# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2019 The Google Research Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Tool to compile morphotactics FST into OpenFST format.

This tool takes a set of lexicon and morphotactics model files and outputs AT&T
FSM format symbols table and text FST files, which are used in building
morphotactics FST (second layer of analysis) using OpenFst.

Output symbols table will not suffice to build the morphotactics FST. It will
only contain labels for the complex symbols (such as meta-morphemes that are
used on the output side of rewrite rules, or morphological anlysis tags that are
used on the input side of the rewrite rules of the morphotactics model). Thus,
it should first be concatenated with the base symbols table (which contains the
labels for the characters of the input words) before building the morphotactics
FST using OpenFST. For further details, see the comments in

In case of an input illformed lexicon entry, or morphotactics rule definition,
the tool raises MorphotacticsCompilerError.

Note that all the files under the lexicon_dir that have the ".tsv" file
extension, and those under the morphotactics_dir that have ".txt" file extension
will be picked up by this tool throughout compilation (so abstain from having
redundant files with those file extensions in respective directories, or
probably the tool will raise MorphotacticsCompilerError to signal illformed
source data).

Generated symbols table and text FST files will respectively have the names
'complex_symbols.syms' and 'morphotactics.txt'. They will be written under

import collections
import glob
import os
import re
from typing import Generator, Iterable, List, Tuple

from src.analyzer.lexicon import parser as lexicon_parser
from src.analyzer.lexicon import reader as lexicon_reader
from src.analyzer.lexicon import validator as lexicon_validator
from src.analyzer.morphotactics import common
from src.analyzer.morphotactics import parser as morphotactics_parser
from src.analyzer.morphotactics import reader as morphotactics_reader
from src.analyzer.morphotactics import rule_pb2
from src.analyzer.morphotactics import validator as morphotactics_validator

from absl import app
from absl import flags
from absl import logging


    "lexicon_dir", "src/analyzer/lexicon/base",
    "Path to the directory that contains the lexicon TSV dumps.")
    "morphotactics_dir", "src/analyzer/morphotactics/model",
    "Path to the directory that contains the text files that define"
    " rewrite rules of morphotactics model.")
    "output_dir", "bin",
    "Path to the directory to which compiled OpenFST format transducer"
    " specification and symbols table file will be written to as text file")

flags.register_validator("lexicon_dir", lambda v: os.path.isdir(v))
flags.register_validator("morphotactics_dir", lambda v: os.path.isdir(v))

_RewriteRule = rule_pb2.RewriteRule
_RewriteRuleSet = rule_pb2.RewriteRuleSet

_SYMBOLS_REGEX = re.compile(
    # First inflectional group.
    # Inflectional group boundaries.
    # Derivational morphemes.
    # Inflectional morphemes and features.
    # Proper noun analysis.
    # Numbers.
    # Parenthesis or decimal point separators.

class MorphotacticsCompilerError(Exception):
  """Raised when one of the source files contains an illformed line or entry."""

def _get_lexicon_rules(lexicon_dir: str) -> _RewriteRuleSet:
  """Parses lexicon into valid rewrite rules.

    lexicon_dir: path to the directory that contains the lexicon TSV dumps.
        All files that have the ".tsv" file extension under this directory will
        be picked up by this function and will attempted to be parsed into a
        set of rewrite rule objects.

    MorphotacticsCompilerError: one of the lexicon entries in the is illformed,
        or no valid rewrite rules can be generated from the lexicon entries.

    Array of validated and parsed lexicon rewrite rule objects.

  def _read_rule_set(path: str) -> _RewriteRule:
    logging.info(f"reading rewrite rules from '{path}'")
    entries = lexicon_reader.read_lexicon_entries(path)  # might throw IOError.

    for index, entry in entries.items():
      except lexicon_validator.InvalidLexiconEntryError as error:
        raise MorphotacticsCompilerError(
            f"Lexicon entry at line {index} of '{path}' is illformed. {error}")

    return lexicon_parser.parse(list(entries.values()))

  paths = sorted(glob.glob(f"{lexicon_dir}/*.tsv"))
  rule_sets = [_read_rule_set(p) for p in paths]
  lexicon = _RewriteRuleSet()
  lexicon.rule.extend(r for rs in rule_sets for r in rs.rule)

  if not lexicon.rule:
    raise MorphotacticsCompilerError("no valid lexicon rewrite rules found.")

  return lexicon

def _get_morphotactics_rules(morphotactics_dir: str) -> _RewriteRuleSet:
  """Parses morphotactics model into valid rewrite rules.

    morphotactics_dir: path to the directory that contains the text files that
        define rules of morphotactics FST. All files that have the ".txt" file
        extension under this directory will be picked up by this function and
        will attempted to be parsed into a set of rewrite rule objects.

    MorphotacticsCompilerError: one of the morphotactics rule definitions
        is illformed, or no valid rewrite rules can be generated from the rule

    Array of validated and parsed morphotactics rewrite rule objects.

  def _read_rule_set(path: str) -> _RewriteRule:
    logging.info(f"reading rewrite rules from '{path}'")
    # Below read call might throw IOError.
    lines = morphotactics_reader.read_rule_definitions(path)

    for index, line in lines.items():
      except morphotactics_validator.InvalidMorphotacticsRuleError as error:
        raise MorphotacticsCompilerError(
            f"Rewrite rule at line {index} of '{path}' is illformed. {error}")

    return morphotactics_parser.parse(list(lines.values()))

  paths = sorted(glob.glob(f"{morphotactics_dir}/*.txt"))
  rule_sets = [_read_rule_set(p) for p in paths]
  morphotactics = _RewriteRuleSet()
  morphotactics.rule.extend(r for rs in rule_sets for r in rs.rule)

  if not morphotactics.rule:
    raise MorphotacticsCompilerError(
        "no valid morphotactics rewrite rules found.")

  return morphotactics

def _remove_duplicate_rules(rule_set: _RewriteRuleSet) -> None:
  """Removes duplicate rewrite rules objects that are in the rule set.

  This function preserves the order of the rewrite rules in the rule set and
  does de-duplication in-place by just keeping the last occurrence of a
  duplicate rule.

    rule_set: array of rewrite rule objects that defines the state transition
        arcs of the morphocatics FST.
  RuleKey = Tuple[str, str, str, str]

  def _key_and_value(rule: _RewriteRule) -> Tuple[RuleKey, _RewriteRule]:
    return (rule.from_state, rule.to_state, rule.input, rule.output), rule

  inverted = collections.OrderedDict(map(_key_and_value, rule_set.rule))
  duplicate_count = len(rule_set.rule) - len(inverted)

  if duplicate_count:
        f"found {duplicate_count} duplicate rewrite rules, removing them")
    rule_set.rule.extend([r for r in inverted.values()])

def _symbols_of_input(label: str) -> List[str]:
  """Extracts FST symbols that compose complex input label of the rewrite rule.

  FST symbols of a complex input label is;
    - Epsilon symbol if the complex input label is an epsilon symbol
      (e.g. ['<eps>'] for label '<eps>').
    - Digits of the complex input label if it is only composed of digits
      without any feature analysis tags (e.g. ['9', '0'] for the label '90').
    - Tokenized inflectional group boundaries, inflectional or derivational
      morphemes, proper noun and feature analyses tags, numbers, and punction
      if the complex input label is composed of these units (e.g. [')([VN]',
      '-YAn[Derivation=PresNom]'] for the label

    label: complex input label of a morphotactics FST rewrite rule.

    FST symbols that are used in the complex input label of the rewrite rule.
    For labels that do not represent epsilon, FST symbols are returned in the
    same order as they appear in the complex input label, and duplicate symbols
    are preserved.
  if label == common.EPSILON:
    return [label]

  # We add a state transition arc for each digit of a multi-digit number.
  if "[" not in label:
    return list(label)

  # We add a state transition arc for each inflectional or derivational
  # morpheme, inflectional group boundary, and proper noun analysis tag.
  return _SYMBOLS_REGEX.findall(label)

def _symbols_of_output(label: str) -> List[str]:
  """Extracts FST symbols that compose complex output label of the rewrite rule.

  FST symbols of a complex output label is;
    - Epsilon symbol if the complex output label is an epsilon symbol
      (e.g. ['<eps>'] for the label '<eps>').
    - All characters of the complex output label if it is not an epsilon symbol
      (e.g. ['{', 'l', 'p'] for the label '{lp').

    label: complex output label of a morphotactics FST rewrite rule.

    FST symbols that are used in the complex output label of the rewrite rule.
    For labels that do not represent epsilon, FST symbols are returned in the
    same order as they appear in the complex output label, and duplicate symbols
    are preserved.
  if label == common.EPSILON:
    return [label]

  # We add a new state transition arc for each character of the output token.
  return list(label)

def _symbols_table_file_content(rule_set: _RewriteRuleSet
                                ) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
  r"""Generates the content of the complex symbols table file.

  Generated file is in AT&T format. It defines the labels for state transition
  arcs and assigns a unique index to each. The first label in the file get
  the index 983040 (decimal value for the beginning of the Unicode private use
  area). Successive labels have incremental index.

  Note that we do not generate distinct symbols table files for complex input
  and output labels, yet only create a single symbols table file that contains
  the union of the set of labels on both sides.

    rule_set: array of rewrite rule objects that defines the state transition
        arcs of the morphocatics FST.

    Lines of symbols table file, where each defines an FST symbol in the form
    of 'SYMBOL INDEX\n' (e.g. '(abanoz[NN]	983041\n').

  def _line(symbol: str, index: int) -> str:
    return f"{symbol}\t{index}\n"

  fst_symbols = []

  for rule in rule_set.rule:

  unique_symbols = set(fst_symbols).difference({common.EPSILON})
  complex_symbols = [s for s in unique_symbols if len(s) > 1]

  index = 983040  # start of the Unicode private use area.

  for symbol in sorted(complex_symbols):
    yield _line(symbol, index)
    index += 1

  logging.info("generated complex symbols file content")

def _text_fst_file_content(rule_set: _RewriteRuleSet
                           ) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
  r"""Generates the content of the text FST file.

  Generated file is in AT&T format. It defines the state transition arcs and
  input/output label pairs of the morphotactics model.

    rule_set: array of rewrite rule objects that defines the state transition
        arcs of the morphocatics FST.

    Lines of text FST file, where each defines a state transition arc in the
    form of 'FROM_INDEX TO_INDEX INPUT OUTPUT\n' (e.g. '0 5771 (dokun[VB] d\n').

  class _Local:
    state_count = 0

  def _new_state_index() -> int:
    _Local.state_count += 1
    return _Local.state_count

  def arc(from_: str,
          to: str,
          input_: str = common.EPSILON,
          output: str = common.EPSILON) -> str:
    return f"{from_}\t{to}\t{input_}\t{output}\n"

  start_state = common.START_STATE
  epsilon = common.EPSILON

  index_of = collections.defaultdict(_new_state_index)
  index_of[start_state] = 0

  for rule in rule_set.rule:
    input_symbols = _symbols_of_input(rule.input)
    output_symbols = _symbols_of_output(rule.output)

    # Pad list of input and output symbols with epsilon transitions until they
    # have the same length.
    while len(input_symbols) < len(output_symbols):

    while len(output_symbols) < len(input_symbols):

    from_ = index_of[rule.from_state]

    for input_, output in zip(input_symbols, output_symbols):
      to = _new_state_index()
      yield arc(from_, to, input_, output)
      from_ = to

    yield arc(from_, index_of[rule.to_state])

  # Last line should be the index of the accept state.
  yield f"{index_of[common.ACCEPT_STATE]}\n"
  logging.info("generated text FST file content")

def _make_output_directory(output_dir: str) -> None:
  """Makes the output directory if it does not exist."""
  if output_dir and not os.path.exists(output_dir):
    logging.info(f"output directory does not exist, made '{output_dir}'")

def _write_file(output_path: str, file_content: Iterable[str]) -> None:
  r"""Writes the file content to the output path as a text file.

    output_path: path to the file to which file content will be written as text.
    file_content: lines of the file content which will be written to the
        'output_path'. This function assumes that each line ends with a '\n'.

    IOError: file content could not be written to the 'output_path'.
  with open(output_path, "w+", encoding="utf-8") as f:

  logging.info(f"wrote to '{output_path}'")

def main(unused_argv):
  # Below rewrite rule retrieval calls might throw IOError or
  # MorphotacticsCompilerError.
  lexicon = _get_lexicon_rules(FLAGS.lexicon_dir)
  morphotactics = _get_morphotactics_rules(FLAGS.morphotactics_dir)

  merged = _RewriteRuleSet()

  symbols_content = _symbols_table_file_content(merged)
  fst_content = _text_fst_file_content(merged)

  symbols_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, "complex_symbols.syms")
  _write_file(symbols_path, symbols_content)
  fst_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, "morphotactics.txt")
  _write_file(fst_path, fst_content)

if __name__ == "__main__":