.. module:: sfdc
   :synopsis: A Salesforce Rest API module

.. moduleauthor:: Aaron Caffrey <acaffrey@salesforce.com>, Jose Garcia Ponce <jgarciaponce@salesforce.com>,
    Colin Cheevers <ccheevers@salesforce.com>, Tania Prince <tania.prince@salesforce.com>

from __future__ import absolute_import

from . import chatter
from . import commons
from . import jobs
from . import wave

import json
import logging
import re
import requests

    from urllib.parse import urlencode
except ImportError:
    from urllib import urlencode

SOBJ_SERVICE = '/services/data/v%s/sobjects%s'
REVOKE_SERVICE = '/services/oauth2/revoke'
VERSIONS_SERVICE = '/services/data/'
QUERY_SERVICE = '/services/data/v%s/query/?%s'
SEARCH_SERVICE = '/services/data/v%s/search/?%s'
TOOLING_ANONYMOUS = '/services/data/v%s/tooling/executeAnonymous/?%s'
APPROVAL_SERVICE = '/services/data/v%s/process/approvals/'

INSERT_BINARY_BODY_TEMPLATE = """--boundary_string
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="entity_%s";
Content-Type: application/json


Content-Type: %s
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"



class ApprovalProcess(commons.BaseRequest):
    """ Returns a list of all approval processes. Can also be used to submit a particular record # noqa
    if that entity supports an approval process and one has already been defined. It also supports # noqa
    specifying a collection of different Process Approvals requests to have them all executed in bulk.

        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0

    def __init__(self, session_id, instance_url, **kwargs):

        self.service = APPROVAL_SERVICE % self.api_version

        if self.request_body is None:
            self.http_method = 'GET'
        elif self.request_body is not None:
            self.http_method = 'POST'

class Client(object):
    """ The client class from which all API calls to a Salesforce organisation are made.

        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Constructor.

                - `*username` (`string`) - Salesforce username.
                - `*password` (`string`) - Salesforce password.
                - `*login_url` (`string`) - Salesforce login URL.
                - `*client_id` (`string`) - Salesforce client ID.
                - `*client_secret` (`string`) - Salesforce client secret.
                - `\**kwargs` - kwargs (see below)

            :Keyword Arguments:
                * *protocol* (`string`) --
                    Protocol (future use)
                * *proxies* (`dict`) --
                    A dict containing proxies to be used by `requests` module. Ex:
                        `{"https": "example.org:443"}`
                    Default: `None`
                * *version* (`string`) --
                   SFDC API version to use e.g. '39.0'

        self.username = args[0]
        self.password = args[1]
        self.client_id = args[2]
        self.client_secret = args[3]
        self.protocol = kwargs.get('protocol')
        self.proxies = kwargs.get('proxies')
        self.instance_url = None
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('sfdc_py')
        self.client_api_version = None
        self.client_kwargs = kwargs
        self.session_id = None
        self.chatter = chatter.Chatter(self)
        self.jobs = jobs.Jobs(self)
        self.wave = wave.Wave(self)

    def set_instance_url(self, url):
        """ Strips the protocol from `url` and assigns the value to `self.instance_url`

          :param url: Instance URL used to make requests (eg. `'https://eu11.salesforce.com'`)
          :type url: string

        host_only_regex = re.compile('(?:https://)(.*)(?:/*)')
        match = re.match(host_only_regex, url)
        instance_url = match.group(1)
        self.instance_url = instance_url

    def login(self, **kwargs):
        """ Performs a login request.

          :param: **kwargs: kwargs
          :type: **kwargs: dict
          :return: Login response
          :rtype: (dict, Login)

        login_response = Login(
        req = login_response.request()

        if req is not None:
            self.session_id = login_response.get_session_id()
            self.set_instance_url(req.get('instance_url', str()))

        return req, login_response

    def set_api_version(self, **kwargs):
        Sets the api version to be used by the client. If not provided, it will get the latest version

        :return: set version kwarg on client if not defined
        # If 'version' was already in the client kwargs, then 'commons.kwarg_adder' decorator will take care of
        # passing it around between functions. Therefore, an else statement is not needed here.
        if 'version' not in self.client_kwargs:
            service = 'https://' + self.instance_url + VERSIONS_SERVICE
            headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
            r = requests.get(service, headers=headers, proxies=self.proxies)
            if r.status_code == 200:
                versions = []
                for i in r.json():
                self.client_kwargs.update({'version': max(versions)})
                # return a known recent api version
                self.client_kwargs.update({'version': DEFAULT_API_VERSION})

    def logout(self, **kwargs):
        """ Performs a logout request.

          :param: **kwargs: kwargs
          :type: **kwargs: dict
          :return: Logout response
          :rtype: (dict, Logout)

        logout_response = Logout(self.session_id, self.instance_url, **kwargs)
        req = logout_response.request()
        return req, logout_response

    def query(self, qs, **kwargs):
        """ Performs a query request.

          :param: qs: Query string. eg `'SELECT Id FROM Account LIMIT 10'`
          :type: qs: string
          :param: **kwargs: kwargs
          :type: **kwargs: dict
          :return: Query response
          :rtype: (dict, Query)

        q = Query(self.session_id, self.instance_url, qs, **kwargs)
        req = q.request()
        return req, q

    def query_more(self, qs, **kwargs):
        """ Performs a query more request.

          :param: qs: Query string. eg `'SELECT Id FROM Lead'`
          :type: qs: string
          :param: **kwargs: kwargs
          :type: **kwargs: dict
          :return: QueryMore response
          :rtype: ([dict], QueryMore)

        qm = QueryMore(self.session_id, self.instance_url, qs, **kwargs)
        req = qm.request()
        return req, qm

    def sobjects(self, **kwargs):
        """ Prepares an SObject controller with which make various API requests.

          :param: **kwargs: kwargs
          :type: **kwargs: dict
          :return: SObjects response
          :rtype: SObjectController

        _id = kwargs['id'] if 'id' in kwargs else None
        object_type = kwargs['object_type'] if 'object_type' in kwargs else None
        binary_field = kwargs['binary_field'] if 'binary_field' in kwargs else None
        api_version = kwargs.get('version')
        external_id = kwargs['external_id'] if 'external_id' in kwargs else None
        return SObjectController(self, object_type, _id, binary_field, api_version, external_id)

    def search(self, ss, **kwargs):
        """ Performs a search request.

          :param: ss: Search string. eg `'FIND {sfdc_py} RETURNING Account(Id, Name) LIMIT 5'`
          :type: ss: string
          :param: **kwargs: kwargs
          :type: **kwargs: dict
          :return: Search response
          :rtype: (dict, Search)

        s = Search(self.session_id, self.instance_url, ss, **kwargs)
        req = s.request()
        return req, s

    def execute_anonymous(self, ab, **kwargs):
        """ Performs an anonymous Apex execution request.

          :param: ab: Anonymous block of Apex code, eg: `'system.debug("Hello world")'`
          :type: ab: string
          :param: **kwargs: kwargs
          :type: **kwargs: dict
          :return: Execute anonymous response
          :rtype: (dict, ExecuteAnonymous)

        ea = ExecuteAnonymous(
        req = ea.request()
        return req, ea

    def approvals(self, body=None, **kwargs):
        """ Performs an approval process request.

          :param: body: Body of approval process request, if any.
          :type: body: dict
          :return: Approval response
          :rtype: (dict, ApprovalProcess)

        k = {
            'request_body': body,
            'proxies': self.proxies
        ar = ApprovalProcess(
        req = ar.request()
        return req, ar

    def debug(self, **kwargs):
        """ Sets up debugging for the client at the level provided in the `level` kwarg.

        If this method is called but no `level` kwarg is provided, the client sets the debug level to `logging.INFO` by

        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0

          :param: **kwargs: kwargs
          :type: **kwargs: dict

        logger = self.logger
        if 'level' in kwargs:
            level = kwargs['level']

    def __enter__(self):
        Invoked on entry to this class, handle login automatically for context managers

        :return: self
        return self

    def __exit__(self, _type, value, traceback):
        Handle logout automatically upon exiting the statement's body
        :param type: exception type
        :param value: exception value
        :param traceback: traceback for the exception
        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.warning('Unable to logout. Reason: {}'.format(e.args[0]))
            self.logger.info('__exit__ params: (%s, %s, %s)' % (_type, value, traceback))

class ExecuteAnonymous(commons.BaseRequest):
    """ Performs a request to `/services/data/vX.XX/tooling/executeAnonymous/`

        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
    def __init__(self, session_id, instance_url, ab, **kwargs):
        """ Constructor. Calls `super`, then encodes the `service` query string including the abstract block (`ab`)
        passed in.

          :param: session_id: Session ID used to make request
          :type: session_id: string
          :param: instance_url: Instance URL used to make the request (eg. `'eu11.salesforce.com'`)
          :type: instance_url: string
          :param: ab: Anonymous block of Apex code, eg: `'system.debug("Hello world")'`
          :type: ab: string
          :param: **kwargs: kwargs
          :type: **kwargs: dict

        exec_anon = urlencode(
            {'anonymousBody': ab.encode('utf-8')})
        self.service = TOOLING_ANONYMOUS % (self.api_version, exec_anon)

class Login(commons.OAuthRequest):
    """ Performs a request to `'/services/oauth2/token'`

        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
    def __init__(
        """ Constructor. Calls `super`, assigns all params to their equivalent instance variables, sets `http_method` to
        POST, and prepares the request service and payload.

          :param: username: Salesforce username
          :type: username: string
          :param: password: Salesforce password
          :type: password: string
          :param: login_url: Salesforce login URL
          :type: login_url: string
          :param: client_id: Salesforce client ID
          :type: client_id: string
          :param: client_secret: Salesforce client secret
          :type: client_secret: string
          :param: **kwargs: kwargs
          :type: **kwargs: dict

        super(Login, self).__init__(None, None, **kwargs)
        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        self.login_url = kwargs['login_url'] if 'login_url' in kwargs else 'login.salesforce.com'
        self.client_id = client_id
        self.client_secret = client_secret
        self.http_method = 'POST'
        self.service = '/services/oauth2/token'
        self.payload = self.get_payload()

    def get_payload(self):
        """ Returns the payload dict to be used in the request.

          :return: OAuth2 request body required to obtain access token.
          :rtype: dict

        return {
            'grant_type': 'password',
            'client_id': self.client_id,
            'client_secret': self.client_secret,
            'username': self.username,
            'password': self.password

    def request(self):
        """ Gets the result of `super` for this method, then assigns the `access_token` to `session_id`.
        Returns request response.

          :return: Response dict
          :rtype: dict
        response = super(Login, self).request()
        if response is not None:
            if 'access_token' in response:
                self.session_id = response['access_token']
            return response

    def get_session_id(self):
        """ Returns the session ID obtained if the login request was successful

          :return: Session ID
          :rtype: string

        return self.session_id

class LoginException(Exception):
    """ Exception thrown during due to login failure.

        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0

class Logout(commons.OAuthRequest):
    """ Performs a request to `'/services/oauth2/revoke'`

        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
    def __init__(self, session_id, instance_url, **kwargs):
        """ Constructor. Calls `super`, assigns the service from the hardcoded value, and sets a `payload`
        instance variable with a dict where key is `'token'` and value is `session_id`

          :param: session_id: Session ID used to make request
          :type: session_id: string
          :param: instance_url: Instance URL used to make the request (eg. `'eu11.salesforce.com'`)
          :type: instance_url: string
          :param: **kwargs: kwargs
          :type: **kwargs: dict

        super(Logout, self).__init__(session_id, instance_url, **kwargs)
        self.service = REVOKE_SERVICE
        self.payload = {'token': self.session_id}

class Query(commons.BaseRequest):
    """ Performs a request to `'/services/data/vX.XX/query/'`

        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
    def __init__(self, session_id, instance_url, query_string, **kwargs):
        """ Constructor. Calls `super`, then encodes the `service` including the `query_string` provided

          :param: session_id: Session ID used to make request
          :type: session_id: string
          :param: instance_url: Instance URL used to make the request (eg. `'eu11.salesforce.com'`)
          :type: instance_url: string
          :param: query_string: Query string. eg `'SELECT Id FROM Account LIMIT 10'`
          :type: query_string: string
          :param: **kwargs: kwargs
          :type: **kwargs: dict
        super(Query, self).__init__(session_id, instance_url, **kwargs)
        qry = urlencode({'q': query_string.encode('utf-8')})
        self.service = QUERY_SERVICE % (self.api_version, qry)

class QueryMore(commons.BaseRequest):
    """ Performs recursive requests to `'/services/data/vX.XX/query/'` when there are multiple batches to process.

        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
    def __init__(self, session_id, instance_url, query_string, **kwargs):
        """ Constructor. Calls `super`, then assigns the `query_string` to an instance variable.

          :param: session_id: Session ID used to make request
          :type: session_id: string
          :param: instance_url: Instance URL used to make the request (eg. `'eu11.salesforce.com'`)
          :type: instance_url: string
          :param: query_string: Query string. eg `'SELECT Id FROM Account LIMIT 10'`
          :type: query_string: string
          :param: **kwargs: kwargs
          :type: **kwargs: dict
        super(QueryMore, self).__init__(session_id, instance_url, **kwargs)
        self.query_string = query_string

    def request(self, *args):
        """ Makes a `Query` request for the initial query string, then calls itself recursively to request all remaining
        batches, if there are any.  This method will break the recursion and return all when the last batch processed
        contains a `done` value equal to `True`.

          :param: results: All queried batch results obtained in prior recursions of this method.
          :type: results: [dict]
          :return: A list of dicts where each dict is a batch of query results
          :rtype: [dict]

        (last, results) = (
            list() if len(args) is 0 else args[0],

        len_results = len(results)

        if len_results == 0:
            q = Query(self.session_id, self.instance_url, self.query_string)
            response = q.request()
            last = response
        elif len_results > 0:
            last = results[len_results - 1]
            if last.get('done') is False:
                (headers, logger, request_object, response, service) = self.get_request_vars()
                service = 'https://%s%s' % (self.instance_url, last.get('nextRecordsUrl'))
                logging.getLogger('sfdc_py').info('%s %s' %
                                                  (self.http_method, service))
                    request_object = requests.get(
                        service, headers=headers, proxies=self.proxies)
                    self.status = request_object.status_code
                    if request_object.content.decode('utf-8') == 'null':
                        raise commons.SFDCRequestException('Request body is null')
                        last = request_object.json()
                except Exception as e:
                    logger.error('%s %s %s' % (self.http_method, service, self.status))

        if last.get('done') is True:
            return results
        elif last.get('done') is False:
            return self.request(results)

class Search(commons.BaseRequest):
    """ Performs a request to `'/services/data/vX.XX/search/'`

        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
    def __init__(self, session_id, instance_url, search_string, **kwargs):
        """ Constructor. Calls `super`, then encodes the `service` including the `search_string` provided

          :param: session_id: Session ID used to make request
          :type: session_id: string
          :param: instance_url: Instance URL used to make the request (eg. `'eu11.salesforce.com'`)
          :type: instance_url: string
          :param: search_string: Search string. eg `'FIND {sfdc_py} RETURNING Account(Id, Name) LIMIT 5'`
          :type: search_string: string
          :param: **kwargs: kwargs
          :type: **kwargs: dict
        super(Search, self).__init__(session_id, instance_url, **kwargs)
        s = urlencode({'q': search_string.encode('utf-8')})
        self.service = SEARCH_SERVICE % (self.api_version, s)

class SObjectBlob(commons.BaseRequest):
    """ Perform a request to `'/services/data/vX.XX/sobjects'` where file i/o is necessary.

        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0

    def __init__(self, _client, service, http_method):
        """ Constructor. Calls `super`, then sets `service` and `http_method` instance variables.

          :param: session_id: Session ID used to make request
          :type: session_id: string
          :param: instance_url: Instance URL used to make the request (eg. `'eu11.salesforce.com'`)
          :type: instance_url: string
          :param: service: The service to append to /services/data/vX.XX/sobjects
          :type: service: string
          :param: http_method: Method to use with request (`'GET'` and `'POST'` currently supported.)
          :type: http_method: string
          :param: **kwargs: kwargs
          :type: **kwargs: dict

        k = {'http_method': http_method}
        super(SObjectBlob, self).__init__(_client.session_id, _client.instance_url, **k)
        self.service = service

    def set_request_body(self, **kwargs):
        """ Creates binary request body by merging `entity`, `json_body`, `file_content_type`, `field`, `filename` and
        `content` from `**kwargs**` into a binary body template.  Sets `request_body` instance variable with the result.

        Note: `content` can be either a `file` or a raw value.

          :param: **kwargs:
          :type: **kwargs: string

        if self.http_method == 'POST':
            content = kwargs['content']
            self.request_body = INSERT_BINARY_BODY_TEMPLATE % (

    def request(self):
        """ Returns the request response.

        :return: response
        :rtype: dict

        (headers, logger, request_object, response, service) = self.get_request_vars()
        logging.getLogger('sfdc_py').info('%s %s' %
                                          (self.http_method, service))
        if self.http_method == 'GET':
            headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
                request_object = requests.get(
                    service, headers=headers, proxies=self.proxies, stream=True)
                self.status = request_object.status_code
                if request_object.content.decode('utf-8') == 'null':
                    raise commons.SFDCRequestException('Request body is null')
                    self.response = response = request_object
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error('%s %s %s' %
                             (self.http_method, service, self.status))

                return response
        elif self.http_method == 'POST':
            headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data;boundary="boundary_string"'
                request_object = requests.post(
                self.status = request_object.status_code
                if request_object.content.decode('utf-8') == 'null':
                    raise commons.SFDCRequestException('Request body is null')
                    self.response = response = request_object.json()
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error('%s %s %s' %
                             (self.http_method, service, self.status))
                return response

class SObjectController(object):
    """ A special class that controls insert/update/delete/query/describe of SObject resources.

        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
    def __init__(self, _client, object_type, _id, binary_field, api_version, external_id):
        """ Constructor.

          :param: _client: Salesforce client object
          :type: _client: Client
          :param: object_type: Name of the SObject, eg. `'Case'`
          :type: object_type: string
          :param: _id: Resource ID, if available
          :type: _id: string
          :param: binary_field: Binary field name, if available on object, eg. `'Body'`
          :type: binary_field: string

        self.__client__ = _client
        self.id = _id
        self.object_type = object_type
        self.binary_field = binary_field
        self.api_version = api_version
        self.external_id = external_id
        # Maintain client kwargs
        self.client_kwargs = _client.client_kwargs

    def get_service(self):
        """ Returns the correct sobject service depending on whether the countroller contains an `id` instance variable

        :return: service
        :rtype: string

        if self.binary_field is not None and self.object_type is not None and self.id is None:
            return SOBJ_SERVICE % (
                self.api_version, '/' + self.object_type)
        elif self.id is not None and self.object_type is not None and self.external_id is None:
            return '/%s/%s' % (self.object_type, self.id)
        elif self.id is not None and self.object_type is not None and self.external_id is not None:
            return '/%s/%s/%s' % (self.object_type, self.external_id, self.id)
        elif self.object_type is None:
            return ''
        return '/%s' % self.object_type

    def insert(self, body, **kwargs):
        """ Creates an SObject in Salesforce.

        Note: if `binary_field` is defined in kwargs, an `SObjectBlob` request will be made and returned, otherwise an
        `SObject` request will be made.

          :param: body: Body of SObject request.
          :type: body: dict
          :param: **kwargs: kwargs
          :type: **kwargs: dict
          :return: Insert result from Salesforce
          :rtype: (dict, SObject|SObjectBlob)

        sobj = None
        _client = self.__client__
        resource_id = self.get_service()
        if self.binary_field is None:
            k = {
                'http_method': 'POST',
                'request_body': body,
                'resource_id': resource_id
            sobj = SObjects(_client, **k)
        elif self.binary_field is not None and 'binary' in kwargs:
            sobj = SObjectBlob(

            # Prep request body properties
            entity = self.object_type.lower()
            json_body = json.dumps(body)
            field = self.binary_field
            filename = kwargs['binary'][0]
            content = kwargs['binary'][1]
            file_content_type = kwargs['binary'][2]

            # Set the request body
        req = sobj.request()
        return req, sobj

    def update(self, body, **kwargs):
        """ Updates an SObject in Salesforce.

          :param: body: Body of SObject request.
          :type: body: dict
          :return: Update result from Salesforce
          :rtype: (None, SObject)

        _client = self.__client__
        resource_id = self.get_service()
        k = {
            'http_method': 'PATCH',
            'request_body': body,
            'resource_id': resource_id
        sobj = SObjects(_client, **k)
        req = sobj.request()
        return req, sobj

    def upsert(self, body, **kwargs):
        """ Upserts an SObject in Salesforce.

          :param: body: Body of SObject request.
          :type: body: dict
          :return: Upserts result from Salesforce
          :rtype: (None, SObject)

        _client = self.__client__
        resource_id = self.get_service()
        k = {
            'http_method': 'PATCH',
            'request_body': body,
            'resource_id': resource_id
        sobj = SObjects(_client, **k)
        req = sobj.request()
        return req, sobj

    def delete(self, **kwargs):
        """ Deletes an SObject in Salesforce.

          :return: Delete result from Salesforce
          :rtype: (None, SObject)

        _client = self.__client__
        resource_id = self.get_service()
        k = {
            'http_method': 'DELETE',
            'resource_id': resource_id
        sobj = SObjects(_client, **k)
        req = sobj.request()
        return req, sobj

    def query(self, **kwargs):
        """ Queries an SObject in Salesforce. If a `binary_field` instance variable is defined, this method will further
        query the binary field content and return it accordingly.

          :return: Query result from Salesforce
          :rtype: (dict, SObject)|(dict, SObject, SObjectBlob)
        (_client, resource_id) = (self.__client__, self.get_service())
        k = {
            'http_method': 'GET',
            'resource_id': resource_id
        sobj = SObjects(_client, **k)
        req = sobj.request()
        if self.binary_field is not None and isinstance(
                req, dict) and self.binary_field in req:
            bin_service = req[self.binary_field]
            sob_blob = SObjectBlob(
            return req, sobj, sob_blob
        return req, sobj

    def describe(self, **kwargs):
        """ Describes the metadata for an SObject in Salesforce.

        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0

          :return: Describe result from Salesforce
          :rtype: (dict, SObject)

        _client = self.__client__
        resource_id = self.get_service()
        k = {
            'http_method': 'GET',
            'resource_id': resource_id + '/describe'
        sobj = SObjects(_client, **k)
        req = sobj.request()
        return req, sobj

    def describe_global(self, **kwargs):
        """ Lists the available objects and their metadata for the organizations data.

        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0

          :return: Describe global result from Salesforce
          :rtype: (dict, SObject)

        _client = self.__client__
        resource_id = self.get_service()
        k = {
            'http_method': 'GET',
            'resource_id': resource_id
        sobj = SObjects(_client, **k)
        req = sobj.request()
        return req, sobj

class SObjects(commons.BaseRequest):
    """ Perform a request to `'/services/data/vX.XX/sobjects'`

        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
    def __init__(self, _client, **kwargs):
        """ Constructor. Calls `super`, retrieves `resource_id` from `**kwargs` if present, then creates `self.service`
        instance variable.

          :param: session_id: Session ID used to make request
          :type: session_id: string
          :param: instance_url: Instance URL used to make the request (eg. `'eu11.salesforce.com'`)
          :type: instance_url: string
          :param: **kwargs: kwargs
          :type: **kwargs: dict
        super(SObjects, self).__init__(_client.session_id, _client.instance_url, **kwargs)
        resource_id = kwargs.get('resource_id')
        self.service = SOBJ_SERVICE % (self.api_version, resource_id)

    def request(self):
        """ Makes the appropriate request depending on the `http_method`.  Supported now are: `'GET'`, `'POST'`,
        `'PATCH'`, and `'DELETE'`. Returns request response.

        Note: As successful `'PATCH'` and `'DELETE'` responses return `NO CONTENT`, this method will return `None`.
        It may be advisable to check the `status` of the `SObject` instance returned as an additional factor in
        determining whether the request succeeded.

          :return: response dict
          :rtype: dict|None
        sobjects_headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Accept-Encoding': 'application/json',
            'Sforce-Auto-Assign': 'FALSE'

        (headers, logger, request_object, response, service) = (
            'https://%s%s' % (self.instance_url, self.service)
        headers['Authorization'] = 'OAuth %s' % self.session_id

        logger.info('%s %s' % (self.http_method, service))

        if self.http_method == 'POST':
            request_object = requests.post(
        elif self.http_method == 'PATCH':
            request_object = requests.patch(
            self.status = request_object.status_code
            if request_object.status_code == requests.codes.no_content:
                return None
        elif self.http_method == 'DELETE':
            request_object = requests.delete(
                service, headers=headers, proxies=self.proxies)
            self.status = request_object.status_code
            if request_object.status_code == requests.codes.no_content:
                return None
        elif self.http_method == 'GET':
            request_object = requests.get(
                service, headers=headers, proxies=self.proxies)

        self.status = request_object.status_code

            if request_object.content.decode('utf-8') == 'null':
                raise commons.SFDCRequestException('Request body is null')
                response = request_object.json()
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error('%s %s %s' % (self.http_method, service, self.status))
            return response

def client(username, password, client_id, client_secret, **kwargs):
    """ Builds a `Client` and returns it.

        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0

    Note: if any of the required parameters are missing, a `ValueError` will be raised.

            `*username` (`string`)
              Salesforce username.
            `*password` (`string`)
              Salesforce password.
            `*client_id` (`string`)
              Salesforce client ID.
            `*client_secret` (`string`)
              Salesforce client secret.
              kwargs (see below)

        :Keyword Arguments:
            `*login_url` (`string`)
              Salesforce login URL without protocol

              Default: `'login.salesforce.com'`
            `*protocol` (`string`)
              Protocol (future use)
            `*proxies` (`dict`)
              A dict containing proxies to be used by `requests` module.

              Example: `{"https": "example.org:443"}`

              Default: `None`
            `*timeout` ('string')
              Tell Requests to stop waiting for a response after a given number of seconds

        :returns: client
        :rtype: Client
        :raises: ValueError

    if username is None:
        raise ValueError('`username` cannot be None')
    elif password is None:
        raise ValueError('`password` cannot be None')
    elif client_id is None:
        raise ValueError('`client_id` cannot be None')
    elif client_secret is None:
        raise ValueError('`client_secret` cannot be None')
    return Client(