""".. Ignore pydocstyle D400.


Manager Channels consumer.

import asyncio

import async_timeout
from channels.consumer import AsyncConsumer
from channels.layers import get_channel_layer
from channels.testing import ApplicationCommunicator

from . import state

async def send_event(message):
    """Construct a Channels event packet with the given message.

    :param message: The message to send to the manager workers.
    packet = {
        "type": "control_event",  # This is used as the method name in the consumer.
        "content": message,
    await get_channel_layer().send(state.MANAGER_CONTROL_CHANNEL, packet)

async def run_consumer(timeout=None, dry_run=False):
    """Run the consumer until it finishes processing.

    :param timeout: Set maximum execution time before cancellation, or
        ``None`` (default) for unlimited.
    :param dry_run: If ``True``, don't actually dispatch messages, just
        dequeue them. Defaults to ``False``.
    channel = state.MANAGER_CONTROL_CHANNEL
    scope = {
        "type": "control_event",
        "channel": channel,

    app = ApplicationCommunicator(ManagerConsumer, scope)

    channel_layer = get_channel_layer()

    async def _consume_loop():
        """Run a loop to consume messages off the channels layer."""
        while True:
            message = await channel_layer.receive(channel)
            if dry_run:
            if message.get("type", {}) == "_resolwe_manager_quit":
            await app.send_input(message)

    if timeout is None:
        await _consume_loop()
        # A further grace period to catch late messages.
        async with async_timeout.timeout(timeout or 1):
            await _consume_loop()
    except asyncio.TimeoutError:

    await app.wait()
    # Shouldn't flush channels here in case there are more processes
    # using the same Redis, since flushing is global.

async def exit_consumer():
    """Cause the synchronous consumer to exit cleanly."""
    packet = {
        "type": "_resolwe_manager_quit",
    await get_channel_layer().send(state.MANAGER_CONTROL_CHANNEL, packet)

class ManagerConsumer(AsyncConsumer):
    """Channels consumer for handling manager events."""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize a consumer instance with the given manager."""
        # This import is local in order to avoid startup import loops.
        from . import manager

        self.manager = manager
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    async def control_event(self, message):
        """Forward control events to the manager dispatcher."""
        await self.manager.handle_control_event(message["content"])