#!/usr/bin/env python
#    GIPS: Geospatial Image Processing System
#    AUTHOR: Matthew Hanson
#    EMAIL:  matt.a.hanson@gmail.com 
#    Copyright (C) 2014 Applied Geosolutions
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>

import os
import re
import datetime
import urllib
import urllib2

import math
import numpy as np

import gippy
from gippy.algorithms import Indices
from gips.data.core import Repository, Asset, Data
from gips.utils import VerboseOut

def binmask(arr, bit):
    """ Return boolean array indicating which elements as binary have a 1 in
        a specified bit position. Input is Numpy array.
    return arr & (1 << (bit - 1)) == (1 << (bit - 1))

class modisRepository(Repository):
    name = 'Modis'
    description = 'MODIS Aqua and Terra'

    def feature2tile(cls, feature):
        """ convert tile field attributes to tile identifier """
        fldindex_h = feature.GetFieldIndex("h")
        fldindex_v = feature.GetFieldIndex("v")
        h = str(int(feature.GetField(fldindex_h))).zfill(2)
        v = str(int(feature.GetField(fldindex_v))).zfill(2)
        return "h%sv%s" % (h, v)

    # @classmethod
    # def find_dates(cls, tile):
    #     """ Get list of dates available in repository for a tile """
    #     tdir = cls.path(tile=tile)
    #     if os.path.exists(tdir):
    #         return [datetime.strptime(os.path.basename(d), cls._datedir).date() for d in os.listdir(tdir)]
    #     else:
    #         return []

class modisAsset(Asset):
    Repository = modisRepository

    _sensors = {
        'MOD': {'description': 'Terra'},
        'MYD': {'description': 'Aqua'},
        'MCD': {'description': 'Aqua/Terra Combined'},
        'MOD-MYD': {'description': 'Aqua/Terra together'}

    _assets = {
        'MCD43A4': {
            'pattern': 'MCD43A4*hdf',
            'url': 'http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOTA/MCD43A4.005',
            'startdate': datetime.date(2000, 2, 18),
            'latency': -15
        'MCD43A2': {
            'pattern': 'MCD43A2*hdf',
            'url': 'http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOTA/MCD43A2.005',
            'startdate': datetime.date(2000, 2, 18),
            'latency': -15
        'MOD09Q1': {
            'pattern': 'MOD09Q1*hdf',
            'url': 'http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOLT/MOD09Q1.005/',
            'startdate': datetime.date(2000, 2, 18),
            'latency': -7,
        'MOD10A1': {
            'pattern': 'MOD10A1*hdf',
            'url': 'ftp://n5eil01u.ecs.nsidc.org/SAN/MOST/MOD10A1.005',
            'startdate': datetime.date(2000, 2, 24),
            'latency': -3
        'MYD10A1': {
            'pattern': 'MYD10A1*hdf',
            'url': 'ftp://n5eil01u.ecs.nsidc.org/SAN/MOSA/MYD10A1.005',
            'startdate': datetime.date(2002, 7, 4),
            'latency': -3
        'MOD11A1': {
            'pattern': 'MOD11A1*hdf',
            'url': 'http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOLT/MOD11A1.005',
            'startdate': datetime.date(2000, 3, 5),
            'latency': -1
        'MYD11A1': {
            'pattern': 'MYD11A1*hdf',
            'url': 'http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOLA/MYD11A1.005',
            'startdate': datetime.date(2002, 7, 8),
            'latency': -1
        'MOD11A2': {
            'pattern': 'MOD11A2*hdf',
            'url': 'http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOLT/MOD11A2.005',
            'startdate': datetime.date(2000, 3, 5),
            'latency': -7
        'MYD11A2': {
            'pattern': 'MYD11A2*hdf',
            'url': 'http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOLA/MYD11A2.005',
            'startdate': datetime.date(2002, 7, 4),
            'latency': -7

    # Should this be specified on a per asset basis? (in which case retrieve from asset)
    _defaultresolution = [926.625433138333392, 926.625433139166944]

    def __init__(self, filename):
        """ Inspect a single file and get some metadata """
        super(modisAsset, self).__init__(filename)
        bname = os.path.basename(filename)
        self.asset = bname[0:7]
        self.tile = bname[17:23]
        year = bname[9:13]
        doy = bname[13:16]

        self.date = datetime.datetime.strptime(year + doy, "%Y%j").date()
        self.sensor = bname[:3]

    def fetch(cls, asset, tile, date):
        #super(modisAsset, cls).fetch(asset, tile, date)

        year, month, day = date.timetuple()[:3]
        mainurl = '%s/%s.%02d.%02d' % (cls._assets[asset]['url'], str(year), month, day)
            listing = urllib.urlopen(mainurl).readlines()
        except Exception:
            # MODIS servers do maintenance on wednesday
            raise Exception("Unable to access %s --- is it Wednesday?" % mainurl)

        pattern = '(%s.A%s%s.%s.005.\d{13}.hdf)' % (asset, str(year), str(date.timetuple()[7]).zfill(3), tile)
        cpattern = re.compile(pattern)
        success = False

        for item in listing:
            if cpattern.search(item):
                if 'xml' in item:
                name = cpattern.findall(item)[0]
                url = ''.join([mainurl, '/', name])
                outpath = os.path.join(cls.Repository.path('stage'), name)

                    #urllib.urlretrieve(url, outpath)
                    connection = urllib2.urlopen(url)
                    output = open(outpath, 'wb')

                except Exception:
                    # TODO - implement pre-check to only attempt on valid dates
                    # then uncomment this
                    #raise Exception('Unable to retrieve %s from %s' % (name, url))
                    VerboseOut('Retrieved %s' % name, 2)
                    success = True

        if not success:
            # TODO - implement pre-check to only attempt on valid dates then uncomment below
            #raise Exception('Unable to find remote match for %s at %s' % (pattern, mainurl))
            VerboseOut('Unable to find remote match for %s at %s' % (pattern, mainurl), 4)

class modisData(Data):
    """ A tile of data (all assets and products) """
    name = 'Modis'
    version = '0.9.0'
    Asset = modisAsset
    _pattern = '*.tif'
    _productgroups = {
        "Nadir BRDF-Adjusted 16-day": ['indices', 'quality'],
        #"Terra/Aqua Daily": ['temp', 'obstime'],
        "Terra/Aqua Daily": ['snow', 'temp', 'obstime'],
        "Terra 8-day": ['ndvi8', 'temp8tn', 'temp8td'],
    _products = {
        # MCD Products
        'indices': {
            'description': 'Land indices',
            'assets': ['MCD43A4'],
        'quality': {
            'description': 'MCD Product Quality',
            'assets': ['MCD43A2'],
        # Daily
        'snow': {
            'description': 'Snow and ice cover data',
            'assets': ['MOD10A1', 'MYD10A1'],
        'temp': {
            'description': 'Surface temperature data',
            'assets': ['MOD11A1', 'MYD11A1'],
        'obstime': {
            'description': 'MODIS Terra/Aqua overpass time',
            'assets': ['MOD11A1', 'MYD11A1'],
        # Misc
        'ndvi8': {
            'description': 'Normalized Difference Vegetation Index: 250m',
            'assets': ['MOD09Q1'],
        'temp8td': {
            'description': 'Surface temperature: 1km',
            'assets': ['MOD11A2'],
        'temp8tn': {
            'description': 'Surface temperature: 1km',
            'assets': ['MOD11A2'],


    def process(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Process all products """
        products = super(modisData, self).process(*args, **kwargs)
        if len(products) == 0:

        bname = os.path.join(self.path, self.basename)

        for key, val in products.requested.items():
            start = datetime.datetime.now()

            # Check for asset availability
            assets = self._products[val[0]]['assets']
            missingassets = []
            availassets = []
            allsds = []

            # Default sensor for products
            sensor = 'MCD'

            for asset in assets:
                    sds = self.assets[asset].datafiles()
                except Exception:
            if not availassets:
                # some products aren't available for every day but this is trying every day
                VerboseOut('There are no available assets (%s) on %s for tile %s'
                           % (str(missingassets), str(self.date), str(self.id), ), 5)

            meta = self.meta_dict()
            meta['AVAILABLE_ASSETS'] = ' '.join(availassets)

            if val[0] == "quality":
                fname = '%s_%s_%s.tif' % (bname, sensor, key)
                if os.path.lexists(fname):
                os.symlink(allsds[0], fname)
                imgout = gippy.GeoImage(fname)

            if val[0] == "indices":
                VERSION = "2.0"
                meta['VERSION'] = VERSION
                sensor = 'MCD'
                fname = '%s_%s_%s' % (bname, sensor, key)

                refl = gippy.GeoImage(allsds)

                missing = 32767

                redimg = refl[0].Read()
                nirimg = refl[1].Read()
                bluimg = refl[2].Read()
                grnimg = refl[3].Read()
                mirimg = refl[5].Read()
                swrimg = refl[6].Read() # formerly swir2

                redimg[redimg < 0.0] = 0.0
                nirimg[nirimg < 0.0] = 0.0
                bluimg[bluimg < 0.0] = 0.0
                grnimg[grnimg < 0.0] = 0.0
                mirimg[mirimg < 0.0] = 0.0
                swrimg[swrimg < 0.0] = 0.0

                redimg[redimg > 1.0] = 1.0
                nirimg[nirimg > 1.0] = 1.0
                bluimg[bluimg > 1.0] = 1.0
                grnimg[grnimg > 1.0] = 1.0
                mirimg[mirimg > 1.0] = 1.0
                swrimg[swrimg > 1.0] = 1.0

                # red, nir
                ndvi = missing + np.zeros_like(redimg)
                wg = np.where((redimg != missing) & (nirimg != missing) & (redimg + nirimg != 0.0))
                ndvi[wg] = (nirimg[wg] - redimg[wg]) / (nirimg[wg] + redimg[wg])

                # nir, mir
                lswi = missing + np.zeros_like(redimg)
                wg = np.where((nirimg != missing) & (mirimg != missing) & (nirimg + mirimg != 0.0))
                lswi[wg] = (nirimg[wg] - mirimg[wg]) / (nirimg[wg] + mirimg[wg])

                # blu, grn, red
                vari = missing + np.zeros_like(redimg)
                wg = np.where((grnimg != missing) & (redimg != missing) & (bluimg != missing) & (grnimg + redimg - bluimg != 0.0))
                vari[wg] = (grnimg[wg] - redimg[wg]) / (grnimg[wg] + redimg[wg] - bluimg[wg])

                # blu, grn, red, nir
                brgt = missing + np.zeros_like(redimg)
                wg = np.where((nirimg != missing)&(redimg != missing)&(bluimg != missing)&(grnimg != missing))
                brgt[wg] = 0.3*bluimg[wg] + 0.3*redimg[wg] + 0.1*nirimg[wg] + 0.3*grnimg[wg]

                # red, mir, swr
                satvi = missing + np.zeros_like(redimg)
                # I think the following line has an error:
                # wg = np.where((redimg != missing)&(mirimg != missing)&(swrimg != missing)&(((mirimg + redimg + 0.5)*swrimg) != 0.0))
                wg = np.where((redimg != missing)&(mirimg != missing)&(swrimg != missing)&((mirimg + redimg + 0.5) != 0.0))
                satvi[wg] = (((mirimg[wg] - redimg[wg])/(mirimg[wg] + redimg[wg] + 0.5))*1.5) - (swrimg[wg] / 2.0)

                print "writing", fname

                # create output gippy image
                imgout = gippy.GeoImage(fname, refl, gippy.GDT_Int16, 5)



                imgout.SetBandName('NDVI', 1)
                imgout.SetBandName('LSWI', 2)
                imgout.SetBandName('VARI', 3)
                imgout.SetBandName('BRGT', 4)
                imgout.SetBandName('SATVI', 5)

            if val[0] == "snow":
                VERSION = "1.0"
                meta['VERSION'] = VERSION
                fname = '%s_%s_%s' % (bname, sensor, key)

                if not missingassets:
                    availbands = [0, 1]
                    snowsds = [allsds[0], allsds[3], allsds[4], allsds[7]]
                elif missingassets[0] == 'MYD10A1':
                    availbands = [0]
                    snowsds = [allsds[0], allsds[3]]
                elif missingassets[0] == 'MOD10A1':
                    availbands = [1]
                    snowsds = [allsds[0], allsds[3]]

                img = gippy.GeoImage(snowsds)

                # there are two snow bands
                for iband, band in enumerate(availbands):

                    # get the data values for both bands
                    cover = img[2 * iband].Read()
                    frac = img[2 * iband + 1].Read()

                    # check out frac
                    wbad1 = np.where((frac == 200) | (frac == 201) | (frac == 211) |
                                     (frac == 250) | (frac == 254) | (frac == 255))
                    wsurface1 = np.where((frac == 225) | (frac == 237) | (frac == 239))
                    wvalid1 = np.where((frac >= 0) & (frac <= 100))

                    nbad1 = len(wbad1[0])
                    nsurface1 = len(wsurface1[0])
                    nvalid1 = len(wvalid1[0])
                    assert nbad1 + nsurface1 + nvalid1 == frac.size, "frac contains invalid values"

                    # check out cover
                    wbad2 = np.where((cover == 0) | (cover == 1) | (cover == 11) |
                                     (cover == 50) | (cover == 254) | (cover == 255))
                    wsurface2 = np.where((cover == 25) | (cover == 37) | (cover == 39))
                    wvalid2 = np.where((cover == 100) | (cover == 200))

                    nbad2 = len(wbad2[0])
                    nsurface2 = len(wsurface2[0])
                    nvalid2 = len(wvalid2[0])
                    assert nbad2 + nsurface2 + nvalid2 == cover.size, "cover contains invalid values"

                    # assign output data here
                    coverout = np.zeros_like(cover, dtype=np.uint8)
                    fracout = np.zeros_like(frac, dtype=np.uint8)

                    fracout[wvalid1] = frac[wvalid1]
                    fracout[wsurface1] = 0
                    fracout[wbad1] = 127
                    coverout[wvalid2] = 100
                    coverout[wsurface2] = 0
                    coverout[wbad2] = 127

                    if len(availbands) == 2:
                        if iband == 0:
                            fracout1 = np.copy(fracout)
                            coverout1 = np.copy(coverout)
                            # both the current and previous are valid
                            w = np.where((fracout != 127) & (fracout1 != 127))
                            fracout[w] = np.mean(np.array([fracout[w], fracout1[w]]), axis=0).astype('uint8')

                            # the current is not valid but previous is valid
                            w = np.where((fracout == 127) & (fracout1 != 127))
                            fracout[w] = fracout1[w]

                            # both the current and previous are valid
                            w = np.where((coverout != 127) & (coverout1 != 127))
                            coverout[w] = np.mean(np.array([coverout[w], coverout1[w]]), axis=0).astype('uint8')

                            # the current is not valid but previous is valid
                            w = np.where((coverout == 127) & (coverout1 != 127))
                            coverout[w] = coverout1[w]

                fracmissingcoverclear = np.sum((fracout == 127) & (coverout == 0))
                fracmissingcoversnow = np.sum((fracout == 127) & (coverout == 100))
                fracclearcovermissing = np.sum((fracout == 0) & (coverout == 127))
                fracclearcoversnow = np.sum((fracout == 0) & (coverout == 100))
                fracsnowcovermissing = np.sum((fracout > 0) & (fracout <= 100) & (coverout == 127))
                fracsnowcoverclear = np.sum((fracout > 0) & (fracout <= 100) & (coverout == 0))
                #fracmostlycoverclear = np.sum((fracout > 50) & (fracout <= 100) & (coverout == 0))
                totsnowfrac = int(0.01 * np.sum(fracout[fracout <= 100]))
                totsnowcover = int(0.01 * np.sum(coverout[coverout <= 100]))
                numvalidfrac = np.sum(fracout != 127)
                numvalidcover = np.sum(coverout != 127)

                if totsnowcover == 0 or totsnowfrac == 0:
                    print "no snow or ice: skipping", str(self.date), str(self.id), str(missingassets)

                meta['FRACMISSINGCOVERCLEAR'] = fracmissingcoverclear
                meta['FRACMISSINGCOVERSNOW'] = fracmissingcoversnow
                meta['FRACCLEARCOVERMISSING'] = fracclearcovermissing
                meta['FRACCLEARCOVERSNOW'] = fracclearcoversnow
                meta['FRACSNOWCOVERMISSING'] = fracsnowcovermissing
                meta['FRACSNOWCOVERCLEAR'] = fracsnowcoverclear
                meta['FRACMOSTLYCOVERCLEAR'] = np.sum((fracout > 50) & (fracout <= 100) & (coverout == 0))
                meta['TOTSNOWFRAC'] = totsnowfrac
                meta['TOTSNOWCOVER'] = totsnowcover
                meta['NUMVALIDFRAC'] = numvalidfrac
                meta['NUMVALIDCOVER'] = numvalidcover

                # create output gippy image
                imgout = gippy.GeoImage(fname, img, gippy.GDT_Byte, 2)
                imgout.SetBandName('Snow Cover', 1)
                imgout.SetBandName('Fractional Snow Cover', 2)


                VerboseOut('Completed writing %s' % fname)
            if val[0] == "temp":
                VERSION = "1.1"
                meta['VERSION'] = VERSION
                sensor = 'MOD-MYD'
                fname = '%s_%s_%s' % (bname, sensor, key)

                if not missingassets:
                    availbands = [0, 1, 2, 3]
                    tempsds = [allsds[0], allsds[4], allsds[12], allsds[16]]
                    qcsds = [allsds[1], allsds[5], allsds[13], allsds[17]]
                    hoursds = [allsds[2], allsds[6], allsds[14], allsds[18]]
                elif missingassets[0] == 'MYD11A1':
                    availbands = [0, 1]
                    tempsds = [allsds[0], allsds[4]]
                    qcsds = [allsds[1], allsds[5]]
                    hoursds = [allsds[2], allsds[6]]
                elif missingassets[0] == 'MOD11A1':
                    availbands = [2, 3]
                    tempsds = [allsds[0], allsds[4]]
                    qcsds = [allsds[1], allsds[5]]
                    hoursds = [allsds[2], allsds[6]]

                tempbands = gippy.GeoImage(tempsds)
                qcbands = gippy.GeoImage(qcsds)
                hourbands = gippy.GeoImage(hoursds)

                imgout = gippy.GeoImage(fname, tempbands, gippy.GDT_UInt16, 5)

                # there are four temperature bands
                for iband, band in enumerate(availbands):
                    # get meta name template info
                    basename = tempbands[iband].Basename()
                    platform = self.Asset._sensors[basename[:3]]['description']

                    if basename.find('daytime'):
                        dayornight = 'day'
                    elif basename.find('nighttime'):
                        dayornight = 'night'
                        raise Exception('%s appears to be an invalid MODIS temperature project' % basename)

                    qc = qcbands[iband].Read()

                    # first two bits are 10 or 11
                    newmaskbad = binmask(qc, 2)
                    # first two bits are 00 or 01
                    newmaskgood = ~binmask(qc, 2)
                    # first two bits are 00
                    newmaskbest = ~binmask(qc, 1) & ~binmask(qc, 2)

                    if iband == 0:
                        bestmask = np.zeros_like(qc, dtype='uint16')

                    bestmask += (math.pow(2, band) * newmaskbest).astype('uint16')

                    numbad = np.sum(newmaskbad)
                    #fracbad = np.sum(newmaskbad) / float(newmaskbad.size)

                    numgood = np.sum(newmaskgood)
                    #fracgood = np.sum(newmaskgood) / float(newmaskgood.size)
                    assert numgood == qc.size - numbad

                    numbest = np.sum(newmaskbest)
                    #fracbest = np.sum(newmaskbest) / float(newmaskbest.size)

                    metaname = "NUMBAD_%s_%s" % (dayornight, platform)
                    metaname = metaname.upper()
                    # print "metaname", metaname
                    meta[metaname] = str(numbad)

                    metaname = "NUMGOOD_%s_%s" % (dayornight, platform)
                    metaname = metaname.upper()
                    # print "metaname", metaname
                    meta[metaname] = str(numgood)

                    metaname = "NUMBEST_%s_%s" % (dayornight, platform)
                    metaname = metaname.upper()
                    # print "metaname", metaname
                    meta[metaname] = str(numbest)

                    # overpass time
                    hournodatavalue = hourbands[iband].NoDataValue()
                    hour = hourbands[iband].Read()
                    hour = hour[hour != hournodatavalue]
                        #hourmin = hour.min()
                        hourmean = hour.mean()
                        #hourmax = hour.max()
                        # print "hour.min(), hour.mean(), hour.max()", hour.min(), hour.mean(), hour.max()
                        hourmean = 0

                    metaname = "MEANOVERPASSTIME_%s_%s" % (dayornight, platform)
                    metaname = metaname.upper()
                    meta[metaname] = str(hourmean)


                imgout.SetBandName('Temperature Daytime Terra', 1)
                imgout.SetBandName('Temperature Nighttime Terra', 2)
                imgout.SetBandName('Temperature Daytime Aqua', 3)
                imgout.SetBandName('Temperature Nighttime Aqua', 4)
                imgout.SetBandName('Temperature Best Quality', 5)

            if val[0] == "obstime":
                VERSION = "1"
                meta['VERSION'] = VERSION
                fname = '%s_%s_%s' % (bname, 'MOD-MYD', key)

                if not missingassets:
                    availbands = [0, 1, 2, 3]
                    hoursds = [allsds[2], allsds[6], allsds[14], allsds[18]]
                elif missingassets[0] == 'MYD11A1':
                    availbands = [0, 1]
                    hoursds = [allsds[2], allsds[6]]
                elif missingassets[0] == 'MOD11A1':
                    availbands = [2, 3]
                    hoursds = [allsds[2], allsds[6]]

                hourbands = gippy.GeoImage(hoursds)

                imgout = gippy.GeoImage(fname, hourbands, gippy.GDT_Byte, 4)

                # there are four temperature bands
                for iband, band in enumerate(availbands):
                    # get meta name template info
                    basename = hourbands[iband].Basename()
                    platform = self.Asset._sensors[basename[:3]]['description']

                    if basename.find('daytime'):
                        dayornight = 'day'
                    elif basename.find('nighttime'):
                        dayornight = 'night'
                        raise Exception('%s appears to be an invalid MODIS temperature project' % basename)


                imgout.SetBandName('Observation Time Daytime Terra', 1)
                imgout.SetBandName('Observation Time Nighttime Terra', 2)
                imgout.SetBandName('Observation Time Daytime Aqua', 3)
                imgout.SetBandName('Observation Time Nighttime Aqua', 4)

            # NDVI (8-day) - Terra only
            if val[0] == "ndvi8":
                VERSION = "1.0"
                meta['VERSION'] = VERSION
                sensor = 'MOD'
                fname = '%s_%s_%s' % (bname, sensor, key)

                refl = gippy.GeoImage(allsds)
                refl.SetBandName("RED", 1)
                refl.SetBandName("NIR", 2)

                fouts = dict(Indices(refl, {'ndvi': fname}, meta))
                imgout = gippy.GeoImage(fouts['ndvi'])

            # TEMPERATURE PRODUCT (8-day) - Terra only

            if val[0] == "temp8td":
                sensor = 'MOD'
                fname = '%s_%s_%s.tif' % (bname, sensor, key)
                if os.path.lexists(fname):
                os.symlink(allsds[0], fname)
                imgout = gippy.GeoImage(fname)
            if val[0] == "temp8tn":
                sensor = 'MOD'
                fname = '%s_%s_%s.tif' % (bname, sensor, key)
                if os.path.lexists(fname):
                os.symlink(allsds[4], fname)
                imgout = gippy.GeoImage(fname)

            # set metadata
            meta = {k: str(v) for k, v in meta.iteritems()}

            # add product to inventory
            self.AddFile(sensor, key, imgout.Filename())
            VerboseOut(' -> %s: processed in %s' % (os.path.basename(fname), datetime.datetime.now() - start), 1)