author: Peter Huang
email: hbd730@gmail.com
license: BSD
Please feel free to use and modify this, but keep the above information. Thanks!

import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate as integrate
from utils.quaternion import Quaternion
from utils.utils import RPYToRot, RotToQuat, RotToRPY
import model.params as params

class Quadcopter:
    """ Quadcopter class

    state  - 1 dimensional vector but used as 13 x 1. [x, y, z, xd, yd, zd, qw, qx, qy, qz, p, q, r]
             where [qw, qx, qy, qz] is quternion and [p, q, r] are angular velocity [roll_dot, pitch_dot, yaw_dot]
    F      - 1 x 1, thrust output from controller
    M      - 3 x 1, moments output from controller
    params - system parameters struct, arm_length, g, mass, etc.

    def __init__(self, pos, attitude):
        """ pos = [x,y,z] attitude = [rool,pitch,yaw]
        self.state = np.zeros(13)
        roll, pitch, yaw = attitude
        rot    = RPYToRot(roll, pitch, yaw)
        quat   = RotToQuat(rot)
        self.state[0] = pos[0]
        self.state[1] = pos[1]
        self.state[2] = pos[2]
        self.state[6] = quat[0]
        self.state[7] = quat[1]
        self.state[8] = quat[2]
        self.state[9] = quat[3]

    def world_frame(self):
        """ position returns a 3x6 matrix
            where row is [x, y, z] column is m1 m2 m3 m4 origin h
        origin = self.state[0:3]
        quat = Quaternion(self.state[6:10])
        rot = quat.as_rotation_matrix()
        wHb = np.r_[np.c_[rot,origin], np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1]])]
        quadBodyFrame = params.body_frame.T
        quadWorldFrame = wHb.dot(quadBodyFrame)
        world_frame = quadWorldFrame[0:3]
        return world_frame

    def position(self):
        return self.state[0:3]

    def velocity(self):
        return self.state[3:6]

    def attitude(self):
        rot = Quaternion(self.state[6:10]).as_rotation_matrix()
        return RotToRPY(rot)

    def omega(self):
        return self.state[10:13]

    def state_dot(self, state, t, F, M):
        x, y, z, xdot, ydot, zdot, qw, qx, qy, qz, p, q, r = state
        quat = np.array([qw,qx,qy,qz])

        bRw = Quaternion(quat).as_rotation_matrix() # world to body rotation matrix
        wRb = bRw.T # orthogonal matrix inverse = transpose
        # acceleration - Newton's second law of motion
        accel = 1.0 / params.mass * (wRb.dot(np.array([[0, 0, F]]).T)
                    - np.array([[0, 0, params.mass * params.g]]).T)
        # angular velocity - using quternion
        # http://www.euclideanspace.com/physics/kinematics/angularvelocity/
        K_quat = 2.0; # this enforces the magnitude 1 constraint for the quaternion
        quaterror = 1.0 - (qw**2 + qx**2 + qy**2 + qz**2)
        qdot = (-1.0/2) * np.array([[0, -p, -q, -r],
                                    [p,  0, -r,  q],
                                    [q,  r,  0, -p],
                                    [r, -q,  p,  0]]).dot(quat) + K_quat * quaterror * quat;

        # angular acceleration - Euler's equation of motion
        # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler%27s_equations_(rigid_body_dynamics)
        omega = np.array([p,q,r])
        pqrdot = params.invI.dot( M.flatten() - np.cross(omega, params.I.dot(omega)) )
        state_dot = np.zeros(13)
        state_dot[0]  = xdot
        state_dot[1]  = ydot
        state_dot[2]  = zdot
        state_dot[3]  = accel[0]
        state_dot[4]  = accel[1]
        state_dot[5]  = accel[2]
        state_dot[6]  = qdot[0]
        state_dot[7]  = qdot[1]
        state_dot[8]  = qdot[2]
        state_dot[9]  = qdot[3]
        state_dot[10] = pqrdot[0]
        state_dot[11] = pqrdot[1]
        state_dot[12] = pqrdot[2]

        return state_dot

    def update(self, dt, F, M):
        # limit thrust and Moment
        L = params.arm_length
        r = params.r
        prop_thrusts = params.invA.dot(np.r_[np.array([[F]]), M])
        prop_thrusts_clamped = np.maximum(np.minimum(prop_thrusts, params.maxF/4), params.minF/4)
        F = np.sum(prop_thrusts_clamped)
        M = params.A[1:].dot(prop_thrusts_clamped)
        self.state = integrate.odeint(self.state_dot, self.state, [0,dt], args = (F, M))[1]