import asyncio
import logging
import sys
from typing import Dict

import pytest

from gql import Client, gql
from gql.transport.exceptions import TransportError, TransportQueryError
from gql.transport.websockets import WebsocketsTransport

from .conftest import MS

async def test_websocket_simple_query():

    # Get Websockets transport
    sample_transport = WebsocketsTransport(

    # Instanciate client
    async with Client(transport=sample_transport) as session:

        query = gql(
            query getContinents {
              continents {

        # Fetch schema
        await session.fetch_schema()

        # Execute query
        result = await session.execute(query)

        # Verify result
        assert isinstance(result, Dict)

        continents = result["continents"]

        africa = continents[0]

        assert africa["code"] == "AF"
async def test_websocket_invalid_query():

    # Get Websockets transport
    sample_transport = WebsocketsTransport(
        url="wss://", ssl=True

    # Instanciate client
    async with Client(transport=sample_transport) as session:

        query = gql(
            query getContinents {
              continents {

        # Execute query
        with pytest.raises(TransportQueryError):
            await session.execute(query)
async def test_websocket_sending_invalid_data():

    # Get Websockets transport
    sample_transport = WebsocketsTransport(
        url="wss://", ssl=True

    # Instanciate client
    async with Client(transport=sample_transport) as session:

        query = gql(
            query getContinents {
              continents {

        # Execute query
        result = await session.execute(query)

        print(f"result = {result!r}")

        invalid_data = "QSDF"
        print(f">>> {invalid_data}")
        await sample_transport.websocket.send(invalid_data)

        await asyncio.sleep(2)
async def test_websocket_sending_invalid_payload():

    # Get Websockets transport
    sample_transport = WebsocketsTransport(
        url="wss://", ssl=True

    # Instanciate client
    async with Client(transport=sample_transport):

        invalid_payload = '{"id": "1", "type": "start", "payload": "BLAHBLAH"}'

        print(f">>> {invalid_payload}")
        await sample_transport.websocket.send(invalid_payload)

        await asyncio.sleep(2)
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 8), reason="requires python3.8 or higher")
async def test_websocket_sending_invalid_data_while_other_query_is_running():

    # Get Websockets transport
    sample_transport = WebsocketsTransport(
        url="wss://", ssl=True

    # Instanciate client
    async with Client(transport=sample_transport) as session:

        query = gql(
            query getContinents {
              continents {

        async def query_task1():
            await asyncio.sleep(2 * MS)

            with pytest.raises(TransportError):
                result = await session.execute(query)

                assert isinstance(result, Dict)

                continents = result["continents"]

                africa = continents[0]
                assert africa["code"] == "AF"

        async def query_task2():

            invalid_data = "QSDF"
            print(f">>> {invalid_data}")
            await sample_transport.websocket.send(invalid_data)

        task1 = asyncio.create_task(query_task1())
        task2 = asyncio.create_task(query_task2())

        # await task1
        # await task2
        await asyncio.gather(task1, task2)
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 8), reason="requires python3.8 or higher")
async def test_websocket_two_queries_in_parallel_using_two_tasks():

    # Get Websockets transport
    sample_transport = WebsocketsTransport(
        url="wss://", ssl=True

    # Instanciate client
    async with Client(transport=sample_transport) as session:

        query1 = gql(
            query getContinents {
              continents {

        query2 = gql(
            query getContinents {
              continents {

        async def query_task1():
            result = await session.execute(query1)

            assert isinstance(result, Dict)

            continents = result["continents"]

            africa = continents[0]
            assert africa["code"] == "AF"

        async def query_task2():
            result = await session.execute(query2)

            assert isinstance(result, Dict)

            continents = result["continents"]

            africa = continents[0]
            assert africa["name"] == "Africa"

        task1 = asyncio.create_task(query_task1())
        task2 = asyncio.create_task(query_task2())

        await task1
        await task2