The intention behind creating this module is to regularize the
restoration of objects that cannot be directly serialized.
This class will appear as a dictionary, but with the right sort of default
behaviors that we need for our registry.
import json
import warnings

REGISTRY = "Registry"

We can also have some global singletons here. We'll start with `_the_user`;
_the_user = None  # this is a singleton, so global should be ok
NOT_IMPL = "Choice not yet implemented."

def set_user(user):
    global _the_user
    _the_user = user

def user_tell(msg):
    if _the_user is None:
        return _the_user.tell(msg)

def user_debug(msg):
    if _the_user is None:
        return _the_user.debug(msg)

def user_log(msg):
    if _the_user is None:
        return _the_user.log(msg)

def user_log_err(msg):
    return user_log("ERROR: " + msg)

def user_log_warn(msg):
    return user_log("WARNING: " + msg)

def user_log_notif(msg):
    return user_log("NOTIFICATION: " + msg)

def run_notice(model_nm):
    return user_log_notif("Running model " + model_nm)

def not_impl(user):
    return _the_user.tell(NOT_IMPL)

_the_env = None  # this is a singleton, so global should be ok

def set_env(env):
    global _the_env
    _the_env = env

def get_env():
    return _the_env

def get_env_attr(key, default=None):
    A convenience function, since this will be
    used often.
    return _the_env.get_attr(key, default)

def set_env_attr(key, val):
    A convenience function, since this will be
    used often.
    return _the_env.set_attr(key, val)

Our singleton dict for groups.
_groups_dict = {}

def add_group(name, grp):
    global _groups_dict
    _groups_dict[name] = grp

def get_group(name):
    return _groups_dict.get(name, None)

Our singleton for properties.
_the_props = None

def set_propargs(props):
    Set the global props object.
    global _the_props
    _the_props = props

def get_propargs():
    Get the global props object: shouldn't generally need
    this; instead use next function.
    return _the_props

def get_prop(key, default_val=None):
    Get a particular property.
    If key is missing (or no props) return default_val.
    if _the_props is None:
        return default_val
        return _the_props.get(key, default_val)

class Registry(object):
    This is an abstraction layer over a dictionary of object names.
    As objects are restored from a serilazed stream, they should be
    registered here. If they are already registered, they will
    ignore the newly registered object, and leave the old value in place.
    def __init__(self):
        self.agents = {}

    def __str__(self):
        return repr(self)

    def __repr__(self):
        return json.dumps(self.to_json(), indent=4)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.agents[key]

    def get(self, key, default=None):
        if key in self.agents:
            return self.__getitem__(key)
            return default

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        if key not in self.agents or self.agents[key] is None:
            self.agents[key] = value
            if value is None:
                warnings.warn("Trying to set the value of key {} to None.".
                              format(key), RuntimeWarning)
            # this fails the tests at the moment, so we need to debug
            # it is the tests that have a problem!
            # raise KeyError("The key \"{}\" already exists in the registry"
            #                .format(key))

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return item in self.agents

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.agents)

    def to_json(self):
        For right now, just list what keys are in the registry.
        return {REGISTRY: str(self.agents.keys())}

registry = Registry()

def register(key, val):
    registry[key] = val

def get_registration(key):
    if key in registry:
        return registry[key]
        return None