#    Friendly Telegram (telegram userbot)
#    Copyright (C) 2018-2019 The Authors

#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.

#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

from aiohttp import web
import aiohttp_jinja2
import asyncio
import collections
import os
import re
import secrets
import string
import telethon

from .. import utils

class Web:
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.heroku_api_token = os.environ.get("heroku_api_token")
        self.api_token = kwargs.pop("api_token")
        self.redirect_url = None
        self.app.router.add_get("/initialSetup", self.initial_setup)
        self.app.router.add_put("/setApi", self.set_tg_api)
        self.app.router.add_post("/sendTgCode", self.send_tg_code)
        self.app.router.add_post("/tgCode", self.tg_code)
        self.app.router.add_post("/finishLogin", self.finish_login)
        self.api_set = asyncio.Event()
        self.sign_in_clients = {}
        self.clients = []
        self.clients_set = asyncio.Event()
        self.root_redirected = asyncio.Event()
        self._pending_secret_to_uid = {}

    async def root(self, request):
        if self.clients_set.is_set():
            await self.ready.wait()
        if self.redirect_url:
            return web.Response(status=302, headers={"Location": self.redirect_url})
        if self.client_data:
            return await super().root(request)
        return await self.initial_setup(request)

    async def initial_setup(self, request):
        if self.client_data and await self.check_user(request) is None:
            return web.Response(status=302, headers={"Location": "/"})  # They gotta sign in.
        return {"api_done": self.api_token is not None, "tg_done": bool(self.client_data),
                "heroku_token": self.heroku_api_token}

    def wait_for_api_token_setup(self):
        return self.api_set.wait()

    def wait_for_clients_setup(self):
        return self.clients_set.wait()

    async def set_tg_api(self, request):
        if self.client_data and await self.check_user(request) is None:
            return web.Response(status=302, headers={"Location": "/"})  # They gotta sign in.
        text = await request.text()
        if len(text) < 36:
            return web.Response(status=400)
        api_id = text[32:]
        api_hash = text[:32]
        if any(c not in string.hexdigits for c in api_hash) or any(c not in string.digits for c in api_id):
            return web.Response(status=400)
        with open(os.path.join(utils.get_base_dir(), "api_token.py"), "w") as f:
            f.write("HASH = \"" + api_hash + "\"\nID = \"" + api_id + "\"\n")
        self.api_token = collections.namedtuple("api_token", ("ID", "HASH"))(api_id, api_hash)
        return web.Response()

    async def send_tg_code(self, request):
        if self.client_data and await self.check_user(request) is None:
            return web.Response(status=302, headers={"Location": "/"})  # They gotta sign in.
        text = await request.text()
        phone = telethon.utils.parse_phone(text)
        if not phone:
            return web.Response(status=400)
        client = telethon.TelegramClient(telethon.sessions.MemorySession(), self.api_token.ID,
                                         self.api_token.HASH, connection_retries=None)
        await client.connect()
        await client.send_code_request(phone)
        self.sign_in_clients[phone] = client
        return web.Response()

    async def tg_code(self, request):
        if self.client_data and await self.check_user(request) is None:
            return web.Response(status=302, headers={"Location": "/"})  # They gotta sign in.
        text = await request.text()
        if len(text) < 6:
            return web.Response(status=400)
        split = text.split("\n", 2)
        if len(split) not in (2, 3):
            return web.Response(status=400)
        code = split[0]
        phone = telethon.utils.parse_phone(split[1])
        password = split[2]
        if (len(code) != 5 and not password) or any(c not in string.digits for c in code) or not phone:
            return web.Response(status=400)
        client = self.sign_in_clients[phone]
        if not password:
                user = await client.sign_in(phone, code=code)
            except telethon.errors.SessionPasswordNeededError:
                return web.Response(status=401)  # Requires 2FA login
            except telethon.errors.PhoneCodeExpiredError:
                return web.Response(status=404)
            except telethon.errors.PhoneCodeInvalidError:
                return web.Response(status=403)
            except telethon.errors.FloodWaitError:
                return web.Response(status=421)
                user = await client.sign_in(phone, password=password)
            except telethon.errors.PasswordHashInvalidError:
                return web.Response(status=403)  # Invalid 2FA password
            except telethon.errors.FloodWaitError:
                return web.Response(status=421)
        del self.sign_in_clients[phone]
        client.phone = "+" + user.phone
        secret = secrets.token_urlsafe()
        self._pending_secret_to_uid[secret] = user.id
        return web.Response(text=secret)

    async def finish_login(self, request):
        if not self.clients:
            return web.Response(status=400)
        text = await request.text()
        if text:
            if not re.fullmatch(r"[0-9a-f]{8}-(?:[0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}", text):
                return web.Response(status=400)
            self.heroku_api_token = text
            self.heroku_api_token = None
        return web.Response()