# Copyright 2020 The T5 Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Preprocess tensorflow.data.Dataset()."""

import collections
import math
import re
import uuid

import babel
import gin
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf

# pylint: disable=g-long-lambda

def num_parallel_calls(deterministic=False):
  """Number of parallel calls to tf.data.Dataset.map of stateful function.

  Intended usage: gin-config deterministic to True for evaluations, so as to
  make evaluation deterministic. Set deterministic to False for training
  to enable parallel execution (for a faster input pipeline).

    deterministic: a boolean
    a value to be passed as num_parallel_calls to tf.data.Dataset.map
  return None if deterministic else tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE

def rekey(dataset, key_map=None):
  """Replace the feature keys according to the mapping in `key_map`.

  For example, if the dataset returns examples of the format:
  {'foo': 'something', 'bar': 'something else'}
  and key_map = {'boo': 'foo', 'spar': 'bar'} then this function will return
  examples with the format
  {'boo': 'something', 'spar': 'something else'}

  If a mapping is to an empty key or None, set the new key to an empty string.

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset to process.
    key_map: dictionary mapping new keys to original keys
    A preprocessed tf.data.Dataset with the format listed above.
  def my_fn(x):
    if key_map:
      return {new_key: x[old_key] if old_key else ''
              for new_key, old_key in key_map.items()}
    return x
  return dataset.map(my_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)

def translate(dataset, source_language, target_language):
  """Convert a translation dataset to a text2text pair.

  For example, say the dataset returns examples of this format:
    {'de': 'Das ist gut.', 'en': 'That is good.'}
  If source_language = 'de', target_language = 'en', then the outputs will have
  the format:
    {'inputs': 'translate German to English: Das ist gut.',
     'targets': 'That is good.'}

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset to process.
    source_language: source language code (e.g. 'en') to translate from.
    target_language: target language code (e.g. 'de') to translate to.

    A preprocessed tf.data.Dataset with the format listed above.
  # Language codes like zh-cn are not supported; use only the first 2 chars
  for language in (source_language, target_language):
    if language != language[:2]:
          'Extended language code {} not supported. Falling back on {}'.format(
              language, language[:2]
  lang_id_to_string = {
      source_language: babel.Locale(source_language[:2]).english_name,
      target_language: babel.Locale(target_language[:2]).english_name,
  def my_fn(x):
    """Add translate X to X strings to source/target language strings."""
    src_str = 'translate {}'.format(lang_id_to_string[source_language])
    tgt_str = ' to {}: '.format(lang_id_to_string[target_language])
    return {
        'inputs': tf.strings.join([src_str, tgt_str, x[source_language]]),
        'targets': x[target_language],
  return dataset.map(my_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)

def summarize(dataset, article_key, summary_key):
  """Convert a summarization dataset to a text2text pair.

  For example, say the dataset returns examples of this format:
    {'article': <article>, 'highlights': <summary>}
  If article_key = 'article', summary_key = 'highlights', then the outputs will
  have the format:
    {'inputs': 'summarize': <article>, 'targets': <summary>}

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset to process.
    article_key: the feature key for the article to summarize.
    summary_key: the feature key for the target summary.
    A preprocessed tf.data.Dataset with the format listed above.
  def my_fn(x):
    """Convert summarization example to a text2text example."""
    strs_to_join = ['summarize:', x[article_key]]
    return {
        'inputs': tf.strings.join(strs_to_join, separator=' '),
        'targets': x[summary_key],
  return dataset.map(my_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)

# Unicode ranges for characters in non-spaced languages.
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Writing_systems_without_word_boundaries
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_unification#Unicode_ranges
# https://linguistics.stackexchange.com/questions/6131
    '\u1000-\u104f',  # Burmese
    '\u4e00-\u9fff',  # CJK Unified Ideographs
    '\u3400-\u4dbf',  # CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
    '\uf900-\ufaff',  # CJK Compatibility Ideographs
    '\u2e80-\u2eff',  # CJK Radicals Supplement
    '\u31c0-\u31ef',  # CJK Strokes
    '\u3000-\u303f',  # CJK Symbols and Punctuation
    '\u3040-\u309f',  # Japanese Hiragana
    '\u30a0-\u30ff',  # Japanese Katakana
    '\ua980-\ua9df',  # Javanese
    '\u1780-\u17ff',  # Khmer
    '\u19e0-\u19ff',  # Khmer Symbols
    '\u0e80-\u0eff',  # Lao
    '\u1980-\u19df',  # Tai Lue
    '\u1a20-\u1aaf',  # Tai Tham
    '\u0e00-\u0e7f',  # Thai
    '\u0f00-\u0fff',  # Tibetan

def pad_nonspaced_languages(dataset, text_key='text'):
  """Pad non-spaced languages with spaces around each character.

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset to process.
    text_key: a string, the key for the text feature to preprocess in the
      dataset examples.

    a tf.data.Dataset with the modified examples.
  def my_fn(x):
    res = dict(x)
    text = res[text_key]
    # Add spaces around any character from a non-spaced language.
    pattern = ''.join(NON_SPACED_LANGUAGE_RANGES)
    text = tf.strings.regex_replace(text, u'([{}])'.format(pattern), r' \1 ')
    # Collapse consecutive whitespace into one space.
    text = tf.strings.regex_replace(text, r'\s+', ' ')
    res[text_key] = text
    return res

  return dataset.map(my_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)

def _pad_punctuation(text):
  """Adds spaces around punctuation."""
  # Add space around punctuation.
  text = tf.strings.regex_replace(text, r'(\W)', r' \1 ')
  # Collapse consecutive whitespace into one space.
  text = tf.strings.regex_replace(text, r'\s+', ' ')
  return text

def _string_join(lst):
  # Join on space, but collapse consecutive spaces.
  out = tf.strings.join(lst, separator=' ')
  return tf.strings.regex_replace(out, r'\s+', ' ')

def trivia_qa(dataset):
  """Convert a TriviaQA example to multiple flattened examples.

  TriviaQA produces examples with this form:
    {'entity_pages': {dict of wiki entities},
     'search_results': <dict of web search results>,
     'answer': {dict of all answers}, 'question': <question>,
     'question_id': <question_id>, 'question_source': <question_source>}
  This function will return flattend examples of the format:
    {'inputs': 'question: <question> context: <article>'
     'targets': 'answer: <sampled answer>'}

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset to process.
    A preprocessed tf.data.Dataset with the format listed above.
  def triviaqa_question_answer_context(x):
    """Extracts matched contexts and answers.

    Returns all matched (question-context, answer) pairs.

      x: A tfds sample.

      Flattened samples: (question-context, answer).
    contexts = []
    if 'entity_pages' in x:
    if 'search_results' in x:
    contexts = tf.concat(contexts, 0)

    q = _pad_punctuation(x['question'])
    answers = x['answer']['normalized_aliases']

    combination_size = tf.size(answers)*tf.size(contexts)
    find_answers = tf.TensorArray(
        tf.bool, size=combination_size, dynamic_size=True)
    selected_answers = tf.TensorArray(
        tf.string, size=combination_size, dynamic_size=True)
    join_q_c = tf.TensorArray(
        tf.string, size=combination_size, dynamic_size=True)

    def cond_fn(i, find_answers, selected_answers, join_q_c):
      del find_answers, selected_answers, join_q_c  # Unused
      return tf.less(i, combination_size)

    def body_fn(i, find_answers, selected_answers, join_q_c):
      """Find answers from contexts and join."""
      context_idx = tf.math.floordiv(i, tf.size(answers))
      answer_idx = tf.math.mod(i, tf.size(answers))

      a = _pad_punctuation(answers[answer_idx])
      a_ = tf.strings.join(['.*', a, '.*'])
      c = _pad_punctuation(contexts[context_idx])
      find_a = tf.strings.regex_full_match(
      find_answers = find_answers.write(i, find_a)
      selected_answers = selected_answers.write(i, a)

      join_q_c_str = _string_join(['question:', q, 'context:', c])
      join_q_c = join_q_c.write(i, join_q_c_str)
      return (i + 1, find_answers, selected_answers, join_q_c)

    _, find_answers, selected_answers, join_q_c = tf.while_loop(
            tf.constant(0), find_answers, selected_answers,
    find_answers = find_answers.stack()
    selected_answers = selected_answers.stack()
    join_q_c = join_q_c.stack()

    selected_answers = tf.boolean_mask(selected_answers, find_answers)
    selected_join_q_c = tf.boolean_mask(join_q_c, find_answers)

    return selected_join_q_c, selected_answers

  def my_fn(x):
    """Create TriviaQA example."""
    join_q_c, a = triviaqa_question_answer_context(x)
    return {
        'inputs': join_q_c,
        'targets': a
  dataset = dataset.map(my_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)
  return dataset.unbatch()

def squad(dataset, include_context=True):
  """Convert SQuAD examples to a text2text pair.

  SQuAD produces examples with this form:
    {'id': <id>, context': <article>, 'question': <question>,
     'answers': { 'text': [<n answers>] }}
  This function will return examples of the format:
    {'inputs': 'question: <question> context: <article>',
     'targets': '<answer_0>',
     'id': <id>, 'question': <question>, 'context': <context>,
     'answers': [<n answers>]},

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset to process.
    include_context: a boolean
    A preprocessed tf.data.Dataset with the format listed above.
  def my_fn(x):
    """Create squad example."""

    a = _pad_punctuation(x['answers']['text'])
    q = _pad_punctuation(x['question'])
    c = _pad_punctuation(x['context'])
    if include_context:
      inputs = _string_join(['question:', q, 'context:', c])
      inputs = _string_join(['squad trivia question:', q])
    return {
        'inputs': inputs,
        'targets': a[0],
        'id': x['id'],
        'context': c,
        'question': q,
        'answers': a

  return dataset.map(my_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)

def _span_answer(context, answer_text):
  """Finds start/end indices of answer_text in context after space tokenization.

  If answer_tokens is not a sublist of context_tokens, returns empty string.

    context: 0-d string tensor
    answer_text: 0-d string

    A string tensor.
  def space_tok(s):
    """Replace non-word chars with space then split on space."""
    s = tf.strings.regex_replace(s, r'\W', ' ')
    return tf.strings.split(input=[s], sep=' ').values

  def find_subseq(n, h):
    """Finds index of needle subsequence inside haystack.

      n: 1-d tensor
      h: 1-d tensor same type as n

      Index of start of n if found found; otherwise -1.
    l_n = tf.size(n)
    l_h = tf.size(h)
    i = tf.constant(0)
    end = l_h - l_n
    # TODO(peterjliu): Replace with craffel@'s more efficient code
    # if necessary: cr/254848350.
    w = tf.while_loop(
        lambda i: tf.logical_and(tf.less(i, end),
                                 tf.reduce_any(tf.not_equal(h[i:i+l_n], n))),
        lambda i: i+1,
    return tf.cond(tf.equal(end, w), lambda: -1, lambda: w)

  answer_tokens = space_tok(answer_text)
  context_tokens = space_tok(context)
  start = find_subseq(answer_tokens, context_tokens)
  end = start + tf.size(answer_tokens) - 1
  # Just take the first candidate that matches exactly.
  return tf.cond(tf.equal(start, -1),
                 lambda: tf.constant(''),
                 lambda: tf.strings.format('start: {} end: {}', [start, end]))

def squad_span_space_tokenized(dataset):
  """Convert SQuAD examples to a text2text pair with span output.

  SQuAD produces examples with this form:
    {'context': <article>, 'question': <question>,
     'answers': { 'text': [<all answers>] }}

  This function returns examples with the format
    {'inputs': 'context: <article> question: <question>',
     'targets': 'start: <start_index> end: <end_index>'}
  where <start_index> and <end_index> specify the space-tokenized span
  start/end indices. Both <start_index> and <end_index> are included in
  the answer. In the case where the tokenized answer is
  not found in the tokenized context, the example is skipped.

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset to process.
    A preprocessed tf.data.Dataset with the format listed above.
  def my_fn(x):
    """Create squad example as in squad_span_char, but tokenized on spaces."""
    res = dict(x)
    res['targets'] = _span_answer(x['context'], x['targets'],)
    return res

  dataset = squad(dataset)
  dataset = dataset.map(my_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)
  return dataset.filter(lambda x: tf.strings.length(x['targets']) > 0)

def random_split_text(dataset,
  """Randomly split single-string examples into multiple examples each.

  Segment lengths are chosen according to a log-uniform distribution.
  Each incoming string is chopped into multiple equal-length examples
  with the last one possibly being shorter.

  If the input string is longer than max_words_total, then we use one random
  chunk and discard the rest.  This may help with model stability.

  The intended use case is to break up long text examples for use in
  unsupervised transfer-learning.

  We don't really want to use this preprocessor for any dataset which has a
  well-defined evaluation procedure. If apply this preprocessor e.g. in an MT
  component, then the evaluation job will randomly split text when evaluating
  and the BLEU will get funky.

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset with dictionaries containing the key text_key
    text_key: a string
    min_words_per_segment: an integer
    max_words_per_segment: an integer
    max_words_total: an integer

    a dataset
  def random_chunk(x, chunk_size):
    """Pick a random chunk of a 1d Tensor.

    The tensor is divided into chunks of length chunk_size, with the last
    chunk being potentially smaller.  A random chunk is returned.

      x: a 1d tf.Tensor
      chunk_size: an integer
      a 1d tf.Tensor with length <= chunk_size
    size = tf.size(x)
    num_chunks = tf.maximum(1, (size - 1) // chunk_size + 1)
    chunk_num = tf.random.uniform(
        [], minval=0, maxval=num_chunks, dtype=tf.int32)
    return x[chunk_size * chunk_num:chunk_size * (chunk_num + 1)]

  def my_fn(x):
    """Split one string into multiple strings.

      x: a feature dictionary
      a feature dictionary
    text = x[text_key]
    words = tf.strings.split([text]).values
    if max_words_total:
      words = random_chunk(words, max_words_total)
    n_words = tf.size(words)
    # first pick a length (number of words per segment)
    length = tf.cast(tf.exp(tf.random_uniform(
        maxval=math.log(max_words_per_segment))), tf.int32)
    # Pad to a multiple of length, then use tf.reshape to split up the words
    # into num_segments segments each of the given length.
    num_segments = tf.cast(
        tf.ceil(tf.cast(n_words, tf.float32) / tf.cast(length, tf.float32)),
    padding = num_segments * length - n_words
    words = tf.pad(words, [[0, padding]])
    words = tf.reshape(words, [-1, length])
    # Finally, join with spaces and strip.  The padding turns into a bunch of
    # spaces that get stripped out.
    words = tf.strings.reduce_join(words, axis=1, separator=' ')
    return {text_key: tf.strings.strip(words)}
  dataset = dataset.map(my_fn, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls())
  return dataset.unbatch()

def _split_text_to_words(dataset, text_key='text', min_num_words=2):
  """Split text to words and filter out examples with too few words."""
  def split(x):
    res = dict(x)
    res['words'] = tf.strings.split([x[text_key]]).values
    return res

  dataset = dataset.map(split, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)
  return dataset.filter(lambda x: tf.size(x['words']) >= min_num_words)

def fill_in_the_blank(dataset,
                      label='fill: '):
  """Create a dataset consisting of fill-in-the-blank text examples.

  The input examples should have a key text_key associated with a tf.string

  The output examples have keys 'inputs' and 'targets'.

  The input string is split on whitespace to form a sequence of words.
  This sequence is chopped randomly into segments of one or more words.
  Alternate segments are included in the inputs and targets, with a special
  word 'X' marking a missing segment.

  The given label is prepended to the inputs. Each input string produces two
  examples - one the inverse of the other. Inputs with less than two words
  are dropped.


    'text': 'The fat cat sat on the mat.'
    'inputs': 'fill: The fat X the X'
    'targets': 'X cat sat on X mat.'
    'inputs': 'fill: X cat sat on X mat.'
    'targets': 'The fat X the X'

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset
    text_key: a string, the key for the text feature to preprocess in the
      dataset examples.
    label: a string, the label to prepend to the inputs.
    a tf.data.Dataset
  def my_fn(x):
    """Generates two preprocessed examples that are roughly inverses.

      x: an example dict with text pre-split in `words` feature.
      an example dict with two inputs and two targets, one for each resulting
      preprocessed example.
    words = x['words']
    n_words = tf.size(words)

    # First select the break probability.  We pick this on a log-uniform
    # distribution between 1/(n_words + 1) and  1/2.  This means that some
    # sequences will be chopped roughly and others finely.
    min_log_p_break = -tf.math.log(tf.to_float(n_words) + 2.0)
    max_log_p_break = -tf.math.log(2.0)
    p_break = tf.exp(tf.random_uniform(
        [], minval=min_log_p_break, maxval=max_log_p_break))
    # craffel@ says that there may be bugs in random_uniform making it not
    # really uniform.  This doesn't seem horribly important here, but may
    # need another look.
    breaks = tf.less(tf.random_uniform([n_words - 1]), p_break)
    def one_random_break():
      pos = tf.random_uniform(
          [], minval=0, maxval=n_words - 1, dtype=tf.int32)
      return tf.one_hot(pos, n_words - 1,
                        dtype=tf.bool, on_value=True, off_value=False)
    breaks = tf.cond(
        tf.math.reduce_any(breaks), lambda: breaks, one_random_break)
    breaks = tf.concat([[True], breaks], axis=0)
    word_to_seq_id = tf.mod(tf.math.cumsum(tf.to_int32(breaks)), 2)
    # separators:
    #   if in your segment: ' '
    #   if break to other segment: ' X'
    #   else: ''
    results = []
    for seq_id in [0, 1]:
      in_my_seq = tf.equal(word_to_seq_id, seq_id)
      separator_strings = tf.where(
          tf.fill([n_words], ' '),
          tf.where(breaks, tf.fill([n_words], ' X'),
                   tf.fill([n_words], '')))
      word_strings = tf.where(in_my_seq, words, tf.fill([n_words], ''))
      all_strings = tf.stack([separator_strings, word_strings], axis=1)
          tf.strings.reduce_join(all_strings), 1, tf.int32.max))
    inputs = tf.stack([tf.strings.join([label, results[0]]),
                       tf.strings.join([label, results[1]])])
    targets = tf.stack([results[1], results[0]])
    return {'inputs': inputs, 'targets': targets}
  dataset = _split_text_to_words(dataset, text_key, min_num_words=2)
  dataset = dataset.map(my_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)
  return dataset.unbatch()

def fill_in_the_blank_sized(
    size_bins=(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512),
    label='fill: '):
  """Fill in the blank preprocessor that labels blank with a binned size.

  The actual blank size is sampled uniformly from the inclusive range of the min
  and max bin. The blank is then filled in with the closest bin size to the
  actual blank size.

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset, the dataset to preprocess.
    size_bins: a list, a list of blank sizes to select from when labelling the
    text_key: a string, the key for the text feature to preprocess in the
      dataset examples.
    label: a string, the label to prepend to the inputs.

    a tf.data.Dataset
  bins = sorted(size_bins)

  def my_fn(x):
    """Apply transformation."""
    words = x['words']
    n_words = tf.size(words)

    blank_size = tf.random.uniform(
        [], minval=bins[0], maxval=tf.math.minimum(n_words, bins[-1]),
    bin_delta = tf.math.abs(bins - blank_size)
    bin_ = tf.gather(bins, tf.argmin(bin_delta))
    blank_start = tf.random.uniform(
        [], minval=0, maxval=tf.math.maximum(0, n_words-blank_size) + 1,

    pre_blank = tf.strings.reduce_join(words[0:blank_start], separator=' ')
    post_blank = tf.strings.reduce_join(
        words[blank_start+blank_size:], separator=' ')
    blank = tf.strings.format('_{}_', bin_)
    # We strip to handle cases where blank is at beginning or end.
    input_ = tf.strings.strip(
        tf.strings.join([pre_blank, blank, post_blank], ' '))
    input_ = tf.strings.join([label, input_])
    target = tf.strings.reduce_join(
        words[blank_start:blank_start+blank_size], separator=' ')
    return {
        'inputs': tf.strings.strip(input_),
        'targets': tf.strings.strip(target)}
  dataset = _split_text_to_words(dataset, text_key, min_num_words=2)
  # Filter out examples with fewer words than the minimum.
  dataset = dataset.filter(lambda x: tf.size(x['words']) >= bins[0])
  dataset = dataset.map(my_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)
  return dataset

def prefix_lm(dataset,
              label='prefix: '):
  """Create a dataset consisting of text prefix examples for LM-style training.

  The input examples should have a key text_key associated with a tf.string

  The output examples have keys 'inputs' and 'targets'.

  The input string is split on whitespace to form a sequence of words.
  A random uniform distribution is used to select a prefix from the input text.
  This prefix is the inputs and rest of the text is the targets. Inputs with
  less than two words are dropped.

  The given label is prepended to the inputs.


    'text': 'The fat cat sat on the mat.'
    'inputs': 'prefix: The fat'
    'targets': 'cat sat on the mat.'

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset
    text_key: a string, the key for the text feature to preprocess in the
      dataset examples.
    label: a string, the label to prepend to the inputs.
    a tf.data.Dataset

  def my_fn(x):
    """Split an example into two parts for text2text models."""
    words = x['words']
    num_words = tf.size(words)

    split = tf.random_uniform(
        [], minval=0, maxval=num_words - 1, dtype=tf.int32)

    input_words, target_words = tf.split(words, [split, num_words - split])
    inputs = tf.strings.join(
         tf.strings.reduce_join([input_words], separator=' ')])

    targets = tf.strings.reduce_join([target_words], separator=' ')

    return {'inputs': inputs, 'targets': targets}

  dataset = _split_text_to_words(dataset, text_key, min_num_words=2)
  return dataset.map(my_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)

def neighboring_pairs(dataset, text_key='text', reuse_sentences=True):
  """Create a dataset consisting of neighboring sentence pairs.

  The input examples should have a key text_key associated with a tf.string

  The output examples have keys 'first' and 'second'.

  We only take sentence pairs from within the same line since lines seem to
  represent paragraph-like structures in our text datasets. Empty lines and
  1-sentence lines will thus be ignored.

  The argument reuse_sentences determines whether a sentence can be used as both
  the first and last element in the pair. For example, the input with sentences
  A,B,C,D will return (A,B),(B,C),(C,D) if reuse_sentences is True and
  (A,B),(C,D) if reuse_sentences is False.

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset
    text_key: a string, the key for the text feature to preprocess in the
      dataset examples.
    reuse_sentences: a boolean

    a tf.data.Dataset

  def split_by_lines(dataset):
    """Splits text in dataset by line, removing empty lines."""
    def my_fn(text):
      lines = tf.strings.split([text], sep='\n').values
      return tf.strings.strip(lines)

    dataset = dataset.map(
        my_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)
    dataset = dataset.unbatch()
    return dataset.filter(lambda x: tf.strings.length(x) > 0)

  def split_into_pairs(line):
    """Split a given text example into pairs of neighboring sentences."""
    # TODO(mmatena): Use better sentence segmentation.
    sep = str(uuid.uuid4())
    sentences = tf.strings.regex_replace(line, r'((?:\.|\!|\?)+)', r'\1' + sep)
    sentences = tf.strings.strip(tf.strings.split([sentences], sep).values)
    if reuse_sentences:
      firsts = sentences[:-1]
      seconds = sentences[1:]
      firsts = sentences[:-1:2]
      seconds = sentences[1::2]
    return {
        'first': firsts,
        'second': seconds,

  def example_len(x):
    return tf.math.minimum(
        tf.strings.length(x['first']), tf.strings.length(x['second']))

  # Split by lines.
  dataset = dataset.map(
      lambda x: x[text_key], num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)
  dataset = split_by_lines(dataset)

  # Get pairs of neighboring sentences.
  dataset = dataset.map(
      split_into_pairs, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)
  dataset = dataset.unbatch()

  # Remove examples with empty strings.
  dataset = dataset.filter(lambda x: example_len(x) > 0)
  return dataset

def glue(
    dataset, benchmark_name, label_names, feature_names=None, id_key='idx'):
  """Convert a dataset from glue to text2text examples.

  This function uses the feature names from the dataset to unpack examples into
  a format amenable for a text2text problem. For example, consider the Quora
  Question Pairs (QQP) benchmark, which would suggest
  label_names=['not_duplicate', 'duplicate']
  For QQP, a typical example might look like
      "question1": "Why do I easily get bored of my friends?",
      "question2": "Why do I get bored of friends so quickly?",
      "label": 1,
      "idx": 10,

  This example would be transformed to
       "inputs": (
           "qqp question1: Why do I easily get bored of my friends? question2: "
           "Why do I get bored of my friends so quickly?"
       "targets": "duplicate",
      "idx": 10,

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset to process.
    benchmark_name: the name of the GLUE benchmark for this dataset.
    label_names: a list of label names corresponding to class index.
    feature_names: an optional ordered list of feature names. If provided,
      features will be ordered in this way in the output. If not provided, all
      features (except 'idx' and 'label') will be used, sorted by name.
    id_key: str, key for id in the dataset. If not provided, 'idx' will be used.
      if None, no id will be added to the dataset.
    a tf.data.Dataset
  def my_fn(x):
    """Collapse an example into or text2text pair."""
    # If an ordering is not provided, sort feature keys to ensure a consistent
    # order.
    feature_keys = (
        feature_names or sorted(set(x.keys()).difference(['label', 'idx'])))
    # Pack keys (formatted as " key: ") and corresponding text feature
    strs_to_join = []
    for key in feature_keys:
    # Add benchmark name at the start
    strs_to_join.insert(0, benchmark_name)
    label_name = tf.cond(
        # When no label is provided (label == -1), use "<unk>"
        tf.equal(x['label'], -1),
        lambda: tf.constant('<unk>'),
        # Otherwise grab the label text from label_names
        lambda: tf.gather(label_names, x['label']),
    joined = tf.strings.join(strs_to_join, separator=' ')

    ex = {}

    if benchmark_name == 'multirc':
      # Remove HTML markup.
      joined = tf.strings.regex_replace(joined, '<br>', ' ')
      joined = tf.strings.regex_replace(joined, '<(/)?b>', '')

      # Store the data index in the returned example (used by eval)
      ex['idx/paragraph'] = x['idx']['paragraph']
      ex['idx/question'] = x['idx']['question']
      ex['idx/answer'] = x['idx']['answer']
      # Store the data index in the returned example (used by eval)
      if id_key:
        ex['idx'] = x[id_key]

    ex['inputs'] = joined
    ex['targets'] = label_name

    return ex
  return dataset.map(my_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)

def stsb(dataset):
  """Convert STSB examples to text2text format.

  STSB maps two sentences to a floating point number between 1 and 5
  representing their semantic similarity. Since we are treating all tasks as
  text-to-text tasks we need to convert this floating point number to a string.
  The vast majority of the similarity score labels in STSB are in the set
  [0, 0.2, 0.4, ..., 4.8, 5.0]. So, we first round the number to the closest
  entry in this set, and then we convert the result to a string (literally e.g.
  "3.4"). This converts STSB roughly into a 26-class classification dataset.
  This function uses the feature names from the dataset to unpack examples into
  a format amenable for a text2text problem.

  For example, a typical example from STSB might look like
      "sentence1": "Three more US soldiers killed in Afghanistan",
      "sentence2": "NATO Soldier Killed in Afghanistan",
      "label": 1.8,

  This example would be transformed to
       "inputs": (
           "stsb sentence1: Three more US soldiers killed in Afghanistan "
           "sentence2: NATO Soldier Killed in Afghanistan"
       "targets": "1.8",

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset to process.
    a tf.data.Dataset
  def my_fn(x):
    """Collapse an example into a text2text pair."""
    strs_to_join = [
        'stsb sentence1:', x['sentence1'], 'sentence2:', x['sentence2']
    label_string = tf.as_string(tf.round(x['label']*5)/5, precision=1)
    joined = tf.strings.join(strs_to_join, separator=' ')
    return {'inputs': joined, 'targets': label_string, 'idx': x['idx']}
  return dataset.map(my_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)

def wsc(dataset):
  """Convert WSC examples to text2text format.

  WSC includes a sentence along with 2 'spans': the first denoting a noun and
  the other a pronoun. The 'label' specifies whether or not the pronoun is
  referencing the noun. This preprocessor puts ' * ' around the noun and ' # '
  around the pronoun.

  For example, a typical example from WSC might look like
      'text': 'This is a test sentence .',
      'span1_text': 'test',
      'span1_index': 3,
      'span2_text': 'This',
      'span2_index': 0,
      'label': 0

  This example would be transformed to
      'inputs': 'wsc text: # This # is a * test * sentence .',
      'targets': 'False'

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset to process.
    a tf.data.Dataset
  def my_fn(x):
    """Collapse an example into a text2text pair."""
    def _mark_span(text, span_str, span_idx, mark):
      pattern_tmpl = r'^((?:\S+\s){N})(W)'
      pattern = tf.strings.regex_replace(
          pattern_tmpl, 'N', tf.as_string(span_idx))
      pattern = tf.strings.regex_replace(pattern, 'W', span_str)
      return tf.strings.regex_replace(
          text, pattern, r'\1{0} \2 {0}'.format(mark))
    text = x['text']
    text = _mark_span(text, x['span1_text'], x['span1_index'], '*')
    # Compensate for 2 added "words" added in previous step.
    span2_index = x['span2_index'] + 2 * tf.cast(
        x['span1_index'] < x['span2_index'], tf.int32)
    text = _mark_span(text, x['span2_text'], span2_index, '#')

    # Add benchmark name at the start
    strs_to_join = ['wsc', 'text:', text]
    label_name = tf.cond(
        # When no label is provided (label == -1), use "<unk>"
        tf.equal(x['label'], -1),
        lambda: tf.constant('<unk>'),
        # Otherwise use False/True.
        lambda: tf.gather(['False', 'True'], x['label'])

    joined = tf.strings.join(strs_to_join, separator=' ')
    return {'inputs': joined, 'targets': label_name, 'idx': x['idx']}
  return dataset.map(my_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)

def record(dataset):
  """Convert ReCoRD examples to text2text examples.

  ReCoRD contains a passage, query containing a '@placeholder' string, and a set
  of entities that are the possible values of the placeholder. Each train and
  validation example will have a list of answers, any of which would be
  considered correct.

  For example, a typical example from ReCoRD might look like
      'passsage': 'This is the passage.',
      'query': 'A @placeholder is a bird.',
      'entities': ['penguin', 'potato', 'pigeon'],
      'answers': ['penguin', 'pigeon'],
  which this preprocessor would turn into the following two examples:
      'inputs': 'record query: A @placeholder is a bird. entities: penguin, '
                'potato, pigeon passage: This is the passage.',
      'targets': 'penguin',
      'inputs': 'record query: A @placeholder is a bird. entities: penguin, '
                'potato, pigeon passage: This is the passage.',
      'targets': 'potato',

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset to process.

    a tf.data.Dataset

  def process_answers(x):
    """Helper fn to get one example per answer."""
    ex = x.copy()
    num_answers = tf.size(ex['answers'])

    def duplicate_along_first_dim(t):
      n_duplicates = tf.math.maximum(num_answers, 1)
      return tf.broadcast_to(
          t, shape=tf.concat([[n_duplicates], tf.shape(t)], axis=0))

    for k, v in x.items():
      if k != 'idx':
        ex[k] = duplicate_along_first_dim(v)
    ex['targets'] = tf.cond(
        tf.greater(num_answers, 0), lambda: x['answers'],
        lambda: tf.constant(['<unk>']))
    ex['idx'] = {
        'passage': duplicate_along_first_dim(x['idx']['passage']),
        'query': duplicate_along_first_dim(x['idx']['query']),

    return ex

  def my_fn(x):
    """Converts the processed example to text2text strings."""
    passage = x['passage']
    passage = tf.strings.regex_replace(passage,
                                       r'\1 ')
    passage = tf.strings.regex_replace(passage, r'\n@highlight\n', '. ')

    strs_to_join = [
        'record query:', x['query'], 'entities:',
        tf.strings.reduce_join(x['entities'], separator=', '), 'passage:',
    joined = tf.strings.join(strs_to_join, separator=' ')

    ex = {}

    # Store the data index in the returned example (used by eval)
    ex['idx/passage'] = x['idx']['passage']
    ex['idx/query'] = x['idx']['query']

    ex['inputs'] = joined
    # Note that "answers" has been converted to a single string by the
    # process_answers function.
    ex['targets'] = x['targets']
    # Pass-through full list of answers for eval
    ex['answers'] = x['answers']
    return ex

  dataset = dataset.map(
      process_answers, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)
  dataset = dataset.unbatch()
  return dataset.map(my_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)

def multi_translate(dataset, source_language, target_language):
  """Convert a multi-translate dataset to a text2text pair.

  For example, say the dataset returns examples which have a 'translations'
  feature key so that examples have the following format:
     'translations': {
         'language': ['de', 'fr', 'en'],
         'translation': ['Das ist gut.', 'Ca c'est bon', 'That is good.']
  If source_language = 'de', target_language = 'en', then this function will
  return examples of the format:
    {'inputs': 'translate German to English: Das is gut.',
     'targets': 'That is good.'}
  Any other languages present in the dataset will be filtered out.

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset to process.
    source_language: source language code (e.g. 'en') to translate from.
    target_language: target language code (e.g. 'de') to translate to.
    A preprocessed tf.data.Dataset with the format listed above.
  def filter_fn(x):
    langs = x['translations']['language']
    # Test whether both source/target_language appear in the language list
    source_in_langs = tf.reduce_any(tf.equal(source_language, langs))
    target_in_langs = tf.reduce_any(tf.equal(target_language, langs))
    return tf.logical_and(source_in_langs, target_in_langs)
  def map_fn(x):
    langs = x['translations']['language']
    # Retrieve the index in langs where source/target_language appears
    src_idx = tf.squeeze(tf.where(tf.equal(langs, source_language)))
    tgt_idx = tf.squeeze(tf.where(tf.equal(langs, target_language)))
    return {
        source_language: x['translations']['translation'][src_idx],
        target_language: x['translations']['translation'][tgt_idx],
  dataset = dataset.filter(filter_fn)
  dataset = dataset.map(
      map_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE
  return translate(dataset, source_language, target_language)

def definite_pronoun_resolution_simple(dataset,
  """Converts DPR examples to a simple text to text format.

  A typical example from the definite pronoun resolution dataset might look like
     'sentence': 'Bob asked Tom if he can lend some money.',
     'pronoun': 'he',
     'candidates': ['Bob', 'Tom'],
     'label': 1,

  This will be transformed to
     'inputs': 'wsc: Bob asked Tom if *he* can lend some money.'
     'targets': 'Tom',

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset
    label: a string, the label to prepend to the inputs.

    a tf.data.Dataset

  def my_fn(x):
    """Function to be called for every example."""
    # If there are multiple instances of the pronoun in the sentence, the first
    # one is the one that needs to be resolved.
    inputs = [
            tf.strings.join([r' (', x['pronoun'], r')( |\.|,)']),
            r' *\1*\2',
    return {
        'inputs': tf.strings.join(inputs, separator=' '),
        'targets': x['candidates'][x['label']],

  return dataset.map(my_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)

def next_sentence_prediction(dataset,
                             label='nsp: ',
  """Create a dataset containing a next sentence prediction objective.

  The input examples should have a key text_key associated with a tf.string

  The output examples have keys 'inputs' and 'targets'.


    input: "nsp: sentence1: The man went to the store. sentence2: Penguins are "
           "flightless birds.",
    target: "not_next"

  The "sentence1:" and "sentence2:" labels will be omitted if label_sentences is

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset
    text_key: a string, the key for the text feature to preprocess in the
      dataset examples.
    reuse_sentences: a boolean, see docs for `neighboring_pairs` for more info.
    label_sentences: a boolean
    p_neighbors: a float between 0 and 1, the probability that a sentence pair
      will be neighbors.
    label: a string, the label to prepend to the inputs.
    buffer_size: an int, the size of the shuffle buffer used to get
      non-neighboring sentences.

    a tf.data.Dataset
  sentence1_label, sentence2_label = '', ''
  if label_sentences:
    sentence1_label, sentence2_label = 'sentence1: ', 'sentence2: '

  empty = tf.constant('', dtype=tf.string, shape=[1])

  dataset = neighboring_pairs(
      dataset, text_key=text_key, reuse_sentences=reuse_sentences)
  dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size).batch(2, drop_remainder=True)

  def some_are_empty(*tensors):
    """See if at least one tensor has shape [0]."""
    empty = [tf.equal(tf.size(t), 0) for t in tensors]
    return tf.reduce_any(empty)

  def my_fn(x):
    """Function to be applied to each example in dataset."""
    use_neighbors = tf.random.uniform(shape=[]) < p_neighbors
    firsts, seconds = tf.cond(
        lambda: (x['first'], x['second']),
        lambda: (x['first'], tf.stack([x['second'][1], x['second'][0]])),
    relation_label = tf.cond(
        lambda: 'next',
        lambda: 'not_next',

    inputs = []
    for i in range(2):
      first_inputs = firsts[i]
      second_inputs = seconds[i]

      def create_examples(first_i=first_inputs, second_i=second_inputs):
        return tf.strings.join([
            ' ',

      inpt = tf.cond(
          some_are_empty(first_inputs, second_inputs),
          lambda: empty,
    inputs = tf.reshape(inputs, [-1])
    targets = tf.reshape(2 * [relation_label], [-1])

    return {'inputs': inputs, 'targets': targets}

  dataset = dataset.map(my_fn, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls())
  dataset = dataset.unbatch()

  def example_len(x):
    return tf.math.minimum(
        tf.strings.length(x['inputs']), tf.strings.length(x['targets']))

  # Remove examples with empty strings.
  return dataset.filter(lambda x: example_len(x) > 0)

def lm(dataset):
  """Basic language modeling objective for text - empty inputs.

  Given inputs with the format:
  {"text": "Here is some text."}
  This preprocess produces examples with the format
  {"inputs": "", "targets": "Here is some text."}

    dataset: A tf.data.Dataset to process.

    A preprocessed tf.data.Dataset.
  return dataset.map(
      lambda x: {'inputs': '', 'targets': x['text']},

def _wsc_inputs(x):
  """Given an example from SuperGLUE WSC, compute the 'inputs' value.

  The output will look like a fill in the blank with the pronoun blanked out.
  For example, the text
    'Mitchell asked Tom if he could lend some money.'
  would be transformed to
    'Mitchell asked Tom if X could lend some money.'

    x: A dict that is an example from the WSC task of SuperGLUE.

    A scalar string tensor.
  words = tf.strings.split([x['text']], sep=' ').values

  # We would need some special logic to handle the case where the pronoun is the
  # first or last word in the text. None of the examples in WSC seem to have
  # this, so we are ignoring these cases.
  with tf.control_dependencies([
      tf.assert_greater(x['span2_index'], 0),
      tf.assert_less(x['span2_index'], tf.size(words)),
    pronoun_index = tf.identity(x['span2_index'])

  def create_input():
    with tf.control_dependencies(
        [tf.assert_equal(words[pronoun_index], x['span2_text'])]):
      return tf.strings.join(
              tf.strings.reduce_join(words[:pronoun_index], separator=' '),
                  words[pronoun_index + 1:], separator=' '),
          separator=' ',

  # Handle some special cases.
  return tf.case(
          # The issue here is that the pronoun is 'him,"' in the text.
              'The boy continued to whip the pony , and eventually the pony threw him over. John laughed out quite loud. \"Good for him,\" he said. '
              'The boy continued to whip the pony , and eventually the pony threw him over. John laughed out quite loud. "Good for X ," he said.',
          # Using the span2_index, we get 'use' instead of 'it'.
              'When they had eventually calmed down a bit , and had gotten home, Mr. Farley put the magic pebble in an iron safe . Some day they might want to use it , but really for now, what more could they wish for?'
              'When they had eventually calmed down a bit , and had gotten home, Mr. Farley put the magic pebble in an iron safe . Some day they might want to use X , but really for now, what more could they wish for?'

def wsc_simple(dataset,
  """Converts SuperGLUE WSC examples to a simple text to text format.

  A typical example from SuperGLUE WSC might look like
    'text': 'Mitchell asked Tom if he could lend some money.',
    'span1_text': 'Tom',
    'span2_text': 'he',
    'span2_index': 4,

  This will be transformed to
     'inputs': 'wsc: Bob asked Tom if *he* can lend some money.'
     'targets': 'Tom',

  The targets will always be the text of the referent regardless of whether it
  is the correct referrent of the pronoun. Thus for training purposes, please
  set `correct_referent_only` to be True.

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset
    label: a string, the label to prepend to the inputs.
    correct_referent_only: a bool, whether to filter out examples for which the
      targets is not the correct referent of the pronoun.

    a tf.data.Dataset

  def map_fn(x):
    """Function to be called for every example in dataset."""
    inputs = [
            _wsc_inputs(x), r' X ', ' *' + x['span2_text'] + '* '),
    referent = x['span1_text']
    return {
        'inputs': tf.strings.join(inputs, separator=' '),
        # The reshape is necessary as otherwise the tensor has unknown rank.
        'targets': tf.reshape(referent, shape=[]),
        'label': x.get('label', 0),
        'idx': x['idx'],

  if correct_referent_only:
    dataset = dataset.filter(lambda x: tf.cast(x.get('label', False), tf.bool))

  return dataset.map(map_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)

def wnli_simple(dataset, label='wsc:'):
  """Converts GLUE WNLI examples to a simple text to text format.

  A typical example from WNLI might look like:
    'sentence1': 'The fish ate the worm. It was tasty.',
    'sentence2': 'The worm was tasty.',
    'label': 1,

  This will be transformed to:
    'inputs': 'wsc: The fish ate the worm. *It* was tasty.',
    'targets': 'The worm',
    'premise': 'The fish ate the worm. It was tasty.,
    'hypothesis': 'The worm was tasty.',
    'label': 1,

  This preprocessor has been manually verified to produce reasonable WSC
  examples for the dev and test sets. Tasks using this preprocessor should only
  be used eval and not train.

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset
    label: a string, the label to prepend to the inputs.

    a tf.data.Dataset
  pronouns = ['he', 'she', 'they', 'it', 'her', 'his', 'their', 'them', 'him']
  PronounMatch = collections.namedtuple(  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
      'PronounMatch', ['score', 'index_in_premise', 'candidate'])

  def split_clean(s):
    """Returns array of words with punctuation and capitalization removed."""
    words = [
        re.sub(r'(\.|,|\?|\!)$', '', w) for w in s.strip().lower().split(' ')
    return [w for w in words if w]

  def get_all_pronoun_indices(s):
    return [i for i, w in enumerate(s) if w in pronouns]

  def get_post_match_size(hypothesis, words):
    """Returns len of largest prefix of words that is substr of hypothesis."""
    hypothesis = ' '.join(hypothesis)
    for i in range(len(words)):
      if ' '.join(words[:i + 1]) not in hypothesis:
        return i
    return len(words)

  def get_pre_match_size(hypothesis, words):
    """Returns len of largest suffix of words that is substr of hypothesis."""
    return get_post_match_size(hypothesis[::-1], words[::-1])

  def get_pronoun_match(premise, hypothesis, index):
    """Return the PronounMatch for the pronoun at `index` in premise."""
    pre, post = premise[:index], premise[index + 1:]

    pre_match_size = get_pre_match_size(hypothesis, pre)
    post_match_size = get_post_match_size(hypothesis, post)
    score = pre_match_size + post_match_size

    candidate = ''
    if score:
      pre_match = pre[-pre_match_size or len(pre):]
      post_match = post[:post_match_size]
      m = re.search(' '.join(pre_match + [r'(.+)'] + post_match),
                    ' '.join(hypothesis))
      if not m:
        # Handle cases where the candidate is at the start of the hypthesis.
        m = re.search(' '.join([r'^(.+)'] + post_match), ' '.join(hypothesis))
      if not m:
        # Handle cases where the candidate is at the end of the hypthesis.
        m = re.search(' '.join(pre_match + [r'(.+)$']), ' '.join(hypothesis))

      if m:
        candidate = m.group(1)

    return PronounMatch(
        score=score, index_in_premise=index, candidate=candidate)

  def get_best_pronoun_match(premise, hypothesis):
    """Returns the match for the pronoun in the premise to disambiguate."""
    pronoun_indices = get_all_pronoun_indices(premise)
    scoredpronouns = [
        get_pronoun_match(premise, hypothesis, index)
        for index in pronoun_indices
    return max(scoredpronouns, key=lambda x: x.score)

  def highlight(sentence, index):
    words = sentence.split(' ')
    word = words[index]
    if word[-1] in ['.', ',', '!', '?']:
      highlighted = '*{}* {}'.format(word[:-1], word[-1])
      highlighted = '*{}*'.format(word)
    return ' '.join(words[:index] + [highlighted] + words[index + 1:])

  def make_nonpossessive(word):
    # WSC simple targets will never be possessive, even when the pronoun is
    # possesive.
    if word.endswith("'"):
      return word[:-1]
    elif word.endswith("'s"):
      return word[:-2]
      return word

  def clean_up(candidate):
    words = candidate.split(' ')
    # Sometimes the candidate extraction messes up, and the candidate will start
    # with the start of the hypothesis and extend to the correct candidate. We
    # can try to clean up the candidate in some cases by removing everything up
    # to the last article in the sentence.
    article_index = max(
        [words.index(art) for art in {'a', 'an', 'the'} if art in words] or [0])
    return ' '.join(words[article_index:])

  def process_candidate(candidate, hypothesis):
    """Handles special cases and adds proper punctuation/capitalization."""
    candidate = clean_up(candidate)

    pattern = '({})'.format(' '.join([
        r'{}(?:\.|,|\?|\!)?'.format(re.escape(c)) for c in candidate.split(' ')
    m = re.search(pattern, hypothesis, re.IGNORECASE)
    if not m:
      raise ValueError(
          'Unable to find candidate "{}" in hypothesis "{}".'.format(
              candidate, hypothesis))

    candidate = m.group(1)
    if candidate and candidate[-1] in ['.', ',', '!', '?']:
      candidate = candidate[:-1]
    return make_nonpossessive(candidate)

  def compute_inputs_and_targets(premise, hypothesis):
    """Compute inputs and targets for WNLI simple."""
    premise = tf.compat.as_text(premise.numpy())
    hypothesis = tf.compat.as_text(hypothesis.numpy())

    match = get_best_pronoun_match(
        split_clean(premise), split_clean(hypothesis))
    targets = process_candidate(match.candidate, hypothesis)
    inputs = '{} {}'.format(label, highlight(premise, match.index_in_premise))
    return inputs, targets

  def map_fn(x):
    inputs, targets = tf.py_function(
        inp=[x['sentence1'], x['sentence2']],
        Tout=[tf.string, tf.string])
    return {
        # The reshape is necessary as otherwise the tensor has unknown rank.
        'inputs': tf.reshape(inputs, shape=[]),
        'targets': tf.reshape(targets, shape=[]),
        'premise': x['sentence1'],
        'hypothesis': x['sentence2'],
        'label': x.get('label', 0),
        'idx': x['idx'],

  return dataset.map(map_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)

# ======================Token Preprocessors=====================================

def select_random_chunk(dataset,
  """Token-preprocessor to extract one span of at most `max_length` tokens.

  If the token sequence is longer than `max_length`, then we return a random
  subsequence.  Otherwise, we return the full sequence.

  This is generally followed by split_tokens.

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset with dictionaries containing the key feature_key.
    max_length: an integer
    feature_key: an string

    a dataset
  def _my_fn(x):
    """Select a random chunk of tokens.

      x: a 1d Tensor
      a 1d Tensor
    tokens = x[feature_key]
    n_tokens = tf.size(tokens)
    num_segments = tf.cast(
        tf.ceil(tf.cast(n_tokens, tf.float32)
                / tf.cast(max_length, tf.float32)),
    start = max_length * tf.random_uniform(
        [], maxval=num_segments, dtype=tf.int32)
    end = tf.minimum(start + max_length, n_tokens)
    return {feature_key: tokens[start:end]}
  # Filter empty examples.
  dataset = dataset.filter(lambda x: tf.not_equal(tf.size(x[feature_key]), 0))
  return dataset.map(_my_fn, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls())

def reduce_concat_tokens(dataset,
  """Token-preprocessor to concatenate multiple unrelated documents.

  If we want to generate examples of exactly the right length,
  (to avoid wasting space on padding), then we use this function, folowed by

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset with dictionaries containing the key feature_key.
    feature_key: an string
    batch_size: an integer - how many documents to concatenate into one

    a dataset
  dataset = dataset.map(lambda x: {feature_key: x[feature_key]},
  dataset = dataset.padded_batch(batch_size, padded_shapes={feature_key: [-1]})
  def _my_fn(x):
    tokens = tf.reshape(x[feature_key], [-1])
    # strip padding
    tokens = tf.boolean_mask(tokens, tf.cast(tokens, tf.bool))
    return {feature_key: tokens}
  return dataset.map(_my_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)

def split_tokens(dataset,
  """Split examples into multiple examples each.

  The intended use case is to break up long examples for use in unsupervised

  This function is generally preceded by select_random_chunk.

  If min_tokens_per_segment is provided, the segment length is chosen randomly
  per document from a log-uniform distribution.  If min_tokens_per_segment is
  None, then the segment length is max_tokens_per_segment (except for a possibly
  shorter last segment in each document).

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset with dictionaries containing the key feature_key.
    min_tokens_per_segment: an optional integer
    max_tokens_per_segment: an integer, the maximum number of tokens in each
      segment. Only the final segment may be shorter.
    feature_key: a string, the feature to split

    a dataset
  def _split_tokens(x):
    """Split one token sequence into multiple multiple."""
    tokens = x[feature_key]
    n_tokens = tf.size(tokens)
    if min_tokens_per_segment is None:
      length = max_tokens_per_segment
      # pick a length - log-uniformly distributed
      length = tf.cast(tf.exp(tf.random_uniform(
          maxval=math.log(max_tokens_per_segment))), tf.int32)

    # Pad to a multiple of length, then use tf.reshape to split up the tokens
    # into num_segments segments each of the given length.
    num_segments = tf.cast(
        tf.ceil(tf.cast(n_tokens, tf.float32) / tf.cast(length, tf.float32)),
    padding = num_segments * length - tf.size(tokens)
    tokens = tf.pad(tokens, [[0, padding]])
    return tf.reshape(tokens, [-1, length])

  def _strip_padding(x):
    return {feature_key: tf.boolean_mask(x, tf.cast(x, tf.bool))}

  # Filter empty examples.
  dataset = dataset.filter(lambda x: tf.not_equal(tf.size(x[feature_key]), 0))
  dataset = dataset.map(_split_tokens, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls())
  dataset = dataset.unbatch()
  return dataset.map(
      _strip_padding, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)

def split_tokens_to_inputs_length(dataset, sequence_length, **unused_kwargs):
  return split_tokens(dataset,

def split_tokens_to_targets_length(dataset, sequence_length, **unused_kwargs):
  return split_tokens(dataset,

def split_tokens_to_random_length(dataset, sequence_length, **unused_kwargs):
  return split_tokens(dataset,

def denoise(dataset,
  """Gin-configurable token preprocessor for self-supervised denoising tasks.

  This function takes a dataset containing "targets" sequences,
  and turns each sequence into a dictionary containing:
     "inputs": noisy version of the original sequence
     "targets": the full original sequence or missing parts of original sequence

  In particular, for each sequence, we choose a boolean noise_mask identifying
  which tokens in the sequence to corrupt, as defined by the given

  Given the sequence and the noise mask, we generate the inputs and targets
  using the given inputs_fn and targets_fn respectively.

  The self-supervised tasks vary along these axes:
    - noise_density: What fraction of the tokens to select as noise
    - noise_mask_fn: What pattern should the noise mask follow
         (iid, regular segments, etc.)
    - inputs_fn: How to apply the noise
         (drop noise tokens, replace with sentinels, etc.)
    - targets_fn: How to represent the output
         (full sequence, only non-noise tokens, etc.)

  Note: Some functionality has been deleted, which we may or may not want to
  restore at a later date.  The code for this functionality can be found in
  the deleted code for this CL.  In particular:
    - mixture of masking and random replacement
    - task labels prepended to the inputs

    dataset: A tf.data.Dataset to process.
    output_features: a dict mapping feature name to t5.data.Feature.
    noise_density: a float
    noise_mask_fn: a function from (length, noise_density) -> boolean mask
    inputs_fn: a function from (tokens, noise_mask, vocabulary) -> tokens
    targets_fn: a function from (tokens, noise_mask, vocabulary) -> tokens

    A preprocessed tf.data.Dataset.
  def my_fn(features):
    """Map function."""
    tokens = features['targets']
    vocabulary = output_features['targets'].vocabulary
    if ('inputs' in output_features and
        vocabulary != output_features['inputs'].vocabulary):
      raise ValueError(
          'denoise creates inputs based on tokenized targets but was applied '
          'to a task that uses different vocabularies for inputs and targets.'
    noise_mask = noise_mask_fn(tf.size(tokens), noise_density)
    inputs = inputs_fn(tokens, noise_mask, vocabulary)
    if targets_fn:
      targets = targets_fn(tokens, noise_mask, vocabulary)
      targets = tokens
    return {'inputs': inputs, 'targets': targets}
  return dataset.map(my_fn, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls())

def trivia_qa_truncate_inputs(dataset, output_features, sequence_length):
  """Gin configurable token preprocessor for the trivia QA dataset.

  This function takes a dataset containing "targets" and "inputs". It searches
  for the "targets" in the "inputs" and truncates the "inputs" to
  `sequence_length` while ensuring that the "targets" are present in the
  "inputs". The function will randomly select a subset of "inputs".
  If "targets" are not found in the "inputs", then the example is
  is dropped from the dataset.

  Input dataset
    "inputs": [0, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18]
    "targets": [5, 7, 9]

  Output dataset (assuming sequence_length['inputs'] = 4)
    "inputs": [3, 5, 7, 9]
    "targets": [5, 7, 9]


     "inputs": [5, 7, 9, 11]
     "targets": [5, 7, 9]
    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset with dictionaries containing the "inputs" and
    output_features: unused by this function.
    sequence_length: a dict, with keys as "inputs" and "targets" indicating the
      maximum number of tokens in each of the sequences.

    a dataset


  del output_features

  def my_fn(features):
    """Function to map original dataset to the new dataset."""
    inputs = features['inputs']
    targets = features['targets']
    ans_len = tf.shape(targets)[0]
    max_input_tokens = sequence_length['inputs']

    def truncate_inputs():
      """Helper function to truncate the inputs."""

      def answer_in_context(context, answer):
        """Helper function that checks if the answer is present in the context.

          context: Tensor, tokenized representation of the context
          answer: Tensor, tokenized representation of the answer

          result: boolean, indicates if the answer was present in the context.
          pos_mask: boolean mask, a mask for every possible start position of
            the answer in the context. Indicates whether the answer starts at
            the particular position.
        conv_inp = tf.reshape(tf.cast(context, tf.float32), [1, -1, 1])
        ans_len = tf.shape(answer)[0]
        filters = tf.eye(ans_len, dtype=tf.float32)

        # Assume context len is N and answer len is M.
        # Use a convolution to create a matrix of (N-M) x M elements where
        # each row of the matrix is a sequence of len M. This matrix contains
        # all possible contiguous sequences of length M from the context.
        # Every row of this matrix is compared with the answer to check if the
        # answer exists in the context.
        strided = tf.nn.conv1d(conv_inp,
                               tf.reshape(filters, [ans_len, 1, ans_len]), 1,
        strided = tf.cast(strided[0], answer.dtype)
        pos_mask = tf.reduce_all(
            tf.equal(strided, tf.reshape(answer, [1, -1])), 1)
        result = tf.reduce_any(pos_mask)
        return result, pos_mask

      def slice_inputs(inputs, answer_len, pos_mask):
        """Helper function to slice inputs while keeping the answer."""
        ans_start_pos = tf.to_int32(tf.where(pos_mask)[0][0])
        inputs_len = tf.shape(inputs)[0]
        start_range_min = tf.maximum(
            0, ans_start_pos - (max_input_tokens - answer_len))
        start_range_max = tf.minimum(ans_start_pos,
                                     inputs_len - max_input_tokens) + 1

        start_pos = tf.random.uniform([],
        return inputs[start_pos:start_pos + max_input_tokens]

      result, pos_mask = answer_in_context(inputs, targets)

      truncated_inputs = tf.cond(
          result, lambda: slice_inputs(inputs, ans_len, pos_mask),
          lambda: tf.constant([], dtype=inputs.dtype))

      return truncated_inputs

    inputs = tf.cond(
        tf.shape(inputs)[0] > max_input_tokens, truncate_inputs, lambda: inputs)

    return {'inputs': inputs, 'targets': features['targets']}

  dataset = dataset.map(my_fn, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls())
  return dataset.filter(lambda x: tf.size(x['inputs']) > 0)

def unsupervised(dataset, preprocessors=None, **kwargs):
  """Configure this to point at unsupervised preprocessors.

   This function creates an extra level of indirection in case we want
   different unsupervised pretraining functions in the future which do not
   fit into the denoise() framework.

    dataset: A tf.data.Dataset to process.
    preprocessors: a list of token-preprocessor functions
    **kwargs: passthrough keyword arguments for token preprocessors

    A preprocessed tf.data.Dataset.
  if preprocessors is None:
        'unsupervised preprocessor got preprocessors=None; no preprocessing '
        'will be applied.'
    return dataset
  for p in preprocessors:
    dataset = p(dataset, **kwargs)
  return dataset

def iid_noise_mask(length, noise_density):
  """Independent and identically distributed token noise.

    length: an int32 scalar
    noise_density: a float - approximate density of output mask

    a boolean tensor with shape [length]
  return tf.random.uniform([length]) < noise_density

def regular_noise_mask(length,
  """Noise mask consisting of equally spaced spans of equal length.

  The span length and the offset are chosen randomly per-example.
  The beginning and end of the sequence may be part of shorter spans of noise.
  For example, if noise_density=0.25 and a span length of 2 is chosen,
  then the output might be:

  [T F F F F F F T T F F F F F F T T F F F F F F T T F F]

    length: an int32 scalar
    noise_density: a float - approximate density of output mask
    min_span_length: an integer
    max_span_length: an integer

    a boolean tensor with shape [length]
  span_length = tf.random.uniform([],
                                  maxval=max_span_length + 1,
  period = tf.cast(
      tf.round(tf.cast(span_length, tf.float32) / noise_density), tf.int32)
  offset = tf.random.uniform([], maxval=period, dtype=tf.int32)
  return (tf.range(length, dtype=tf.int32) + offset) % period < span_length

def random_spans_noise_mask(length,
  """Noise mask consisting of random spans of noise tokens.

  The number of noise tokens and the number of noise spans and non-noise spans
  are determined deterministically as follows:

    num_noise_tokens = round(length * noise_density)
    num_nonnoise_spans = num_noise_spans = round(
       num_noise_tokens / mean_noise_span_length)

  Spans alternate between non-noise and noise, beginning with non-noise.
  Subject to the above restrictions, all masks are equally likely.

    length: an int32 scalar (length of the incoming token sequence)
    noise_density: a float - approximate density of output mask
    mean_noise_span_length: a number

    a boolean tensor with shape [length]
  orig_length = length
  # increase length to avoid degeneracy
  length = tf.maximum(length, 2)
  def to_int(x):
    return tf.cast(x, tf.int32)
  def to_float(x):
    return tf.cast(x, tf.float32)
  num_noise_tokens = to_int(tf.round(to_float(length) * noise_density))
  # avoid degeneracy by ensuring positive numbers of noise and nonnoise tokens.
  num_noise_tokens = tf.minimum(tf.maximum(num_noise_tokens, 1), length - 1)
  num_noise_spans = to_int(
      tf.round(to_float(num_noise_tokens) / mean_noise_span_length))
  # avoid degeneracy by ensuring positive number of noise spans
  num_noise_spans = tf.maximum(num_noise_spans, 1)
  num_nonnoise_tokens = length - num_noise_tokens
  # pick the lengths of the noise spans and the non-noise spans
  def _random_segmentation(num_items, num_segments):
    """Partition a sequence of items randomly into non-empty segments.

      num_items: an integer scalar > 0
      num_segments: an integer scalar in [1, num_items]
      a Tensor with shape [num_segments] containing positive integers that add
      up to num_items
    first_in_segment = tf.pad(
        tf.random.shuffle(to_int(tf.range(num_items - 1) < num_segments - 1),
        [[1, 0]])
    segment_id = tf.cumsum(first_in_segment)
    segment_length = tf.segment_sum(tf.ones_like(segment_id), segment_id)
    return segment_length
  noise_span_lengths = _random_segmentation(num_noise_tokens, num_noise_spans)
  nonnoise_span_lengths = _random_segmentation(
      num_nonnoise_tokens, num_noise_spans)
  interleaved_span_lengths = tf.reshape(
      tf.stack([nonnoise_span_lengths, noise_span_lengths], axis=1),
      [num_noise_spans * 2])
  span_starts = tf.cumsum(interleaved_span_lengths)[:-1]
  span_start_indicator = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(
      tf.ones_like(span_starts), span_starts, length)
  span_num = tf.cumsum(span_start_indicator)
  is_noise = tf.equal(span_num % 2, 1)
  return is_noise[:orig_length]

def random_spans_helper(inputs_length=gin.REQUIRED,
  """Training parameters to avoid padding with random_spans_noise_mask.

  When training a model with random_spans_noise_mask, we would like to set the
  other training hyperparmeters in a way that avoids padding.  This function
  helps us compute these hyperparameters.

  We assume that each noise span in the input is replaced by
  extra_tokens_per_span_inputs sentinel tokens, and each non-noise span in the
  targets is replaced by extra_tokens_per_span_targets sentinel tokens.

  This function tells us the required number of tokens in the raw example (for
  split_tokens()) as well as the length of the encoded targets.

    inputs_length: an integer - desired length of the tokenized inputs sequence
    noise_density: a float
    mean_noise_span_length: a float
    extra_tokens_per_span_inputs: an integer
    extra_tokens_per_span_targets: an integer
    tokens_length: length of original text in tokens
    targets_length: an integer - length in tokens of encoded targets sequence
  def _tokens_length_to_inputs_length_targets_length(tokens_length):
    num_noise_tokens = int(round(tokens_length * noise_density))
    num_nonnoise_tokens = tokens_length - num_noise_tokens
    num_noise_spans = int(round(num_noise_tokens / mean_noise_span_length))
    # inputs contain all nonnoise tokens, sentinels for all noise spans
    # and one EOS token.
    return (
        num_nonnoise_tokens +
        num_noise_spans * extra_tokens_per_span_inputs + 1,
        num_noise_tokens +
        num_noise_spans * extra_tokens_per_span_targets + 1)

  tokens_length = inputs_length
  while (_tokens_length_to_inputs_length_targets_length(tokens_length + 1)[0]
         <= inputs_length):
    tokens_length += 1
  inputs_length, targets_length = (
  # minor hack to get the targets length to be equal to inputs length
  # which is more likely to have been set to a nice round number.
  if noise_density == 0.5 and targets_length > inputs_length:
    tokens_length -= 1
    targets_length -= 1
      'tokens_length=%s inputs_length=%s targets_length=%s '
      'noise_density=%s mean_noise_span_length=%s ' %
      (tokens_length, inputs_length, targets_length,
       noise_density, mean_noise_span_length))
  return tokens_length, targets_length

def random_spans_tokens_length():
  """Helper for gin-configuring split_tokens with random_spans_noise_mask."""
  return random_spans_helper()[0]

def random_spans_targets_length():
  """Helper for gin-configuring the targets sequence length."""
  return random_spans_helper()[1]

def random_prefix_noise_mask(length, noise_density):
  """First part of the sequence is noise (for prefix_lm).

  The length of the prefix is chosen uniformly between [1, length)
  noise_density must be 0.5
  TODO(noam): figure out some distribution to use if noise_density != 0.5

    length: an int32 scalar
    noise_density: a float - must equal 0.5

    a boolean tensor with shape [length]
  if noise_density != 0.5:
    raise NotImplementedError(
        'noise density must equal 0.5 for random_prefix_noise_mask')
  max_input_tokens = length - 1
  min_input_tokens = tf.minimum(max_input_tokens, 1)
  num_input_tokens = tf.random.uniform(
      [], minval=min_input_tokens, maxval=max_input_tokens + 1, dtype=tf.int32)
  return tf.range(length, dtype=tf.int32) < num_input_tokens

def sentinel_id(vocabulary, return_value=None):
  """Token ID to use as a sentinel.

  By default, we use the last token in the vocabulary.

    vocabulary: a t5.data.vocabularies.Vocabulary
    return_value: an optional integer
    an integer
  if return_value is not None:
    return return_value
  return vocabulary.vocab_size - 1

def noise_token_to_sentinel(tokens, noise_mask, vocabulary):
  """Replace each noise token with the given sentinel.

    tokens: a 1d integer Tensor
    noise_mask: a boolean Tensor with the same shape as tokens
    vocabulary: a vocabulary.Vocabulary
    a Tensor with the same shape and dtype as tokens
  return tf.where_v2(noise_mask,
                     tf.cast(sentinel_id(vocabulary), tokens.dtype),

def noise_span_to_sentinel(tokens, noise_mask, vocabulary):
  """Replace each run of consecutive noise tokens with a single sentinel.

    tokens: a 1d integer Tensor
    noise_mask: a boolean Tensor with the same shape as tokens
    vocabulary: a vocabulary.Vocabulary
    a Tensor with the same shape and dtype as tokens
  tokens = tf.where_v2(noise_mask,
                       tf.cast(sentinel_id(vocabulary), tokens.dtype),
  prev_token_is_noise = tf.pad(noise_mask[:-1], [[1, 0]])
  subsequent_noise_tokens = tf.logical_and(noise_mask, prev_token_is_noise)
  return tf.boolean_mask(tokens, tf.logical_not(subsequent_noise_tokens))

def nonnoise_span_to_sentinel(tokens, noise_mask, vocabulary):
  return noise_span_to_sentinel(
      tokens, tf.logical_not(noise_mask), vocabulary)

def noise_span_to_unique_sentinel(tokens, noise_mask, vocabulary):
  """Replace each run of consecutive noise tokens with a different sentinel.

  The idea here is to be able to align the dropped spans in the inputs
  with the markers in the targets.

  We want to generate training examples like
  "We hold X to be Y that" -> "X these truths Y self evident Z"

  Sentinels assigned in decreasing order within the sequence starting at
  vocabulary.size - 1.  That is, we appropriate the last tokens in the
  vocabulary for additional use as sentinels.

  TODO(noam): we may want to try enlarging the vocabulary and leaving room
  for the sentinels instead.  However, this requires enlarging the embedding
  tables in the model, so that is a bigger change.

    tokens: a 1d integer Tensor
    noise_mask: a boolean Tensor with the same shape as tokens
    vocabulary: a vocabulary.Vocabulary
    a Tensor with the same shape and dtype as tokens
  vocab_size = vocabulary.vocab_size
  prev_token_is_noise = tf.pad(noise_mask[:-1], [[1, 0]])

  first_noise_tokens = tf.logical_and(
      noise_mask, tf.logical_not(prev_token_is_noise))
  subsequent_noise_tokens = tf.logical_and(noise_mask, prev_token_is_noise)

  sentinel = vocab_size - tf.cumsum(tf.cast(first_noise_tokens, tokens.dtype))

  tokens = tf.where_v2(first_noise_tokens, sentinel, tokens)
  return tf.boolean_mask(tokens, tf.logical_not(subsequent_noise_tokens))

def nonnoise_span_to_unique_sentinel(tokens, noise_mask, vocabulary):
  return noise_span_to_unique_sentinel(
      tokens, tf.logical_not(noise_mask), vocabulary)

def drop_noise_tokens(tokens, noise_mask, unused_vocabulary):
  """Drop noise tokens without inserting a sentinel.

    tokens: a 1d integer Tensor
    noise_mask: a boolean Tensor with the same shape as tokens
    unused_vocabulary: a vocabulary.Vocabulary
    a Tensor with the same shape and dtype as tokens
  return tf.boolean_mask(tokens, tf.logical_not(noise_mask))

def drop_nonnoise_tokens(tokens, noise_mask, unused_vocabulary):
  """Drop non-noise tokens without inserting a sentinel.

    tokens: a 1d integer Tensor
    noise_mask: a boolean Tensor with the same shape as tokens
    unused_vocabulary: a vocabulary.Vocabulary
    a Tensor with the same shape and dtype as tokens
  return tf.boolean_mask(tokens, noise_mask)

def permute_noise_tokens(tokens, noise_mask, unused_vocabulary):
  """Permute the noise tokens, keeping the non-noise tokens where they are.

    tokens: a 1d integer Tensor
    noise_mask: a boolean Tensor with the same shape as tokens
    unused_vocabulary: a vocabulary.Vocabulary
    a Tensor with the same shape and dtype as tokens
  masked_only = tf.boolean_mask(tokens, noise_mask)
  permuted = tf.random.shuffle(masked_only)
  # pad to avoid errors when it has size 0
  permuted = tf.pad(permuted, [[0, 1]])
  indices = tf.cumsum(tf.cast(noise_mask, tf.int32), exclusive=True)
  return tf.where_v2(noise_mask,
                     tf.gather(permuted, indices),

def noise_token_to_gathered_token(tokens, noise_mask, unused_vocabulary):
  """Replace each noise token with a random token from the sequence.

    tokens: a 1d integer Tensor
    noise_mask: a boolean Tensor with the same shape as tokens
    unused_vocabulary: a vocabulary.Vocabulary
    a Tensor with the same shape and dtype as tokens
  indices = tf.random_uniform(
      shape=tf.shape(tokens), maxval=tf.size(tokens), dtype=tf.int32)
  return tf.where_v2(noise_mask,
                     tf.gather(tokens, indices),

def noise_token_to_random_token(tokens, noise_mask, vocabulary,
  """Replace each noise token with a random token from the vocabulary.

    tokens: a 1d integer Tensor
    noise_mask: a boolean Tensor with the same shape as tokens
    vocabulary: a vocabulary.Vocabulary
    num_reserved_tokens: an integer
    a Tensor with the same shape and dtype as tokens
  return tf.where_v2(noise_mask,

def noise_token_to_random_token_or_sentinel(tokens, noise_mask, vocabulary,
  """Replace each noise token with a random token or a sentinel.

  For each masked token, with probability random_prob, we replace it by a
  random token from the vocabulary.  Otherwise, we replace it with a sentinel.

    tokens: a 1d integer Tensor
    noise_mask: a boolean Tensor with the same shape as tokens
    vocabulary: a vocabulary.Vocabulary
    random_prob: a float
    a Tensor with the same shape and dtype as tokens
  use_random = tf.random.uniform(tf.shape(tokens)) < random_prob
  return tf.where_v2(
      noise_token_to_random_token(tokens, noise_mask, vocabulary),
      noise_token_to_sentinel(tokens, noise_mask, vocabulary))

def take(dataset, num_examples=-1, **unused_kwargs):
  """Takes the first `num_examples` examples from the dataset.

  This is done to simulate that the dataset is smaller than it actually is. The
  result will be cached via `tf.data.Dataset.cache`.  This ensures that the same
  examples get repeated if `dataset` is stochastic and `repeat()` is called on
  the dataset after `take`. To use this preprocessor, make sure your resulting
  dataset can fit in memory.

    dataset: tf.data.Dataset, dataset to process.
    num_examples: int, the number of examples to take from the dataset. If
      `num_examples == -1`, the new dataset will have as many examples as the
      original dataset (i.e., no truncation will occur).
    A tf.data.Dataset with at most `num_examples` examples.
  if num_examples == -1:
    return dataset
    return dataset.take(num_examples).cache()

def parse_tsv(dataset,
  """Splits TSV lines into dict examples mapping field name to string value.

    dataset: a `tf.data.Dataset` containing comma/tab-delimited strings.
    field_names: a list of strings, the ordered names of the TSV fields.
    field_delim: a string, the delimiter to split on e.g. ',' for csv.
    A `tf.data.Dataset` containing dict examples mapping field name to string
  def parse_line(line):
    return dict(zip(
            line, record_defaults=[''] * len(field_names),
            field_delim=field_delim, use_quote_delim=False)

  return dataset.map(
      parse_line, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)

def preprocess_tsv(dataset,
  r"""Parse tab-delimited strings into inputs and targets.

  This function takes a tf.data.Dataset of strings, each of which contains
  tab-delimited fields.  The function returns a tf.data.Dataset of feature
  dictionaries of the form {"inputs": string, "targets": string}.

  inputs_format contains a template string and field numbers used to produce
  the "inputs" string.
  targets_format contains a template string and field numbers used to produce
  the "targets" string.

    The input dataset contains the lines:
                   inputs_format='numerator: {2} denominator: {1}',
                   targets_format='quotient: {0}'
    would produce a dataset containing the dictionaries:
    {"inputs": "numerator: 42 denomnator: 7", "targets": "quotient: 6"}
    {"inputs": "numerator: 18 denomnator: 9", "targets": "quotient: 2"}

    dataset: a tf.data.Dataset containing comma/tab-delimited strings.
    field_delim: a string, the delimiter to split on e.g. ',' for csv.
    num_fields: an integer
    inputs_format: a string, the desired output format with placeholders for
      field values.
    targets_format: a string, the desired output format with placeholders for
      field values.
    a tf.data.Dataset of feature dictionaries with 'inputs' and
    'targets' features.
  def _format_part(part, field_values):
    found = re.findall(r'{(\d)}', part)
    if found:
      return field_values[int(found[0])]
      return part

  def _format(format_string, field_values):
    parts = [_format_part(p, field_values)
             for p in re.split(r'({\d})', format_string)]
    return tf.strings.join(parts)

  def _parse_fn(line):
    """Function to process a line."""
    field_values = tf.io.decode_csv(
        line, record_defaults=[''] * num_fields,
        field_delim=field_delim, use_quote_delim=False)
    return {'inputs': _format(inputs_format, field_values),
            'targets': _format(targets_format, field_values)}
  return dataset.map(
      _parse_fn, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE)