import numpy as np
import as scio
import  sys
import os
import argparse
import pickle
from sklearn import metrics
import json
from utils.util import score_smoothing
if not os.path.exists(DATA_DIR):
    if not os.path.exists(DATA_DIR):
    if not os.path.exists(DATA_DIR):

# normalize scores in each sub video

# number of history frames, since in prediction based method, the first 4 frames can not be predicted, so that
# the first 4frames are undecidable, we just ignore the first 4 frames

def parser_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='evaluating the model, computing the roc/auc.')

    parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', type=str, help='the path of loss file.')
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--type', type=str, default='compute_auc',
                        help='the type of evaluation, choosing type is: plot_roc, compute_auc, '
                             'test_func\n, the default type is compute_auc')
    return parser.parse_args()

class RecordResult(object):
    def __init__(self, fpr=None, tpr=None, auc=-np.inf, dataset=None, loss_file=None):
        self.fpr = fpr
        self.tpr = tpr
        self.auc = auc
        self.dataset = dataset
        self.loss_file = loss_file

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.auc < other.auc

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return self.auc > other.auc

    def __str__(self):
        return 'dataset = {}, loss file = {}, auc = {}'.format(self.dataset, self.loss_file, self.auc)

class GroundTruthLoader(object):
    AVENUE = 'avenue'
    PED1 = 'ped1'
    PED1_PIXEL_SUBSET = 'ped1_pixel_subset'
    PED2 = 'ped2'
    ENTRANCE = 'enter'
    EXIT = 'exit'
    SHANGHAITECH = 'shanghaitech'
    SHANGHAITECH_LABEL_PATH = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'shanghaitech/testing/test_frame_mask')
    TOY_DATA = 'toydata'
    TOY_DATA_LABEL_PATH = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, TOY_DATA, 'toydata.json')

        AVENUE: os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'avenue/avenue.mat'),
        PED1: os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'ped1/ped1.mat'),
        PED2: os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'ped2/ped2.mat'),
        ENTRANCE: os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'enter/enter.mat'),
        EXIT: os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'exit/exit.mat')

        AVENUE: os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'avenue/testing/frames'),
        PED1: os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'ped1/testing/frames'),
        PED2: os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'ped2/testing/frames'),
        ENTRANCE: os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'enter/testing/frames'),
        EXIT: os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'exit/testing/frames')

    def __init__(self, mapping_json=None):
        Initial a ground truth loader, which loads the ground truth with given dataset name.

        :param mapping_json: the mapping from dataset name to the path of ground truth.

        if mapping_json is not None:
            with open(mapping_json, 'rb') as json_file:
                self.mapping = json.load(json_file)
            self.mapping = GroundTruthLoader.NAME_MAT_MAPPING

    def __call__(self, dataset):
        """ get the ground truth by provided the name of dataset.

        :type dataset: str
        :param dataset: the name of dataset.
        :return: np.ndarray, shape(#video)
                 np.array[0] contains all the start frame and end frame of abnormal events of video 0,
                 and its shape is (#frapsnr, )

        if dataset == GroundTruthLoader.SHANGHAITECH:
            gt = self.__load_shanghaitech_gt()
        elif dataset == GroundTruthLoader.TOY_DATA:
            gt = self.__load_toydata_gt()
            gt = self.__load_ucsd_avenue_subway_gt(dataset)
        return gt

    def __load_ucsd_avenue_subway_gt(self, dataset):
        assert dataset in self.mapping, 'there is no dataset named {} \n Please check {}' \
            .format(dataset, GroundTruthLoader.NAME_MAT_MAPPING.keys())

        mat_file = self.mapping[dataset]
        abnormal_events = scio.loadmat(mat_file, squeeze_me=True)['gt']

        if abnormal_events.ndim == 2:
            abnormal_events = abnormal_events.reshape(-1, abnormal_events.shape[0], abnormal_events.shape[1])

        num_video = abnormal_events.shape[0]
        dataset_video_folder = GroundTruthLoader.NAME_FRAMES_MAPPING[dataset]
        video_list = os.listdir(dataset_video_folder)

        assert num_video == len(video_list), 'ground true does not match the number of testing videos. {} != {}' \
            .format(num_video, len(video_list))

        # get the total frames of sub video
        def get_video_length(sub_video_number):
            # video_name = video_name_template.format(sub_video_number)
            video_name = os.path.join(dataset_video_folder, video_list[sub_video_number])
            assert os.path.isdir(video_name), '{} is not directory!'.format(video_name)

            length = len(os.listdir(video_name))

            return length

        # need to test [].append, or np.array().append(), which one is faster
        gt = []
        for i in range(num_video):
            length = get_video_length(i)

            sub_video_gt = np.zeros((length,), dtype=np.int8)
            sub_abnormal_events = abnormal_events[i]
            if sub_abnormal_events.ndim == 1:
                sub_abnormal_events = sub_abnormal_events.reshape((sub_abnormal_events.shape[0], -1))

            _, num_abnormal = sub_abnormal_events.shape

            for j in range(num_abnormal):
                # (start - 1, end - 1)
                start = sub_abnormal_events[0, j] - 1
                end = sub_abnormal_events[1, j]

                sub_video_gt[start: end] = 1


        return gt

    def __load_shanghaitech_gt():
        video_path_list = os.listdir(GroundTruthLoader.SHANGHAITECH_LABEL_PATH)

        gt = []
        for video in video_path_list:
            # print(os.path.join(GroundTruthLoader.SHANGHAITECH_LABEL_PATH, video))
            gt.append(np.load(os.path.join(GroundTruthLoader.SHANGHAITECH_LABEL_PATH, video)))

        return gt

    def __load_toydata_gt():
        with open(GroundTruthLoader.TOY_DATA_LABEL_PATH, 'r') as gt_file:
            gt_dict = json.load(gt_file)

        gt = []
        for video, video_info in gt_dict.items():
            length = video_info['length']
            video_gt = np.zeros((length,), dtype=np.uint8)
            sub_gt = np.array(np.matrix(video_info['gt']))

            for anomaly in sub_gt:
                start = anomaly[0]
                end = anomaly[1] + 1
                video_gt[start: end] = 1
        return gt

    def get_pixel_masks_file_list(dataset):
        # pixel mask folder
        pixel_mask_folder = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, dataset, 'pixel_masks')
        pixel_mask_file_list = os.listdir(pixel_mask_folder)

        # get all testing videos
        dataset_video_folder = GroundTruthLoader.NAME_FRAMES_MAPPING[dataset]
        video_list = os.listdir(dataset_video_folder)

        # get all testing video names with pixel masks
        pixel_video_ids = []
        ids = 0
        for pixel_mask_name in pixel_mask_file_list:
            while ids < len(video_list):
                if video_list[ids] + '.npy' == pixel_mask_name:
                    ids += 1
                    ids += 1

        assert len(pixel_video_ids) == len(pixel_mask_file_list)

        for i in range(len(pixel_mask_file_list)):
            pixel_mask_file_list[i] = os.path.join(pixel_mask_folder, pixel_mask_file_list[i])

        return pixel_mask_file_list, pixel_video_ids

def load_psnr_gt(loss_file):
    with open(loss_file, 'rb') as reader:
        # results {
        #   'dataset': the name of dataset
        #   'psnr': the psnr of each testing videos,
        # }

        # psnr_records['psnr'] is np.array, shape(#videos)
        # psnr_records[0] is np.array   ------>     01.avi
        # psnr_records[1] is np.array   ------>     02.avi
        #               ......
        # psnr_records[n] is np.array   ------>     xx.avi

        results = pickle.load(reader)

    dataset = results['dataset']
    psnr_records = results['psnr']

    num_videos = len(psnr_records)

    # load ground truth
    gt_loader = GroundTruthLoader()
    gt = gt_loader(dataset=dataset)

    assert num_videos == len(gt), 'the number of saved videos does not match the ground truth, {} != {}' \
        .format(num_videos, len(gt))

    return dataset, psnr_records, gt

def load_psnr_gt_flow(loss_file):
    with open(loss_file, 'rb') as reader:
        # results {
        #   'dataset': the name of dataset
        #   'psnr': the psnr of each testing videos,
        # }

        # psnr_records['psnr'] is np.array, shape(#videos)
        # psnr_records[0] is np.array   ------>     01.avi
        # psnr_records[1] is np.array   ------>     02.avi
        #               ......
        # psnr_records[n] is np.array   ------>     xx.avi

        results = pickle.load(reader)

    dataset = results['dataset']
    psnrs = results['psnr']
    flows = results['flow']

    num_videos = len(psnrs)

    # load ground truth
    gt_loader = GroundTruthLoader()
    gt = gt_loader(dataset=dataset)

    assert num_videos == len(gt), 'the number of saved videos does not match the ground truth, {} != {}' \
        .format(num_videos, len(gt))

    return dataset, psnrs, flows, gt

def load_psnr(loss_file):
    load image psnr or optical flow psnr.
    :param loss_file: loss file path
    with open(loss_file, 'rb') as reader:
        # results {
        #   'dataset': the name of dataset
        #   'psnr': the psnr of each testing videos,
        # }

        # psnr_records['psnr'] is np.array, shape(#videos)
        # psnr_records[0] is np.array   ------>     01.avi
        # psnr_records[1] is np.array   ------>     02.avi
        #               ......
        # psnr_records[n] is np.array   ------>     xx.avi

        results = pickle.load(reader)
    psnrs = results['psnr']
    return psnrs

def get_scores_labels(loss_file,reverse,smoothing):
    # the name of dataset, loss, and ground truth
    dataset, psnr_records, gt = load_psnr_gt(loss_file=loss_file)

    # the number of videos
    num_videos = len(psnr_records)

    scores = np.array([], dtype=np.float32)
    labels = np.array([], dtype=np.int8)
    # video normalization
    for i in range(num_videos):
        distance = psnr_records[i]

        if NORMALIZE:
            distance = (distance - distance.min()) / (distance.max() - distance.min() + 1e-8)
            #distance -= distance.min()  # distances = (distance - min) / (max - min)
            #distance /= distance.max()
            if reverse:
                distance = 1 - distance
        if smoothing:
            distance = score_smoothing(distance)
        scores = np.concatenate((scores[:], distance[DECIDABLE_IDX:-DECIDABLE_IDX]), axis=0)
        labels = np.concatenate((labels[:], gt[i][DECIDABLE_IDX:-DECIDABLE_IDX]), axis=0)
    return dataset, scores, labels

def precision_recall_auc(loss_file,reverse,smoothing):
    if not os.path.isdir(loss_file):
        loss_file_list = [loss_file]
        loss_file_list = os.listdir(loss_file)
        loss_file_list = [os.path.join(loss_file, sub_loss_file) for sub_loss_file in loss_file_list]

    optimal_results = RecordResult()
    for sub_loss_file in loss_file_list:
        dataset, scores, labels = get_scores_labels(sub_loss_file,reverse,smoothing)
        precision, recall, thresholds = metrics.precision_recall_curve(labels, scores, pos_label=0)
        auc = metrics.auc(recall, precision)

        results = RecordResult(recall, precision, auc, dataset, sub_loss_file)

        if optimal_results < results:
            optimal_results = results

        if os.path.isdir(loss_file):
    print('##### optimal result and model PR-AUC = {}'.format(optimal_results))
    return optimal_results

def cal_eer(fpr, tpr):
    # makes fpr + tpr = 1
    eer = fpr[np.nanargmin(np.absolute((fpr + tpr - 1)))]
    return eer

def compute_eer(loss_file,reverse,smoothing):
    if not os.path.isdir(loss_file):
        loss_file_list = [loss_file]
        loss_file_list = os.listdir(loss_file)
        loss_file_list = [os.path.join(loss_file, sub_loss_file) for sub_loss_file in loss_file_list]

    optimal_results = RecordResult(auc=np.inf)
    for sub_loss_file in loss_file_list:
        dataset, scores, labels = get_scores_labels(sub_loss_file,reverse,smoothing)
        fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(labels, scores, pos_label=0)
        eer = cal_eer(fpr, tpr)

        results = RecordResult(fpr, tpr, eer, dataset, sub_loss_file)

        if optimal_results > results:
            optimal_results = results

        if os.path.isdir(loss_file):
    print('##### optimal result and model EER = {}'.format(optimal_results))
    return optimal_results

def compute_auc(loss_file,reverse,smoothing):
    if not os.path.isdir(loss_file):
        loss_file_list = [loss_file]
        loss_file_list = os.listdir(loss_file)
        loss_file_list = [os.path.join(loss_file, sub_loss_file) for sub_loss_file in loss_file_list]

    optimal_results = RecordResult()
    for sub_loss_file in loss_file_list:
        # the name of dataset, loss, and ground truth
        dataset, psnr_records, gt = load_psnr_gt(loss_file=sub_loss_file)

        # the number of videos
        num_videos = len(psnr_records)

        scores = np.array([], dtype=np.float32)
        labels = np.array([], dtype=np.int8)
        # video normalization
        for i in range(num_videos):
            distance = psnr_records[i]

            if NORMALIZE:
                # distance -= distance.min()  # distances = (distance - min) / (max - min)
                # distance /= distance.max()
                # for the score is anomaly score
                if reverse:
                    distance = 1 - distance
            # to smooth the score
            if smoothing:
                distance = score_smoothing(distance)
            scores = np.concatenate((scores[:], distance[DECIDABLE_IDX:-DECIDABLE_IDX]), axis=0)
            labels = np.concatenate((labels[:], gt[i][DECIDABLE_IDX:-DECIDABLE_IDX]), axis=0)

        fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(labels, scores, pos_label=0)
        auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)

        results = RecordResult(fpr, tpr, auc, dataset, sub_loss_file)

        if optimal_results < results:
            optimal_results = results

        if os.path.isdir(loss_file):
    print('##### optimal result and model AUC= {}'.format(optimal_results))
    return optimal_results

def compute_auc_average(loss_file,reverse,smoothing):
    if not os.path.isdir(loss_file):
        loss_file_list = [loss_file]
        loss_file_list = os.listdir(loss_file)
        loss_file_list = [os.path.join(loss_file, sub_loss_file) for sub_loss_file in loss_file_list]

    optimal_results = RecordResult()
    for sub_loss_file in loss_file_list:
        # the name of dataset, loss, and ground truth
        dataset, psnr_records, gt = load_psnr_gt(loss_file=sub_loss_file)
        if dataset=='shanghaitech':
        elif dataset=='ped2':
            for i in range(7,11):
        elif dataset=='ped1':
        # the number of videos
        num_videos = len(psnr_records)

        scores = np.array([], dtype=np.float32)
        labels = np.array([], dtype=np.int8)
        # video normalization
        for i in range(num_videos):
            distance = psnr_records[i]

            if NORMALIZE:

                # distance -= distance.min()  # distances = (distance - min) / (max - min)
                # distance /= distance.max()
                # for the score is anomaly score
                if reverse:
                    distance = 1 - distance
            # to smooth the score
            if smoothing:
                distance = score_smoothing(distance)
            # scores = np.concatenate((scores[:], distance[DECIDABLE_IDX:-DECIDABLE_IDX]), axis=0)
            # labels = np.concatenate((labels[:], gt[i][DECIDABLE_IDX:-DECIDABLE_IDX]), axis=0)

            #_auc = metrics.roc_auc_score(np.array(gt[i],dtype=np.int8),np.array(distance,dtype=np.float32))
            #_auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
            fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(np.array(gt[i],dtype=np.int8), np.array(distance,dtype=np.float32), pos_label=0)
            _auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
            print('video {}: auc is {}'.format(i+1,_auc))
        #results = RecordResult(fpr, tpr, auc, dataset, sub_loss_file)

        # if optimal_results < results:
        #     optimal_results = results
        # if os.path.isdir(loss_file):
        #     print(results)
    # print('##### optimal result and model AUC= {}'.format(optimal_results))
    # return optimal_results

def average_psnr(loss_file,reverse):
    if not os.path.isdir(loss_file):
        loss_file_list = [loss_file]
        loss_file_list = os.listdir(loss_file)
        loss_file_list = [os.path.join(loss_file, sub_loss_file) for sub_loss_file in loss_file_list]

    max_avg_psnr = -np.inf
    max_file = ''
    for file in loss_file_list:
        psnr_records = load_psnr(file)

        psnr_records = np.concatenate(psnr_records, axis=0)
        avg_psnr = np.mean(psnr_records)
        if max_avg_psnr < avg_psnr:
            max_avg_psnr = avg_psnr
            max_file = file
        print('{}, average psnr = {}'.format(file, avg_psnr))

    print('max average psnr file Averge Score = {}, psnr = {}'.format(max_file, max_avg_psnr))

def calculate_psnr(loss_file,reverse,smoothing):
    optical_result = compute_auc(loss_file,reverse,smoothing)
    print('##### optimal result and model = {}'.format(optical_result))

    mean_psnr = []
    for file in os.listdir(loss_file):
        file = os.path.join(loss_file, file)
        dataset, psnr_records, gt = load_psnr_gt(file)

        psnr_records = np.concatenate(psnr_records, axis=0)
        gt = np.concatenate(gt, axis=0)

        mean_normal_psnr = np.mean(psnr_records[gt == 0])
        mean_abnormal_psnr = np.mean(psnr_records[gt == 1])
        mean = np.mean(psnr_records)
        print('mean normal psrn = {}, mean abnormal psrn = {}, mean = {}'.format(
    print('max mean psnr = {}'.format(np.max(mean_psnr)))

def calculate_score(loss_file,reverse,smoothing):
    if not os.path.isdir(loss_file):
        loss_file_path = loss_file
        optical_result = compute_auc(loss_file,reverse,smoothing)
        loss_file_path = optical_result.loss_file
        print('##### optimal result and model = {}'.format(optical_result))
    dataset, psnr_records, gt = load_psnr_gt(loss_file=loss_file_path)

    # the number of videos
    num_videos = len(psnr_records)

    scores = np.array([], dtype=np.float32)
    labels = np.array([], dtype=np.int8)
    # video normalization
    for i in range(num_videos):
        distance = psnr_records[i]

        distance = (distance - distance.min()) / (distance.max() - distance.min())
        if reverse:
        if smoothing:
            distance = score_smoothing(distance)
        scores = np.concatenate((scores[:], distance[DECIDABLE_IDX:-DECIDABLE_IDX]), axis=0)
        labels = np.concatenate((labels[:], gt[i][DECIDABLE_IDX:-DECIDABLE_IDX]), axis=0)

    mean_normal_scores = np.mean(scores[labels == 0])
    mean_abnormal_scores = np.mean(scores[labels == 1])
    print('mean normal scores = {}, mean abnormal scores = {}, '
          'delta = {}'.format(mean_normal_scores, mean_abnormal_scores, mean_normal_scores - mean_abnormal_scores))

def test_func(*args):
    # simulate testing on CUHK AVENUE dataset
    dataset = GroundTruthLoader.AVENUE

    # load the ground truth
    gt_loader = GroundTruthLoader()
    gt = gt_loader(dataset=dataset)

    num_videos = len(gt)

    simulated_results = {
        'dataset': dataset,
        'psnr': []

    simulated_psnr = []
    for i in range(num_videos):
        sub_video_length = gt[i].shape[0]

    simulated_results['psnr'] = simulated_psnr

    # writing to file, 'generated_loss.bin'
    with open('generated_loss.bin', 'wb') as writer:
        pickle.dump(simulated_results, writer, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    result = compute_auc(

    print('optimal = {}'.format(result))

eval_type_function = {
    'compute_auc': compute_auc,
    'compute_eer': compute_eer,
    'precision_recall_auc': precision_recall_auc,
    'calculate_psnr': calculate_psnr,
    'calculate_score': calculate_score,
    'average_psnr': average_psnr,
    'average_psnr_sample': average_psnr

def evaluate(eval_type, save_file):
    assert eval_type in eval_type_function, 'there is no type of evaluation {}, please check {}' \
        .format(eval_type, eval_type_function.keys())
    eval_func = eval_type_function[eval_type]
    optimal_results = eval_func(save_file)
    return optimal_results

def evaluate_all(path,reverse=True,smoothing=True):
    return result

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # compute_auc_average('/home/manning/autor_results/Ionescu_et_al_CVPR_2019_Avenue_results.pkl',reverse=True,smoothing=False)
    # compute_auc_average('/home/manning/anomaly_scores/shanghaitech_frame_l2_diff.pkl',reverse=True,smoothing=False)
    # gt_loader = GroundTruthLoader()
    # gt = gt_loader(dataset='shanghaitech')
    # print('gt[51]',gt[51])
    # print('gt[17]',gt[17])