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Models representing FreeSWITCH entities
import asyncio
import time
from collections import deque, defaultdict
import multiprocessing as mp
from concurrent import futures
from pprint import pprint
import warnings
from . import utils

class TimeoutError(Exception):

class JobError(utils.ESLError):

class Events(object):
    """Event collection which for most intents and purposes should quack like
    a ``collections.deque``. Data lookups are delegated to the internal deque
    of events in lilo order.
    def __init__(self, event=None):
        self._events = deque()
        if event is not None:
            # add initial event to our queue

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{}({})'.format(type(self).__name__, repr(self._events))

    def update(self, event):
        '''Append an ESL.ESLEvent

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._events)

    def __iter__(self):
        for ev in self._events:
            yield ev

    def get(self, key, default=None):
        """Return default if not found
        Should be faster then handling the key error?
        # iterate from most recent event
        for ev in self._events:
            value = ev.get(str(key))
            if value:
                return value
        return default

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        '''Return either the value corresponding to variable 'key'
        or if type(key) == (int or slice) then return the corresponding
        event from the internal deque
        value = self.get(key)
        if value:
            return value
            if isinstance(key, (int, slice)):
                return self._events[key]
            raise KeyError(key)

    def pprint(self, index=0):
        """Print serialized event data in chronological order to stdout
        for ev in reversed(list(self._events)[index:]):

class Session(object):
    '''Session API and state tracking.
    create_ev = 'CHANNEL_CREATE'

    # TODO: eventually uuid should be removed
    def __init__(self, event, event_loop=None, uuid=None, con=None):
        self.events = Events(event)
        self.event_loop = event_loop
        self.uuid = uuid or self.events['Unique-ID']
        self.con = con
        # sub-namespace for apps to set/get state
        self.vars = {}
        self._log = None
        self._futures = defaultdict(event_loop.loop.create_future)
        self.tasks = {}

        # public attributes
        self.duration = 0
        self.bg_job = None
        self.answered = False
        self.call = None
        self.hungup = False

        # time stamps
        self.times = {}.fromkeys(
            ('create', 'answer', 'req_originate', 'originate', 'hangup'))
        self.times['create'] = utils.get_event_time(event)

    def done(self):
        return self.hungup

    def log(self):
        """Local logger instance.
        if not self._log:
            self._log = utils.get_logger(utils.pstr(self.con.host))

        return self._log

    def __repr__(self):
        rep = object.__repr__(self).strip('<>')
        return "<{} with UUID: {}>".format(rep, self.uuid)

    def __dir__(self):
        # TODO: use a transform func to provide __getattr__
        # access to event data
        return utils.dirinfo(self)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
            return self.events[key]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError("'{}' not found for session '{}'"
                           .format(key, self.uuid))

    def get(self, key, default=None):
        '''Get latest event header field for `key`.
        return self.events.get(key, default)

    def update(self, event):
        '''Update state/data using an ESL.ESLEvent

    def __enter__(self, connection):
        self.con = connection
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        self.con = None

    def appname(self):
        return self.get('variable_switchio_app')

    def host(self):
        '''Return the hostname/ip address for the host which this session is
        currently active
        return self.con.host

    def time(self):
        """Time stamp for the most recent received event
        return utils.get_event_time(self.events[0])

    def uptime(self):
        """Time elapsed since the `Session.create_ev` to the most recent
        received event.
        return self.time - self.times['create']

    def unreg_tasks(self, fut):
        if fut.cancelled():  # otherwise it's popped in the event loop
            self._futures.pop(fut._evname, None)
            assert not self._futures.get(fut._evname)  # sanity

    def recv(self, name, timeout=None):
        """Return an awaitable which resumes once the event-type ``name``
        is received for this session.
        loop = self.event_loop.loop
        fut = self._futures[name]  # defaultdict: returns new future by default
        fut._evname = name

        # keep track of consuming coroutine(s)
        caller = asyncio.Task.current_task(loop)
        self.tasks.setdefault(fut, []).append(caller)

        return fut if not timeout else asyncio.wait_for(
            fut, timeout, loop=loop)

    async def poll(self, events, timeout=None,
        """Poll for any of a set of event types to be received for this session.
        awaitables = {}
        for name in events:
            awaitables[self.recv(name)] = name
        done, pending = await asyncio.wait(
            awaitables, timeout=timeout, return_when=return_when)

        if done:
            ev_dicts = []
            for fut in done:
            return ev_dicts, awaitables.values()
            raise asyncio.TimeoutError(
                "None of {} was received in {} seconds"
                .format(events, timeout))

    # call control / 'mod_commands' methods
    # TODO: dynamically add @decorated functions to this class
    # and wrap them using functools.update_wrapper ...?
    def getvar(self, var):
        val = self.con.cmd("uuid_getvar {} {}".format(self.uuid, var))
        return val if val != '_undef_' else None

    def setvar(self, var, value):
        """Set variable to value
        self.execute('set', '='.join((var, value)))

    def setvars(self, params):
        """Set all variables in map `params` with a single command
        pairs = ('='.join(map(str, pair)) for pair in params.items())
        self.con.api("uuid_setvar_multi {} {}".format(
            self.uuid, ';'.join(pairs)))

    def unsetvar(self, var):
        """Unset a channel var.
        return self.execute("unset", var)

    def answer(self):
        self.con.api("uuid_answer {}".format(self.uuid))
        return self.recv('CHANNEL_ANSWER')

    def hangup(self, cause='NORMAL_CLEARING'):
        '''Hangup this session with the provided `cause` hangup type keyword.
        self.con.api('uuid_kill {} {}'.format(self.uuid, cause))
        return self.recv('CHANNEL_HANGUP')

    def sched_hangup(self, timeout, cause='NORMAL_CLEARING'):
        '''Schedule this session to hangup after `timeout` seconds.
        self.con.api('sched_hangup +{} {} {}'.format(timeout,
                     self.uuid, cause))

    def clear_tasks(self):
        '''Clear all scheduled tasks for this session.
        self.con.api('sched_del {}'.format(self.uuid))

    def sched_dtmf(self, delay, sequence, tone_duration=None):
        '''Schedule dtmf sequence to be played on this channel.

        :param float delay: scheduled future time when dtmf tones should play
        :param str sequence: sequence of dtmf digits to play
        cmd = 'sched_api +{} none uuid_send_dtmf {} {}'.format(
            delay, self.uuid, sequence)
        if tone_duration is not None:
            cmd += ' @{}'.format(tone_duration)

        return self.con.api(cmd)

    def send_dtmf(self, sequence, duration='w'):
        '''Send a dtmf sequence with constant tone durations
        # XXX looks like a bug with uuid_send_dtmf sending
        self.con.api('uuid_send_dtmf {} {} @{}'.format(
                     self.uuid, sequence, duration), errcheck=False)

    def playback(self, args, start_sample=None, endless=False,
                 leg='aleg', params=None):
        '''Playback a file on this session

        :param str args: arguments or path to audio file for playback app
        :type args: str or tuple
        :param str leg: call leg to transmit the audio on
        app = 'endless_playback' if endless else 'playback'
        pairs = ('='.join(map(str, pair))
                 for pair in params.items()) if params else ''

        delim = ';'
        if isinstance(args, str):
            args = (args,)
        else:  # set a stream file delimiter
            self.setvar('playback_delimiter', delim)

        varset = '{{{}}}'.format(','.join(pairs)) if pairs else ''
        args = '{streams}{start}'.format(
                start='@@{}'.format(start_sample) if start_sample else '',
        self.execute(app, args, params=varset)

    def start_record(self, path, rx_only=False, stereo=False, rate=16000):
        '''Record audio from this session to a local file on the slave filesystem
        using the `record_session`_ cmd. By default recordings are sampled at

        .. _record_session:
        if rx_only:
            self.setvar('RECORD_READ_ONLY', 'true')
        elif stereo:
            self.setvar('RECORD_STEREO', 'true')

        self.setvar('record_sample_rate', '{}'.format(rate))
        self.execute('record_session', path)

    def stop_record(self, path='all', delay=0):
        '''Stop recording audio from this session to a local file on the slave
        filesystem using the `stop_record_session`_ cmd.

        .. _stop_record_session:
        if delay:
                "+{delay} none stop_record_session {path}".
                format(delay=delay, path=path)
            self.execute('stop_record_session', path)

    def record(self, action, path, rx_only=True):
        '''Record audio from this session to a local file on the slave filesystem
        using the `uuid_record`_ command:

            ``uuid_record <uuid> [start|stop|mask|unmask] <path> [<limit>]``

        .. _uuid_record:
        self.con.api('uuid_record {} {} {}'.format(self.uuid, action, path))

    def echo(self):
        '''Echo back all audio recieved.

    def bypass_media(self, state):
        '''Re-invite a bridged node out of the media path for this session
        if state:
            self.con.api('uuid_media off {}'.format(self.uuid))
            self.con.api('uuid_media {}'.format(self.uuid))

    def start_amd(self, delay=None):
        self.con.api('avmd {} start'.format(self.uuid))
        if delay is not None:
            self.con.api('sched_api +{} none avmd {} stop'.format(
                         int(delay), self.uuid))

    def stop_amd(self):
        self.con.api('avmd {} stop'.format(self.uuid))

    def park(self):
        '''Park this session
        self.con.api('uuid_park {}'.format(self.uuid))
        return self.recv('CHANNEL_PARK')

    def execute(self, cmd, arg='', params='', loops=1):
        """Execute an application async.
        return self.con.execute(
            self.uuid, cmd, arg, params=params, loops=loops)

    def broadcast(self, path, leg='', delay=None, hangup_cause=None):
        """Execute an application async on a chosen leg(s) with optional hangup
        afterwards. If provided tell FS to schedule the app ``delay`` seconds
        in the future. Uses either of the `uuid_broadcast`_ or
        `sched_broadcast`_ commands.

        .. _uuid_broadcast:
        .. _sched_broadcast:
            "`Session.broadcast()` has been deprecated due to unreliable\
            `uuid_broadcast` behaviour in FreeSWITCH core. Use\
            `Session.execute()` instead."),
        if not delay:
            return self.con.api(
                'uuid_broadcast {} {} {}'.format(self.uuid, path, leg))
            return self.con.api(
                'sched_broadcast +{} {} {}'.format(delay, self.uuid, path, leg)

    def bridge(self, dest_url=None, profile=None, gateway=None, proxy=None,
        """Bridge this session using `uuid_broadcast` (so async).
        By default the current profile is used to bridge to the SIP
        pairs = ('='.join(map(str, pair))
                 for pair in params.items()) if params else ''

        if gateway:
            profile = 'gateway/{}'.format(gateway)

                profile if profile else self['variable_sofia_profile_name'],
                dest_url if dest_url else self['variable_sip_req_uri'],
                dest=';fs_path=sip:{}'.format(proxy) if proxy else ''

    def breakmedia(self):
        '''Stop playback of media on this session and move on in the dialplan.
        # XXX looks like a bug with uuid_break returning '-ERR no reply'
        self.con.api('uuid_break {}'.format(self.uuid), errcheck=False)

    def mute(self, direction='write', level=1):
        """Mute the current session. `level` determines the degree of comfort
        noise to generate if > 1.
            'uuid_audio {uuid} {cmd} {direction} mute {level}'
                level=1 if level else 0,

    def unmute(self, **kwargs):
        """Unmute the write buffer for this session
        self.mute(level=0, **kwargs)

    def respond(self, response):
        """Respond immediately with the following `response` code.
        see the FreeSWITCH `respond`_ dialplan application

        .. _respond:
        self.execute('respond', response)

    def deflect(self, uri):
        """Send a refer to the client.
        The only parameter should be the SIP URI to contact (with or without

             <action application="deflect" data="sip:someone@somewhere.com" />
        self.execute("deflect", uri)

    def speak(self, text, engine='flite', voice='kal', timer_name=''):
        """Speak, young switch (alpha).
        return self.execute(
            'speak', '|'.join((engine, voice, text, timer_name))[:-1])

    def is_inbound(self):
        """Return bool indicating whether this is an inbound session
        return self['Call-Direction'] == 'inbound'

    def is_outbound(self):
        """Return bool indicating whether this is an outbound session
        return self['Call-Direction'] == 'outbound'

class Call(object):
    '''A collection of sessions which together compose a "phone call".
    def __init__(self, uuid, session):
        self.uuid = uuid
        self.sessions = deque()
        self._firstref = session
        self._lastref = None
        # sub-namespace for apps to set/get state
        self.vars = {}

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<{}({}, {} sessions)>".format(
            type(self).__name__, self.uuid, len(self.sessions))

    def append(self, sess):
        """Append a session to this call and update the ref to the last
        recently added session
        self._lastref = sess

    def hangup(self):
        """Hangup up this call
        if self.first:

    def last(self):
        '''A reference to the session making up the final leg of this call
        return self._lastref

    def first(self):
        '''A reference to the session making up the initial leg of this call
        return self._firstref

    def get_peer(self, sess):
        """Convenience helper which can determine whether `sess` is one of
        `first` or `last` and returns the other when the former is true
        if sess:
            if sess is self.first:
                return self.last
            elif sess is self.last:
                return self.first

        return None

class Job(object):
    '''A background job future.
    The interface closely matches `multiprocessing.pool.AsyncResult`.

    :param str uuid: job uuid returned directly by SOCKET_DATA event
    :param str sess_uuid: optional session uuid if job is associated with an
        active FS session
    def __init__(self, future=None, sess_uuid=None, callback=None,
                 event=None, client_id=None, con=None, kwargs={}):
        self.fut = future
        self.events = Events()
        if event:
        self.sess_uuid = sess_uuid
        self.launch_time = time.time()
        self.cid = client_id  # placeholder for client ident
        self.con = con
        self._log = None

        # when the job returns use this callback
        self._cb = callback
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self._result = None
        self._failed = False
        self._ev = None  # signal/sync job completion

    def log(self):
        """Local logger instance.
        if not self._log:
            self._log = utils.get_logger(utils.pstr(self.con.host))

        return self._log

    def uuid(self):
            return self.events['Job-UUID']
        except KeyError:
                return self.fut.result()['Job-UUID']
            except futures.TimeoutError:
                    "Response timeout for job {}"

    def result(self):
        '''The final result
        return self.get()

    def done(self):
        """Return ``True`` if this job was successfully cancelled or finished
        return self._result or self._failed

    def _sig(self):
        if not self._ev:
            self._ev = mp.Event()  # signal/sync job completion
            if self._result:
        return self._ev

    def __call__(self, resp, *args, **kwargs):
        if self._cb:
            self._result = self._cb(resp, *args, **self.kwargs)
            self._result = resp
        if self._ev:  # don't allocate an event if unused
            self._ev.set()  # signal job completion
        return self._result

    def fail(self, resp, *args, **kwargs):
        '''Fail this job optionally adding an exception for its result
        self._failed = True
        self._result = JobError(self(resp, *args, **kwargs))

    def get(self, timeout=None):
        '''Get the result for this job waiting up to `timeout` seconds.
        Raises `TimeoutError` on if job does complete within alotted time.
        ready = self._sig.wait(timeout)
        if ready:
            return self._result
        elif timeout:
            raise TimeoutError("Job not complete after '{}' seconds"

    def ready(self):
        '''Return bool indicating whether job has completed
        return self._sig.is_set()

    def wait(self, timeout=None):
        '''Wait until job has completed or `timeout` has expired

    def successful(self):
        '''Return bool determining whether job completed without error
        assert self.ready(), 'Job has not completed yet'
        return not self._failed

    def update(self, event):
        '''Update job state/data using an event