    from rpy2 import robjects as ro
    r = ro.r
except ImportError:
    ro = None
    r = None

def asdict(x, defaults=None):
    if defaults is None:
        defaults = {}
    if x is None:
        return defaults
    return defaults

def ecdf(vectors, labels=None, colors=["red", "blue", "orange", "violet", "green", "brown"],
         xlab="", ylab="cumulative fraction", main="", legendWhere="topleft", 
         lty=1, lwd=1, legendArgs=None, labelsIncludeN=True, **ecdfKwdArgs):
    """ Take a list of lists, convert them to vectors, and plots them sequentially on a CDF """

    if ro is None:

    #print "MEANS:", main
    #for vector, label in zip(convertToVectors, labels):
    #    print label, numpy.mean(vector)
    def _expand(item):
            return item
        except TypeError:
            return [item] * len(vectors)
    lty = _expand(lty)
    lwd = _expand(lwd)

    if not "xlim" in ecdfKwdArgs or ecdfKwdArgs["xlim"] is None:
        xlim = [min(min(vector) for vector in vectors if len(vector) > 0),
                max(max(vector) for vector in vectors if len(vector) > 0)]
        ecdfKwdArgs["xlim"] = xlim

    ecdfKwdArgs["xlim"] = ro.FloatVector(ecdfKwdArgs["xlim"])

    started = False
    for i, vector in enumerate(vectors):
        if len(vector) > 0:
            vector = ro.FloatVector(vector)
            ecdfKwdArgs.update({"verticals":True, "do.points":False, 
            ecdf = r.ecdf(vector)

            if not started:
                r.plot(ecdf, main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, **ecdfKwdArgs)
                started = True
                r.plot(ecdf, add=True, **ecdfKwdArgs)

    if labels is not None:
        if labelsIncludeN:
            labelsWithN = []
            for i, label in enumerate(labels):
                labelsWithN.append(label+" (n=%d)"%len(vectors[i]))
            labelsWithN = labels
        legendArgs = asdict(legendArgs, {"cex":0.7})
        r.legend(legendWhere, legend=ro.StrVector(labelsWithN), lty=ro.IntVector(lty),
                 lwd=ro.IntVector([lwdi*2 for lwdi in lwd]), col=ro.StrVector(colors),
                 bg="white", **legendArgs)

def barPlot(dict_, keysInOrder=None, printCounts=True, ylim=None, *args, **kwdargs):
    """ Plot a bar plot

        dict_: a dictionary of name -> value, where value is the height of the bar
            use a collections.OrderedDict() to easily convey the order of the groups
        keysInOrder: an optional ordering of the keys in dict_ (alternate option to using collections.OrderedDict)
        printCounts: option to print the counts on top of each bar

    additional kwdargs are passed directly to r.barplot()

    if not keysInOrder:
        keysInOrder = dict_.keys()
    heights = ro.FloatVector([dict_[key] for key in keysInOrder])

    kwdargs["names.arg"] = ro.StrVector(keysInOrder)

    if ylim is None:
        if printCounts:
            ylim = [min(heights), max(heights)*1.1]
            ylim = [min(heights), max(heights)]

    x = r.barplot(heights, ylim=ro.FloatVector(ylim), *args, **kwdargs)

    if printCounts:
        heightsStrings = ["{:.2g}".format(height) for height in heights]
        r.text(x, ro.FloatVector(heights), ro.StrVector(heightsStrings), pos=3)
    return x