from os.path import join, dirname

from keras.layers import *
from keras.layers import deserialize as layer_from_config
from keras.models import Model, Sequential
from import loadmat

# Credits to heuritech for their great code which was a great inspiration.
# Some of the code comes directly from their repository.
# You can look it up:

meta_clsloc_file = join(dirname(__file__), "data", "meta_clsloc.mat")

synsets = loadmat(meta_clsloc_file)["synsets"][0]

synsets_imagenet_sorted = sorted([(int(s[0]), str(s[1][0])) for s in synsets[:1000]],
                                 key=lambda v: v[1])

corr = {}
for j in range(1000):
    corr[synsets_imagenet_sorted[j][0]] = j

corr_inv = {}
for j in range(1, 1001):
    corr_inv[corr[j]] = j

if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_first':
    ch_axis = 1
elif K.image_data_format() == 'channels_last':
    ch_axis = 3
    raise TypeError

def depthfirstsearch(id_, out=None):
    if out is None:
        out = []
    if isinstance(id_, int):
        id_ = next(int(s[0]) for s in synsets if s[1][0] == id_)

    children = synsets[id_ - 1][5][0]
    for c in children:
        depthfirstsearch(int(c), out)
    return out

# This is to find all the outputs that correspond to the class we want.
def synset_to_dfs_ids(synset):
    ids = [x for x in depthfirstsearch(synset) if x <= 1000]
    ids = [corr[x] for x in ids]
    return ids

# Keras doesn't have a 4D softmax. So we need this.
class Softmax4D(Layer):
    def __init__(self, axis=None, **kwargs):
        if axis is None:
            axis = ch_axis
        self.axis = axis
        super(Softmax4D, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def build(self, input_shape):

    def call(self, x, mask=None):
        e = K.exp(x - K.max(x, axis=self.axis, keepdims=True))
        s = K.sum(e, axis=self.axis, keepdims=True)
        return e / s

    def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
        return input_shape

def get_dim(model, layer_index, input_shape=None):
    # Input shape is the shape of images used during training.
    if input_shape is not None:
        dummy_vector = np.zeros((1,) + input_shape)
        if model.layers[0].input_shape[2] is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'You must provide \"input_shape = (3,256,256)\" for example when calling the function.')
        dummy_vector = np.zeros((1,) + model.layers[0].input_shape[1:])

    intermediate_layer_model = Model(inputs=model.input,

    return intermediate_layer_model.compute_output_shape(dummy_vector.shape)

def from_config(layer, config_dic):
    config_correct = {}
    config_correct['class_name'] = str(type(layer))
    config_correct['config'] = config_dic
    return layer_from_config(config_correct, custom_objects={str(type(layer)): layer})

def add_to_model(x, layer):
    new_layer = from_config(layer, layer.get_config())
    x = new_layer(x)
    if layer.get_weights() is not None:
    return x

def layer_type(layer):
    # TODO: use isinstance() instead.
    return str(layer)[10:].split(" ")[0].split(".")[-1]

def detect_configuration(model):
    # must return the configuration and the number of the first pooling layer

    # Names (types) of layers from end to beggining
    inverted_list_layers = [layer_type(layer) for layer in model.layers[::-1]]

    layer1 = None
    layer2 = None

    i = len(model.layers)

    for layer in inverted_list_layers:
        i -= 1
        if layer2 is None:
            if layer == "GlobalAveragePooling2D" or layer == "GlobalMaxPooling2D":
                layer2 = layer

            elif layer == "Flatten":
                return "local pooling - flatten", i - 1

            layer1 = layer

    if layer1 == "MaxPooling2D" and layer2 == "GlobalMaxPooling2D":
        return "local pooling - global pooling (same type)", i
    elif layer1 == "AveragePooling2D" and layer2 == "GlobalAveragePooling2D":
        return "local pooling - global pooling (same type)", i

    elif layer1 == "MaxPooling2D" and layer2 == "GlobalAveragePooling2D":
        return "local pooling - global pooling (different type)", i + 1
    elif layer1 == "AveragePooling2D" and layer2 == "GlobalMaxPooling2D":
        return "local pooling - global pooling (different type)", i + 1

        return "global pooling", i + 1

def insert_weights(layer, new_layer):
    W, b = layer.get_weights()
    ax1, ax2, previous_filter, n_filter = new_layer.get_weights()[0].shape
    new_W = W.reshape((ax1, ax2, previous_filter, n_filter))
    new_W = new_W.transpose((0, 1, 2, 3))

    new_layer.set_weights([new_W, b])

def copy_last_layers(model, begin, x, last_activation='linear'):
    i = begin

    for layer in model.layers[begin:]:
        if layer_type(layer) == "Dense":
            last_activation = layer.get_config()["activation"]
            if i == len(model.layers) - 1:
                x = add_reshaped_layer(layer, x, 1, no_activation=True)
                x = add_reshaped_layer(layer, x, 1)

        elif layer_type(layer) == "Dropout" or layer_type(layer) == 'Reshape':

        elif layer_type(layer) == "Activation" and i == len(model.layers) - 1:
            last_activation = layer.get_config()['activation']
            x = add_to_model(x, layer)
        i += 1
    if last_activation == 'softmax':
        x = Softmax4D(name="softmax")(x)
    elif last_activation in ['sigmoid', 'linear']:
        x = Activation('sigmoid')(x)
        raise TypeError('activation ' + str(last_activation) + " Not supported.")
    print("last activation:", last_activation)
    return x

def add_reshaped_layer(layer, x, size, no_activation=False, atrous_rate=None):
    conf = layer.get_config()

    if no_activation:
        activation = "linear"
        activation = conf["activation"]

    if size == 1:
        new_layer = Conv2D(conf["units"], (size, size),
                           activation=activation, name=conf['name'])
        new_layer = Conv2D(conf["units"], (size, size),
                           dilation_rate=(atrous_rate, atrous_rate),
                           activation=activation, padding='valid',

    x = new_layer(x)
    # We transfer the weights:
    insert_weights(layer, new_layer)
    return x

def to_heatmap(model, input_shape=None):
    if isinstance(model, Sequential):
        model = convert_to_functional(model)
    # there are four configurations possible:
    # global pooling
    # local pooling - flatten
    # local pooling - global pooling (same type)
    # local pooling - global pooling (different type)

    model_type, index = detect_configuration(model)

    print("Model type detected: " + model_type)

    if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_first':
        img_input = Input(shape=(3, None, None))
        img_input = Input(shape=(None, None, 3))

    # Inchanged part:
    middle_model = Model(inputs=model.input, outputs=model.layers[index - 1].get_output_at(-1))

    x = middle_model(img_input)

    print("Model cut at layer: " + str(index))

    if model_type == "global pooling":
        x = copy_last_layers(model, index + 1, x)

    elif model_type == "local pooling - flatten":

        layer = model.layers[index]
        dic = layer.get_config()
        atrous_rate = dic["strides"][0]
        dic["strides"] = (1, 1)
        new_pool = from_config(layer, dic)
        x = new_pool(x)

        size = get_dim(model, index, input_shape)[2]
        print("Pool size infered: " + str(size))

        # If not the last layer of the model.
        if index + 2 != len(model.layers) - 1:
            x = add_reshaped_layer(model.layers[index + 2], x, size, atrous_rate=atrous_rate)
            x = add_reshaped_layer(model.layers[index + 2], x, size, atrous_rate=atrous_rate,

        last_activation = model.layers[index + 2].get_config()["activation"]

        x = copy_last_layers(model, index + 3, x, last_activation=last_activation)

    elif model_type == "local pooling - global pooling (same type)":

        dim = get_dim(model, index, input_shape=input_shape)

        new_pool_size = model.layers[index].get_config()["pool_size"][0] * dim[2]

        print("Pool size infered: " + str(new_pool_size))

        x = AveragePooling2D(pool_size=(new_pool_size, new_pool_size), strides=(1, 1))(x)
        x = copy_last_layers(model, index + 2, x)

    elif model_type == "local pooling - global pooling (different type)":
        x = copy_last_layers(model, index + 1, x)
        raise IndexError("no type for model: " + str(model_type))

    return Model(img_input, x)

def convert_to_functional(model):
    input_tensor = Input(batch_shape=K.int_shape(model.input))
    x = input_tensor
    for layer in model.layers:
        x = layer(x)
    return Model(input_tensor, x)