# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

def GDPPLoss(phiFake, phiReal, backward=True):
    Implementation of the GDPP loss. Can be used with any kind of GAN


        phiFake (tensor) : last feature layer of the discriminator on real data
        phiReal (tensor) : last feature layer of the discriminator on fake data
        backward (bool)  : should we perform the backward operation ?


        Loss's value. The backward operation in performed within this operator
    def compute_diversity(phi):
        phi = F.normalize(phi, p=2, dim=1)
        SB = torch.mm(phi, phi.t())
        eigVals, eigVecs = torch.symeig(SB, eigenvectors=True)
        return eigVals, eigVecs

    def normalize_min_max(eigVals):
        minV, maxV = torch.min(eigVals), torch.max(eigVals)
        if abs(minV - maxV) < 1e-10:
            return eigVals
        return (eigVals - minV) / (maxV - minV)

    fakeEigVals, fakeEigVecs = compute_diversity(phiFake)
    realEigVals, realEigVecs = compute_diversity(phiReal)

    # Scaling factor to make the two losses operating in comparable ranges.
    magnitudeLoss = 0.0001 * F.mse_loss(target=realEigVals, input=fakeEigVals)
    structureLoss = -torch.sum(torch.mul(fakeEigVecs, realEigVecs), 0)
    normalizedRealEigVals = normalize_min_max(realEigVals)
    weightedStructureLoss = torch.sum(
        torch.mul(normalizedRealEigVals, structureLoss))
    gdppLoss = magnitudeLoss + weightedStructureLoss

    if backward:

    return gdppLoss.item()