import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.optimize import minimize

def acq_max(ac, gp, y_max, bounds, random_state, n_warmup=10000, n_iter=10):
    A function to find the maximum of the acquisition function

    It uses a combination of random sampling (cheap) and the 'L-BFGS-B'
    optimization method. First by sampling `n_warmup` (1e5) points at random,
    and then running L-BFGS-B from `n_iter` (250) random starting points.

    :param ac:
        The acquisition function object that return its point-wise value.

    :param gp:
        A gaussian process fitted to the relevant data.

    :param y_max:
        The current maximum known value of the target function.

    :param bounds:
        The variables bounds to limit the search of the acq max.

    :param random_state:
        instance of np.RandomState random number generator

    :param n_warmup:
        number of times to randomly sample the aquisition function

    :param n_iter:
        number of times to run scipy.minimize

    :return: x_max, The arg max of the acquisition function.

    # Warm up with random points
    x_tries = random_state.uniform(bounds[:, 0], bounds[:, 1],
                                   size=(n_warmup, bounds.shape[0]))
    ys = ac(x_tries, gp=gp, y_max=y_max)
    x_max = x_tries[ys.argmax()]
    max_acq = ys.max()

    # Explore the parameter space more throughly
    x_seeds = random_state.uniform(bounds[:, 0], bounds[:, 1],
                                   size=(n_iter, bounds.shape[0]))
    for x_try in x_seeds:
        # Find the minimum of minus the acquisition function
        res = minimize(lambda x: -ac(x.reshape(1, -1), gp=gp, y_max=y_max),
                       x_try.reshape(1, -1),

        # See if success
        if not res.success:

        # Store it if better than previous minimum(maximum).
        if max_acq is None or[0] >= max_acq:
            x_max = res.x
            max_acq =[0]

    # Clip output to make sure it lies within the bounds. Due to floating
    # point technicalities this is not always the case.
    return np.clip(x_max, bounds[:, 0], bounds[:, 1])

class UtilityFunction(object):
    An object to compute the acquisition functions.

    def __init__(self, kind, kappa, xi, kappa_decay=1, kappa_decay_delay=0):

        self.kappa = kappa
        self._kappa_decay = kappa_decay
        self._kappa_decay_delay = kappa_decay_delay

        self.xi = xi
        self._iters_counter = 0

        if kind not in ['ucb', 'ei', 'poi']:
            err = "The utility function " \
                  "{} has not been implemented, " \
                  "please choose one of ucb, ei, or poi.".format(kind)
            raise NotImplementedError(err)
            self.kind = kind

    def update_params(self):
        self._iters_counter += 1

        if self._kappa_decay < 1 and self._iters_counter > self._kappa_decay_delay:
            self.kappa *= self._kappa_decay

    def utility(self, x, gp, y_max):
        if self.kind == 'ucb':
            return self._ucb(x, gp, self.kappa)
        if self.kind == 'ei':
            return self._ei(x, gp, y_max, self.xi)
        if self.kind == 'poi':
            return self._poi(x, gp, y_max, self.xi)

    def _ucb(x, gp, kappa):
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            mean, std = gp.predict(x, return_std=True)

        return mean + kappa * std

    def _ei(x, gp, y_max, xi):
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            mean, std = gp.predict(x, return_std=True)
        a = (mean - y_max - xi)
        z = a / std
        return a * norm.cdf(z) + std * norm.pdf(z)

    def _poi(x, gp, y_max, xi):
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            mean, std = gp.predict(x, return_std=True)

        z = (mean - y_max - xi)/std
        return norm.cdf(z)

def load_logs(optimizer, logs):
    """Load previous ...

    import json

    if isinstance(logs, str):
        logs = [logs]

    for log in logs:
        with open(log, "r") as j:
            while True:
                    iteration = next(j)
                except StopIteration:

                iteration = json.loads(iteration)
                except KeyError:

    return optimizer

def ensure_rng(random_state=None):
    Creates a random number generator based on an optional seed.  This can be
    an integer or another random state for a seeded rng, or None for an
    unseeded rng.
    if random_state is None:
        random_state = np.random.RandomState()
    elif isinstance(random_state, int):
        random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_state)
        assert isinstance(random_state, np.random.RandomState)
    return random_state

class Colours:
    """Print in nice colours."""

    BLUE = '\033[94m'
    BOLD = '\033[1m'
    CYAN = '\033[96m'
    DARKCYAN = '\033[36m'
    END = '\033[0m'
    GREEN = '\033[92m'
    PURPLE = '\033[95m'
    RED = '\033[91m'
    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
    YELLOW = '\033[93m'

    def _wrap_colour(cls, s, colour):
        return colour + s + cls.END

    def black(cls, s):
        """Wrap text in black."""
        return cls._wrap_colour(s, cls.END)

    def blue(cls, s):
        """Wrap text in blue."""
        return cls._wrap_colour(s, cls.BLUE)

    def bold(cls, s):
        """Wrap text in bold."""
        return cls._wrap_colour(s, cls.BOLD)

    def cyan(cls, s):
        """Wrap text in cyan."""
        return cls._wrap_colour(s, cls.CYAN)

    def darkcyan(cls, s):
        """Wrap text in darkcyan."""
        return cls._wrap_colour(s, cls.DARKCYAN)

    def green(cls, s):
        """Wrap text in green."""
        return cls._wrap_colour(s, cls.GREEN)

    def purple(cls, s):
        """Wrap text in purple."""
        return cls._wrap_colour(s, cls.PURPLE)

    def red(cls, s):
        """Wrap text in red."""
        return cls._wrap_colour(s, cls.RED)

    def underline(cls, s):
        """Wrap text in underline."""
        return cls._wrap_colour(s, cls.UNDERLINE)

    def yellow(cls, s):
        """Wrap text in yellow."""
        return cls._wrap_colour(s, cls.YELLOW)