"""SOMClustering class.

Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Felix M. Riese.
All rights reserved.


import itertools

import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial.distance as dist
from joblib import Parallel, delayed, effective_n_jobs
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.preprocessing import binarize
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_array
from tqdm import tqdm

from .SOMUtils import decreasing_rate, modify_weight_matrix_online

class SOMClustering():
    """Unsupervised self-organizing map for clustering.

    n_rows : int, optional (default=10)
        Number of rows for the SOM grid

    n_columns : int, optional (default=10)
        Number of columns for the SOM grid

    init_mode_unsupervised : str, optional (default="random")
        Initialization mode of the unsupervised SOM

    n_iter_unsupervised : int, optional (default=1000)
        Number of iterations for the unsupervised SOM

    train_mode_unsupervised : str, optional (default="online")
        Training mode of the unsupervised SOM

    neighborhood_mode_unsupervised : str, optional (default="linear")
        Neighborhood mode of the unsupervised SOM

    learn_mode_unsupervised : str, optional (default="min")
        Learning mode of the unsupervised SOM

    distance_metric : str, optional (default="euclidean")
        Distance metric to compare on feature level (not SOM grid).
        Possible metrics: {"euclidean", "manhattan", "mahalanobis",
        "tanimoto"}. Note that "tanimoto" tends to be slow.

    learning_rate_start : float, optional (default=0.5)
        Learning rate start value

    learning_rate_end : float, optional (default=0.05)
        Learning rate end value (only needed for some lr definitions)

    nbh_dist_weight_mode : str, optional (default="pseudo-gaussian")
        Formula of the neighborhood distance weight. Possible formulas
        are: {"pseudo-gaussian", "mexican-hat"}.

    n_jobs : int or None, optional (default=None)
        The number of jobs to run in parallel.

    random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional (default=None)
        If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator;
        If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator;
        If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used
        by `np.random`.

    verbose : int, optional (default=0)
        Controls the verbosity.

    node_list_ : np.array of (int, int) tuples
        List of 2-dimensional coordinates of SOM nodes

    radius_max_ : float, int
        Maximum radius of the neighborhood function

    radius_min_ : float, int
        Minimum radius of the neighborhood function

    unsuper_som_ : np.array
        Weight vectors of the unsupervised SOM
        shape = (self.n_rows, self.n_columns, X.shape[1])

    X_ : np.array
        Input data

    fitted_ : boolean
        States if estimator is fitted to X

    max_iterations_ : int
        Maximum number of iterations for the current training

    bmus_ :  list of (int, int) tuples
        List of best matching units (BMUs) of the dataset X

    variances_ : array of float
        Standard deviations of every feature


    def __init__(self,
                 n_rows: int = 10,
                 n_columns: int = 10,
                 init_mode_unsupervised: str = "random",
                 n_iter_unsupervised: int = 1000,
                 train_mode_unsupervised: str = "online",
                 neighborhood_mode_unsupervised: str = "linear",
                 learn_mode_unsupervised: str = "min",
                 distance_metric: str = "euclidean",
                 nbh_dist_weight_mode: str = "pseudo-gaussian",
        """Initialize SOMClustering object."""
        self.n_rows = n_rows
        self.n_columns = n_columns
        self.init_mode_unsupervised = init_mode_unsupervised
        self.n_iter_unsupervised = n_iter_unsupervised
        self.train_mode_unsupervised = train_mode_unsupervised
        self.neighborhood_mode_unsupervised = neighborhood_mode_unsupervised
        self.learn_mode_unsupervised = learn_mode_unsupervised
        self.distance_metric = distance_metric
        self.learning_rate_start = learning_rate_start
        self.learning_rate_end = learning_rate_end
        self.nbh_dist_weight_mode = nbh_dist_weight_mode
        self.n_jobs = n_jobs
        self.random_state = random_state
        self.verbose = verbose

    def init_unsuper_som(self):
        """Initialize map."""
        # init node list
        self.node_list_ = np.array(list(
            itertools.product(range(self.n_rows), range(self.n_columns))),

        self.max_iterations_ = self.n_iter_unsupervised

        # init radius parameter
        self.radius_max_ = max(self.n_rows, self.n_columns)/2
        self.radius_min_ = 1

        # tqdm paramters
        self.tqdm_params_ = {"disable": not bool(self.verbose),
                             "ncols": 100}

        # init unsupervised SOM in the feature space
        if self.init_mode_unsupervised == "random":
            som = np.random.rand(self.n_rows, self.n_columns, self.X_.shape[1])

        elif self.init_mode_unsupervised == "random_data":
            indices = np.random.randint(
                low=0, high=self.X_.shape[0], size=self.n_rows*self.n_columns)
            som_list = self.X_[indices]
            som = som_list.reshape(
                self.n_rows, self.n_columns, self.X_.shape[1])

        elif self.init_mode_unsupervised == "pca":

            # fixed number of components
            pca = PCA(n_components=2, random_state=self.random_state)

            pca_comp = pca.fit(self.X_).components_

            a_row = np.linspace(-1., 1., self.n_rows)
            a_col = np.linspace(-1., 1., self.n_columns)

            som = np.zeros(
                shape=(self.n_rows, self.n_columns, self.X_.shape[1]))

            for node in self.node_list_:
                som[node[0], node[1], :] = np.add(
                    np.multiply(a_row[node[0]], pca_comp[0]),
                    np.multiply(a_col[node[1]], pca_comp[1]))

            raise ValueError("Invalid init_mode_unsupervised: "+str(

        self.unsuper_som_ = som

    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        """Fit unsupervised SOM to input data.

        X : array-like matrix of shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            The training input samples.
        y : None
            Not used in this class.

        self : object

        Load the SOM and fit it to your input data `X` with:

        >>> import susi
        >>> som = susi.SOMClustering()
        >>> som.fit(X)

        self.X_ = check_array(X, dtype=np.float64)  # TODO accept_sparse

        self.sample_weights_ = np.full(
            fill_value=1., shape=(len(self.X_), 1))

        self.fitted_ = True

        return self

    def train_unsupervised_som(self):
        """Train unsupervised SOM."""

        if self.train_mode_unsupervised == "online":
            for it in tqdm(range(self.n_iter_unsupervised),
                           desc="unsuper", **self.tqdm_params_):

                # select one input vector & calculate best matching unit (BMU)
                dp = np.random.randint(low=0, high=len(self.X_))
                bmu_pos = self.get_bmu(self.X_[dp], self.unsuper_som_)

                # calculate learning rate and neighborhood function
                learning_rate = self.calc_learning_rate(
                    curr_it=it, mode=self.learn_mode_unsupervised)
                nbh_func = self.calc_neighborhood_func(
                    curr_it=it, mode=self.neighborhood_mode_unsupervised)

                # calculate distance weight matrix and update weights
                dist_weight_matrix = self.get_nbh_distance_weight_matrix(
                    nbh_func, bmu_pos)
                self.unsuper_som_ = modify_weight_matrix_online(
                    self.unsuper_som_, dist_weight_matrix,

        elif self.train_mode_unsupervised == "batch":
            for it in tqdm(range(self.n_iter_unsupervised),
                           desc="unsuper", **self.tqdm_params_):

                # calculate BMUs
                bmus = self.get_bmus(self.X_)

                # calculate neighborhood function
                nbh_func = self.calc_neighborhood_func(
                    curr_it=it, mode=self.neighborhood_mode_unsupervised)

                # calculate distance weight matrix for all datapoints
                dist_weight_block = self.get_nbh_distance_weight_block(
                    nbh_func, bmus)

                # update weights
                self.unsuper_som_ = self.modify_weight_matrix_batch(
                    self.unsuper_som_, dist_weight_block, self.X_)

            raise NotImplementedError("Unsupervised mode not implemented:",


    def calc_learning_rate(self, curr_it, mode):
        """Calculate learning rate alpha with 0 <= alpha <= 1.

        curr_it : int
            Current iteration count
        mode : str, optional
            Mode of the learning rate (min, exp, expsquare)

            Learning rate

        return decreasing_rate(
            self.learning_rate_start, self.learning_rate_end,
            self.max_iterations_, curr_it, mode)

    def calc_neighborhood_func(self, curr_it, mode):
        """Calculate neighborhood function (= radius).

        curr_it : int
            Current number of iterations
        mode : str
            Mode of the decreasing rate

            Neighborhood function (= radius)

        return decreasing_rate(
            self.radius_max_, self.radius_min_, self.max_iterations_,
            curr_it, mode)

    def get_bmu(self, datapoint, som_array):
        """Get best matching unit (BMU) for datapoint.

        datapoint : np.array, shape=shape[1]
            Datapoint = one row of the dataset X
        som_array : np.array
            Weight vectors of the SOM
            shape = (self.n_rows, self.n_columns, X.shape[1])

        tuple, shape = (int, int)
            Position of best matching unit (row, column)

        a = self.get_node_distance_matrix(
            datapoint.astype(np.float64), som_array)

        return np.argwhere(a == np.min(a))[0]

    def get_bmus(self, X, som_array=None):
        """Get Best Matching Units for big datalist.

        X : np.array
            List of datapoints
        som_array : np.array, optional (default=`None`)
            Weight vectors of the SOM
            shape = (self.n_rows, self.n_columns, X.shape[1])

        bmus : list of (int, int) tuples
            Position of best matching units (row, column) for each datapoint

        Load the SOM, fit it to your input data `X` and transform your input
        data with:

        >>> import susi
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> som = susi.SOMClustering()
        >>> som.fit(X)
        >>> bmu_list = som.get_bmus(X)
        >>> plt.hist2d([x[0] for x in bmu_list], [x[1] for x in bmu_list]

        if som_array is None:
            som_array = self.unsuper_som_

        bmus = None
        if self.n_jobs == 1:
            bmus = [tuple(self.get_bmu(dp, som_array)) for dp in X]
            n_jobs, _, _ = self._partition_bmus(X)
            bmus = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=self.verbose)(
                delayed(self.get_bmu)(dp, som_array)
                for dp in X
        return bmus

    def _partition_bmus(self, X):
        """Private function used to partition bmus between jobs.

        X : np.array
            List of datapoints

        n_jobs : int
            Number of jobs
        list of int
            List of number of datapoints per job
        list of int
            List of start values for every job list

        n_datapoints = len(X)
        n_jobs = min(effective_n_jobs(self.n_jobs), n_datapoints)

        n_datapoints_per_job = np.full(
            n_jobs, n_datapoints // n_jobs, dtype=np.int)

        n_datapoints_per_job[:n_datapoints % n_jobs] += 1
        starts = np.cumsum(n_datapoints_per_job)

        return n_jobs, n_datapoints_per_job.tolist(), [0] + starts.tolist()

    def set_bmus(self, X, som_array=None):
        """Set BMUs in the current SOM object.

        X : array-like matrix of shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            The input samples.
        som_array : np.array
            Weight vectors of the SOM
            shape = (self.n_rows, self.n_columns, X.shape[1])

        self.bmus_ = self.get_bmus(X=X, som_array=som_array)

    def get_node_distance_matrix(self, datapoint, som_array):
        """Get distance of datapoint and node using Euclidean distance.

        datapoint : np.array, shape=(X.shape[1])
            Datapoint = one row of the dataset `X`
        som_array : np.array
            Weight vectors of the SOM,
            shape = (self.n_rows, self.n_columns, X.shape[1])

        distmat : np.array of float
            Distance between datapoint and each SOM node

        # algorithms on the full matrix
        if self.distance_metric == "euclidean":
            return np.linalg.norm(som_array - datapoint, axis=2)

        # node-by-node algorithms
        distmat = np.zeros((self.n_rows, self.n_columns))
        if self.distance_metric == "manhattan":
            for node in self.node_list_:
                distmat[node] = dist.cityblock(
                    som_array[node[0], node[1]], datapoint)

        elif self.distance_metric == "mahalanobis":
            for node in self.node_list_:
                som_node = som_array[node[0], node[1]]
                cov = np.cov(np.stack((datapoint, som_node), axis=0),
                cov_pinv = np.linalg.pinv(cov)   # pseudo-inverse
                distmat[node] = dist.mahalanobis(
                    datapoint, som_node, cov_pinv)

        elif self.distance_metric == "tanimoto":
            # Note that this is a binary distance measure.
            # Therefore, the vectors have to be converted.
            # Source: Melssen 2006, Supervised Kohonen networks for
            #         classification problems
            # VERY SLOW ALGORITHM!!!
            threshold = 0.5
            for node in self.node_list_:
                som_node = som_array[node[0], node[1]]
                distmat[node] = dist.rogerstanimoto(
                    binarize(datapoint.reshape(1, -1), threshold, copy=True),
                    binarize(som_node.reshape(1, -1), threshold, copy=True))

        return distmat

    def get_nbh_distance_weight_matrix(self, neighborhood_func, bmu_pos):
        """Calculate neighborhood distance weight.

        neighborhood_func : float
            Current neighborhood function
        bmu_pos : tuple, shape=(int, int)
            Position of calculated BMU of the current datapoint

        np.array of float, shape=(n_rows, n_columns)
            Neighborhood distance weight matrix between SOM and BMU

        dist_mat = np.linalg.norm(self.node_list_-bmu_pos, axis=1)

        pseudogaussian = np.exp(-np.divide(np.power(dist_mat, 2),
                                (2 * np.power(neighborhood_func, 2))))

        if self.nbh_dist_weight_mode == "pseudo-gaussian":
            nbh_dist_weight_mat = pseudogaussian.reshape(
                (self.n_rows, self.n_columns, 1))

        elif self.nbh_dist_weight_mode == "mexican-hat":
            mexicanhat = np.multiply(pseudogaussian, np.subtract(1, np.divide(
                np.power(dist_mat, 2), np.power(neighborhood_func, 2))))
            nbh_dist_weight_mat = mexicanhat.reshape(
                (self.n_rows, self.n_columns, 1))

            raise ValueError("Invalid nbh_dist_weight_mode: "+str(

        return nbh_dist_weight_mat

    def get_nbh_distance_weight_block(self, nbh_func, bmus):
        """Calculate distance weight matrix for all datapoints.

        The combination of several distance weight matrices is called
        "block" in the following.

        neighborhood_func : float
            Current neighborhood function
        bmu_pos : tuple, shape=(int, int)
            Position of calculated BMU of the current datapoint

        dist_weight_block : np.array of float, shape=(n_rows, n_columns)
            Neighborhood distance weight block between SOM and BMUs

        dist_weight_block = np.zeros(
            (len(bmus), self.n_rows, self.n_columns))

        for i, bmu_pos in enumerate(bmus):
            dist_weight_block[i] = self.get_nbh_distance_weight_matrix(
                nbh_func, bmu_pos).reshape((self.n_rows, self.n_columns))

        return dist_weight_block

    def modify_weight_matrix_batch(self, som_array, dist_weight_matrix, data):
        """Modify weight matrix of the SOM for the online algorithm.

        som_array : np.array
            Weight vectors of the SOM
            shape = (self.n_rows, self.n_columns, X.shape[1])
        dist_weight_matrix : np.array of float
            Current distance weight of the SOM for the specific node
        data : np.array, optional
            True vector(s)
        learningrate : float
            Current learning rate of the SOM

            Weight vector of the SOM after the modification

        # calculate numerator and divisor for the batch formula
        numerator = np.sum(
            [np.multiply(data[i], dist_weight_matrix[i].reshape(
                (self.n_rows, self.n_columns, 1)))
                for i in range(len(data))], axis=0)
        divisor = np.sum(dist_weight_matrix, axis=0).reshape(
            (self.n_rows, self.n_columns, 1))

        # update weights
        old_som = np.copy(som_array)
        new_som = np.divide(
            out=np.full_like(numerator, np.nan),
            where=(divisor != 0))

        # overwrite new nans with old entries
        new_som[np.isnan(new_som)] = old_som[np.isnan(new_som)]
        return new_som

    def transform(self, X, y=None):
        """Transform input data.

        X : array-like matrix of shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            The prediction input samples.
        y : None, optional

        np.array of tuples (int, int)
            Predictions including the BMUs of each datapoint

        Load the SOM, fit it to your input data `X` and transform your input
        data with:

        >>> import susi
        >>> som = susi.SOMClustering()
        >>> som.fit(X)
        >>> X_transformed = som.transform(X)

        # assert(self.fitted_ is True)
        self.X_ = check_array(X, dtype=np.float64)
        return np.array(self.get_bmus(self.X_))

    def fit_transform(self, X, y=None):
        """Fit to the input data and transform it.

        X : array-like matrix of shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            The training and prediction input samples.
        y : None, optional

        np.array of tuples (int, int)
            Predictions including the BMUs of each datapoint

        Load the SOM, fit it to your input data `X` and transform your input
        data with:

        >>> import susi
        >>> som = susi.SOMClustering()
        >>> X_transformed = som.fit_transform(X)

        # assert(self.fitted_ is True)
        self.X_ = check_array(X, dtype=np.float64)
        return self.transform(X, y)

    def get_datapoints_from_node(self, node):
        """Get all datapoints of one node.

        node : tuple, shape (int, int)
            Node for which the linked datapoints are calculated

        datapoints : list of int
            List of indices of the datapoints that are linked to `node`

        datapoints = []
        for i in range(len(self.bmus_)):
            if np.array_equal(self.bmus_[i], node):
        return datapoints

    def get_clusters(self, X):
        """Calculate the SOM nodes on the unsupervised SOM grid per datapoint.

        X : np.ndarray
            Input data

        list of tuples (int, int)
            List of SOM nodes, one for each input datapoint

        return self.get_bmus(X)

    def get_u_matrix(self, mode="mean"):
        """Calculate unified distance matrix (u-matrix).

        mode : str, optional (default="mean)
            Choice of the averaging algorithm

            U-matrix containing the distances between all nodes of the
            unsupervised SOM. Shape = (n_rows*2-1, n_columns*2-1)

        Fit your SOM to input data `X` and then calculate the u-matrix with
        `get_u_matrix()`. You can plot the u-matrix then with e.g.

        >>> import susi
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> som = susi.SOMClustering()
        >>> som.fit(X)
        >>> umat = som.get_u_matrix()
        >>> plt.imshow(np.squeeze(umat))

        self.u_mean_mode_ = mode

        self.u_matrix = np.zeros(
            shape=(self.n_rows*2-1, self.n_columns*2-1, 1),

        # step 1: fill values between SOM nodes

        # step 2: fill values at SOM nodes and on diagonals

        return self.u_matrix

    def calc_u_matrix_distances(self):
        """Calculate the Eucl. distances between all neighbored SOM nodes."""
        for u_node in itertools.product(range(self.n_rows*2-1),

            if not (u_node[0] % 2) and (u_node[1] % 2):
                # mean horizontally
                self.u_matrix[u_node] = np.linalg.norm(
                    self.unsuper_som_[u_node[0]//2][u_node[1]//2] -
            elif (u_node[0] % 2) and not (u_node[1] % 2):
                # mean vertically
                self.u_matrix[u_node] = np.linalg.norm(
                    self.unsuper_som_[u_node[0]//2][u_node[1]//2] -

    def calc_u_matrix_means(self):
        """Calculate the missing parts of the u-matrix.

        After `calc_u_matrix_distances()`, there are two kinds of entries
        missing: the entries at the positions of the actual SOM nodes and the
        entries in between the distance nodes. Both types of entries are
        calculated in this function.

        for u_node in itertools.product(range(self.n_rows*2-1),

            if not (u_node[0] % 2) and not (u_node[1] % 2):
                # SOM nodes -> mean over 2-4 values

                nodelist = []
                if u_node[0] > 0:
                    nodelist.append((u_node[0]-1, u_node[1]))
                if u_node[0] < self.n_rows*2-2:
                    nodelist.append((u_node[0]+1, u_node[1]))
                if u_node[1] > 0:
                    nodelist.append((u_node[0], u_node[1]-1))
                if u_node[1] < self.n_columns*2-2:
                    nodelist.append((u_node[0], u_node[1]+1))
                self.u_matrix[u_node] = self.get_u_mean(nodelist)

            elif (u_node[0] % 2) and (u_node[1] % 2):
                # mean over four

                self.u_matrix[u_node] = self.get_u_mean([
                    (u_node[0]-1, u_node[1]),
                    (u_node[0]+1, u_node[1]),
                    (u_node[0], u_node[1]-1),
                    (u_node[0], u_node[1]+1)])

    def get_u_mean(self, nodelist):
        """Calculate a mean value of the node entries in `nodelist`.

        nodelist : list of tuple (int, int)
            List of nodes on the u-matrix containing distance values

        u_mean : `float`
            Mean value

        meanlist = [self.u_matrix[u_node] for u_node in nodelist]
        u_mean = None
        if self.u_mean_mode_ == "mean":
            u_mean = np.mean(meanlist)
        elif self.u_mean_mode_ == "median":
            u_mean = np.median(meanlist)
        elif self.u_mean_mode_ == "min":
            u_mean = np.min(meanlist)
        elif self.u_mean_mode_ == "max":
            u_mean = np.max(meanlist)
        return u_mean