import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
import copy
import autograd.numpy as npa
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from autograd.extend import primitive, vspace, defvjp, defjvp

""" Useful functions """

""" ==================== SPARSE MATRIX UTILITIES ==================== """

def make_sparse(entries, indices, shape):
    """Construct a sparse csr matrix
      entries: numpy array with shape (M,) giving values for non-zero
        matrix entries.
      indices: numpy array with shape (2, M) giving x and y indices for
        non-zero matrix entries.
      shape: shape of resulting matrix
      sparse, complex, matrix with specified values
    coo = sp.coo_matrix((entries, indices), shape=shape, dtype=npa.complex128)
    return coo.tocsr()

def get_entries_indices(csr_matrix):
    # takes sparse matrix and returns the entries and indeces in form compatible with 'make_sparse'
    shape = csr_matrix.shape
    coo_matrix = csr_matrix.tocoo()
    entries =
    cols = coo_matrix.col
    rows = coo_matrix.row
    indices = npa.vstack((rows, cols))
    return entries, indices

def transpose_indices(indices):
    # returns the transposed indices for transpose sparse matrix creation
   return npa.flip(indices, axis=0)

def block_4(A, B, C, D):
    """ Constructs a big matrix out of four sparse blocks
        returns [A B]
                [C D]
    left = sp.vstack([A, C])
    right = sp.vstack([B, D])
    return sp.hstack([left, right])    

def make_IO_matrices(indices, N):
    """ Makes matrices that relate the sparse matrix entries to their locations in the matrix
            The kth column of I is a 'one hot' vector specifing the k-th entries row index into A
            The kth column of J is a 'one hot' vector specifing the k-th entries columnn index into A
            O = J^T is for notational convenience.
            Armed with a vector of M entries 'a', we can construct the sparse matrix 'A' as:
                A = I @ diag(a) @ O
            where 'diag(a)' is a (MxM) matrix with vector 'a' along its diagonal.
            In index notation:
                A_ij = I_ik * a_k * O_kj
            In an opposite way, given sparse matrix 'A' we can strip out the entries `a` using the IO matrices as follows:
                a = diag(I^T @ A @ O^T)
            In index notation:
                a_k = I_ik * A_ij * O_kj
    M = indices.shape[1]                                 # number of indices in the matrix
    entries_1 = npa.ones(M)                              # M entries of all 1's
    ik, jk = indices                                     # separate i and j components of the indices
    indices_I = npa.vstack((ik, npa.arange(M)))          # indices into the I matrix
    indices_J = npa.vstack((jk, npa.arange(M)))          # indices into the J matrix
    I = make_sparse(entries_1, indices_I, shape=(N, M))  # construct the I matrix
    J = make_sparse(entries_1, indices_J, shape=(N, M))  # construct the J matrix
    O = J.T                                              # make O = J^T matrix for consistency with my notes.
    return I, O

""" ==================== DATA GENERATION UTILITIES ==================== """

def make_rand(N):
    # makes a random vector of size N with elements between -0.5 and 0.5
    return npa.random.random(N) - 0.5

def make_rand_complex(N):
    # makes a random complex-valued vector of size N with re and im parts between -0.5 and 0.5
    return make_rand(N) + 1j * make_rand(N)

def make_rand_indeces(N, M):
    # make M random indeces into an NxN matrix
    return npa.random.randint(low=0, high=N, size=(2, M))

def make_rand_entries_indices(N, M):
    # make M random indeces and corresponding entries
    entries = make_rand_complex(M)
    indices = make_rand_indeces(N, M)
    return entries, indices

def make_rand_sparse(N, M):
    # make a random sparse matrix of shape '(N, N)' and 'M' non-zero elements
    entries, indices = make_rand_entries_indices(N, M)
    return make_sparse(entries, indices, shape=(N, N))

def make_rand_sparse_density(N, density=1):
    """ Makes a sparse NxN matrix, another way to do it with density """
    return sp.random(N, N, density=density) + 1j * sp.random(N, N, density=density)

""" ==================== NUMERICAL DERIVAITVES ==================== """

def der_num(fn, arg, index, delta):
    # numerical derivative of `fn(arg)` with respect to `index` into arg and numerical step size `delta`
    arg_i_for  = arg.copy()
    arg_i_back = arg.copy()
    arg_i_for[index] += delta / 2
    arg_i_back[index] -= delta / 2
    df_darg = (fn(arg_i_for) - fn(arg_i_back)) / delta
    return df_darg

def grad_num(fn, arg, delta=1e-6):
    # take a (complex) numerical gradient of function 'fn' with argument 'arg' with step size 'delta'
    N = arg.size
    grad = npa.zeros((N,), dtype=npa.complex128)
    f0 = fn(arg)
    for i in range(N):
        grad[i] = der_num(fn, arg, i, delta)        # real part
        grad[i] += der_num(fn, arg, i, 1j * delta)  # imaginary part
    return grad

def jac_num(fn, arg, step_size=1e-7):
    """ DEPRICATED: use 'numerical' in instead
    numerically differentiate `fn` w.r.t. its argument `arg` 
    `arg` can be a numpy array of arbitrary shape
    `step_size` can be a number or an array of the same shape as `arg` """

    in_array = float_2_array(arg).flatten()
    out_array = float_2_array(fn(arg)).flatten()

    m = in_array.size
    n = out_array.size
    shape = (m, n)
    jacobian = np.zeros(shape)

    for i in range(m):
        input_i = in_array.copy()
        input_i[i] += step_size
        arg_i = input_i.reshape(in_array.shape)
        output_i = fn(arg_i).flatten()
        grad_i = (output_i - out_array) / step_size
        jacobian[i, :] = get_value(grad_i)

    return jacobian

""" ==================== FDTD AND FDFD UTILITIES ==================== """

def grid_center_to_xyz(Q_mid, averaging=True):
    """ Computes the interpolated value of the quantity Q_mid felt at the Ex, Ey, Ez positions of the Yee latice
        Returns these three components

    # initialize
    Q_xx = copy.copy(Q_mid)
    Q_yy = copy.copy(Q_mid)
    Q_zz = copy.copy(Q_mid)

    # if averaging, set the respective xx, yy, zz components to the midpoint in the Yee lattice.
    if averaging:

        # get the value from the middle of the next cell over
        Q_x_r = npa.roll(Q_mid, shift=1, axis=0)
        Q_y_r = npa.roll(Q_mid, shift=1, axis=1)
        Q_z_r = npa.roll(Q_mid, shift=1, axis=2)

        # average with the two middle values
        Q_xx = (Q_mid + Q_x_r)/2
        Q_yy = (Q_mid + Q_y_r)/2
        Q_zz = (Q_mid + Q_z_r)/2

    return Q_xx, Q_yy, Q_zz

def grid_xyz_to_center(Q_xx, Q_yy, Q_zz):
    """ Computes the interpolated value of the quantitys Q_xx, Q_yy, Q_zz at the center of Yee latice
        Returns these three components

    # compute the averages
    Q_xx_avg = (Q_xx.astype('float') + npa.roll(Q_xx, shift=1, axis=0))/2
    Q_yy_avg = (Q_yy.astype('float') + npa.roll(Q_yy, shift=1, axis=1))/2
    Q_zz_avg = (Q_zz.astype('float') + npa.roll(Q_zz, shift=1, axis=2))/2

    return Q_xx_avg, Q_yy_avg, Q_zz_avg

def vec_zz_to_xy(info_dict, vec_zz, grid_averaging=True):
    """ does grid averaging on z vector vec_zz """
    arr_zz = vec_zz.reshape(info_dict['shape'])[:,:,None]
    arr_xx, arr_yy, _ = grid_center_to_xyz(arr_zz, averaging=grid_averaging)
    vec_xx, vec_yy = arr_xx.flatten(), arr_yy.flatten()
    return vec_xx, vec_yy

""" ===================== TESTING AND DEBUGGING ===================== """

def float_2_array(x):
    if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
        return np.array([x])
        return x

def reshape_to_ND(arr, N):
    """ Adds dimensions to arr until it is dimension N

    ND = len(arr.shape)
    if ND > N:
        raise ValueError("array is larger than {} dimensional, given shape {}".format(N, arr.shape))
    extra_dims = (N - ND) * (1,)
    return arr.reshape(arr.shape + extra_dims)

""" ========================= TOOLS USEFUL FOR WORKING WITH AUTOGRAD ====================== """

def get_value(x):
    if type(x) == npa.numpy_boxes.ArrayBox:
        return x._value
        return x

get_value_arr = np.vectorize(get_value)

def get_shape(x):
    """ Gets the shape of x, even if it is not an array """
    if isinstance(x, float) or isinstance(x, int):
        return (1,)
    elif isinstance(x, tuple) or isinstance(x, list):
        return (len(x),)
        return vspace(x).shape

def vjp_maker_num(fn, arg_inds, steps):
    """ Makes a vjp_maker for the numerical derivative of a function `fn`
    w.r.t. argument at position `arg_ind` using step sizes `steps` """

    def vjp_single_arg(ia):
        arg_ind = arg_inds[ia]
        step = steps[ia]

        def vjp_maker(fn_out, *args):
            shape = args[arg_ind].shape
            num_p = args[arg_ind].size
            step = steps[ia]

            def vjp(v):

                vjp_num = np.zeros(num_p)
                for ip in range(num_p):
                    args_new = list(args)
                    args_rav = args[arg_ind].flatten()
                    args_rav[ip] += step
                    args_new[arg_ind] = args_rav.reshape(shape)
                    dfn_darg = (fn(*args_new) - fn_out)/step
                    vjp_num[ip] = np.sum(v * dfn_darg)

                return vjp_num

            return vjp

        return vjp_maker

    vjp_makers = []
    for ia in range(len(arg_inds)):

    return tuple(vjp_makers)

""" =================== PLOTTING AND MEASUREMENT OF FDTD =================== """

def aniplot(F, source, steps, component='Ez', num_panels=10):
    """ Animate an FDTD (F) with `source` for `steps` time steps.
    display the `component` field components at `num_panels` equally spaced.

    # initialize the plot
    f, ax_list = plt.subplots(1, num_panels, figsize=(20*num_panels,20))
    Nx, Ny, _ = F.eps_r.shape
    ax_index = 0

    # fdtd time loop
    for t_index in range(steps):
        fields = F.forward(Jz=source(t_index))

        # if it's one of the num_panels panels
        if t_index % (steps // num_panels) == 0:

            if ax_index < num_panels:   # extra safety..sometimes tries to access num_panels-th elemet of ax_list, leading to error

                print('working on axis {}/{} for time step {}'.format(ax_index, num_panels, t_index))

                # grab the axis
                ax = ax_list[ax_index]

                # plot the fields
                im_t = ax.pcolormesh(np.zeros((Nx, Ny)), cmap='RdBu')
                max_E = np.abs(fields[component]).max()
                im_t.set_array(fields[component][:, :, 0].ravel().T)
                im_t.set_clim([-max_E / 2.0, max_E / 2.0])
                ax.set_title('time = {} seconds'.format(F.dt*t_index))

                # update the axis
                ax_index += 1

def measure_fields(F, source, steps, probes, component='Ez'):
    """ Returns a time series of the measured `component` fields from FDFD `F`
        driven by `source and measured at `probe`.
    if not isinstance(probes, list):
        probes = [probes]
    N_probes = len(probes)
    measured = np.zeros((steps, N_probes))
    for t_index in range(steps):
        if t_index % (steps//20) == 0:
            print('{:.2f} % done'.format(float(t_index)/steps*100.0))
        fields = F.forward(Jz=source(t_index))
        for probe_index, probe in enumerate(probes):
            field_probe = np.sum(fields[component] * probe)
            measured[t_index, probe_index] = field_probe
    return measured

def imarr(arr):
    """ puts array 'arr' into form ready to plot """
    arr_value = get_value(arr)
    arr_plot = arr_value.copy()
    if len(arr.shape) == 3:
        arr_plot = arr_plot[:,:,0]
    return np.flipud(arr_plot.T)

""" ====================== FOURIER TRANSFORMS  ======================"""

from autograd.extend import primitive, defjvp
from numpy.fft import fft, fftfreq

def my_fft(x):    
    Wrapper for numpy's FFT, so I can add a primitive to it
        FFT(x) is like a DFT matrix (D) dot with x
    return np.fft.fft(x)

def fft_grad(g, ans, x):
    Define the jacobian-vector product of my_fft(x)
        The gradient of FFT times g is the vjp
        ans = fft(x) = D @ x
        jvp(fft(x))(g) = d{fft}/d{x} @ g
                       = D @ g
        Therefore, it looks like the FFT of g
    return np.fft.fft(g)

defjvp(my_fft, fft_grad)

def get_spectrum(series, dt):
    """ Get FFT of series """

    steps = len(series)
    times = np.arange(steps) * dt

    # reshape to be able to multiply by hamming window
    series = series.reshape((steps, -1))

    # multiply with hamming window to get rid of numerical errors
    hamming_window = np.hamming(steps).reshape((steps, 1))
    signal_f = my_fft(hamming_window * series)

    freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(steps, d=dt)
    return freqs, signal_f

def get_max_power_freq(series, dt):

    freqs, signal_f = get_spectrum(series, dt)
    return freqs[np.argmax(signal_f)]

def get_spectral_power(series, dt):

    freqs, signal_f = get_spectrum(series, dt)
    return freqs, np.square(np.abs(signal_f))

def plot_spectral_power(series, dt, f_top=2e14):
    steps = len(series)
    freqs, signal_f_power = get_spectral_power(series, dt)

    # only plot half (other is redundant)
    plt.plot(freqs[:steps//2], signal_f_power[:steps//2])
    plt.xlim([0, f_top])
    plt.xlabel('frequency (Hz)')
    plt.ylabel('power (|signal|^2)')