Detect objects and faces using tensorflow-tpu served by zerorpc.

This needs to be called from a zerorpc client with
an array of alarm frame image paths.

This was originally part of the smart-zoneminder project.
See https://github.com/goruck/smart-zoneminder

Copyright (c) 2018, 2019 Lindo St. Angel

import numpy as np
import json
import zerorpc
import pickle
import cv2
import logging
import gevent
import face_recognition
from signal import SIGINT, SIGTERM
from edgetpu.detection.engine import DetectionEngine


# Open configuration file. 
with open('./config.json') as fp:
    config = json.load(fp)

obj_config = config['objDetServer']
face_config = config['faceDetServer']

### Object detection configuration. ###
# Tensorflow object and face detection file system paths.
PATH_TO_OBJ_MODEL = obj_config['objModelPath']
PATH_TO_LABEL_MAP = obj_config['labelMapPath']
# Minimum score for valid TF object detection. 
MIN_SCORE_THRESH = obj_config['minScore']
# Heartbeat interval for zerorpc client in ms.
# This must match the zerorpc client config. 
OBJ_ZRPC_HEARTBEAT = obj_config['zerorpcHeartBeat']
# IPC (or TCP) socket for zerorpc.
# This must match the zerorpc client config.
OBJ_ZRPC_PIPE = obj_config['zerorpcPipe']
# Mount point of zm alarms on local tpu machine. 
OBJ_MOUNT_POINT = obj_config['mountPoint']

### Face detection configuration. ###
# Tensorflow face detection model path.
PATH_TO_FACE_DET_MODEL = face_config['faceDetModelPath']
# py torch face embeddings model path (if used).
PATH_TO_FACE_EMB_MODEL = face_config['faceEmbModelPath']
# Heartbeat interval for zerorpc client in ms.
# This must match the zerorpc client config. 
FACE_ZRPC_HEARTBEAT = face_config['zerorpcHeartBeat']
# IPC (or TCP) socket for zerorpc.
# This must match the zerorpc client config.
FACE_ZRPC_PIPE = face_config['zerorpcPipe']
# Mount point of zm alarms on local tpu machine. 
FACE_MOUNT_POINT = obj_config['mountPoint']
# Settings for SVM face classifier.
# The model and label encoder needs to be generated by 'train.py' first. 
MODEL_PATH = face_config['modelPath']
LABEL_PATH = face_config['labelPath']
MIN_PROBA = face_config['minProba']
# Images with Variance of Laplacian less than this are declared blurry. 
FOCUS_MEASURE_THRESHOLD = face_config['focusMeasureThreshold']
# Faces with width or height less than this are too small for recognition.
# In pixels.
MIN_FACE = face_config['minFace']
# Number of times to resample for dlib face encoder.
NUM_JITTERS = face_config['numJitters']

def ReadLabelFile(file_path):
    # Function to read labels from text files.
    with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
    ret = {}
    for line in lines:
        pair = line.strip().split(maxsplit=1)
        ret[int(pair[0])] = pair[1].strip()
    return ret

# Initialize tpu engines.
obj_engine = DetectionEngine(PATH_TO_OBJ_MODEL)
labels_map = ReadLabelFile(PATH_TO_LABEL_MAP)
face_engine = DetectionEngine(PATH_TO_FACE_DET_MODEL)

# Load svm face recognition model along with the label encoder.
with open(MODEL_PATH, 'rb') as fp:
    recognizer = pickle.load(fp)
with open(LABEL_PATH, 'rb') as fp:
    le = pickle.load(fp)

def face_classifier(encoding, min_proba):
	# perform classification to recognize the face based on 128D encoding
	# note: reshape(1,-1) converts 1D array into 2D
	preds = recognizer.predict_proba(encoding.reshape(1, -1))[0]
	j = np.argmax(preds)
	proba = preds[j]
	logging.debug('face classifier proba {} name {}'.format(proba, le.classes_[j]))
	if proba >= min_proba:
		name = le.classes_[j]
		logging.debug('face classifier says this is {}'.format(name))
		name = None # prob too low to recog face
		logging.debug('face classifier cannot recognize face')
	return name, proba

def variance_of_laplacian(image):
    # compute the Laplacian of the image and then return the focus
    # measure, which is simply the variance of the Laplacian
    return cv2.Laplacian(image, cv2.CV_64F).var()

def resize_to_square(img, size, keep_aspect_ratio=False, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA):
    # Resize image to square shape.
    # If keep_aspect_ratio=True, then:
    #   If the original image is lanscape, add black pixels on the bottom-side only.
    #   If the original image is portrait, add black pixels on the right-side only.
    (h, w) = img.shape[:2]

    if h == w or keep_aspect_ratio == False:
        return cv2.resize(img, (size, size), interpolation)

    # Check if image is color. 
    chan = None if len(img.shape) < 3 else img.shape[2]

    # Determine size of black mask.
    mask_size = h if h > w else w

    if chan is None:
        mask = np.zeros((mask_size, mask_size), dtype=img.dtype)
        mask[:h, :w] = img[:h, :w]
        mask = np.zeros((mask_size, mask_size, chan), dtype=img.dtype)
        mask[:h, :w, :] = img[:h, :w, :]

    return cv2.resize(mask, (size, size), interpolation)

# zerorpc obj det server.
class ObjDetectRPC(object):
    def detect_objects(self, test_image_paths):
        objects_in_image = [] # holds all objects found in image
        labels = [] # labels of detected objects

        for image_path in test_image_paths:
            logging.debug('**********Find object(s) for {}'.format(image_path))

            # Read image from disk. 
            img = cv2.imread(OBJ_MOUNT_POINT + image_path)
            #cv2.imwrite('./obj_img.jpg', img)
            if img is None:
                # Bad image was read.
                logging.error('Bad image was read.')
                objects_in_image.append({'image': image_path, 'labels': []})

            # Resize. The tpu obj det requires (300, 300).
            res = resize_to_square(img=img, size=300, keep_aspect_ratio=True,
            #cv2.imwrite('./obj_res.jpg', res)

            # Run object inference.
            detection = obj_engine.DetectWithInputTensor(res.reshape(-1),
                threshold=0.05, top_k=3)

            # Get labels and scores of detected objects.
            labels = [] # new detection, clear labels list. 
            (h, w) = img.shape[:2] # use original image size for box coords
            for obj in detection:
                logging.debug('id: {} name: {} score: {}'
                    .format(obj.label_id, labels_map[obj.label_id], obj.score))
                if obj.score > MIN_SCORE_THRESH:
                    object_dict = {}
                    object_dict['id'] = obj.label_id
                    object_dict['name'] = labels_map[obj.label_id]
                    object_dict['score'] = float(obj.score)
                    (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) = (obj.bounding_box.flatten().tolist()) * np.array([w, h, w, h])
                    object_dict['box'] = {'ymin': ymin, 'xmin': xmin, 'ymax': ymax, 'xmax': xmax}

            objects_in_image.append({'image': image_path, 'labels': labels})
        return json.dumps(objects_in_image)

# zerorpc face detection server.
class FaceDetectRPC(object):
    def detect_faces(self, test_image_paths):
        # List that will hold all images with any face detection information. 
        objects_detected_faces = []

        # Loop over the images paths provided. 
        for obj in test_image_paths:
            logging.debug('**********Find Face(s) for {}'.format(obj['image']))
            for label in obj['labels']:
                # If the object detected is a person then try to identify face. 
                if label['name'] == 'person':
                    # Read image from disk. 
                    img = cv2.imread(FACE_MOUNT_POINT + obj['image'])
                    if img is None:
                        # Bad image was read.
                        logging.error('Bad image was read.')
                        label['face'] = None

                    # First bound the roi using the coord info passed in.
                    # The roi is area around person(s) detected in image.
                    # (x1, y1) are the top left roi coordinates.
                    # (x2, y2) are the bottom right roi coordinates.
                    y2 = int(label['box']['ymin'])
                    x1 = int(label['box']['xmin'])
                    y1 = int(label['box']['ymax'])
                    x2 = int(label['box']['xmax'])
                    roi = img[y2:y1, x1:x2, :]
                    #cv2.imwrite('./roi.jpg', roi)
                    if roi.size == 0:
                        # Bad object roi...move on to next image.
                        logging.error('Bad object roi.')
                        label['face'] = None

                    # Need roi shape for later conversion of face coords.
                    (h, w) = roi.shape[:2]
                    # Resize roi for face detection.
                    # The tpu face det model used requires (320, 320).
                    res = resize_to_square(img=roi, size=320, keep_aspect_ratio=True,
                    #cv2.imwrite('./res.jpg', res)

                    # Detect the (x, y)-coordinates of the bounding boxes corresponding
                    # to a face in the input image using the TPU engine.
                    # Its assumed that only one face is in the image. 
                    # NB: reshape(-1) converts the np img array into 1-d.
                    detection = face_engine.DetectWithInputTensor(res.reshape(-1),
                        threshold=0.05, top_k=1)
                    if not detection:
                        # No face detected...move on to next image.
                        logging.debug('No face detected.')
                        label['face'] = None
                    # Convert coords and carve out face roi.
                    box = (detection[0].bounding_box.flatten().tolist()) * np.array([w, h, w, h])
                    (face_left, face_top, face_right, face_bottom) = box.astype('int')
                    face_roi = roi[face_top:face_bottom, face_left:face_right, :]
                    #cv2.imwrite('./face_roi.jpg', face_roi)
                    (f_h, f_w) = face_roi.shape[:2]
                    # If face width or height are not sufficiently large then skip.
                    if f_h < MIN_FACE or f_w < MIN_FACE:
                        logging.debug('Face too small to recognize.')
                        label['face'] = None

                    # Compute the focus measure of the face
                    # using the Variance of Laplacian method.
                    # See https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2015/09/07/blur-detection-with-opencv/
                    gray = cv2.cvtColor(face_roi, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                    fm = variance_of_laplacian(gray)
                    # If fm below a threshold then face probably isn't clear enough
                    # for face recognition to work, so skip it. 
                    if fm < FOCUS_MEASURE_THRESHOLD:
                        logging.debug('Face too blurry to recognize.')
                        label['face'] = None

                    # Find the 128-dimension face encoding for face in image.
                    # Convert image roi from BGR (OpenCV ordering) to dlib ordering (RGB).
                    rgb = cv2.cvtColor(roi, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
                    # Convert face bbox into dlib format.
                    boxes = [(face_top, face_right, face_bottom, face_left)]
                    # Generate encodings. Only one face is assumed so take the 1st element. 
                    encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(face_image=rgb,
                        known_face_locations=boxes, num_jitters=NUM_JITTERS)[0]
                    logging.debug('face encoding {}'.format(encoding))
                    # Perform svm classification on the encodings to recognize the face.
                    (name, proba) = face_classifier(encoding, MIN_PROBA)

                    # Add face name to label metadata.
                    label['face'] = name
                    # Add face confidence to label metadata.
                    # (First convert NumPy value to native Python type for json serialization.)
                    label['faceProba'] = proba.item()
            # Add processed image to output list. 
        # Convert json to string and return data. 

# Setup face detection server. 
face_s = zerorpc.Server(FaceDetectRPC(), heartbeat=FACE_ZRPC_HEARTBEAT)
# Register graceful ways to stop server. 
gevent.signal(SIGINT, face_s.stop) # Ctrl-C
gevent.signal(SIGTERM, face_s.stop) # termination

# Setup object detection server. 
obj_s = zerorpc.Server(ObjDetectRPC(), heartbeat=OBJ_ZRPC_HEARTBEAT)
# Register graceful ways to stop server. 
gevent.signal(SIGINT, obj_s.stop) # Ctrl-C
gevent.signal(SIGTERM, obj_s.stop) # termination

# Startup both servers.
# This will block until a gevent SIGINT or SIGTERM signal is caught.
gevent.joinall([gevent.spawn(face_s.run), gevent.spawn(obj_s.run)])