# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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# Copyright (c) 2017 Tyler Goodlet <tgoodlet@gmail.com>
Asyncio ESL connection abstactions
import asyncio
from functools import partial
from concurrent import futures
from threading import get_ident
from . import utils
from .protocol import InboundProtocol

class ConnectionError(utils.ESLError):
    "Failed to connect to ESL"

async def await_in_order(awaitables, loop, timeout=None):
    awaitables = map(partial(asyncio.ensure_future, loop=loop), awaitables)
    for awaitable in awaitables:
            res = await asyncio.wait_for(awaitable, timeout=timeout, loop=loop)
        except (asyncio.CancelledError, asyncio.TimeoutError) as err:
            for awaitable in awaitables:

    return res

def run_in_order_threadsafe(awaitables, loop, timeout=0.5, block=True):
    """"Given a sequence of awaitables, schedule each threadsafe in order
    optionally blocking until completion.

    Returns a `concurrent.futures.Future` which can be used to wait on the
    result returned from the last awaitable. If `block` is `True` the final
    result will be waited on before returning control to the caller.
    future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(
        await_in_order(awaitables, loop, timeout),

    if block:
        if not loop.is_running():
            result = loop.run_until_complete(
                asyncio.wrap_future(future, loop=loop))
            assert result is future.result()

    return future

async def connect_and_auth(host, port, password, prot, loop, log, timeout=0.5):
    """Try to create a connection and authenticate to the
    target FS ESL.
    msg = ("Failed to connect to server at '{}:{}'\n"
           "Please check that FreeSWITCH is running and "
           "accepting ESL connections.".format(host, port))
        await asyncio.wait_for(
            loop.create_connection(lambda: prot, host, port),
    except (
        ConnectionRefusedError, asyncio.TimeoutError, OSError,
    ) as err:
        raise ConnectionError(msg.format(host, port))

    # TODO: consider using the asyncio_timeout lib here
        await asyncio.wait_for(prot.authenticate(), timeout)
    except asyncio.TimeoutError:
        raise ConnectionRefusedError(msg.format(host, port))

async def async_reconnect(host, port, password, prot, loop, log):
    log.info("Attempting to reconnect to {}:{}".format(host, port))
    if not prot.autorecon:
        log.debug("Autorecon had been disabled")
        count = prot.autorecon

    for i in range(count):
            await connect_and_auth(
                host, port, password, prot, loop, log, timeout=1)
        except ConnectionError:
                "Failed reconnection attempt...retries"
                " left {}".format(count - i))
            await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
            "Reconnection attempts to '{}' failed. Please call"
            " 'connect' manually when server is ready "

    if prot.connected():
        log.info("Successfully reconnected to '{}:{}'"
                 .format(host, port))

class Connection(object):
    """An ESL connection implemented using an ``asyncio`` TCP protocol.

    Consider this API threadsafe.

    :param autorecon:
        Enable reconnection attempts on loss of a server connection.
        An integer value specifies the of number seconds to spend
        re-trying the connection before bailing. A bool of 'True'
        will poll indefinitely and 'False' will not poll at all.
    :type autorecon: int or bool
    def __init__(self, host, port='8021', password='ClueCon', loop=None,
        host : string
            host name or ip address for server hosting an esl connection.
        port : string
            port where esl connection socket is being offered.
        password : string
            authentication password for esl connection.
        self.host = host
        self.port = port
        self.password = password
        self.log = utils.get_logger(utils.pstr(self))
        self._sub = ()  # events subscription
        self.loop = loop
        self.autorecon = autorecon
        self.protocol = None

    def __enter__(self, **kwargs):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_val, trace):

    def connect(
            self, host=None, port=None, password=None, loop=None,
            timeout=0.5  # seems to be the optimal wait value
        """Connect the underlying protocol.

        If ``block`` is set to false returns a coroutine.
        host = host or self.host
        port = port or self.port
        password = password or self.password
        self.loop = loop if loop else self.loop
        loop = self.loop

        if not self.connected() or not block:

            def reconnect(prot):
                """Schedule a reconnection task.
                self.log.debug("Scheduling a reconnection task")
                    host, port, password, prot,
                    loop, self.log), loop=loop)

            prot = self.protocol = InboundProtocol(
                self.host, password, loop, autorecon=self.autorecon,

            coro = connect_and_auth(
                host, port, password, prot, self.loop, self.log)

            if block:  # wait for authorization sequence to complete
                if loop.is_running():
                    asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, loop=loop).result(3)

                if not prot.connected() and not prot.authenticated():
                    raise ConnectionError(
                        "Failed to connect to server at '{}:{}'\n"
                        "Please check that FreeSWITCH is running and "
                        "accepting ESL connections.".format(host, port))
                return coro

    def connected(self):
        return self.protocol.connected() if self.protocol else False

    def disconnect(self, block=True, loop=None):
        loop = loop or self.loop
        if self.connected():
            if not block and (get_ident() == loop._tid):
                return self.protocol.disconnect()

            return run_in_order_threadsafe(
                loop, timeout=2, block=block

    async def recv_event(self):
        """Retreive the latest queued event.
        queue = self.protocol.event_queue
        event = await queue.get()
        return event

    def execute(self, uuid, app, arg='', params='', loops=1):
        """Execute a dialplan ``app`` with argument ``arg``.
        return self.protocol.sendmsg(uuid, 'execute', app, arg, params,

    def api(self, cmd, errcheck=True, block=False, timeout=0.5):
        '''Invoke api command (with error checking by default).
        if not self.connected():
            raise ConnectionError("Call ``connect()`` first")
        self.log.debug("api cmd '{}'".format(cmd))
        if not block and (get_ident() == self.loop._tid):
            # note this is an `asyncio.Future`
            return self.protocol.api(cmd, errcheck=errcheck)

        # NOTE: this is a `concurrent.futures.Future`
        future = run_in_order_threadsafe(
            [self.protocol.api(cmd, errcheck=errcheck)],

        if not block:
            return future

        return future.result(0.005)

    def cmd(self, cmd):
        '''Return the string-body output from invoking a command.
        event = self.api(cmd, block=True)
        _, body = self._handle_socket_data(event)
        return body

    def bgapi(self, cmd, block=False):
        self.log.debug("bgapi cmd '{}'".format(cmd))
        if not block and (get_ident() == self.loop._tid):
            return self.protocol.bgapi(cmd)  # note this is an `asyncio.Future`

        future = run_in_order_threadsafe(

        if not block:
            return future  # note this is a `concurrent.futures.Future`

        return future.result(0.005)

    def subscribe(self, event_types, fmt='plain'):
        """Subscribe connection to receive events for all names
        in `event_types`
        std = []
        custom = []
        for name in event_types:
            if '::' in name:
            self._sub += (name,)

        if custom:
            std = ['CUSTOM'] + custom

        fut = self.protocol.sendrecv(
            "event {} {}".format(fmt, ' '.join(std))
        return fut

    def new_connection(self):
        return type(self)(
            self.host, self.port, self.password, loop=self.loop)

    def _handle_socket_data(event):
        body = event.get('Body') if event else None
        if not body:
            return False, None
        if '-ERR' in body.splitlines()[-1]:
            raise utils.APIError(body)
        return True, body

def get_connection(host, port=8021, password='ClueCon', loop=None):
    """ESL connection factory.
    loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
    loop._tid = get_ident()
    return Connection(host, port=port, password=password, loop=loop)