import unittest

import click
from click.testing import CliRunner as CLIRunner
from click import utils as click_utils
import mock
from packaging import version

from git_pw import patch

class ApplyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_apply(self, mock_git_am, mock_download, mock_detail):
        """Validate behavior with no arguments."""

        rsp = {'mbox': 'hello, world'}
        mock_detail.return_value = rsp
        mock_download.return_value = object()

        runner = CLIRunner()
        result = runner.invoke(patch.apply_cmd, ['123'])

        assert result.exit_code == 0, result
        mock_detail.assert_called_once_with('patches', 123)
        mock_download.assert_called_once_with(rsp['mbox'], {'series': '*'})
        mock_git_am.assert_called_once_with(mock_download.return_value, ())

    def test_apply_with_series(self, mock_git_am, mock_download, mock_detail):
        """Validate behavior with a specific series."""

        rsp = {'mbox': 'hello, world'}
        mock_detail.return_value = rsp
        mock_download.return_value = object()

        runner = CLIRunner()
        result = runner.invoke(patch.apply_cmd, ['123', '--series', 3])

        assert result.exit_code == 0, result
        mock_detail.assert_called_once_with('patches', 123)
        mock_download.assert_called_once_with(rsp['mbox'], {'series': 3})
        mock_git_am.assert_called_once_with(mock_download.return_value, ())

    def test_apply_without_deps(self, mock_git_am, mock_download, mock_detail):
        """Validate behavior without using dependencies."""

        rsp = {'mbox': 'hello, world'}
        mock_detail.return_value = rsp
        mock_download.return_value = object()

        runner = CLIRunner()
        result = runner.invoke(patch.apply_cmd, ['123', '--no-deps'])

        assert result.exit_code == 0, result
        mock_detail.assert_called_once_with('patches', 123)
        mock_download.assert_called_once_with(rsp['mbox'], {'series': None})
        mock_git_am.assert_called_once_with(mock_download.return_value, ())

    def test_apply_with_args(self, mock_git_am, mock_download, mock_detail):
        """Validate passthrough of arbitrary arguments to git-am."""

        rsp = {'mbox': 'hello, world'}
        mock_detail.return_value = rsp
        mock_download.return_value = object()

        runner = CLIRunner()
        result = runner.invoke(patch.apply_cmd, ['123', '-3'])

        assert result.exit_code == 0, result
        mock_detail.assert_called_once_with('patches', 123)
        mock_download.assert_called_once_with(rsp['mbox'], {'series': '*'})

class DownloadTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_download(self, mock_log, mock_download, mock_detail):
        """Validate standard behavior."""

        rsp = {'mbox': 'hello, world', 'diff': 'test'}
        mock_detail.return_value = rsp
        mock_download.return_value = '/tmp/abc123.patch'

        runner = CLIRunner()
        result = runner.invoke(patch.download_cmd, ['123'])

        assert result.exit_code == 0, result
        mock_detail.assert_called_once_with('patches', 123)
        mock_download.assert_called_once_with(rsp['mbox'], output=None)

    def test_download_diff(self, mock_log, mock_download, mock_detail):
        """Validate behavior if downloading a diff instead of mbox."""

        rsp = {'mbox': 'hello, world', 'diff': 'test'}
        mock_detail.return_value = rsp

        runner = CLIRunner()
        result = runner.invoke(patch.download_cmd, ['123', '--diff'])

        assert result.exit_code == 0, result
        mock_detail.assert_called_once_with('patches', 123)
            rsp['mbox'].replace('mbox', 'raw'), output=None,

    def test_download_to_file(self, mock_log, mock_download, mock_detail):
        """Validate behavior if downloading to a specific file."""

        rsp = {'mbox': 'hello, world', 'diff': 'test'}
        mock_detail.return_value = rsp

        runner = CLIRunner()
        result = runner.invoke(patch.download_cmd, ['123', 'test.patch'])

        assert result.exit_code == 0, result

        mock_detail.assert_called_once_with('patches', 123)
        mock_download.assert_called_once_with(rsp['mbox'], output=mock.ANY)
        assert isinstance(
            mock_download.call_args[1]['output'], click_utils.LazyFile,

    def test_download_diff_to_file(self, mock_log, mock_download, mock_detail):
        """Validate behavior if downloading a diff to a specific file."""

        rsp = {'mbox': 'hello, world', 'diff': b'test'}
        mock_detail.return_value = rsp

        runner = CLIRunner()
        with runner.isolated_filesystem():
            result = runner.invoke(patch.download_cmd,
                                   ['123', '--diff', 'test.diff'])

            assert result.exit_code == 0, result

            with open('test.diff') as output:
                assert [rsp['diff'].decode()] == output.readlines()

        mock_detail.assert_called_once_with('patches', 123)

class ShowTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def _get_patch(**kwargs):
        rsp = {
            'id': 123,
            'msgid': '',
            'date': '2017-01-01 00:00:00',
            'name': 'Sample patch',
            'submitter': {
                'name': 'foo',
                'email': '',
            'state': 'new',
            'archived': False,
            'project': {
                'name': 'bar',
            'delegate': {
                'username': 'johndoe',
            'commit_ref': None,
            'series': [
                    'id': 321,
                    'name': 'Sample series',


        return rsp

    def test_show(self, mock_detail):
        """Validate standard behavior."""

        rsp = self._get_patch()
        mock_detail.return_value = rsp

        runner = CLIRunner()
        result = runner.invoke(patch.show_cmd, ['123'])

        assert result.exit_code == 0, result
        mock_detail.assert_called_once_with('patches', 123)

@mock.patch.object(patch, '_show_patch')
@mock.patch.object(patch, '_get_states')
class UpdateTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def _get_person(**kwargs):
        rsp = {
            'id': 1,
            'name': 'John Doe',
            'email': '',
        return rsp

    def test_update_no_arguments(self, mock_states, mock_show, mock_update):
        """Validate behavior with no arguments."""

        runner = CLIRunner()
        result = runner.invoke(patch.update_cmd, ['123'])

        assert result.exit_code == 0, result
        mock_update.assert_called_once_with('patches', 123, [])
        mock_show.assert_called_once_with(mock_update.return_value, None)

    def test_update_with_arguments(self, mock_states, mock_show, mock_update):
        """Validate behavior with all arguments except delegate."""

        mock_states.return_value = ['new']

        runner = CLIRunner()
        result = runner.invoke(patch.update_cmd, [
            '123', '--commit-ref', '3ed8fb12', '--state', 'new',
            '--archived', '1', '--format', 'table'])

        assert result.exit_code == 0, result
        mock_update.assert_called_once_with('patches', 123, [
            ('commit_ref', '3ed8fb12'), ('state', 'new'), ('archived', True)])
        mock_show.assert_called_once_with(mock_update.return_value, 'table')

    def test_update_with_invalid_state(
            self, mock_states, mock_show, mock_update):
        """Validate behavior with invalid state."""

        mock_states.return_value = ['foo']

        runner = CLIRunner()
        result = runner.invoke(patch.update_cmd, [
            '123', '--state', 'bar'])

        assert result.exit_code == 2, result
        if version.parse(click.__version__) >= version.Version('7.1'):
            assert "Invalid value for '--state'" in result.output, result
            assert 'Invalid value for "--state"' in result.output, result

    def test_update_with_delegate(
            self, mock_index, mock_states, mock_show, mock_update):
        """Validate behavior with delegate argument."""

        mock_index.return_value = [self._get_person()]

        runner = CLIRunner()
        result = runner.invoke(patch.update_cmd, [
            '123', '--delegate', ''])

        assert result.exit_code == 0, result
        mock_index.assert_called_once_with('users', [('q', '')])
        mock_update.assert_called_once_with('patches', 123, [
            ('delegate', mock_index.return_value[0]['id'])])
        mock_show.assert_called_once_with(mock_update.return_value, None)

@mock.patch('git_pw.api.version', return_value=(1, 0))
class ListTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def _get_patch(**kwargs):
        return ShowTestCase._get_patch(**kwargs)

    def _get_person(**kwargs):
        rsp = {
            'id': 1,
            'name': 'John Doe',
            'email': '',
        return rsp

    def _get_users(**kwargs):
        rsp = {
            'id': 1,
            'username': 'john.doe',
            'email': '',
        return rsp

    def test_list(self, mock_echo, mock_index, mock_version):
        """Validate standard behavior."""

        rsp = [self._get_patch()]
        mock_index.return_value = rsp

        runner = CLIRunner()
        result = runner.invoke(patch.list_cmd, [])

        assert result.exit_code == 0, result
        mock_index.assert_called_once_with('patches', [
            ('state', 'under-review'), ('state', 'new'), ('q', None),
            ('archived', 'false'), ('page', None), ('per_page', None),
            ('order', '-date')])

    def test_list_with_formatting(self, mock_echo, mock_index, mock_version):
        rsp = [self._get_patch()]
        mock_index.return_value = rsp

        runner = CLIRunner()
        result = runner.invoke(patch.list_cmd, [
            '--format', 'simple', '--column', 'ID', '--column', 'Name'])

        assert result.exit_code == 0, result

        mock_echo.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, ('ID', 'Name'),

    def test_list_with_filters(self, mock_echo, mock_index, mock_version):
        """Validate behavior with filters applied.

        Apply all filters, including those for pagination.

        submitter_rsp = [self._get_person()]
        delegate_rsp = [self._get_person()]
        patch_rsp = [self._get_patch()]
        mock_index.side_effect = [submitter_rsp, delegate_rsp, patch_rsp]

        runner = CLIRunner()
        result = runner.invoke(patch.list_cmd, [
            '--state', 'new', '--submitter', '',
            '--submitter', '2', '--delegate', '',
            '--delegate', '2', '--archived',
            '--limit', 1, '--page', 1, '--sort', '-name', 'test'])

        assert result.exit_code == 0, result
        calls = [
  'people', [('q', '')]),
  'users', [('q', '')]),
  'patches', [
                ('state', 'new'), ('submitter', 1), ('submitter', '2'),
                ('delegate', 1), ('delegate', '2'), ('q', 'test'),
                ('archived', 'true'), ('page', 1), ('per_page', 1),
                ('order', '-name')])]


    def test_list_with_wildcard_filters(self, mock_log, mock_echo, mock_index,
        """Validate behavior with a "wildcard" filter.

        Patchwork API v1.0 did not support multiple filters correctly. Ensure
        the user is warned as necessary if a filter has multiple matches.

        people_rsp = [self._get_person(), self._get_person()]
        patch_rsp = [self._get_patch()]
        mock_index.side_effect = [people_rsp, patch_rsp]

        runner = CLIRunner()
        runner.invoke(patch.list_cmd, ['--submitter', ''])

        assert mock_log.warning.called

    def test_list_with_multiple_filters(self, mock_log, mock_echo, mock_index,
        """Validate behavior with use of multiple filters.

        Patchwork API v1.0 did not support multiple filters correctly. Ensure
        the user is warned as necessary if they specify multiple filters.

        people_rsp = [self._get_person()]
        user_rsp = [self._get_users()]
        patch_rsp = [self._get_patch()]
        mock_index.side_effect = [people_rsp, people_rsp, user_rsp, user_rsp,

        runner = CLIRunner()
        result = runner.invoke(patch.list_cmd, [
            '--submitter', 'John Doe', '--submitter', 'Jimmy Foo',
            '--delegate', 'foo', '--delegate', 'bar'])

        assert result.exit_code == 0, result
        assert mock_log.warning.called

    def test_list_api_v1_1(self, mock_log, mock_echo, mock_index,
        """Validate behavior with API v1.1."""

        mock_version.return_value = (1, 1)

        people_rsp = [self._get_person()]
        user_rsp = [self._get_users()]
        patch_rsp = [self._get_patch()]
        mock_index.side_effect = [people_rsp, user_rsp, patch_rsp]

        runner = CLIRunner()
        result = runner.invoke(patch.list_cmd, [
            '--submitter', '', '--submitter', 'John Doe',
            '--delegate', 'foo', '--delegate', ''])

        assert result.exit_code == 0, result

        # We should have only made a single call to each of '/users' and
        # '/people' (for the user specified by an email address and the
        # submitter specified by name, respectively) since API v1.1 supports
        # filtering of users with username and people with emails natively
        calls = [
  'people', [('q', 'John Doe')]),
  'users', [('q', '')]),
  'patches', [
                ('state', 'under-review'), ('state', 'new'),
                ('submitter', ''), ('submitter', 1),
                ('delegate', 'foo'), ('delegate', 1),
                ('q', None), ('archived', 'false'), ('page', None),
                ('per_page', None), ('order', '-date')])]


        # We shouldn't see a warning about multiple versions either
        assert not mock_log.warning.called