# IM - Infrastructure Manager
# Copyright (C) 2011 - GRyCAP - Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import base64
import requests
import time
import os
import uuid
import tempfile
from IM.xmlobject import XMLObject
    from urlparse import urlparse
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import urlparse
from IM.VirtualMachine import VirtualMachine
from .CloudConnector import CloudConnector
from radl.radl import UserPassCredential, Feature
from IM.config import Config

# Set of classes to parse the output of the REST API

class Endpoint(XMLObject):
    values = ['Name', 'Vip', 'PublicPort', 'LocalPort', 'Protocol']

class InstanceEndpoints(XMLObject):
    tuples_lists = {'InstanceEndpoint': Endpoint}

class DataVirtualHardDisk(XMLObject):
    values = ['DiskName', 'Lun']

class DataVirtualHardDisks(XMLObject):
    tuples_lists = {'DataVirtualHardDisk': DataVirtualHardDisk}

class Role(XMLObject):
    values = ['RoleName', 'RoleType']
    tuples = {'DataVirtualHardDisks': DataVirtualHardDisks}

class RoleList(XMLObject):
    tuples_lists = {'Role': Role}

class RoleInstance(XMLObject):
    values = ['RoleName', 'InstanceStatus', 'InstanceSize',
              'InstanceName', 'IpAddress', 'PowerState']
    tuples = {'InstanceEndpoints': InstanceEndpoints}

class RoleInstanceList(XMLObject):
    tuples_lists = {'RoleInstance': RoleInstance}

class Deployment(XMLObject):
    tuples = {'RoleInstanceList': RoleInstanceList, 'RoleList': RoleList}
    values = ['Name', 'Status', 'Url']

class StorageServiceProperties(XMLObject):
    values = ['Description', 'Location', 'Label', 'Status', 'GeoReplicationEnabled',
              'CreationTime', 'GeoPrimaryRegion', 'GeoSecondaryRegion']

class StorageService(XMLObject):
    values = ['Url', 'ServiceName']
    tuples = {'StorageServiceProperties': StorageServiceProperties}

class Error(XMLObject):
    values = ['Code', 'Message']

class Operation(XMLObject):
    values = ['ID', 'Status', 'HttpStatusCode']
    tuples = {'Error': Error}

class RoleSize(XMLObject):
    values = ['Name', 'Label', 'Cores', 'MemoryInMb', 'SupportedByVirtualMachines',
              'MaxDataDiskCount', 'VirtualMachineResourceDiskSizeInMb']
    numeric = ['Cores', 'MemoryInMb', 'MaxDataDiskCount',

class RoleSizes(XMLObject):
    tuples_lists = {'RoleSize': RoleSize}

class AzureClassicCloudConnector(CloudConnector):
    Cloud Launcher to the Azure platform
    Using the Service Management REST API Reference:

    type = "AzureClassic"
    """str with the name of the provider."""
    INSTANCE_TYPE = 'ExtraSmall'
    """Default instance type."""
    AZURE_SERVER = "management.core.windows.net"
    """Address of the server with the Service Management REST API."""
    AZURE_PORT = 443
    """Port of the server with the Service Management REST API."""
    DEFAULT_LOCATION = "North Europe"
    """Default location to use"""
    ROLE_NAME = "IMVMRole"
    """Name of the Role"""
    DEFAULT_USER = 'azureuser'
    """ default user to SSH access the VM """

        'Running': VirtualMachine.RUNNING,
        'Suspended': VirtualMachine.STOPPED,
        'SuspendedTransitioning': VirtualMachine.STOPPED,
        'RunningTransitioning': VirtualMachine.RUNNING,
        'Starting': VirtualMachine.PENDING,
        'Suspending': VirtualMachine.STOPPED,
        'Deploying': VirtualMachine.PENDING,
        'Deleting': VirtualMachine.OFF,

        'Starting': VirtualMachine.PENDING,
        'Started': VirtualMachine.RUNNING,
        'Stopping': VirtualMachine.STOPPED,
        'Stopped': VirtualMachine.STOPPED,
        'Unknown': VirtualMachine.UNKNOWN

    def __init__(self, cloud_info, inf):
        self.instance_type_list = None
        CloudConnector.__init__(self, cloud_info, inf)

    def create_request(self, method, url, auth_data, headers=None, body=None):

        auths = auth_data.getAuthInfo(AzureClassicCloudConnector.type, self.cloud.server)
        if not auths:
            self.log_error("No correct auth data has been specified to Azure.")
            return None
            auth = auths[0]

        subscription_id = self.get_subscription_id(auth_data)
        url = "https://%s:%d/%s%s" % (self.AZURE_SERVER, self.AZURE_PORT, subscription_id, url)
        cert = self.get_user_cert_data(auth)
        resp = requests.request(method, url, verify=self.verify_ssl, cert=cert, headers=headers, data=body)

        return resp

    def concrete_system(self, radl_system, str_url, auth_data):
        url = urlparse(str_url)
        protocol = url[0]

        if protocol == "azr":
            instance_type = self.get_instance_type(radl_system, auth_data)
            if not instance_type:
                self.log_error("Error generating the RADL of the VM, no instance type available for the requirements.")
                return None

            res_system = radl_system.clone()
            self.update_system_info_from_instance(res_system, instance_type)

            username = res_system.getValue('disk.0.os.credentials.username')
            if not username:
                res_system.setValue('disk.0.os.credentials.username', self.DEFAULT_USER)


            return res_system
            return None

    def gen_input_endpoints(radl):
        Gen the InputEndpoints part of the XML of the VM creation
        using the outports field of the RADL network
        # SSH port must be allways available
        res = """

        public_net = None
        for net in radl.networks:
            if net.isPublic():
                public_net = net

        if public_net:
            outports = public_net.getOutPorts()
            if outports:
                for outport in outports:
                    protocol = outport.get_protocol().upper()
                    if outport.is_range():
                        for port in range(outport.get_port_init(), outport.get_port_end() + 1):
                            res += """
                  <Name>Port %d</Name>
                </InputEndpoint>""" % (port, port, port, protocol)
                        local_port = outport.get_local_port()
                        remote_port = outport.get_remote_port()
                        if local_port != 22 and local_port != 5986 and local_port != 3389:
                            res += """
                  <Name>Port %d</Name>
                </InputEndpoint>""" % (local_port, local_port, remote_port, protocol)

        res += "\n          </InputEndpoints>"
        return res

    def gen_configuration_set(hostname, system):
        Gen the ConfigurationSet part of the XML of the VM creation
        # Allways use the new credentials
        credentials = system.getCredentials()

        if system.getValue("disk.0.os.name") == "windows":
            ConfigurationSet = '''
<ConfigurationSet i:type="WindowsProvisioningConfigurationSet">
</ConfigurationSet>''' % (hostname, credentials.password, credentials.username)
            if isinstance(credentials, UserPassCredential):
                ConfigurationSet = '''
    <ConfigurationSet i:type="LinuxProvisioningConfigurationSet">
    </ConfigurationSet>''' % (hostname, credentials.username, credentials.password)
                ConfigurationSet = '''
    <ConfigurationSet i:type="LinuxProvisioningConfigurationSet">
    </ConfigurationSet>''' % (hostname, credentials.username, "Pass+Not-Used1",
                              credentials.public_key, credentials.username,
                              credentials.public_key, credentials.username)

        return ConfigurationSet

    def gen_data_disks(system, storage_account):
        Gen the DataVirtualHardDisks part of the XML of the VM creation

        disks = ""
        cont = 1
        while system.getValue("disk." + str(cont) + ".size") and system.getValue("disk." + str(cont) + ".device"):
            disk_size = system.getFeature(
                "disk." + str(cont) + ".size").getValue('G')

            disk_name = "datadisk-1-" + str(uuid.uuid1())
            disks += '''
</DataVirtualHardDisks> ''' % (cont, int(disk_size), storage_account, disk_name)

            cont += 1

        return disks

    def get_azure_vm_create_xml(self, vm, storage_account, radl, num, auth_data):
        Generate the XML to create the VM
        system = radl.systems[0]
        name = system.getValue("instance_name")
        if not name:
            name = system.getValue("disk.0.image.name")
        if not name:
            name = "userimage" + str(num)
        url = urlparse(system.getValue("disk.0.image.url"))

        label = name + " IM created VM"
        (hostname, _) = vm.getRequestedName(
            default_hostname=Config.DEFAULT_VM_NAME, default_domain=Config.DEFAULT_DOMAIN)

        if not hostname:
            hostname = "AzureNode" + str(num)

        SourceImageName = url[1]
        MediaLink = "https://%s.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/%s.vhd" % (storage_account, vm.id)
        instance_type = self.get_instance_type(system, auth_data)

        DataVirtualHardDisks = self.gen_data_disks(system, storage_account)
        ConfigurationSet = self.gen_configuration_set(hostname, system)
        InputEndpoints = self.gen_input_endpoints(radl)

        res = '''
<Deployment xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <Role i:type="PersistentVMRole">
      <OsVersion i:nil="true"/>
        <ConfigurationSet i:type="NetworkConfigurationSet">
        ''' % (vm.id, label, self.ROLE_NAME, ConfigurationSet, InputEndpoints,
               DataVirtualHardDisks, MediaLink, SourceImageName, instance_type.Name)

        self.log_debug("Azure VM Create XML: " + res)

        return res

    def get_subscription_id(self, auth_data):
        auths = auth_data.getAuthInfo(self.type)
        if not auths:
            raise Exception("No auth data has been specified to Azure.")
            auth = auths[0]

        if 'subscription_id' in auth:
            subscription_id = auth['subscription_id']
            raise Exception(
                "No correct auth data has been specified to Azure: subscription_id, public_key and private_key.")

        return subscription_id

    def get_user_cert_data(self, auth):
        Get the Azure private_key and public_key files from the auth data
        if 'public_key' in auth and 'private_key' in auth:
            certificate = auth['public_key']
            fd, cert_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
            os.write(fd, certificate.encode())
            os.chmod(cert_file, 0o644)

            private_key = auth['private_key']
            fd, key_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
            os.write(fd, private_key.encode())
            os.chmod(key_file, 0o600)

            return (cert_file, key_file)
                "No correct auth data has been specified to Azure: subscription_id, public_key and private_key.")
            raise Exception(
                "No correct auth data has been specified to Azure: subscription_id, public_key and private_key.")

    def create_service(self, auth_data, region):
        Create a Azure Cloud Service and return the name
        service_name = "IM-" + str(uuid.uuid1())
        self.log_info("Create the service " + service_name + " in region: " + region)

            uri = "/services/hostedservices"
            service_create_xml = '''
    <CreateHostedService xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure">
      <Description>Service %s created by the IM</Description>
            ''' % (service_name, base64.b64encode(service_name.encode()), service_name, region)
            headers = {'x-ms-version': '2013-03-01', 'Content-Type': 'application/xml'}
            resp = self.create_request('POST', uri, auth_data, headers, service_create_xml)
        except Exception as ex:
            self.log_exception("Error creating the service")
            return None, "Error creating the service" + str(ex)

        if resp.status_code != 201:
                "Error creating the service: Error code: " + str(resp.status_code) + ". Msg: " + resp.text)
            return None, "Error creating the service: Error code: " + str(resp.status_code) + ". Msg: " + resp.text

        return service_name, None

    def delete_service(self, service_name, auth_data):
        Delete the Azure Cloud Service with name "service_name"
            uri = "/services/hostedservices/%s?comp=media" % service_name
            headers = {'x-ms-version': '2013-08-01'}
            resp = self.create_request('DELETE', uri, auth_data, headers)
        except Exception as ex:
            self.log_exception("Error deleting the service")
            return (False, "Error deleting the service: " + str(ex))

        if resp.status_code != 202:
                "Error deleting the service: Error Code " + str(resp.status_code) + ". Msg: " + resp.text)
            return (False, "Error deleting the service: Error Code " + str(resp.status_code) + ". Msg: " + resp.text)

        request_id = resp.headers['x-ms-request-id']

        # Call to GET OPERATION STATUS until "Succeeded"
        success = self.wait_operation_status(request_id, auth_data)

        if success:
            return (True, "")
            return (False, "Error waiting the VM termination")

    def wait_operation_status(self, request_id, auth_data, delay=2, timeout=90):
        Wait for the operation "request_id" to finish in the specified state
        self.log_info("Wait the operation: " + request_id + " to finish.")
        wait = 0
        status_str = "InProgress"
        while status_str == "InProgress" and wait < timeout:
            wait += delay
                uri = "/operations/%s" % request_id
                headers = {'x-ms-version': '2013-03-01'}
                resp = self.create_request('GET', uri, auth_data, headers)

                if resp.status_code == 200:
                    output = Operation(resp.text)
                    status_str = output.Status
                    # InProgress|Succeeded|Failed
                    self.log_info("Operation string state: " + status_str)
                        "Error waiting operation to finish: Code %d. Msg: %s." % (resp.status_code, resp.text))
                    return False
            except Exception:
                    "Error getting the operation state: " + request_id)

        if status_str == "Succeeded":
            return True
            self.log_error("Error waiting the operation: %s, %s, %s" % (output.HttpStatusCode,
            return False

    def get_storage_name(self, subscription_id, region=None):
        if not region:
            region = self.DEFAULT_LOCATION
        res = region.replace(" ", "").lower() + subscription_id.replace("-", "")
        return res[:24]

    def create_storage_account(self, storage_account, auth_data, region, timeout=120):
        Create an storage account with the name specified in "storage_account"
        self.log_info("Creating the storage account " + storage_account)
            uri = "/services/storageservices"
            storage_create_xml = '''
<CreateStorageServiceInput xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure">
  <Description>Storage %s created by the IM</Description>
            ''' % (storage_account, storage_account, base64.b64encode(storage_account), region)
            headers = {'x-ms-version': '2013-03-01', 'Content-Type': 'application/xml'}
            resp = self.create_request('POST', uri, auth_data, headers, storage_create_xml)
        except Exception as ex:
            self.log_exception("Error creating the storage account")
            return None, "Error creating the storage account" + str(ex)

        if resp.status_code != 202:
                "Error creating the storage account: Error code " + str(resp.status_code) + ". Msg: " + resp.text)
            return None, "Error code " + str(resp.status_code) + ". Msg: " + resp.text

        request_id = resp.headers['x-ms-request-id']

        # Call to GET OPERATION STATUS until 200 (OK)
        success = self.wait_operation_status(request_id, auth_data)

        # Wait the storage to be "Created"
        status = None
        delay = 2
        wait = 0
        while status != "Created" and wait < timeout:
            storage = self.get_storage_account(storage_account, auth_data)
            if storage:
                status = storage.Status
            if status != "Created":
                wait += delay

        if success:
            return storage_account, None
                "Error waiting the creation of the storage account")
            self.delete_storage_account(storage_account, auth_data)
            return None, "Error waiting the creation of the storage account"

    def delete_storage_account(self, storage_account, auth_data):
        Delete an storage account with the name specified in "storage_account"
            uri = "/services/storageservices/%s" % storage_account
            headers = {'x-ms-version': '2013-03-01'}
            resp = self.create_request('DELETE', uri, auth_data, headers)
        except Exception:
            self.log_exception("Error deleting the storage account")
            return False

        if resp.status_code != 200:
                "Error deleting the storage account: Error Code " + str(resp.status_code) + ". Msg: " + resp.text)
            return False

        return True

    def get_storage_account(self, storage_account, auth_data):
        Get the information about the Storage Account named "storage_account" or None if it does not exist
            uri = "/services/storageservices/%s" % storage_account
            headers = {'x-ms-version': '2013-03-01'}
            resp = self.create_request('GET', uri, auth_data, headers)
            if resp.status_code == 200:
                storage_info = StorageService(resp.text)
                return storage_info.StorageServiceProperties
            elif resp.status_code == 404:
                self.log_info("Storage " + storage_account + " does not exist")
                return None
                    "Error checking the storage account " + storage_account + ". Msg: " + resp.text)
                return None
        except Exception:
            self.log_exception("Error checking the storage account")
            return None

    def launch(self, inf, radl, requested_radl, num_vm, auth_data):
        service_name = None
        region = self.DEFAULT_LOCATION
        if radl.systems[0].getValue('availability_zone'):
            region = radl.systems[0].getValue('availability_zone')
            radl.systems[0].setValue('availability_zone', region)

        res = []
        i = 0
        while i < num_vm:
                subscription_id = self.get_subscription_id(auth_data)

                # Create storage account
                storage_account_name = self.get_storage_name(subscription_id, region)
                storage_account = self.get_storage_account(storage_account_name, auth_data)
                if not storage_account:
                    storage_account_name, error_msg = self.create_storage_account(storage_account_name,
                                                                                  auth_data, region)
                    if not storage_account_name:
                        res.append((False, error_msg))
                    # if the user has specified the region
                    if radl.systems[0].getValue('availability_zone'):
                        # Check that the region of the storage account is the
                        # same of the service
                        if region != storage_account.GeoPrimaryRegion:
                            res.append((False, ("Error creating the service. The specified "
                                                "region is not the same of the service.")))
                        # Otherwise use the storage account region
                        region = storage_account.GeoPrimaryRegion

                # and the service
                service_name, error_msg = self.create_service(auth_data, region)
                if service_name is None:
                    res.append((False, error_msg))

                self.log_info("Creating the VM with id: " + service_name)

                # Create the VM to get the nodename
                vm = VirtualMachine(inf, service_name, self.cloud, radl, requested_radl, self)
                vm.destroy = True
                vm.info.systems[0].setValue('instance_id', str(vm.id))

                # Generate the XML to create the VM
                vm_create_xml = self.get_azure_vm_create_xml(
                    vm, storage_account_name, radl, i, auth_data)

                if vm_create_xml is None:
                    self.delete_service(service_name, auth_data)
                    res.append((False, "Incorrect image or auth data"))

                uri = "/services/hostedservices/%s/deployments" % service_name
                headers = {'x-ms-version': '2013-03-01', 'Content-Type': 'application/xml'}
                resp = self.create_request('POST', uri, auth_data, headers, vm_create_xml)

                if resp.status_code != 202:
                    self.delete_service(service_name, auth_data)
                        "Error creating the VM: Error Code " + str(resp.status_code) + ". Msg: " + resp.text)
                    res.append((False, "Error creating the VM: Error Code " +
                                str(resp.status_code) + ". Msg: " + resp.text))
                    vm.destroy = False
                    # Call the GET OPERATION STATUS until sea 200 (OK)
                    request_id = resp.headers['x-ms-request-id']
                    success = self.wait_operation_status(request_id, auth_data)
                    if success:
                        res.append((True, vm))
                        self.log_exception("Error waiting the VM creation")
                        self.delete_service(service_name, auth_data)
                        res.append((False, "Error waiting the VM creation"))

            except Exception as ex:
                self.log_exception("Error creating the VM")
                if service_name:
                    self.delete_service(service_name, auth_data)
                res.append((False, "Error creating the VM: " + str(ex)))

            i += 1
        return res

    def get_instance_type(self, system, auth_data):
        Get the name of the instance type to launch to EC2

           - radl(str): RADL document with the requirements of the VM to get the instance type
        Returns: a str with the name of the instance type to launch to EC2
        instance_type_name = system.getValue('instance_type')

        (cpu, cpu_op, memory, memory_op, disk_free, disk_free_op) = self.get_instance_selectors(system)

        instace_types = self.get_all_instance_types(auth_data)

        res = None
        for instace_type in instace_types:
            # get the instance type with the lowest Memory
            if res is None or (instace_type.MemoryInMb <= res.MemoryInMb):

                comparison = cpu_op(instace_type.Cores, cpu)
                comparison = comparison and memory_op(instace_type.MemoryInMb, memory)
                comparison = comparison and disk_free_op(instace_type.VirtualMachineResourceDiskSizeInMb, disk_free)

                if comparison:
                    if not instance_type_name or instace_type.Name == instance_type_name:
                        res = instace_type

        if res is None:
            self.get_instance_type_by_name(self.INSTANCE_TYPE, auth_data)
            return res

    def updateVMInfo(self, vm, auth_data):
        self.log_info("Get the VM info with the id: " + vm.id)
        service_name = vm.id

            uri = "/services/hostedservices/%s/deployments/%s" % (service_name, service_name)
            headers = {'x-ms-version': '2014-02-01'}
            resp = self.create_request('GET', uri, auth_data, headers)
        except Exception as ex:
            self.log_exception("Error getting the VM info: " + vm.id)
            return (False, "Error getting the VM info: " + vm.id + ". " + str(ex))

        if resp.status_code != 200:
            self.log_error("Error getting the VM info: " + vm.id +
                           ". Error Code: " + str(resp.status_code) + ". Msg: " + resp.text)
            return (False, "Error getting the VM info: " + vm.id +
                    ". Error Code: " + str(resp.status_code) + ". Msg: " + resp.text)
            self.log_info("VM info: " + vm.id + " obtained.")
            vm_info = Deployment(resp.text)

            vm.state = self.get_vm_state(vm_info)

            self.log_info("The VM state is: " + vm.state)

            instance_type = self.get_instance_type_by_name(
                vm_info.RoleInstanceList.RoleInstance[0].InstanceSize, auth_data)
                vm.info.systems[0], instance_type)

            # Update IP info
            self.setIPs(vm, vm_info)
            return (True, vm)

    def get_vm_state(self, vm_info):
        Return the state of the VM using the vm info in format "Deployment"
            # If the deploy is running check the state of the RoleInstance
            if vm_info.Status == "Running":
                return self.ROLE_STATE_MAP.get(vm_info.RoleInstanceList.RoleInstance[0].PowerState,
                return self.DEPLOY_STATE_MAP.get(vm_info.Status, VirtualMachine.UNKNOWN)
        except Exception:
            return self.DEPLOY_STATE_MAP.get(vm_info.Status, VirtualMachine.UNKNOWN)

    def setIPs(self, vm, vm_info):
        Set the information about the IPs of the VM
        private_ips = []
        public_ips = []

            role_instance = vm_info.RoleInstanceList.RoleInstance[0]
        except Exception as ex:
            self.log_debug("%s" % str(ex))
            if role_instance.IpAddress:
        except Exception as ex:
            self.log_debug("%s" % str(ex))
        except Exception as ex:
            self.log_debug("%s" % str(ex))

        vm.setIps(public_ips, private_ips)

    def finalize(self, vm, last, auth_data):
        if not vm.id:
            self.log_warn("No VM ID. Ignoring")
            return True, "No VM ID. Ignoring"

        self.log_info("Terminate VM: %s" % vm.id)

        # Delete the service
        res = self.delete_service(vm.id, auth_data)

        return res

    def call_role_operation(self, op, vm, auth_data):
        Call to the specified operation "op" to a Role
        service_name = vm.id

            uri = "/services/hostedservices/%s/deployments/%s/roleinstances/%s/Operations" % (
                service_name, service_name, self.ROLE_NAME)

            headers = {'x-ms-version': '2013-06-01', 'Content-Type': 'application/xml'}
            resp = self.create_request('POST', uri, auth_data, headers, op)
        except Exception as ex:
            self.log_exception("Error calling role operation")
            return (False, "Error calling role operation: " + str(ex))

        if resp.status_code != 202:
                "Error calling role operation: Error Code " + str(resp.status_code) + ". Msg: " + resp.text)
            return (False, "Error calling role operation: Error Code " + str(resp.status_code) + ". Msg: " + resp.text)

        request_id = resp.headers['x-ms-request-id']

        # Call to GET OPERATION STATUS until "Succeded"
        success = self.wait_operation_status(
            request_id, auth_data, delay=4, timeout=240)

        if success:
            return (True, "")
            return (False, "Error waiting the VM role operation")

        return (True, "")

    def stop(self, vm, auth_data):
        self.log_info("Stop VM: " + vm.id)

        op = """<ShutdownRoleOperation xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure"
        return self.call_role_operation(op, vm, auth_data)

    def start(self, vm, auth_data):
        self.log_info("Start VM: " + vm.id)

        op = """<StartRoleOperation xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure"
        return self.call_role_operation(op, vm, auth_data)

    def get_all_instance_types(self, auth_data):
        if self.instance_type_list:
            return self.instance_type_list
                uri = "/rolesizes"
                headers = {'x-ms-version': '2013-08-01'}
                resp = self.create_request('GET', uri, auth_data, headers)
            except Exception:
                self.log_exception("Error getting Role Sizes")
                return []

            if resp.status_code != 200:
                    "Error getting Role Sizes. Error Code: " + str(resp.status_code) + ". Msg: " + resp.text)
                return []
                self.log_info("Role List obtained.")
                role_sizes = RoleSizes(resp.text)
                res = []
                for role_size in role_sizes.RoleSize:
                    if role_size.SupportedByVirtualMachines == "true":

                self.instance_type_list = res
                return res

    def get_instance_type_by_name(self, name, auth_data):
        Get the Azure instance type with the specified name

        Returns: an :py:class:`InstanceTypeInfo` or None if the type is not found
        for inst_type in self.get_all_instance_types(auth_data):
            if inst_type.Name == name:
                return inst_type
        return None

    def alterVM(self, vm, radl, auth_data):
        # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/jj157187.aspx
        service_name = vm.id
        system = radl.systems[0]

        instance_type = self.get_instance_type(system, auth_data)

        if not instance_type:
            return (False, "Error calling update operation: No instance type found for radl: " + str(radl))

            uri = "/services/hostedservices/%s/deployments/%s/roles/%s" % (
                service_name, service_name, self.ROLE_NAME)

            body = '''
            <PersistentVMRole xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure"
            ''' % (instance_type.Name)

            headers = {'x-ms-version': '2013-11-01', 'Content-Type': 'application/xml'}
            resp = self.create_request('PUT', uri, auth_data, headers, body)
        except Exception as ex:
            self.log_exception("Error calling update operation")
            return (False, "Error calling update operation: " + str(ex))

        if resp.status_code != 202:
                "Error update role operation: Error Code " + str(resp.status_code) + ". Msg: " + resp.text)
            return (False, "Error update role operation: Error Code " + str(resp.status_code) + ". Msg: " + resp.text)

        request_id = resp.headers['x-ms-request-id']

        # Call to GET OPERATION STATUS until 200 (OK)
        success = self.wait_operation_status(request_id, auth_data)

        if success:
                vm.info.systems[0], instance_type)
            return (True, "")
            return (False, "Error waiting the VM update operation")

        return (True, "")

    def update_system_info_from_instance(self, system, instance_type):
        Update the features of the system with the information of the instance_type
        if not instance_type:
            self.log_warn("No instance type provided. Not updating VM info.")

        system.addFeature(Feature("cpu.count", "=", instance_type.Cores),
                          conflict="other", missing="other")
        system.addFeature(Feature("memory.size", "=", instance_type.MemoryInMb, 'M'),
                          conflict="other", missing="other")
        system.addFeature(Feature("disks.free_size", "=", instance_type.VirtualMachineResourceDiskSizeInMb, 'M'),
                          conflict="other", missing="other")
        system.addFeature(Feature("instance_type", "=", instance_type.Name),
                          conflict="other", missing="other")