# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2018 The Google AI Language Team Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
r"""Official evaluation script for Natural Questions.



  Example usage:

  nq_eval --gold_path=<path-to-gold-files> --predictions_path=<path_to_json>

  This will compute both the official F1 scores as well as recall@precision
  tables for both long and short answers. Note that R@P are only meaningful
  if your model populates the score fields of the prediction JSON format.

  gold_path should point to the five way annotated dev data in the
  original download format (gzipped jsonlines).

  predictions_path should point to a json file containing the predictions in
  the format given below.


  Prediction format:

  {'predictions': [
      'example_id': -2226525965842375672,
      'long_answer': {
        'start_byte': 62657, 'end_byte': 64776,
        'start_token': 391, 'end_token': 604
      'long_answer_score': 13.5,
      'short_answers': [
        {'start_byte': 64206, 'end_byte': 64280,
         'start_token': 555, 'end_token': 560}, ...],
      'short_answers_score': 26.4,
      'yes_no_answer': 'NONE'
    }, ... ]

  The prediction format mirrors the annotation format in defining each long or
  short answer span both in terms of byte offsets and token offsets. We do not
  expect participants to supply both.

  The order of preference is:

    if start_byte >= 0 and end_byte >=0, use byte offsets,
    else if start_token >= 0 and end_token >= 0, use token offsets,
    else no span is defined (null answer).

  The short answer metric takes both short answer spans, and the yes/no answer
  into account. If the 'short_answers' list contains any non/null spans, then
  'yes_no_answer' should be set to 'NONE'.



  If >= 2 of the annotators marked a non-null long answer, then the prediction
  must match any one of the non-null long answers to be considered correct.

  If >= 2 of the annotators marked a non-null set of short answers, or a yes/no
  answer, then the short answers prediction must match any one of the non-null
  sets of short answers *or* the yes/no prediction must match one of the
  non-null yes/no answer labels.

  All span comparisons are exact and each individual prediction can be fully
  correct, or incorrect.

  Each prediction should be provided with a long answer score, and a short
  answers score. At evaluation time, the evaluation script will find a score
  threshold at which F1 is maximized. All predictions with scores below this
  threshold are ignored (assumed to be null). If the score is not provided,
  the evaluation script considers all predictions to be valid. The script
  will also output the maximum recall at precision points of >= 0.5, >= 0.75,
  and >= 0.9.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from collections import OrderedDict
import json
import os
import pickle
from absl import app
from absl import flags
from absl import logging
import eval_utils as util
import six

    'gold_path', None, 'Path to the gzip JSON data. For '
    'multiple files, should be a glob '
    'pattern (e.g. "/path/to/files-*"')
flags.DEFINE_string('predictions_path', None, 'Path to prediction JSON.')
    'cache_gold_data', False,
    'Whether to cache gold data in Pickle format to speed up '
    'multiple evaluations.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('num_threads', 10, 'Number of threads for reading.')
flags.DEFINE_bool('pretty_print', False, 'Whether to pretty print output.')


def safe_divide(x, y):
  """Compute x / y, but return 0 if y is zero."""
  if y == 0:
    return 0
    return x / y

def score_long_answer(gold_label_list, pred_label):
  """Scores a long answer as correct or not.

  1) First decide if there is a gold long answer with LONG_NO_NULL_THRESHOLD.
  2) The prediction will get a match if:
     a. There is a gold long answer.
     b. The prediction span match exactly with *one* of the non-null gold
        long answer span.

    gold_label_list: A list of NQLabel, could be None.
    pred_label: A single NQLabel, could be None.

    gold_has_answer, pred_has_answer, is_correct, score
  gold_has_answer = util.gold_has_long_answer(gold_label_list)

  pred_has_answer = pred_label and (
      not pred_label.long_answer_span.is_null_span())

  is_correct = False
  score = pred_label.long_score

  # Both sides are non-null spans.
  if gold_has_answer and pred_has_answer:
    for gold_label in gold_label_list:
      # while the voting results indicate there is an long answer, each
      # annotator might still say there is no long answer.
      if gold_label.long_answer_span.is_null_span():

      if util.nonnull_span_equal(gold_label.long_answer_span,
        is_correct = True

  return gold_has_answer, pred_has_answer, is_correct, score

def score_short_answer(gold_label_list, pred_label):
  """Scores a short answer as correct or not.

  1) First decide if there is a gold short answer with SHORT_NO_NULL_THRESHOLD.
  2) The prediction will get a match if:
     a. There is a gold short answer.
     b. The prediction span *set* match exactly with *one* of the non-null gold
        short answer span *set*.

    gold_label_list: A list of NQLabel.
    pred_label: A single NQLabel.

    gold_has_answer, pred_has_answer, is_correct, score

  # There is a gold short answer if gold_label_list not empty and non null
  # answers is over the threshold (sum over annotators).
  gold_has_answer = util.gold_has_short_answer(gold_label_list)

  # There is a pred long answer if pred_label is not empty and short answer
  # set is not empty.
  pred_has_answer = pred_label and (
      (not util.is_null_span_list(pred_label.short_answer_span_list)) or
      pred_label.yes_no_answer != 'none')

  is_correct = False
  score = pred_label.short_score

  # Both sides have short answers, which contains yes/no questions.
  if gold_has_answer and pred_has_answer:
    if pred_label.yes_no_answer != 'none':  # System thinks its y/n questions.
      for gold_label in gold_label_list:
        if pred_label.yes_no_answer == gold_label.yes_no_answer:
          is_correct = True
      for gold_label in gold_label_list:
        if util.span_set_equal(gold_label.short_answer_span_list,
          is_correct = True

  return gold_has_answer, pred_has_answer, is_correct, score

def score_answers(gold_annotation_dict, pred_dict):
  """Scores all answers for all documents.

    gold_annotation_dict: a dict from example id to list of NQLabels.
    pred_dict: a dict from example id to list of NQLabels.

    long_answer_stats: List of scores for long answers.
    short_answer_stats: List of scores for short answers.
  gold_id_set = set(gold_annotation_dict.keys())
  pred_id_set = set(pred_dict.keys())

  if gold_id_set.symmetric_difference(pred_id_set):
    raise ValueError('ERROR: the example ids in gold annotations and example '
                     'ids in the prediction are not equal.')

  long_answer_stats = []
  short_answer_stats = []

  for example_id in gold_id_set:
    gold = gold_annotation_dict[example_id]
    pred = pred_dict[example_id]

    long_answer_stats.append(score_long_answer(gold, pred))
    short_answer_stats.append(score_short_answer(gold, pred))

  # use the 'score' column, which is last
  long_answer_stats.sort(key=lambda x: x[-1], reverse=True)
  short_answer_stats.sort(key=lambda x: x[-1], reverse=True)

  return long_answer_stats, short_answer_stats

def compute_f1(answer_stats, prefix=''):
  """Computes F1, precision, recall for a list of answer scores.

    answer_stats: List of per-example scores.
    prefix (''): Prefix to prepend to score dictionary.

    Dictionary mapping string names to scores.

  has_gold, has_pred, is_correct, _ = list(zip(*answer_stats))
  precision = safe_divide(sum(is_correct), sum(has_pred))
  recall = safe_divide(sum(is_correct), sum(has_gold))
  f1 = safe_divide(2 * precision * recall, precision + recall)

  return OrderedDict({
      prefix + 'n': len(answer_stats),
      prefix + 'f1': f1,
      prefix + 'precision': precision,
      prefix + 'recall': recall

def compute_final_f1(long_answer_stats, short_answer_stats):
  """Computes overall F1 given long and short answers, ignoring scores.

  Note: this assumes that the answers have been thresholded.

     long_answer_stats: List of long answer scores.
     short_answer_stats: List of short answer scores.

     Dictionary of name (string) -> score.
  scores = compute_f1(long_answer_stats, prefix='long-answer-')
  scores.update(compute_f1(short_answer_stats, prefix='short-answer-'))
  return scores

def compute_pr_curves(answer_stats, targets=None):
  """Computes PR curve and returns R@P for specific targets.

  The values are computed as follows: find the (precision, recall) point
  with maximum recall and where precision > target.

    answer_stats: List of statistic tuples from the answer scores.
    targets (None): List of precision thresholds to target.

    List of table with rows: [target, r, p, score].
  total_correct = 0
  total_has_pred = 0
  total_has_gold = 0

  # Count the number of gold annotations.
  for has_gold, _, _, _ in answer_stats:
    total_has_gold += has_gold

  # Keep track of the point of maximum recall for each target.
  max_recall = [0 for _ in targets]
  max_precision = [0 for _ in targets]
  max_scores = [None for _ in targets]

  # Only keep track of unique thresholds in this dictionary.
  scores_to_stats = OrderedDict()

  # Loop through every possible threshold and compute precision + recall.
  for has_gold, has_pred, is_correct, score in answer_stats:
    total_correct += is_correct
    total_has_pred += has_pred

    precision = safe_divide(total_correct, total_has_pred)
    recall = safe_divide(total_correct, total_has_gold)

    # If there are any ties, this will be updated multiple times until the
    # ties are all counted.
    scores_to_stats[score] = [precision, recall]

  best_f1 = 0.0
  best_precision = 0.0
  best_recall = 0.0
  best_threshold = 0.0

  for threshold, (precision, recall) in six.iteritems(scores_to_stats):
    # Match the thresholds to the find the closest precision above some target.
    for t, target in enumerate(targets):
      if precision >= target and recall > max_recall[t]:
        max_recall[t] = recall
        max_precision[t] = precision
        max_scores[t] = threshold

    # Compute optimal threshold.
    f1 = safe_divide(2 * precision * recall, precision + recall)
    if f1 > best_f1:
      best_f1 = f1
      best_precision = precision
      best_recall = recall
      best_threshold = threshold

  return ((best_f1, best_precision, best_recall, best_threshold),
          list(zip(targets, max_recall, max_precision, max_scores)))

def print_r_at_p_table(answer_stats):
  """Pretty prints the R@P table for default targets."""
  opt_result, pr_table = compute_pr_curves(
      answer_stats, targets=[0.5, 0.75, 0.9])
  f1, precision, recall, threshold = opt_result
  print('Optimal threshold: {:.5}'.format(threshold))
  print(' F1     /  P      /  R')
  print('{: >7.2%} / {: >7.2%} / {: >7.2%}'.format(f1, precision, recall))
  for target, recall, precision, row in pr_table:
    print('R@P={}: {:.2%} (actual p={:.2%}, score threshold={:.4})'.format(
        target, recall, precision, row))

def get_metrics_as_dict(gold_path, prediction_path, num_threads=10):
  """Library version of the end-to-end evaluation.

    gold_path: Path to the gzip JSON data. For multiple files, should be a glob
      pattern (e.g. "/path/to/files-*")
    prediction_path: Path to the JSON prediction data.
    num_threads (10): Number of threads to use when parsing multiple files.

    metrics: A dictionary mapping string names to metric scores.

  nq_gold_dict = util.read_annotation(gold_path, n_threads=num_threads)
  nq_pred_dict = util.read_prediction_json(prediction_path)
  long_answer_stats, short_answer_stats = score_answers(nq_gold_dict,

  return get_metrics_with_answer_stats(long_answer_stats, short_answer_stats)

def get_metrics_with_answer_stats(long_answer_stats, short_answer_stats):
  """Generate metrics dict using long and short answer stats."""

  def _get_metric_dict(answer_stats, prefix=''):
    """Compute all metrics for a set of answer statistics."""
    opt_result, pr_table = compute_pr_curves(
        answer_stats, targets=[0.5, 0.75, 0.9])
    f1, precision, recall, threshold = opt_result
    metrics = OrderedDict({
        'best-threshold-f1': f1,
        'best-threshold-precision': precision,
        'best-threshold-recall': recall,
        'best-threshold': threshold,
    for target, recall, precision, _ in pr_table:
      metrics['recall-at-precision>={:.2}'.format(target)] = recall
      metrics['precision-at-precision>={:.2}'.format(target)] = precision

    # Add prefix before returning.
    return dict([(prefix + k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(metrics)])

  metrics = _get_metric_dict(long_answer_stats, 'long-')
  metrics.update(_get_metric_dict(short_answer_stats, 'short-'))
  return metrics

def main(_):
  cache_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(FLAGS.gold_path), 'cache')
  if FLAGS.cache_gold_data and os.path.exists(cache_path):
    logging.info('Reading from cache: %s', format(cache_path))
    nq_gold_dict = pickle.load(open(cache_path, 'r'))
    nq_gold_dict = util.read_annotation(
        FLAGS.gold_path, n_threads=FLAGS.num_threads)
    if FLAGS.cache_gold_data:
      logging.info('Caching gold data for next time to: %s', format(cache_path))
      pickle.dump(nq_gold_dict, open(cache_path, 'w'))

  nq_pred_dict = util.read_prediction_json(FLAGS.predictions_path)

  long_answer_stats, short_answer_stats = score_answers(nq_gold_dict,

  if FLAGS.pretty_print:
    print('*' * 20)
    print('LONG ANSWER R@P TABLE:')
    print('*' * 20)
    print('SHORT ANSWER R@P TABLE:')

    scores = compute_final_f1(long_answer_stats, short_answer_stats)
    print('*' * 20)
    print('METRICS IGNORING SCORES (n={}):'.format(scores['long-answer-n']))
    print('              F1     /  P      /  R')
    print('Long answer  {: >7.2%} / {: >7.2%} / {: >7.2%}'.format(
        scores['long-answer-f1'], scores['long-answer-precision'],
    print('Short answer {: >7.2%} / {: >7.2%} / {: >7.2%}'.format(
        scores['short-answer-f1'], scores['short-answer-precision'],
    metrics = get_metrics_with_answer_stats(long_answer_stats,

if __name__ == '__main__':