import os
import re
import errno
import struct
import weakref
import datetime
import threading
import collections

from .python import *


# Plugin Util

PLUGIN_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))

def plugin_resource(resource_name):
    Return the full path for a given plugin resource file.
    return os.path.join(

# Thread Util

def is_mainthread():
    Return a bool that indicates if this is the main application thread.
    return isinstance(threading.current_thread(), threading._MainThread)

def mainthread(f):
    A debug decorator to ensure that a function is always called from the main thread.
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        assert is_mainthread()
        return f(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

def not_mainthread(f):
    A debug decorator to ensure that a function is never called from the main thread.
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        assert not is_mainthread()
        return f(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

# Theme Util

def swap_rgb(i):
    Swap RRGGBB (integer) to BBGGRR.
    return struct.unpack("<I", struct.pack(">I", i))[0] >> 8

def test_color_brightness(color):
    Test the brightness of a color.
    if color.lightness() > 255.0/2:
        return "light"
        return "dark"

# Python Util

def makedirs(path, exists_ok=True):
    Make a fully qualified path.
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
            raise e
        if not exists_ok:
            raise e

def chunks(l, n):
    Yield successive n-sized chunks from a list (l).

    for i in xrange(0, len(l), n):
        yield l[i:i + n]

def hex_list(items):
    Return a string of a python-like list, with hex numbers.

    [0, 5420, 1942512] --> '[0x0, 0x152C, 0x1DA30]'
    return '[{}]'.format(', '.join('0x%X' % x for x in items))

def human_timestamp(timestamp):
    Return a human readable timestamp for a given epoch.
    dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
    return dt.strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S")

def get_string_between(text, before, after):
    Get the string between two strings.
    pattern = "%s(.*)%s" % (before, after)
    result =, text)
    if not result:
        return None

# Python Callback / Signals

def register_callback(callback_list, callback):
    Register a callable function to the given callback_list.

    Adapted from

    # create a weakref callback to an object method
        callback_ref = weakref.ref(callback.__func__), weakref.ref(callback.__self__)

    # create a wweakref callback to a stand alone function
    except AttributeError:
        callback_ref = weakref.ref(callback), None

    # 'register' the callback

def notify_callback(callback_list, *args):
    Notify the given list of registered callbacks of an event.

    The given list (callback_list) is a list of weakref'd callables
    registered through the register_callback() function. To notify the
    callbacks of an event, this function will simply loop through the list
    and call them.

    This routine self-heals by removing dead callbacks for deleted objects as
    it encounters them.

    Adapted from
    cleanup = []

    # loop through all the registered callbacks in the given callback_list,
    # notifying active callbacks, and removing dead ones.

    for callback_ref in callback_list:
        callback, obj_ref = callback_ref[0](), callback_ref[1]

        # if the callback is an instance method, deference the instance
        # (an object) first to check that it is still alive

        if obj_ref:
            obj = obj_ref()

            # if the object instance is gone, mark this callback for cleanup
            if obj is None:

            # call the object instance callback
                callback(obj, *args)

            # assume a Qt cleanup/deletion occurred
            except RuntimeError as e:

        # if the callback is a static method...

            # if the static method is deleted, mark this callback for cleanup
            if callback is None:

            # call the static callback

    # remove the deleted callbacks
    for callback_ref in cleanup:

# Coverage Util

def build_hitmap(data):
    Build a hitmap from the given list of address.

    A hitmap is a map of address --> number of executions.

    The list of input addresses can be any sort of runtime trace, coverage,
    or profiling data that one would like to build a hitmap for.
    output = collections.defaultdict(int)

    # if there is no input data, simply return an empty hitmap
    if not data:
        return output

    # walk through the given list of given addresses and build a
    # corresponding hitmap for them

    for address in data:
        output[address] += 1

    # return the hitmap
    return output