs[i] == self.selectors[i] for i in range(
                    0, len(key_or_fs),
            return self.selectors[0] == key_or_fs

    def path(self):
        """This property returns something that looks a bit like a python
        representation of the implied expression.


            foo = FieldSelector(["foo", 2, "b ar", None, "baz"])
            print foo.path  # foo[2]['b ar'][*].baz
        return u"".join(_fmt_selector_path(x) for x in self.selectors)

    def from_path(cls, path):
        """Alternate constructor.  Constructs a FieldSelector from the
        abbreviated text representation (.path attribute)"""
        return cls(_scan_selector_path(path))

def _fmt_selector_path(selector):
    if isinstance(selector, six.integer_types):
        return "[%d]" % selector
    elif selector is None:
        return "[*]"
    elif not re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z_]\w*$', selector):
        return u"['%s']" % selector.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("'", "\\'")
        return ".%s" % selector

_PATH_TOK = re.compile(

def _scan_selector_path(path):
    fs = list()
    for m in re.finditer(_PATH_TOK, path):

        text_item = m.group('key')
        if text_item is not None:
            text_item = re.sub(r'\\(.)', lambda m: m.group(1), text_item)
            text_item = m.group('attr')

        if text_item:
            idx_item = m.group('idx')
            if idx_item:
            elif m.group('wild'):

    return fs

def _fmt_mfs_path(head, tail):
    return (
        "%s%s" % (_fmt_selector_path(head), tail.path) if
        isinstance(tail, MultiFieldSelector) else

class _None(object):

class MultiFieldSelector(object):
    """Version of a FieldSelector which stores multiple FieldSelectors combined
    into a single tree structure."""

    FieldSelector = FieldSelector
    _complete_mfs = None

    def __init__(self, *others):
        """Returns a MultiFieldSelector based on combining the passed-in
        FieldSelector and MultiFieldSelector objects.


            ``*others=``\ *FieldSelector*\ \|\ *iterable*

                Each argument is interpreted as either a FieldSelector, or a
                FieldSelector constructor.
        selectors = list()
        heads = collections.defaultdict(set)
        for other in others:
            if isinstance(other, MultiFieldSelector):
                for head, tail in other.heads.items():
            elif isinstance(other, FieldSelector):

        for selector in selectors:
            chain = selector.selectors
            if chain:
                head = chain[0]
                tail = self.FieldSelector(chain[1:]) if len(chain) > 1 else all

        self.heads = dict(
            (head, all if all in tail else MultiFieldSelector(*tail))
            for head, tail in heads.items()
        ) if None not in heads or heads[None] is not all else {None: all}

        # sanity assertions follow
        head_types = set(type(x) for x in self.heads)
        self.has_int = any(
            int_type in head_types
            for int_type in six.integer_types
        self.has_string = any(
            issubclass(x, six.string_types)
            for x in head_types
        self.has_none = type(None) in head_types
        self.complete = self.has_none and self.heads[None] is all
        if self.has_none and (self.has_int or self.has_string):
            # this should be possible, but I'm punting on it for now
            raise ValueError(
                "MultiFieldSelector cannot yet specify a list and a hash/"
                "object at the same level: %r" % list(self.heads.keys())

    def __str__(self):
        """Stringification of a MultiFieldSelector shows just the keys in the
        top level, and an indication of whether a sub-key is filtered.


           >>> mfs = MultiFieldSelector(["a", "b"], ["a", "d"], ["c"])
           >>> str(mfs)
           '<MultiFieldSelector: a.b|a.d|c>
        return "<MultiFieldSelector: %s>" % self.path

    def path(self):
        """The path attribute returns a stringified, concise representation of
        the MultiFieldSelector.  It can be reversed by the ``from_path``
        if len(self.heads) == 1:
            return _fmt_mfs_path(
            return "(" + "|".join(
                _fmt_mfs_path(k, v) for (k, v) in list(self.heads.items())
            ) + ")"

    def __bool__(self):
        return bool(len(self.heads))

    def __iter__(self):
        """Generator for all FieldSelectors this MultiFieldSelector
        implicitly contains.


            >>> mfs = MultiFieldSelector(["a", "b"], ["a", "d"], ["c"])
            >>> for x in mfs:
            ...     print x
            <FieldSelector: .a.b>
            <FieldSelector: .a.d>
            <FieldSelector: .c>
        for head, tail in self.heads.items():
            head_selector = self.FieldSelector((head,))
            if tail is all:
                if head is None:
                    yield self.FieldSelector((None,))
                    yield head_selector
                for x in tail:
                    yield head_selector + x

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        """Returns the sub-MultiFieldSelector that applies to the specified
        field/key/index.  If the MultiFieldSelector does not match any fields
        at this path, it returns ``None``.  If it matches all fields at the
        path, then it returns a 'complete' MultiFieldSelector (ie, a field
        selector which matches everything).  If it matches a subset of fields
        at that location, it will return a MultiFieldSelector which contains
        those fields.


            >>> mfs = MultiFieldSelector(["a", "b"], ["a", "d"], ["c"])
            >>> mfs["a"]
            MultiFieldSelector(['b'], ['d'])
            >>> mfs[("a", "c")]
        if self.complete:
            return self

        if isinstance(index, (FieldSelector, tuple, list)):
            # the semantics of this are a little different.  It should
            # return a MultiFieldSelector, or None.
            if len(index) == 0:
                return self
            head_index = None if self.has_none else index[0]
            tail = index[1:]
            if self.complete:
                return self
            elif head_index not in self.heads:
                return None

            head = self.heads[head_index]
            if head is all:
                return type(self).complete_mfs()
            elif tail:
                return head[tail]
                return head

        if index is any:
            # XXX useful?
            assert len(self.heads) <= 1, "ambigious fetch of 'any'"
            if len(self.heads) == 1:
                index = list(self.heads.keys())[0]
                return self  # XXX wat

        tail = (
            self.heads[None] if self.complete else
            self.heads.get(index, None)
        return type(self).complete_mfs() if tail == all else tail

    def __contains__(self, index):
        """Checks to see whether the given item matches the MultiFieldSelector.

        For item index (string, number, ``None``) lookups, the result is True
        if the result of applying the MultiFieldSelector (with ``.get``) would
        return an item in that location (if it existed in the input).

        For a FieldSelector (or sequence) lookups, the result is True if the
        result of applying the MultiFieldSelector and then the FieldSelector on
        an input is the same as applying the FieldSelector on the input.  ie,
        that the MultiFieldSelector is a superset of the FieldSelector.

        Unlike plain collections, use of ``in`` does not mean that subscripting
        will return ``KeyError``.  When used with a FieldSelector, it returns
        ``False`` when ``__getitem__`` with the index would not return a
        complete FieldSelector, whereas the ``__getitem__`` call would return a
        partial (non-complete) MultiFieldSelector.

            >>> mfs = MultiFieldSelector(["a", "b"], ["a", "d"], ["c"])
            >>> "a" in mfs
            >>> "b" in mfs
            >>> FieldSelector(["a"]) in mfs
            >>> FieldSelector(["a", "d"]) in mfs
            >>> FieldSelector(["a", "e"]) in mfs
        if isinstance(index, (
            return self.has_none or index in self.heads
        elif index is any:
            return True if len(self.heads) else False
        elif len(index) == 0:
            return self.complete
            head_key = None if self.has_none else index[0]
            return (
                head_key in self.heads and
                index[1:] in self[head_key]

    def __repr__(self):
        """Implemented as per SPECIALMETHODS recommendation to return a full
        python source to reconstruct:


            >>> mfs = MultiFieldSelector(["a", "b"], ["a", "d"], ["c"])
            >>> mfs
            MultiFieldSelector(['a', 'b'], ['a', 'd'], ['c'])
        return "MultiFieldSelector%r" % (tuple(x.selectors for x in self),)

    def _get(self, obj, tail):
        if tail is all:
            return deepcopy(obj)
            return tail.get(obj)

    def get(self, obj):
        """Creates a copy of the passed object which only contains the parts
        which are pointed to by one of the FieldSelectors that were used to
        construct the MultiFieldSelector.  Can be used to produce 'filtered'
        versions of objects.
        ctor = type(obj)
        if isinstance(obj, (list, ListCollection)):
            if self.has_string:
                raise TypeError(
                    "MultiFieldSelector has string in list collection context"
            if self.has_none:
                tail = self.heads[None]
                vals = list(self._get(x, tail) for x in obj)
                vals = list(
                    self._get(obj[head], tail) for head, tail in

            if isinstance(obj, ListCollection):
                return ctor(values=vals)
                return vals
        elif isinstance(obj, (dict, DictCollection)):
            if self.has_none:
                tail = self.heads[None]
                return ctor(
                    (k, self._get(v, tail)) for k, v in obj.items()
                return ctor(
                    (head, self._get(obj[head], tail)) for head, tail in
                    self.heads.items() if head in obj
            if self.has_int or (self.has_none and self.heads[None] is not all):
                raise TypeError(
                    "MultiFieldSelector has %s in %s context" % (
                        "int" if self.has_int else "none", ctor.__name__
            if self.has_none:
                return self._get(obj, all)
                kwargs = dict()
                for head, tail in self.heads.items():
                    val = getattr(obj, head, None)
                    if val is not None:
                        kwargs[head] = self._get(val, tail)
                return ctor(**kwargs)

    def delete(self, obj, force=False):
        """Deletes all of the fields at the specified locations.


            ``obj=``\ *OBJECT*
                the object to remove the fields from

            ``force=``\ *BOOL*
                if True, missing attributes do not raise errors.  Otherwise,
                the first failure raises an exception without making any
                changes to ``obj``.
        # TODO: this could be a whole lot more efficient!
        if not force:
            for fs in self:
                except FieldSelectorException:

        for fs in self:
            except FieldSelectorException:

    def patch(self, target, source, copy=False):
        """Copies fields from ``obj`` to ``target``.  If a matched field does
        not exist in ``obj``, it will be deleted from ``target``, otherwise it
        will be assigned (or copied).


            ``target=``\ *OBJECT*
                the object to set the fields in

            ``source=``\ *OBJECT*
                the object to lift the fields from

            ``copy=``\ *BOOL*\ \|\ *FUNCTION*
                deep copy the values set, using copy.deepcopy (or the passed
                function).  False by default.
        # TODO: this could also be a whole lot more efficient!
        fs_val = []
        for fs in self:
                fs_val.append((fs, fs.get(source)))
            except AttributeError:
                fs_val.append((fs, _None))
            except FieldSelectorException:

        if copy and not callable(copy):
            copy = deepcopy

        for fs, val in fs_val:
            if val is _None:
                fs.post(target, val if not copy else copy(val))

    def from_path(cls, mfs_path):
        """Alternate constructor.  Constructs a MultiFieldSelector from the
        abbreviated text representation (.path attribute)"""
        mfs = _scan_mfs_path(mfs_path)
        return cls(*mfs)

    def complete_mfs(cls):
        if not isinstance(cls._complete_mfs, cls):
            cls._complete_mfs = cls([None])
        return cls._complete_mfs

_MFS_PATH_TOK = re.compile(

def _scan_mfs_path(path):
    mfs = list()    # a list of parsed, complete FS's
    fs = list()     # current cursor in parsing
    stack = list()  # resume state when parens are closed
    popping = False
    for m in re.finditer(_MFS_PATH_TOK, path):
        if m.group("branch"):
            branch = m.group("branch")
            if branch == "(":
            elif branch == "|":
                if not popping:
                fs = list(stack[-1])
                if not popping:
                    popping = True
                fs = stack.pop()
            popping = False

        text_item = m.group('key')
        if text_item is not None:
            text_item = re.sub(r'\\(.)', lambda m: m.group(1), text_item)
            text_item = m.group('attr')

        if text_item:
            idx_item = m.group('idx')
            if idx_item:
            elif m.group('wild'):

    if not popping and fs:

    return mfs