This file is part of pyusbtin

Copyright(c) 2016 fishpepper <AT> gmail.com

This file may be licensed under the terms of the
GNU General Public License Version 3 (the ``GPL''),
or (at your option) any later version.

Software distributed under the License is distributed
on an ``AS IS'' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either
express or implied. See the GPL for the specific language
governing rights and limitations.

You should have received a copy of the GPL along with this
program. If not, go to http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

# imports
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import serial
import sys
from time import sleep
#from thread import start_new_thread
import threading
from .usbtinexception import USBtinException
from .canmessage import CANMessage

PY_VERSION = sys.version_info[0]

# this class represents a can message
class USBtin(object):
    """ modes for opening a can channel:
     Listen only, sending messages is not possible
     Loop back the sent CAN messages. Disconnected from physical CAN bus

    """ enums for rx thread """

    """ timeout for readng from serial port """
    READ_TIMEOUT = 1000

    def __init__(self):
        """ initialiser """
        self.id = 0
        self.serial_number = 0
        self.firmware_version = 0
        self.hardware_version = 0

        self.serial_port = None

        self.rx_thread_state = USBtin.RX_THREAD_STOPPED

        self.incoming_message = ""

        self.listeners = []
        self.tx_fifo = []

    def get_firmware_version(self):
        """ get firmware version that was acquired during connect() """
        return self.firmware_version

    def get_hardware_version(self):
        """ get hardware version that was acquired during connect() """
        return self.hardware_version

    def get_serial_number(self):
        """ get serial number that was acquired during connect()"""
        return self.serial_number

    def connect(self, port):
        """Connect to USBtin on given port.
           Opens the serial port, clears pending characters and send close command
           to make sure that we are in configuration mode.

           Keyword arguments:
            port -- name of serial port

            USBtinException in case something goes wrong
            # open serial port
            self.serial_port = serial.Serial(port, 115200, timeout=USBtin.READ_TIMEOUT, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE)

            # clear port and  make sure we are in configuration mode (close cmd)

            self.serial_port.flushInput()  # reset_input_buffer()

            print("sending clear port request")

            while True:
                b = self.serial_port.read(1)
                #print("RX 0x%02X" % b)
                if b in (b'\r', b'\x07'):

            # clear port and get version strings
            self.firmware_version = self.transmit("v")[1:]
            self.hardware_version = self.transmit("V")[1:]
            self.serial_number = self.transmit("N")[1:]

            # some debug info
            print("connected to USBtin fw %s, hw %s (serial %s)" % (self.firmware_version, self.hardware_version, self.serial_number))

            # reset overflow error flags

        except serial.SerialException as e:
            raise USBtinException("{0} - {1}: {2}".format(port, e.errno, e.strerror))

    def transmit(self, cmd):
        """Transmit given command to USBtin

           Keyword arguments:
            cmd -- Command
        print("sending [" + cmd + "]")
        self.serial_port.write((cmd + "\r").encode('ascii'))
        if self.rx_thread_state != USBtin.RX_THREAD_RUNNING:
            return self.read_response()

    def read_response(self):
        """ Read response from USBtin"""
        if self.rx_thread_state != USBtin.RX_THREAD_STOPPED:
            raise USBtinException("ERROR: you can not call rx on the serial" +
                                  "port when the main rx thread is running!")

        response = b''
        while True:
            b = self.serial_port.read(1)
            if b == b'\r':
            elif b == b'\x07':
                raise USBtinException(self.serial_port.name, "transmit", "BELL signal")
                response += b
        return response

    def disconnect(self):
        """Disconnect. Close serial port connection"""
        except serial.SerialException as e:
            raise USBtinException("{0} - {1}: {2}".format(self.serial_port.name, e.errno, e.strerror))

    def open_can_channel(self, baudrate, mode):
        """Open CAN channel.
           Set given baudrate and open the CAN channel in given mode.

           Keyword arguments:
            baudrate -- Baudrate in bits/second
            mode -- CAN bus accessing mode
            baud_dict = {
                10000: '0',
                20000: '1',
                50000: '2',
                100000: '3',
                125000: '4',
                250000: '5',
                500000: '6',
                800000: '7',
                1000000: '8'

            if baudrate in baud_dict:
                # use preset baudrate
                self.transmit("S" + baud_dict[baudrate])
                # calculate baudrate register settings
                fosc = 24000000.0
                xdesired = fosc / baudrate
                xopt = 0
                diffopt = 0
                brpopt = 0

                # walk through possible can bit length (in TQ)
                for x in range(11, 23 + 1):
                    # get next even value for baudrate factor
                    xbrp = (xdesired * 10) / x
                    m = xbrp % 20
                    if m >= 10:
                        xbrp += 20
                    xbrp -= m
                    xbrp /= 10

                    # check bounds
                    if xbrp < 2:
                        xbrp = 2

                    if xbrp > 128:
                        xbrp = 128

                    # calculate diff
                    xist = x * xbrp
                    diff = xdesired - xist
                    if diff < 0:
                        diff = -diff

                    # use this clock option if it is better than previous
                    if (xopt == 0) or (diff <= diffopt):
                        xopt = x
                        diffopt = diff
                        brpopt = xbrp / 2 - 1
                # mapping for CNF register values
                cnfvalues = [0x9203, 0x9303, 0x9B03, 0x9B04, 0x9C04, 0xA404, 0xA405, 0xAC05, 0xAC06, 0xAD06, 0xB506,
                             0xB507, 0xBD07]

                # build command
                cmd = "s{:02x}{:04x}".format(brpopt | 0xC0, cnfvalues[xopt - 11])
                print("no preset for given baudrate %d. Set baudrate to %d" %
                      (baudrate, (fosc / ((brpopt + 1) * 2) / xopt)))

            # open can channel
            mode_dict = {USBtin.LISTENONLY: 'L', USBtin.LOOPBACK: 'l', USBtin.ACTIVE: 'O'}
            mode_tx = 'L'

            if mode in mode_dict:
                mode_tx = mode_dict[mode]
                print("Mode %d not supported. Opening listen only." % mode)


            # start rx thread:

        except serial.SerialTimeoutException as e:
            raise USBtinException(e)

    def start_rx_thread(self):
        """ start the serial receive thread"""
        self.rx_thread_state = USBtin.RX_THREAD_RUNNING
        thread = threading.Thread(target=self.rx_thread, args=())
        thread.daemon = True
        #start_new_thread(self.rx_thread, (self, self.serial_port))

    def stop_rx_thread(self):
        """ stop the serial receive thread.
            note: this will block until the thread was shut down"""
        if self.rx_thread_state == USBtin.RX_THREAD_STOPPED:
            # already stopped, thus return

        # tell the thread to exit
        self.rx_thread_state = USBtin.RX_THREAD_TERMINATE
        while self.rx_thread_state != USBtin.RX_THREAD_STOPPED:
            # wait for thread to end, sleep 1ms

    def rx_thread(self):
        """ main rx thread. this thread will take care to
            handle the data from the serial port"""
        print("rx thread started")

        """ process data as long as requested """
        while self.rx_thread_state == USBtin.RX_THREAD_RUNNING:
            # fetch bytes if available
            rxcount = self.serial_port.inWaiting()
            if rxcount > 0:
                # fetch all data from serial buffer
                buf = self.serial_port.read(rxcount)
                if PY_VERSION == 2:
                    buf = [ord(b) for b in buf]

                for b in buf:
                    if (b == ord('\r')) and len(self.incoming_message) > 0:
                        message = self.incoming_message
                        cmd = message[0]
                        if cmd in 'tTrR':
                            # create CAN message from message string
                            canmsg = CANMessage.from_string(message)

                            # give the CAN message to the listeners
                            for listener in self.listeners:
                        elif cmd in 'zZ':
                            # remove first message from transmit fifo and send next one

                            except USBtinException as e:

                        # clear message
                        self.incoming_message = ""

                    elif b == 0x07:
                        # resend first element from tx fifo
                        except USBtinException as e:

                    elif b != ord('\r'):
                        self.incoming_message += chr(b)
        # thread stopped...
        self.rx_thread_state = USBtin.RX_THREAD_STOPPED

    def close_can_channel(self):
        """Close CAN channel."""
        except serial.SerialTimeoutException as e:
            raise USBtinException(e)

        self.firmware_version = 0
        self.hardware_version = 0

    def add_message_listener(self, func):
        """ add a message listener (callback)"""

    def remove_message_listener(self, func):
        """ remove message listemer"""
        if func in self.listeners:
            raise USBtinException("ERROR: failed to remove listener")

    def send_first_tx_fifo_message(self):
        """ Send first message in tx fifo """
        if len(self.tx_fifo) == 0:

        canmsg = self.tx_fifo[0]

        except serial.SerialTimeoutException as e:
            raise USBtinException(e)

    def send(self, canmsg):
        """ Send given can message. """

        if len(self.tx_fifo) > 1:

    def write_mcp_register(self, register, value):
        """Write given register of MCP2515

        Keyword arguments:
         register -- Register address
         value -- Value to write
            cmd = "W{:02x}{:02x}".format(register, value)
        except serial.SerialTimeoutException as e:
            raise USBtinException(e)

    def write_mcp_filter_mask_registers(self, maskid, registers):
        """ Write given mask registers to MCP2515

            Keyword arguments:
            maskid -- Mask identifier (0 = RXM0, 1 = RXM1)
            registers -- Register values to write
        for i in range(4):
            self.write_mcp_register(0x20 + maskid * 4 + i, registers[i])

    def write_mcp_filter_registers(self, filterid, registers):
        """Write given filter registers to MCP2515

           Keyword arguments:
           filterid -- Filter identifier (0 = RXF0, ... 5 = RXF5)
           registers -- Register values to write
        startregister = [0x00, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x14, 0x18]
        for i in range(4):
            self.write_mcp_register(startregister[filterid] + i, registers[i])

    def set_filter(self, fc):
        """ Set hardware filters.
            Call this function after connect() and before openCANChannel()!

            Keyword arguments:
            fc -- Filter chains (USBtin supports maximum 2 hardware filter chains)

             The MCP2515 offers two filter chains. Each chain consists
             of one mask and a set of filters:

              RXM0         RXM1
                |            |
              RXF0         RXF2
              RXF1         RXF3
        # if no filter chain given, accept all messages
        if not fc:
            registers = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
            self.write_mcp_filter_mask_registers(0, registers)
            self.write_mcp_filter_mask_registers(1, registers)

        # check maximum filter channels
        if len(fc) > 2:
            raise USBtinException("Too manx filter chains %d (maximum is 2)!" % len(fc))

        # swap channels if necessary and check filter chain length
        if len(fc) == 2:
            if len(fc[0].get_filters()) > len(fc[1].get_filters()):
                # swap [0]<-->[1]
                fc[0], fc[1] = fc[1], fc[0]

            if (len(fc[0].get_filters()) > 2) and (len(fc[1].get_filters()) > 4):
                raise USBtinException("Filter chain too long: %d / %d (max is 2/4)!" %
                                      (len(fc[0].get_filters()), len(fc[1].get_filters())))
        elif len(fc) == 1:
            if len(fc[0].get_filters()) > 4:
                raise USBtinException("Filter chain too long: %d (maximum is 4)!" % len(fc[0].get_filters()))

        # set MCP2515 filter/mask registers; walk through filter channels
        filterid = 0
        fcidx = 0

        for channel in range(2):
            # set mask
            self.write_mcp_filter_mask_registers(channel, fc[fcidx].get_mask().get_registers())

            # set filters
            registers = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
            for i in range(2 * (1 + channel)):
                if len(fc[fcidx].get_filters()) > i:
                    registers = fc[fcidx].get_filters()[i].get_registers()

                self.write_mcp_filter_registers(filterid, registers)
                filterid += 1

                # go to next filter chain if available
                if len(fc) - 1 > fcidx:
                    fcidx += 1