# Databricks notebook source
from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
import base64
import array

# COMMAND ----------

# s is a base64 encoded float[] with first element being the magnitude
def Base64ToFloatArray(s, withMagnitudeColumn=True):
  arr = array.array('f', base64.b64decode(s))
  if withMagnitudeColumn:
    return (arr[0], arr[1:])
    return arr

def cosineSimilarityN(s1, s2):
  v1 = Base64ToFloatArray(s1, False)
  v2 = Base64ToFloatArray(s2, False)
  return sum(x*y for x,y in zip(v1, v2))

def cosineSimilarity(s1, s2):
  (m1, v1) = Base64ToFloatArray(s1)
  (m2, v2) = Base64ToFloatArray(s2)
  if (m1 == 0) or (m2 == 0):
    return 0
  else :
    return sum(x*y for x,y in zip(v1, v2))/(m1 * m2)

# Register udf functions so that it could be used in dataframe
# Perform same computation as cosineSimilarity()
def udfCosineSimilarity(s1, s2):
  return cosineSimilarity(s1, s2)

def udfCosineSimilarityN(s1, s2):
  return cosineSimilarityN(s1, s2)

# COMMAND ----------

# AzureStorageAccess class to access Azure Storage streams
#   Parameters:
#     container: container name in Azure Storage (AS) account
#     account: Azure Storage (AS) account name
#     sas: complete 'Blob service SAS URL' of the shared access signature (sas) for the container
#     key: access key for the container, if sas is specified, key is ignored
#   Note:
#     you need to provide value for either sas or key
class AzureStorageAccess:
  # constructor
  def __init__(self, container, account, sas='', key=''):

    if container == '':
      raise ValueError('container should not be empty')
    if account == '':
      raise ValueError('account should not be empty')
    if sas == '' and key == '' :
      raise ValueError('provide value for either sas or key')
    self.container = container
    self.account = account

    # Set up an account access key or a SAS for the container
    # Once an account access key or a SAS is set up in your notebook, you can use standard Spark and Databricks APIs to read from the storage account
    # Use SAS first then account access key
    if sas != '':
      spark.conf.set('fs.azure.sas.%s.%s.blob.core.windows.net' % (container, account), sas)
    else :
      spark.conf.set('fs.azure.account.key.%s.blob.core.windows.net' % account, key)

  # The full path is wasbs://%s@%s.blob.core.windows.net/%s
  def getFullpath(self, path):
    return 'wasbs://%s@%s.blob.core.windows.net/%s' % (self.container, self.account, path)

# COMMAND ----------

# MAGIC %md **MicrosoftAcademicGraph** class to access MAG streams

# COMMAND ----------

# MicrosoftAcademicGraph class to access MAG streams
#   Parameters:
#     container: container name in Azure Storage (AS) account for the MAG dataset. Usually in forms of mag-yyyy-mm-dd
#     account: Azure Storage (AS) account containing MAG dataset
#     sas: complete 'Blob service SAS URL' of the shared access signature (sas) for the container
#     key: access key for the container, if sas is specified, key is ignored
#   Note:
#     you need to provide value for either sas or key
#     MAG streams do not have header
from pyspark.sql.types import *

class MicrosoftAcademicGraph(AzureStorageAccess):
  # constructor
  def __init__(self, container, account, sas='', key=''):
    AzureStorageAccess.__init__(self, container, account, sas, key) 

  # return stream path
  def getFullpath(self, streamName):
    return AzureStorageAccess.getFullpath(self, self.streams[streamName][0])

  # return stream header
  def getHeader(self, streamName):
    return self.streams[streamName][1]

  datatypedict = {
    'int' : IntegerType(),
    'uint' : IntegerType(),
    'long' : LongType(),
    'ulong' : LongType(),
    'float' : FloatType(),
    'string' : StringType(),
    'DateTime' : DateType(),

  # return stream schema
  def getSchema(self, streamName):
    schema = StructType()
    for field in self.streams[streamName][1]:
      fieldname, fieldtype = field.split(':')
      nullable = fieldtype.endswith('?')
      if nullable:
        fieldtype = fieldtype[:-1]
      schema.add(StructField(fieldname, self.datatypedict[fieldtype], nullable))
    return schema

  # return stream dataframe
  def getDataframe(self, streamName):
    return spark.read.format('csv').options(header='false', delimiter='\t').schema(self.getSchema(streamName)).load(self.getFullpath(streamName))

  # define stream dictionary
  streams = {
    'Affiliations' : ('mag/Affiliations.txt', ['AffiliationId:long', 'Rank:uint', 'NormalizedName:string', 'DisplayName:string', 'GridId:string', 'OfficialPage:string', 'WikiPage:string', 'PaperCount:long', 'CitationCount:long', 'Latitude:float?', 'Longitude:float?', 'CreatedDate:DateTime']),
    'Authors' : ('mag/Authors.txt', ['AuthorId:long', 'Rank:uint', 'NormalizedName:string', 'DisplayName:string', 'LastKnownAffiliationId:long?', 'PaperCount:long', 'CitationCount:long', 'CreatedDate:DateTime']),
    'ConferenceInstances' : ('mag/ConferenceInstances.txt', ['ConferenceInstanceId:long', 'NormalizedName:string', 'DisplayName:string', 'ConferenceSeriesId:long', 'Location:string', 'OfficialUrl:string', 'StartDate:DateTime?', 'EndDate:DateTime?', 'AbstractRegistrationDate:DateTime?', 'SubmissionDeadlineDate:DateTime?', 'NotificationDueDate:DateTime?', 'FinalVersionDueDate:DateTime?', 'PaperCount:long', 'CitationCount:long', 'Latitude:float?', 'Longitude:float?', 'CreatedDate:DateTime']),
    'ConferenceSeries' : ('mag/ConferenceSeries.txt', ['ConferenceSeriesId:long', 'Rank:uint', 'NormalizedName:string', 'DisplayName:string', 'PaperCount:long', 'CitationCount:long', 'CreatedDate:DateTime']),
    'EntityRelatedEntities' : ('advanced/EntityRelatedEntities.txt', ['EntityId:long', 'EntityType:string', 'RelatedEntityId:long', 'RelatedEntityType:string', 'RelatedType:int', 'Score:float']),
    'FieldOfStudyChildren' : ('advanced/FieldOfStudyChildren.txt', ['FieldOfStudyId:long', 'ChildFieldOfStudyId:long']),
    'FieldsOfStudy' : ('advanced/FieldsOfStudy.txt', ['FieldOfStudyId:long', 'Rank:uint', 'NormalizedName:string', 'DisplayName:string', 'MainType:string', 'Level:int', 'PaperCount:long', 'CitationCount:long', 'CreatedDate:DateTime']),
    'Journals' : ('mag/Journals.txt', ['JournalId:long', 'Rank:uint', 'NormalizedName:string', 'DisplayName:string', 'Issn:string', 'Publisher:string', 'Webpage:string', 'PaperCount:long', 'CitationCount:long', 'CreatedDate:DateTime']),
    'PaperAbstractsInvertedIndex' : ('nlp/PaperAbstractsInvertedIndex.txt', ['PaperId:long', 'IndexedAbstract:string']),
    'PaperAuthorAffiliations' : ('mag/PaperAuthorAffiliations.txt', ['PaperId:long', 'AuthorId:long', 'AffiliationId:long?', 'AuthorSequenceNumber:uint', 'OriginalAuthor:string', 'OriginalAffiliation:string']),
    'PaperCitationContexts' : ('nlp/PaperCitationContexts.txt', ['PaperId:long', 'PaperReferenceId:long', 'CitationContext:string']),
    'PaperFieldsOfStudy' : ('advanced/PaperFieldsOfStudy.txt', ['PaperId:long', 'FieldOfStudyId:long', 'Score:float']),
    'PaperLanguages' : ('nlp/PaperLanguages.txt', ['PaperId:long', 'LanguageCode:string']),
    'PaperRecommendations' : ('advanced/PaperRecommendations.txt', ['PaperId:long', 'RecommendedPaperId:long', 'Score:float']),
    'PaperReferences' : ('mag/PaperReferences.txt', ['PaperId:long', 'PaperReferenceId:long']),
    'PaperResources' : ('mag/PaperResources.txt', ['PaperId:long', 'ResourceType:int', 'ResourceUrl:string', 'SourceUrl:string', 'RelationshipType:int']),
    'PaperUrls' : ('mag/PaperUrls.txt', ['PaperId:long', 'SourceType:int?', 'SourceUrl:string']),
    'Papers' : ('mag/Papers.txt', ['PaperId:long', 'Rank:uint', 'Doi:string', 'DocType:string', 'PaperTitle:string', 'OriginalTitle:string', 'BookTitle:string', 'Year:int?', 'Date:DateTime?', 'Publisher:string', 'JournalId:long?', 'ConferenceSeriesId:long?', 'ConferenceInstanceId:long?', 'Volume:string', 'Issue:string', 'FirstPage:string', 'LastPage:string', 'ReferenceCount:long', 'CitationCount:long', 'EstimatedCitation:long', 'OriginalVenue:string', 'CreatedDate:DateTime']),
    'RelatedFieldOfStudy' : ('advanced/RelatedFieldOfStudy.txt', ['FieldOfStudyId1:long', 'Type1:string', 'FieldOfStudyId2:long', 'Type2:string', 'Rank:float']),

# COMMAND ----------

# MAGIC %md **AzureStorageUtil** class to access Azure Storage streams

# COMMAND ----------

# AzureStorageUtil class to access Azure Storage streams
#   Parameters:
#     container: container name in Azure Storage (AS) account for input/output streams in PySpark notebook
#     account: Azure Storage (AS) account
#     sas: complete 'Blob service SAS URL' of the shared access signature (sas) for the container
#     key: access key for the container, if sas is specified, key is ignored
#   Note:
#     you need to provide value for either sas or key
#     streams contain headers
class AzureStorageUtil(AzureStorageAccess):
  # constructor
  def __init__(self, container, account, sas='', key=''):
    AzureStorageAccess.__init__(self, container, account, sas, key) 

  def load(self, path):
    _path = self.getFullpath(path)
    print('laoding from ' + _path)
    return spark.read.format('csv').options(header='true', inferSchema='true').load(_path)

  def save(self, df, path, coalesce=False):
    _path = self.getFullpath(path)
    print('saving to ' + _path)
    if coalesce:
    else :

# COMMAND ----------

# MAGIC %md **NetworkSimilarity** class to compute Network Similarity

# COMMAND ----------

#   Parameters:
#     resource: resource stream path
#     container: container name in Azure Storage (AS) account
#     account: Azure Storage (AS) account
#     sas: complete 'Blob service SAS URL' of the shared access signature (sas) for the container
#     key: access key for the container, if sas is specified, key is ignored
#   Note:
#     resource does not have header
#     you need to provide value for either sas or key
class NetworkSimilarity(AzureStorageAccess):
  # constructor
  def __init__(self, resource, container, account, sas='', key=''):
    AzureStorageAccess.__init__(self, container, account, sas, key)
    schema = StructType()
    schema.add(StructField('EntityId', LongType(), False))
    schema.add(StructField('EntityType', StringType(), False))
    schema.add(StructField('Data', StringType(), False))
    self.df = spark.read.format('csv').options(header='false', delimiter='\t').schema(schema).load(self.getFullpath(resource))

  def getDataframe(self):
    return self.df
  def raiseErrorIfNotFound(self, row, e):
    if row is None:
      raise KeyError('entity ' + str(e) + ' not found')

  def getSimilarity(self, e1, e2):
    df = self.df
    row1 = df.where(df.EntityId == e1).first()
    self.raiseErrorIfNotFound(row1, e1)
    row2 = df.where(df.EntityId == e2).first()
    self.raiseErrorIfNotFound(row2, e2)
    return cosineSimilarity(row1.Data, row2.Data)

  def getTopEntities(self, e, targetType = '', maxCount = 20, minScore = 0.0):
    df1 = self.df
    row1 = df1.where(df1.EntityId == e).first()
    self.raiseErrorIfNotFound(row1, e)

    if targetType == '':
      df2 = df1.where(df1.EntityId != e)
    else :
      df2 = df1.where((df1.EntityId != e) & (df1.EntityType == targetType))

    df3 = df2.select(df2.EntityId, df2.EntityType, udfCosineSimilarity(F.lit(row1.Data), df2.Data).alias('Score'))
    return df3.where(df3.Score >= minScore).orderBy(df3.Score.desc()).limit(maxCount)

# COMMAND ----------

# MAGIC %md **PaperSimilarity** class to compute paper recommendations

# COMMAND ----------

#   Parameters:
#     resource: resource stream path
#     container: container name in Azure Storage (AS) account
#     account: Azure Storage (AS) account
#     sas: complete 'Blob service SAS URL' of the shared access signature (sas) for the container
#     key: access key for the container, if sas is specified, key is ignored
#   Note:
#     resource does not have header
#     you need to provide value for either sas or key
class PaperSimilarity(AzureStorageAccess):
  # constructor
  def __init__(self, resource, container, account, sas='', key=''):
    AzureStorageAccess.__init__(self, container, account, sas, key)
    schema = StructType()
    schema.add(StructField('EntityId', LongType(), False))
    schema.add(StructField('Data', StringType(), False))
    self.df = spark.read.format('csv').options(header='false', delimiter='\t').schema(schema).load(self.getFullpath(resource))
    self.mag = MicrosoftAcademicGraph(container, account, sas=sas)
    self.corefdf = self._compute_cocitations()
  def getDataframe(self):
    return self.df
  def _getCoRefDataframe(self):
    return self.corefdf
  def raiseErrorIfNotFound(self, row, e):
    if row is None:
      raise KeyError('entity ' + str(e) + ' not found')

  def getSimilarity(self, e1, e2):
    df = self.df
    row1 = df.where(df.EntityId == e1).first()
    self.raiseErrorIfNotFound(row1, e1)
    row2 = df.where(df.EntityId == e2).first()
    self.raiseErrorIfNotFound(row2, e2)
    return cosineSimilarityN(row1.Data, row2.Data)

  def getTopEntities(self, e, method="embedding", maxCount = 20, minScore = 0.0):
    if method == 'cocitation':
      return self._getTopEntitiesByCocitation(e, maxCount, minScore)
      return self._getTopEntitiesByEmbedding(e, maxCount, minScore)
  def _getTopEntitiesByEmbedding(self, e, maxCount, minScore):
    df1 = self.df
    paperdf = self.mag.getDataframe('Papers')
    row1 = df1.where(df1.EntityId == e).first()
    df2 = df1.where(df1.EntityId != e)
    df3 = df2.select(df2.EntityId, udfCosineSimilarityN(F.lit(row1.Data), df2.Data).alias('Score'))
    return df3.join(paperdf, df3.EntityId == paperdf.PaperId, 'inner').select(paperdf.PaperId, paperdf.PaperTitle, df3.Score).where((~F.isnan(df3.Score)) & (df3.Score >= minScore)).orderBy(df3.Score.desc()).limit(maxCount)
  def _getTopEntitiesByCocitation(self, e, maxCount, minScore):
    df1 = self.corefdf
    paperdf = self.mag.getDataframe('Papers')
    df2 = df1.where(df1.ReferenceId == e)
    return df2.join(paperdf, df2.CoReferenceId == paperdf.PaperId, 'inner').select(paperdf.PaperId, paperdf.PaperTitle, df2.Score).where(df2.Score >= minScore).orderBy(df2.Score.desc()).limit(maxCount)
  def _compute_cocitations(self, coreferenceLimit=50):
    pr1 = self.mag.getDataframe('PaperReferences')
    pr1 = pr1.selectExpr("PaperId as PaperId1", "PaperReferenceId as PaperReferenceId1" )

    pr2 = self.mag.getDataframe('PaperReferences')
    pr2 = pr2.selectExpr("PaperId as PaperId2", "PaperReferenceId as PaperReferenceId2" )

    return pr1.join(pr2, pr1.PaperId1 == pr2.PaperId2, 'inner').filter(pr1.PaperReferenceId1 < pr2.PaperReferenceId2).select(pr1.PaperReferenceId1.alias('ReferenceId'), pr2.PaperReferenceId2.alias('CoReferenceId')).groupBy('ReferenceId', 'CoReferenceId').count().orderBy(F.desc('count')).selectExpr("ReferenceId as ReferenceId", "CoReferenceId as CoReferenceId", "count as Score").limit(coreferenceLimit)

# COMMAND ----------