# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
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# ==============================================================================

"""String network description language mapping to TF-Slim calls where possible.

See vglspecs.md for detailed description.

import re
#from string import maketrans

from OCR.tf_tesseract import nn_ops
from OCR.tf_tesseract import shapes
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.contrib.slim as slim

# Class that builds a set of ops to manipulate variable-sized images.
class VGSLSpecs(object):
    """Layers that can be built from a string definition."""

    def __init__(self, widths, heights, is_training, use_gpu=True):
        """Constructs a VGSLSpecs.
          widths:  Tensor of size batch_size of the widths of the inputs.
          heights: Tensor of size batch_size of the heights of the inputs.
          is_training: True if the graph should be build for training.
        # The string that was used to build this model.
        self.model_str = None
        # True if we are training
        self.is_training = is_training
        # Tensor for the size of the images, of size batch_size.
        self.widths = widths
        self.heights = heights
        # Overall reduction factors of this model so far for each dimension.
        # TODO(rays) consider building a graph from widths and heights instead of
        # computing a scale factor.
        self.reduction_factors = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
        # List of Op parsers.
        # TODO(rays) add more Op types as needed.
        self.valid_ops = [self.AddSeries, self.AddParallel, self.AddConvLayer,
                          self.AddMaxPool, self.AddDropout, self.AddReShape,
                          self.AddFCLayer, self.AddLSTMLayer]
        # Translation table to convert unacceptable characters that may occur
        # in op strings that cannot be used as names.
        self.transtab = str.maketrans('(,)', '___')
        self.use_gpu = use_gpu

    def Build(self, prev_layer, model_str, reuse=None):
        """Builds a network with input prev_layer from a VGSLSpecs description.
          prev_layer: The input tensor.
          model_str:  Model definition similar to Tesseract as follows:
            ============ FUNCTIONAL OPS ============
            C(s|t|r|l|m)[{name}]<y>,<x>,<d> Convolves using a y,x window, with no
              shrinkage, SAME infill, d outputs, with s|t|r|l|m non-linear layer.
              (s|t|r|l|m) specifies the type of non-linearity:
              s = sigmoid
              t = tanh
              r = relu
              l = linear (i.e., None)
              m = softmax
            F(s|t|r|l|m)[{name}]<d> Fully-connected with s|t|r|l|m non-linearity and
              d outputs. Reduces height, width to 1. Input height and width must be
            L(f|r|b)(x|y)[s][{name}]<n> LSTM cell with n outputs.
              f runs the LSTM forward only.
              r runs the LSTM reversed only.
              b runs the LSTM bidirectionally.
              x runs the LSTM in the x-dimension (on data with or without the
              y runs the LSTM in the y-dimension (data must have a y dimension).
              s (optional) summarizes the output in the requested dimension,
                 outputting only the final step, collapsing the dimension to a
                 single element.
              Lfx128 runs a forward-only LSTM in the x-dimension with 128
                     outputs, treating any y dimension independently.
              Lfys64 runs a forward-only LSTM in the y-dimension with 64 outputs
                     and collapses the y-dimension to 1 element.
              NOTE that Lbxsn is implemented as (LfxsnLrxsn) since the summaries
              need to be taken from opposite ends of the output
            Do[{name}] Insert a dropout layer.
            ============ PLUMBING OPS ============
            [...] Execute ... networks in series (layers).
            (...) Execute ... networks in parallel, with their output concatenated
              in depth.
            S[{name}]<d>(<a>x<b>)<e>,<f> Splits one dimension, moves one part to
              another dimension.
              Splits input dimension d into a x b, sending the high part (a) to the
              high side of dimension e, and the low part (b) to the high side of
              dimension f. Exception: if d=e=f, then then dimension d is internally
              transposed to bxa.
              Either a or b can be zero, meaning whatever is left after taking out
              the other, allowing dimensions to be of variable size.
              Eg. S3(3x50)2,3 will split the 150-element depth into 3x50, with the 3
              going to the most significant part of the width, and the 50 part
              staying in depth.
              This will rearrange a 3x50 output parallel operation to spread the 3
              output sets over width.
            Mp[{name}]<y>,<x> Maxpool the input, reducing the (y,x) rectangle to a
              single vector value.
          Output tensor
        self.model_str = model_str
        final_layer, _ = self.BuildFromString(prev_layer, 0, reuse)
        return final_layer

    def GetLengths(self, dim=2, factor=1):
        """Returns the lengths of the batch of elements in the given dimension.
        WARNING: The returned sizes may not exactly match TF's calculation.
          dim: dimension to get the sizes of, in [1,2]. batch, depth not allowed.
          factor: A scalar value to multiply by.
          The original heights/widths scaled by the current scaling of the model and
          the given factor.
          ValueError: If the args are invalid.
        if dim == 1:
            lengths = self.heights
        elif dim == 2:
            lengths = self.widths
            raise ValueError('Invalid dimension given to GetLengths')
        lengths = tf.cast(lengths, tf.float32)
        if self.reduction_factors[dim] is not None:
            lengths = tf.div(lengths, self.reduction_factors[dim])
            lengths = tf.ones_like(lengths)
        if factor != 1:
            lengths = tf.multiply(lengths, tf.cast(factor, tf.float32))
        return tf.cast(lengths, tf.int32)

    def BuildFromString(self, prev_layer, index, reuse=None):
        """Adds the layers defined by model_str[index:] to the model.
          prev_layer: Input tensor.
          index:      Position in model_str to start parsing
          Output tensor, next model_str index.
          ValueError: If the model string is unrecognized.
        index = self._SkipWhitespace(index)
        for op in self.valid_ops:
            output_layer, next_index = op(prev_layer, index, reuse=reuse)
            if output_layer is not None:
                return output_layer, next_index
        if output_layer is not None:
            return output_layer, next_index
        raise ValueError('Unrecognized model string:' + self.model_str[index:])

    def AddSeries(self, prev_layer, index, reuse=None):
        """Builds a sequence of layers for a VGSLSpecs model.
          prev_layer: Input tensor.
          index:      Position in model_str to start parsing
          Output tensor of the series, end index in model_str.
          ValueError: If [] are unbalanced.
        if self.model_str[index] != '[':
            return None, None
        index += 1
        while index < len(self.model_str) and self.model_str[index] != ']':
            prev_layer, index = self.BuildFromString(prev_layer, index, reuse=reuse)
        if index == len(self.model_str):
            raise ValueError('Missing ] at end of series!' + self.model_str)
        return prev_layer, index + 1

    def AddParallel(self, prev_layer, index, reuse=None):
        """tf.concats outputs of layers that run on the same inputs.
          prev_layer: Input tensor.
          index:      Position in model_str to start parsing
          Output tensor of the parallel,  end index in model_str.
          ValueError: If () are unbalanced or the elements don't match.
        if self.model_str[index] != '(':
            return None, None
        index += 1
        layers = []
        num_dims = 0
        # Each parallel must output the same, including any reduction factor, in
        # all dimensions except depth.
        # We have to save the starting factors, so they don't get reduced by all
        # the elements of the parallel, only once.
        original_factors = self.reduction_factors
        final_factors = None
        while index < len(self.model_str) and self.model_str[index] != ')':
            self.reduction_factors = original_factors
            layer, index = self.BuildFromString(prev_layer, index)
            if num_dims == 0:
                num_dims = len(layer.get_shape())
            elif num_dims != len(layer.get_shape()):
                raise ValueError('All elements of parallel must return same num dims')
            if final_factors:
                if final_factors != self.reduction_factors:
                    raise ValueError('All elements of parallel must scale the same')
                final_factors = self.reduction_factors
        if index == len(self.model_str):
            raise ValueError('Missing ) at end of parallel!' + self.model_str)
        return tf.concat(axis=num_dims - 1, values=layers), index + 1

    def AddConvLayer(self, prev_layer, index, reuse=None):
        """Add a single standard convolutional layer.
          prev_layer: Input tensor.
          index:      Position in model_str to start parsing
          Output tensor, end index in model_str.
        pattern = re.compile(R'(C)(s|t|r|l|m)({\w+})?(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)')
        m = pattern.match(self.model_str, index)
        if m is None:
            return None, None
        name = self._GetLayerName(m.group(0), index, m.group(3))
        width = int(m.group(4))
        height = int(m.group(5))
        depth = int(m.group(6))
        fn = self._NonLinearity(m.group(2))
        self.conv_out = slim.conv2d(
            prev_layer, depth, [height, width], activation_fn=fn, padding='SAME',
            scope=name, reuse=reuse)

        return self.conv_out, m.end()

    def AddMaxPool(self, prev_layer, index, reuse=None):
        """Add a maxpool layer.
          prev_layer: Input tensor.
          index:      Position in model_str to start parsing
          Output tensor, end index in model_str.
        pattern = re.compile(R'(Mp)({\w+})?(\d+),(\d+)(?:,(\d+),(\d+))?')
        m = pattern.match(self.model_str, index)
        if m is None:
            return None, None
        name = self._GetLayerName(m.group(0), index, m.group(2))
        height = int(m.group(3))
        width = int(m.group(4))
        y_stride = height if m.group(5) is None else m.group(5)
        x_stride = width if m.group(6) is None else m.group(6)
        self.reduction_factors[1] *= y_stride
        self.reduction_factors[2] *= x_stride
        return slim.max_pool2d(
            prev_layer, [height, width], [y_stride, x_stride],
            scope=name), m.end()

    def AddDropout(self, prev_layer, index, reuse=None):
        """Adds a dropout layer.
          prev_layer: Input tensor.
          index:      Position in model_str to start parsing
          Output tensor, end index in model_str.
        pattern = re.compile(R'(Do)({\w+})?')
        m = pattern.match(self.model_str, index)
        if m is None:
            return None, None
        name = self._GetLayerName(m.group(0), index, m.group(2))
        layer = slim.dropout(
            prev_layer, 0.5, is_training=self.is_training, scope=name)
        return layer, m.end()

    def AddReShape(self, prev_layer, index, reuse=None):
        """Reshapes the input tensor by moving each (x_scale,y_scale) rectangle to.
           the depth dimension. NOTE that the TF convention is that inputs are
           [batch, y, x, depth].
          prev_layer: Input tensor.
          index:      Position in model_str to start parsing
          Output tensor, end index in model_str.
        pattern = re.compile(R'(S)(?:{(\w)})?(\d+)\((\d+)x(\d+)\)(\d+),(\d+)')
        m = pattern.match(self.model_str, index)
        if m is None:
            return None, None
        name = self._GetLayerName(m.group(0), index, m.group(2))
        src_dim = int(m.group(3))
        part_a = int(m.group(4))
        part_b = int(m.group(5))
        dest_dim_a = int(m.group(6))
        dest_dim_b = int(m.group(7))
        if part_a == 0:
            part_a = -1
        if part_b == 0:
            part_b = -1
        prev_shape = tf.shape(prev_layer)
        layer = shapes.transposing_reshape(
            prev_layer, src_dim, part_a, part_b, dest_dim_a, dest_dim_b, name=name)
        # Compute scale factors.
        result_shape = tf.shape(layer)
        for i in range(len(self.reduction_factors)):
            if self.reduction_factors[i] is not None:
                factor1 = tf.cast(self.reduction_factors[i], tf.float32)
                factor2 = tf.cast(prev_shape[i], tf.float32)
                divisor = tf.cast(result_shape[i], tf.float32)
                self.reduction_factors[i] = tf.div(tf.multiply(factor1, factor2), divisor)
        return layer, m.end()

    def AddFCLayer(self, prev_layer, index, reuse=None):
        """Parse expression and add Fully Connected Layer.
          prev_layer: Input tensor.
          index:      Position in model_str to start parsing
          Output tensor, end index in model_str.
        pattern = re.compile(R'(F)(s|t|r|l|m)({\w+})?(\d+)')
        m = pattern.match(self.model_str, index)
        if m is None:
            return None, None
        fn = self._NonLinearity(m.group(2))
        name = self._GetLayerName(m.group(0), index, m.group(3))
        depth = int(m.group(4))
        input_depth = shapes.tensor_dim(prev_layer, 1) * shapes.tensor_dim(
            prev_layer, 2) * shapes.tensor_dim(prev_layer, 3)
        # The slim fully connected is actually a 1x1 conv, so we have to crush the
        # dimensions on input.
        # Everything except batch goes to depth, and therefore has to be known.
        shaped = tf.reshape(
            prev_layer, [-1, input_depth], name=name + '_reshape_in')
        output = slim.fully_connected(shaped, depth, activation_fn=fn, scope=name, reuse=reuse)
        # Width and height are collapsed to 1.
        self.reduction_factors[1] = None
        self.reduction_factors[2] = None
        return tf.reshape(
            output, [shapes.tensor_dim(prev_layer, 0), 1, 1, depth],
            name=name + '_reshape_out'), m.end()

    def AddLSTMLayer(self, prev_layer, index, reuse=None):
        """Parse expression and add LSTM Layer.
          prev_layer: Input tensor.
          index:      Position in model_str to start parsing
          Output tensor, end index in model_str.
        lstm_func = self._TFLSTMLayer if self.use_gpu else self._LSTMLayer
        pattern = re.compile(R'(L)(f|r|b)(x|y)(s)?({\w+})?(\d+)')
        m = pattern.match(self.model_str, index)
        if m is None:
            return None, None
        direction = m.group(2)
        dim = m.group(3)
        summarize = m.group(4) == 's'
        name = self._GetLayerName(m.group(0), index, m.group(5))
        depth = int(m.group(6))
        if direction == 'b' and summarize:
            fwd = lstm_func(prev_layer, 'forward', dim, True, depth,
                                  name + '_forward', reuse=reuse)
            back = lstm_func(prev_layer, 'backward', dim, True, depth,
                                   name + '_reverse', reuse=reuse)
            return tf.concat(axis=3, values=[fwd, back], name=name + '_concat'), m.end()
        if direction == 'f':
            direction = 'forward'
        elif direction == 'r':
            direction = 'backward'
            direction = 'bidirectional'
        outputs = lstm_func(prev_layer, direction, dim, summarize, depth,
                                  name, reuse=reuse)
        if summarize:
            # The x or y dimension is getting collapsed.
            # self.lstm_summary_out = outputs
            # outputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(1, 1, 56, 64))
            # self.lstm_summary_out = outputs
            if dim == 'x':
                self.reduction_factors[2] = None
                self.reduction_factors[1] = None
        return outputs, m.end()

    def _LSTMLayer(self, prev_layer, direction, dim, summarize, depth, name, reuse=None):
        """Adds an LSTM layer with the given pre-parsed attributes.
        Always maps 4-D to 4-D regardless of summarize.
          prev_layer: Input tensor.
          direction:  'forward' 'backward' or 'bidirectional'
          dim:        'x' or 'y', dimension to consider as time.
          summarize:  True if we are to return only the last timestep.
          depth:      Output depth.
          name:       Some string naming the op.
          Output tensor.
        # If the target dimension is y, we need to transpose.
        if dim == 'x':
            lengths = self.GetLengths(2, 1)
            inputs = prev_layer
            lengths = self.GetLengths(1, 1)
            inputs = tf.transpose(prev_layer, [0, 2, 1, 3], name=name + '_ytrans_in')
        input_batch = shapes.tensor_dim(inputs, 0)
        num_slices = shapes.tensor_dim(inputs, 1)
        num_steps = shapes.tensor_dim(inputs, 2)
        input_depth = shapes.tensor_dim(inputs, 3)
        # Reshape away the other dimension.
        inputs = tf.reshape(
            inputs, [-1, num_steps, input_depth], name=name + '_reshape_in')
        # We need to replicate the lengths by the size of the other dimension, and
        # any changes that have been made to the batch dimension.
        tile_factor = tf.to_float(input_batch *
                                  num_slices) / tf.to_float(tf.shape(lengths)[0])
        lengths = tf.tile(lengths, [tf.cast(tile_factor, tf.int32)])
        lengths = tf.cast(lengths, tf.int64)
        outputs = nn_ops.rnn_helper(
        # Output depth is doubled if bi-directional.
        if direction == 'bidirectional':
            output_depth = depth * 2
            output_depth = depth
        # Restore the other dimension.
        if summarize:
            outputs = tf.slice(
                outputs, [0, num_steps - 1, 0], [-1, 1, -1], name=name + '_sum_slice')
            outputs = tf.reshape(
                outputs, [input_batch, num_slices, 1, output_depth],
                name=name + '_reshape_out')
            outputs = tf.reshape(
                outputs, [input_batch, num_slices, num_steps, output_depth],
                name=name + '_reshape_out')
        if dim == 'y':
            outputs = tf.transpose(outputs, [0, 2, 1, 3], name=name + '_ytrans_out')
        return outputs

    def _TFLSTMLayer(self, prev_layer, direction, dim, summarize, depth, name, reuse=None):
        # If the target dimension is y, we need to transpose.
        if dim == 'x':
            lengths = self.GetLengths(2, 1)
            inputs = prev_layer
            lengths = self.GetLengths(1, 1)
            inputs = tf.transpose(prev_layer, [0, 2, 1, 3], name=name + '_ytrans_in')
        input_batch = shapes.tensor_dim(inputs, 0)
        num_slices = shapes.tensor_dim(inputs, 1)
        num_steps = shapes.tensor_dim(inputs, 2)
        input_depth = shapes.tensor_dim(inputs, 3)

        # Reshape away the other dimension.
        inputs = tf.reshape(
            inputs, [-1, num_steps, input_depth], name=name + '_reshape_in')
        # We need to replicate the lengths by the size of the other dimension, and
        # any changes that have been made to the batch dimension.
        tile_factor = tf.to_float(input_batch *
                                  num_slices) / tf.to_float(tf.shape(lengths)[0])
        lengths = tf.tile(lengths, [tf.cast(tile_factor, tf.int32)])
        lengths = tf.cast(lengths, tf.int64)
        outputs = nn_ops.tfrnn_helper(
        # Output depth is doubled if bi-directional.
        if direction == 'bidirectional':
            output_depth = depth * 2
            output_depth = depth
        # Restore the other dimension.
        if summarize:
            outputs = tf.slice(
                outputs, [0, num_steps - 1, 0], [-1, 1, -1], name=name + '_sum_slice')
            outputs = tf.reshape(
                outputs, [input_batch, num_slices, 1, output_depth],
                name=name + '_reshape_out')
            outputs = tf.reshape(
                outputs, [input_batch, num_slices, num_steps, output_depth],
                name=name + '_reshape_out')
        if dim == 'y':
            outputs = tf.transpose(outputs, [0, 2, 1, 3], name=name + '_ytrans_out')
        return outputs

    def _NonLinearity(self, code):
        """Returns the non-linearity function pointer for the given string code.
        For forwards compatibility, allows the full names for stand-alone
        non-linearities, as well as the single-letter names used in ops like C,F.
          code: String code representing a non-linearity function.
          non-linearity function represented by the code.
        if code in ['s', 'Sig']:
            return tf.sigmoid
        elif code in ['t', 'Tanh']:
            return tf.tanh
        elif code in ['r', 'Relu']:
            return tf.nn.relu
        elif code in ['m', 'Smax']:
            return tf.nn.softmax
        return None

    def _GetLayerName(self, op_str, index, name_str):
        """Generates a name for the op, using a user-supplied name if possible.
          op_str:     String representing the parsed op.
          index:      Position in model_str of the start of the op.
          name_str:   User-supplied {name} with {} that need removing or None.
          Selected name.
        if name_str:
            return name_str[1:-1]
            return op_str.translate(self.transtab) + '_' + str(index)

    def _SkipWhitespace(self, index):
        """Skips any leading whitespace in the model description.
          index:      Position in model_str to start parsing
          end index in model_str of whitespace.
        pattern = re.compile(R'([ \t\n]+)')
        m = pattern.match(self.model_str, index)
        if m is None:
            return index
        return m.end()