from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import prettytensor as pt
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import scipy.misc
import os
import argparse
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

from misc.config import cfg, cfg_from_file
from misc.utils import mkdir_p
from misc import skipthoughts
from stageII.model import CondGAN

def parse_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Train a GAN network')
    parser.add_argument('--cfg', dest='cfg_file',
                        help='optional config file',
                        default=None, type=str)
    parser.add_argument('--gpu', dest='gpu_id',
                        help='GPU device id to use [0]',
                        default=-1, type=int)
    parser.add_argument('--caption_path', type=str, default=None,
                        help='Path to the file with text sentences')
    # if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    #    parser.print_help()
    #    sys.exit(1)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    return args

def sample_encoded_context(embeddings, model, bAugmentation=True):
    '''Helper function for init_opt'''
    # Build conditioning augmentation structure for text embedding
    # under different variable_scope: 'g_net' and 'hr_g_net'
    c_mean_logsigma = model.generate_condition(embeddings)
    mean = c_mean_logsigma[0]
    if bAugmentation:
        # epsilon = tf.random_normal(tf.shape(mean))
        epsilon = tf.truncated_normal(tf.shape(mean))
        stddev = tf.exp(c_mean_logsigma[1])
        c = mean + stddev * epsilon
        c = mean
    return c

def build_model(sess, embedding_dim, batch_size):
    model = CondGAN(

    embeddings = tf.placeholder(
        tf.float32, [batch_size, embedding_dim],
    with pt.defaults_scope(phase=pt.Phase.test):
        with tf.variable_scope("g_net"):
            c = sample_encoded_context(embeddings, model)
            z = tf.random_normal([batch_size, cfg.Z_DIM])
            fake_images = model.get_generator(tf.concat(1, [c, z]))
        with tf.variable_scope("hr_g_net"):
            hr_c = sample_encoded_context(embeddings, model)
            hr_fake_images = model.hr_get_generator(fake_images, hr_c)

    ckt_path = cfg.TEST.PRETRAINED_MODEL
    if ckt_path.find('.ckpt') != -1:
        print("Reading model parameters from %s" % ckt_path)
        saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.all_variables())
        saver.restore(sess, ckt_path)
        print("Input a valid model path.")
    return embeddings, fake_images, hr_fake_images

def drawCaption(img, caption):
    img_txt = Image.fromarray(img)
    # get a font
    fnt = ImageFont.truetype('Pillow/Tests/fonts/FreeMono.ttf', 50)
    # get a drawing context
    d = ImageDraw.Draw(img_txt)

    # draw text, half opacity
    d.text((10, 256), 'Stage-I', font=fnt, fill=(255, 255, 255, 255))
    d.text((10, 512), 'Stage-II', font=fnt, fill=(255, 255, 255, 255))
    if img.shape[0] > 832:
        d.text((10, 832), 'Stage-I', font=fnt, fill=(255, 255, 255, 255))
        d.text((10, 1088), 'Stage-II', font=fnt, fill=(255, 255, 255, 255))

    idx = caption.find(' ', 60)
    if idx == -1:
        d.text((256, 10), caption, font=fnt, fill=(255, 255, 255, 255))
        cap1 = caption[:idx]
        cap2 = caption[idx+1:]
        d.text((256, 10), cap1, font=fnt, fill=(255, 255, 255, 255))
        d.text((256, 60), cap2, font=fnt, fill=(255, 255, 255, 255))

    return img_txt

def save_super_images(sample_batchs, hr_sample_batchs,
                      captions_batch, batch_size,
                      startID, save_dir):
    if not os.path.isdir(save_dir):
        print('Make a new folder: ', save_dir)

    # Save up to 16 samples for each text embedding/sentence
    img_shape = hr_sample_batchs[0][0].shape
    for j in range(batch_size):
        padding = np.zeros(img_shape)
        row1 = [padding]
        row2 = [padding]
        # First row with up to 8 samples
        for i in range(np.minimum(8, len(sample_batchs))):
            lr_img = sample_batchs[i][j]
            hr_img = hr_sample_batchs[i][j]
            hr_img = (hr_img + 1.0) * 127.5
            re_sample = scipy.misc.imresize(lr_img, hr_img.shape[:2])
        row1 = np.concatenate(row1, axis=1)
        row2 = np.concatenate(row2, axis=1)
        superimage = np.concatenate([row1, row2], axis=0)

        # Second 8 samples with up to 8 samples
        if len(sample_batchs) > 8:
            row1 = [padding]
            row2 = [padding]
            for i in range(8, len(sample_batchs)):
                lr_img = sample_batchs[i][j]
                hr_img = hr_sample_batchs[i][j]
                hr_img = (hr_img + 1.0) * 127.5
                re_sample = scipy.misc.imresize(lr_img, hr_img.shape[:2])
            row1 = np.concatenate(row1, axis=1)
            row2 = np.concatenate(row2, axis=1)
            super_row = np.concatenate([row1, row2], axis=0)
            superimage2 = np.zeros_like(superimage)
                        :super_row.shape[2]] = super_row
            mid_padding = np.zeros((64, superimage.shape[1], 3))
            superimage =\
                np.concatenate([superimage, mid_padding, superimage2], axis=0)

        top_padding = np.zeros((128, superimage.shape[1], 3))
        superimage =\
            np.concatenate([top_padding, superimage], axis=0)

        fullpath = '%s/sentence%d.jpg' % (save_dir, startID + j)
        superimage = drawCaption(np.uint8(superimage), captions_batch[j])
        scipy.misc.imsave(fullpath, superimage)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = parse_args()
    if args.cfg_file is not None:
    if args.gpu_id != -1:
        cfg.GPU_ID = args.gpu_id
    if args.caption_path is not None:
        cfg.TEST.CAPTION_PATH = args.caption_path

    cap_path = cfg.TEST.CAPTION_PATH
    with open(cap_path) as f:
        captions ='\n')
    captions_list = [cap for cap in captions if len(cap) > 0]
    print('Successfully load sentences from: ', cap_path)
    print('Total number of sentences:', len(captions_list))
    # path to save generated samples
    save_dir = cap_path[:cap_path.find('.txt')] + '-skip-thought'

    if len(captions_list) > 0:
        # Load skipthoughts model and generate embeddings from text sentences
        print('Load skipthoughts as encoder:')
        model = skipthoughts.load_model()
        embeddings = skipthoughts.encode(model, captions_list, verbose=False)
        num_embeddings = len(embeddings)
        print('num_embeddings:', num_embeddings, embeddings.shape)
        batch_size = np.minimum(num_embeddings, cfg.TEST.BATCH_SIZE)

        # Build StackGAN and load the model
        config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)
        with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
            with tf.device("/gpu:%d" % cfg.GPU_ID):
                embeddings_holder, fake_images_opt, hr_fake_images_opt =\
                    build_model(sess, embeddings.shape[-1], batch_size)

                count = 0
                while count < num_embeddings:
                    iend = count + batch_size
                    if iend > num_embeddings:
                        iend = num_embeddings
                        count = num_embeddings - batch_size
                    embeddings_batch = embeddings[count:iend]
                    captions_batch = captions_list[count:iend]

                    samples_batchs = []
                    hr_samples_batchs = []
                    # Generate up to 16 images for each sentence with
                    # randomness from noise z and conditioning augmentation.
                    for i in range(np.minimum(16, cfg.TEST.NUM_COPY)):
                        hr_samples, samples =\
                  [hr_fake_images_opt, fake_images_opt],
                                     {embeddings_holder: embeddings_batch})
                                      count, save_dir)
                    count += batch_size

        print('Finish generating samples for %d sentences:' % num_embeddings)
        print('Example sentences:')
        for i in xrange(np.minimum(10, num_embeddings)):
            print('Sentence %d: %s' % (i, captions_list[i]))