#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import argparse
import csv
import json
import multiprocessing
import os
import pprint
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import threading
import time

libvpx_threads = 4

binary_absolute_paths = {}

def find_absolute_path(use_system_path, binary):
  global binary_absolute_paths
  if binary in binary_absolute_paths:
    return binary_absolute_paths[binary]

  if use_system_path:
    for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
      target = os.path.join(path.strip('"'), os.path.basename(binary))
      if os.path.isfile(target) and os.access(target, os.X_OK):
        binary_absolute_paths[binary] = target
        return target
  target = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), binary)
  if os.path.isfile(target) and os.access(target, os.X_OK):
    if use_system_path:
      print "WARNING: '%s' not in PATH (using --use-system-path), falling back on locally-compiled binary." % os.path.basename(binary)
    binary_absolute_paths[binary] = target
    return target

  sys.exit("ERROR: '%s' missing, did you run the corresponding setup script?" % (os.path.basename(binary) if use_system_path else target))

def aom_command(job, temp_dir):
  assert job['num_spatial_layers'] == 1
  assert job['num_temporal_layers'] == 1
  assert job['codec'] == 'av1'
  # TODO(pbos): Add realtime config (aom-rt) when AV1 is realtime ready.
  assert job['encoder'] == 'aom-good'

  (fd, first_pass_file) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=temp_dir, suffix=".fpf")

  (fd, encoded_filename) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=temp_dir, suffix=".webm")

  clip = job['clip']
  fps = int(clip['fps'] + 0.5)
  command = [
    "-p", "2",
    "--fpf=%s" % first_pass_file,
    "--target-bitrate=%d" % job['target_bitrates_kbps'][0],
    '--fps=%d/1' % fps,
    '--width=%d' % clip['width'],
    '--height=%d' % clip['height'],
    '--output=%s' % encoded_filename,
  encoded_files = [{'spatial-layer': 0, 'temporal-layer': 0, 'filename': encoded_filename}]
  return (command, encoded_files)

def libvpx_tl_command(job, temp_dir):
  # Parameters are intended to be as close as possible to realtime settings used
  # in WebRTC.
  assert job['num_temporal_layers'] <= 3
  # TODO(pbos): Account for low resolution CPU levels (see below).
  codec_cpu = 6 if job['codec'] == 'vp8' else 7
  layer_strategy = 8 if job['num_temporal_layers'] == 2 else 10
  outfile_prefix = '%s/out' % temp_dir
  clip = job['clip']
  fps = int(clip['fps'] + 0.5)

  command = [
  ] + job['target_bitrates_kbps']
  command = [str(i) for i in command]
  encoded_files = [{'spatial-layer': 0, 'temporal-layer': i, 'filename': "%s_%d.ivf" % (outfile_prefix, i)} for i in range(job['num_temporal_layers'])]

  return ([str(i) for i in command], encoded_files)

def libvpx_command(job, temp_dir):
  # Parameters are intended to be as close as possible to realtime settings used
  # in WebRTC.
  if (job['num_temporal_layers'] > 1):
    return libvpx_tl_command(job, temp_dir)
  assert job['num_spatial_layers'] == 1
  # TODO(pbos): Account for low resolutions (use -4 and 5 for CPU levels).
  common_params = [
    "--threads=%d" % libvpx_threads,
  if job['codec'] == 'vp8':
    codec_params = [
  elif job['codec'] == 'vp9':
    codec_params = [

  (fd, encoded_filename) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=temp_dir, suffix=".webm")

  clip = job['clip']
  # Round FPS. For quality comparisons it's likely close enough to not be
  # misrepresentative. From a quality perspective there's no point to fully
  # respecting NTSC or other non-integer FPS formats here.
  fps = int(clip['fps'] + 0.5)

  command = ['libvpx/vpxenc'] + codec_params + common_params + [
    '--fps=%d/1' % fps,
    '--target-bitrate=%d' % job['target_bitrates_kbps'][0],
    '--width=%d' % clip['width'],
    '--height=%d' % clip['height'],
    '--output=%s' % encoded_filename,
  encoded_files = [{'spatial-layer': 0, 'temporal-layer': 0, 'filename': encoded_filename}]
  return (command, encoded_files)

def openh264_command(job, temp_dir):
  assert job['codec'] == 'h264'
  # TODO(pbos): Consider AVC support.
  assert job['num_spatial_layers'] == 1
  # TODO(pbos): Add temporal-layer support (-numtl).
  assert job['num_temporal_layers'] == 1

  (fd, encoded_filename) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=temp_dir, suffix=".264")

  clip = job['clip']

  command = [
    '-rc', 1,
    '-denois', 0,
    '-scene', 0,
    '-bgd', 0,
    '-fs', 0,
    '-tarb', job['target_bitrates_kbps'][0],
    '-sw', clip['width'],
    '-sh', clip['height'],
    '-frin', clip['fps'],
    '-org', clip['yuv_file'],
    '-bf', encoded_filename,
    '-numl', 1,
    '-dw', 0, clip['width'],
    '-dh', 0, clip['height'],
    '-frout', 0, clip['fps'],
    '-ltarb', 0, job['target_bitrates_kbps'][0],
  encoded_files = [{'spatial-layer': 0, 'temporal-layer': 0, 'filename': encoded_filename}]
  return ([str(i) for i in command], encoded_files)

def yami_command(job, temp_dir):
  assert job['num_spatial_layers'] == 1
  assert job['num_temporal_layers'] == 1

  (fd, encoded_filename) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=temp_dir, suffix=".ivf")

  clip = job['clip']
  # Round FPS. For quality comparisons it's likely close enough to not be
  # misrepresentative. From a quality perspective there's no point to fully
  # respecting NTSC or other non-integer FPS formats here.
  fps = int(clip['fps'] + 0.5)

  command = [
    '--rcmode', 'CBR',
    '--ipperiod', 1,
    '--intraperiod', 3000,
    '-c', job['codec'].upper(),
    '-i', clip['yuv_file'],
    '-W', clip['width'],
    '-H', clip['height'],
    '-f', fps,
    '-o', encoded_filename,
    '-b', job['target_bitrates_kbps'][0],
  encoded_files = [{'spatial-layer': 0, 'temporal-layer': 0, 'filename': encoded_filename}]
  return ([str(i) for i in command], encoded_files)

encoder_commands = {
  'aom-good' : aom_command,
  'openh264' : openh264_command,
  'libvpx-rt' : libvpx_command,
  'yami' : yami_command,

yuv_clip_pattern = re.compile(r"^(.*[\._](\d+)_(\d+).yuv):(\d+)$")
def clip_arg(clip):
  (file_root, file_ext) = os.path.splitext(clip)
  if file_ext == '.y4m':
    width = int(subprocess.check_output(["mediainfo", "--Inform=Video;%Width%", clip]))
    height = int(subprocess.check_output(["mediainfo", "--Inform=Video;%Height%", clip]))
    fps = float(subprocess.check_output(["mediainfo", "--Inform=Video;%FrameRate%", clip]))
    return {'input_file': clip, 'height': height, 'width': width, 'fps': fps, 'file_type': 'y4m'}

  # Make sure YUV files are correctly formatted + look readable before actually
  # running the script on them.
  clip_match = yuv_clip_pattern.match(clip)
  if not clip_match:
    raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Argument '%s' doesn't match input format.\n" % clip)
  input_file = clip_match.group(1)
  if not os.path.isfile(input_file) or not os.access(input_file, os.R_OK):
    raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("'%s' is either not a file or cannot be opened for reading.\n" % input_file)
  return {'input_file': clip_match.group(1), 'width': int(clip_match.group(2)), 'height': int(clip_match.group(3)), 'fps' : float(clip_match.group(4)), 'file_type': 'yuv'}

def encoder_pairs(string):
  pair_pattern = re.compile(r"^([\w\-]+):(\w+)$")
  encoders = []
  for pair in string.split(','):
    pair_match = pair_pattern.match(pair)
    if not pair_match:
      raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Argument '%s' of '%s' doesn't match input format.\n" % (pair, string))
    if not pair_match.group(1) in encoder_commands:
      raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Unknown encoder: '%s' in pair '%s'\n" % (pair_match.group(1), pair))
    encoders.append((pair_match.group(1), pair_match.group(2)))
  return encoders

def writable_dir(directory):
  if not os.path.isdir(directory) or not os.access(directory, os.W_OK):
    raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("'%s' is either not a directory or cannot be opened for writing.\n" % directory)
  return directory

def positive_int(num):
  num_int = int(num)
  if num_int <= 0:
    raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("'%d' is not a positive integer.\n" % num)
  return num_int

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate graph data for video-quality comparison.')
parser.add_argument('clips', nargs='+', metavar='clip_WIDTH_HEIGHT.yuv:FPS|clip.y4m', type=clip_arg)
parser.add_argument('--dump-commands', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--enable-vmaf', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--encoded-file-dir', default=None, type=writable_dir)
parser.add_argument('--encoders', required=True, metavar='encoder:codec,encoder:codec...', type=encoder_pairs)
parser.add_argument('--frame-offset', default=0, type=positive_int)
parser.add_argument('--num-frames', default=-1, type=positive_int)
# TODO(pbos): Add support for multiple spatial layers.
parser.add_argument('--num-spatial-layers', type=int, default=1, choices=[1])
parser.add_argument('--num-temporal-layers', type=int, default=1, choices=[1,2,3])
parser.add_argument('--out', required=True, metavar='output.txt', type=argparse.FileType('w'))
parser.add_argument('--use-system-path', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--workers', type=int, default=multiprocessing.cpu_count())

def prepare_clips(args, temp_dir):
  clips = args.clips
  y4m_clips = [clip for clip in clips if clip['file_type'] == 'y4m']
  if y4m_clips:
    print "Converting %d .y4m clip%s..." % (len(y4m_clips), "" if len(y4m_clips) == 1 else "s")
    for clip in y4m_clips:
      (fd, yuv_file) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=temp_dir, suffix=".%d_%d.yuv" % (clip['width'], clip['height']))
      with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
        subprocess.check_call(['ffmpeg', '-y', '-i', clip['input_file'], yuv_file], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
      clip['yuv_file'] = yuv_file
  for clip in clips:
    clip['sha1sum'] = subprocess.check_output(['sha1sum', clip['input_file']]).split(' ', 1)[0]
    if 'yuv_file' not in clip:
      clip['yuv_file'] = clip['input_file']
    frame_size = 6 * clip['width'] * clip['height'] / 4
    input_yuv_filesize = os.path.getsize(clip['yuv_file'])
    clip['input_total_frames'] = input_yuv_filesize / frame_size
    # Truncate file if necessary.
    if args.frame_offset > 0 or args.num_frames > 0:
      (fd, truncated_filename) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=temp_dir, suffix=".yuv")
      blocksize = 2048 * 1024
      total_filesize = args.num_frames * frame_size
      with os.fdopen(fd, 'wb', blocksize) as truncated_file:
        with open(clip['yuv_file'], 'rb') as original_file:
          original_file.seek(args.frame_offset * frame_size)
          while total_filesize > 0:
            data = original_file.read(blocksize if blocksize < total_filesize else total_filesize)
            total_filesize -= blocksize
      clip['yuv_file'] = truncated_filename

def decode_file(job, temp_dir, encoded_file):
  (fd, decoded_file) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=temp_dir, suffix=".yuv")
  (fd, framestats_file) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=temp_dir, suffix=".csv")
  with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
    if job['codec'] in ['av1', 'vp8', 'vp9']:
      decoder = 'aom/aomdec' if job['codec'] == 'av1' else 'libvpx/vpxdec'
      subprocess.check_call([decoder, '--i420', '--codec=%s' % job['codec'], '-o', decoded_file, encoded_file, '--framestats=%s' % framestats_file], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
    elif job['codec'] == 'h264':
      subprocess.check_call(['openh264/h264dec', encoded_file, decoded_file], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
      # TODO(pbos): Generate H264 framestats.
      framestats_file = None
  return (decoded_file, framestats_file)

def add_framestats(results_dict, framestats_file, statstype):
  with open(framestats_file) as csvfile:
    reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
    for row in reader:
      for (metric, value) in row.items():
        metric_key = 'frame-%s' % metric
        if metric_key not in results_dict:
          results_dict[metric_key] = []

def generate_metrics(results_dict, job, temp_dir, encoded_file):
  (decoded_file, decoder_framestats) = decode_file(job, temp_dir, encoded_file['filename'])
  clip = job['clip']
  temporal_divide = 2 ** (job['num_temporal_layers'] - 1 - encoded_file['temporal-layer'])
  temporal_skip = temporal_divide - 1
  # TODO(pbos): Perform SSIM on downscaled .yuv files for spatial layers.
  (fd, metrics_framestats) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=temp_dir, suffix=".csv")
  ssim_results = subprocess.check_output(['libvpx/tools/tiny_ssim', clip['yuv_file'], decoded_file, "%dx%d" % (results_dict['width'], results_dict['height']), str(temporal_skip), metrics_framestats]).splitlines()
  metric_map = {
    'AvgPSNR': 'avg-psnr',
    'AvgPSNR-Y': 'avg-psnr-y',
    'AvgPSNR-U': 'avg-psnr-u',
    'AvgPSNR-V': 'avg-psnr-v',
    'GlbPSNR': 'glb-psnr',
    'GlbPSNR-Y': 'glb-psnr-y',
    'GlbPSNR-U': 'glb-psnr-u',
    'GlbPSNR-V': 'glb-psnr-v',
    'SSIM': 'ssim',
    'SSIM-Y': 'ssim-y',
    'SSIM-U': 'ssim-u',
    'SSIM-V': 'ssim-v',
    'VpxSSIM': 'vpx-ssim',
  for line in ssim_results:
    if not line:
    (metric, value) = line.split(': ')
    if metric in metric_map:
      results_dict[metric_map[metric]] = float(value)
    elif metric == 'Nframes':
      layer_frames = int(value)
      results_dict['frame-count'] = layer_frames

  if decoder_framestats:
    add_framestats(results_dict, decoder_framestats, int)
  add_framestats(results_dict, metrics_framestats, float)

  if args.enable_vmaf:
    vmaf_results = subprocess.check_output(['vmaf/run_vmaf', 'yuv420p', str(results_dict['width']), str(results_dict['height']), clip['yuv_file'], decoded_file, '--out-fmt', 'json'])
    vmaf_obj = json.loads(vmaf_results)
    results_dict['vmaf'] = float(vmaf_obj['aggregate']['VMAF_score'])

    results_dict['frame-vmaf'] = []
    for frame in vmaf_obj['frames']:

  layer_fps = clip['fps'] / temporal_divide
  results_dict['layer-fps'] = layer_fps

  spatial_divide = 2 ** (job['num_spatial_layers'] - 1 - encoded_file['spatial-layer'])
  results_dict['layer-width'] = results_dict['width'] // spatial_divide
  results_dict['layer-height'] = results_dict['height'] // spatial_divide

  target_bitrate_bps = job['target_bitrates_kbps'][encoded_file['temporal-layer']] * 1000
  bitrate_used_bps = os.path.getsize(encoded_file['filename']) * 8 * layer_fps / layer_frames
  results_dict['target-bitrate-bps'] = target_bitrate_bps
  results_dict['actual-bitrate-bps'] = bitrate_used_bps
  results_dict['bitrate-utilization'] = float(bitrate_used_bps) / target_bitrate_bps

def run_command(job, (command, encoded_files), job_temp_dir, encoded_file_dir):
  clip = job['clip']
  start_time = time.time()
    process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
  except OSError as e:
    return (None, "> %s\n%s" % (" ".join(command), e))
  (output, _) = process.communicate()
  actual_encode_ms = (time.time() - start_time) * 1000
  input_yuv_filesize = os.path.getsize(clip['yuv_file'])
  input_num_frames = int(input_yuv_filesize / (6 * clip['width'] * clip['height'] / 4))
  target_encode_ms = float(input_num_frames) * 1000 / clip['fps']
  if process.returncode != 0:
    return (None, "> %s\n%s" % (" ".join(command), output))
  results = [{} for i in range(len(encoded_files))]
  for i in range(len(results)):
    results_dict = results[i]
    results_dict['input-file'] = os.path.basename(clip['input_file'])
    results_dict['input-file-sha1sum'] = clip['sha1sum']
    results_dict['input-total-frames'] = clip['input_total_frames']
    results_dict['frame-offset'] = args.frame_offset
    results_dict['bitrate-config-kbps'] = job['target_bitrates_kbps']
    results_dict['layer-pattern'] = "%dsl%dtl" % (job['num_spatial_layers'], job['num_temporal_layers'])
    results_dict['encoder'] = job['encoder']
    results_dict['codec'] = job['codec']
    results_dict['height'] = clip['height']
    results_dict['width'] = clip['width']
    results_dict['fps'] = clip['fps']
    results_dict['actual-encode-time-ms'] = actual_encode_ms
    results_dict['target-encode-time-ms'] = target_encode_ms
    results_dict['encode-time-utilization'] = actual_encode_ms / target_encode_ms
    layer = encoded_files[i]

    results_dict['temporal-layer'] = layer['temporal-layer']
    results_dict['spatial-layer'] = layer['spatial-layer']

    generate_metrics(results_dict, job, job_temp_dir, layer)
    if encoded_file_dir:
      encoded_file_pattern = "%s-%s-%s-%dsl%dtl-%d-sl%d-tl%d%s" % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(clip['input_file']))[0], job['encoder'], job['codec'], job['num_spatial_layers'], job['num_temporal_layers'], job['target_bitrates_kbps'][-1], layer['spatial-layer'], layer['temporal-layer'], os.path.splitext(layer['filename'])[1])
      shutil.move(layer['filename'], os.path.join(encoded_file_dir, encoded_file_pattern))


  return (results, output)

def find_bitrates(width, height):
  # Do multiples of 100, because grouping based on bitrate splits in
  # generate_graphs.py doesn't round properly.

  # TODO(pbos): Propagate the bitrate split in the data instead of inferring it
  # from the job to avoid rounding errors.

  # Significantly lower than exact value, so 800p still counts as 720p for
  # instance.
  pixel_bound = width * height / 1.5
  if pixel_bound <= 320 * 240:
    return [100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1200]
  if pixel_bound <= 640 * 480:
    return [200, 300, 500, 800, 1200, 2000]
  if pixel_bound <= 1280 * 720:
    return [400, 800, 1200, 1600, 2500, 5000]
  if pixel_bound <= 1920 * 1080:
    return [800, 1200, 2000, 3000, 5000, 10000]
  return [1200, 1800, 3000, 6000, 10000, 15000]

layer_bitrates = [[1], [0.6, 1], [0.45, 0.65, 1]]
def split_temporal_bitrates_kbps(target_bitrate_kbps, num_temporal_layers):
  bitrates_kbps = []
  for i in range(num_temporal_layers):
    layer_bitrate_kbps = int(layer_bitrates[num_temporal_layers - 1][i] * target_bitrate_kbps)
  return bitrates_kbps

def generate_jobs(args, temp_dir):
  jobs = []
  for clip in args.clips:
    bitrates = find_bitrates(clip['width'], clip['height'])
    for bitrate_kbps in bitrates:
      for (encoder, codec) in args.encoders:
        job = {
          'encoder': encoder,
          'codec': codec,
          'clip': clip,
          'target_bitrates_kbps': split_temporal_bitrates_kbps(bitrate_kbps, args.num_temporal_layers),
          'num_spatial_layers': args.num_spatial_layers,
          'num_temporal_layers': args.num_temporal_layers,
        job_temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=temp_dir)
        (command, encoded_files) = encoder_commands[job['encoder']](job, job_temp_dir)
        command[0] = find_absolute_path(args.use_system_path, command[0])
        jobs.append((job, (command, encoded_files), job_temp_dir))
  return jobs

def start_daemon(func):
  t = threading.Thread(target=func)
  t.daemon = True
  return t

def job_to_string(job):
    return "%s:%s %dsl%dtl %s %s" % (job['encoder'], job['codec'], job['num_spatial_layers'], job['num_temporal_layers'], ":".join(str(i) for i in job['target_bitrates_kbps']), os.path.basename(job['clip']['input_file']))

def worker():
  global args
  global jobs
  global current_job
  global has_errored
  global total_jobs
  pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
  while True:
    with thread_lock:
      if not jobs:
      (job, command, job_temp_dir) = jobs.pop()

    (results, error) = run_command(job, command, job_temp_dir, args.encoded_file_dir)

    job_str = job_to_string(job)

    with thread_lock:
      current_job += 1
      run_ok = results is not None
      print "[%d/%d] %s (%s)" % (current_job, total_jobs, job_str, "OK" if run_ok else "ERROR")
      if not run_ok:
        has_errored = True
        print error
        for result in results:

thread_lock = threading.Lock()

def main():
  global args
  global jobs
  global total_jobs
  global current_job
  global has_errored

  temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

  args = parser.parse_args()
  prepare_clips(args, temp_dir)
  jobs = generate_jobs(args, temp_dir)
  total_jobs = len(jobs)
  current_job = 0
  has_errored = False

  if args.dump_commands:
    for (job, (command, encoded_files), job_temp_dir) in jobs:
      current_job += 1
      print "[%d/%d] %s" % (current_job, total_jobs, job_to_string(job))
      print "> %s" % " ".join(command)

    return 0

  # Make sure commands for quality metrics are present.
  find_absolute_path(False, 'libvpx/tools/tiny_ssim')
  for (encoder, codec) in args.encoders:
    if codec in ['vp8', 'vp9']:
      find_absolute_path(False, 'libvpx/vpxdec')
    elif codec == 'av1':
      find_absolute_path(False, 'aom/aomdec')
    elif codec == 'h264':
      find_absolute_path(False, 'openh264/h264dec')
  if args.enable_vmaf:
    find_absolute_path(False, 'vmaf/run_vmaf')

  print "[0/%d] Running jobs..." % total_jobs


  workers = [start_daemon(worker) for i in range(args.workers)]
  [t.join() for t in workers]


  return 1 if has_errored else 0

if __name__ == '__main__':