import random
from fake_useragent import UserAgent
from requests import request, Session, utils as requests_utils
from requests.exceptions import ProxyError, TooManyRedirects, ConnectionError, ConnectTimeout, ReadTimeout
from urllib3.exceptions import NewConnectionError
from raccoon_src.utils.exceptions import RequestHandlerException
from raccoon_src.utils.singleton import Singleton

class RequestHandler(metaclass=Singleton):
    A wrapper for request sending and session creating.
    Used to abstract proxy/tor routing to avoid repeating configurations for each module
    def __init__(self,
        self.proxy_list = proxy_list
        self.tor_routing = tor_routing
        self.delay = delay
        self.single_proxy = single_proxy
        self.proxies = self._set_instance_proxies()
        self.cookies = cookies
        self.allowed_methods = {"GET", "HEAD", "POST"}
        self.headers = self._set_headers()

    def _set_headers():
        headers = requests_utils.default_headers()
        headers["User-Agent"] = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False).random
        return headers

    def _set_instance_proxies(self):
        Set the proxies to any of the following:
        Proxy List - a list of proxies to choose randomly from for each request. Read from file.
        TOR - a dict of socks5 and the TOR service default 9050 that will be used
        Else, No proxies - an empty dict will be used.
        proxies = {}
        if self.tor_routing:
            proxies = {
                "http": "socks5://",
                "https": "socks5://"
        elif self.proxy_list:
                with open(self.proxy_list, "r") as file:
                    file = file.readlines()
                    proxies = [x.replace("\n", "") for x in file]
            except FileNotFoundError:
                raise RequestHandlerException("Cannot read proxies from {}".format(self.proxy_list))
        elif self.single_proxy:
            proxies = {
                "http": self.single_proxy,
                "https": self.single_proxy
        return proxies

    def _get_request_proxies(self):
        if self.tor_routing or self.single_proxy:
            proxies = self.proxies
        elif self.proxy_list:
            if not self.proxies:
                raise RequestHandlerException("No valid proxies left in proxy list. Exiting.")
                    prx = random.choice(self.proxies)
                    proxies = {proto: "{}://{}".format(proto, prx) for proto in ("http", "https")}
                except IndexError:
                    raise RequestHandlerException("No valid proxies left in proxy list. Exiting.")
            proxies = self.proxies
        return proxies

    def send(self, method="GET", *args, **kwargs):
        Send a GET/POST/HEAD request using the object's proxies and headers
        :param method: Method to send request in. GET/POST/HEAD
        proxies = self._get_request_proxies()

            if method.upper() in self.allowed_methods:
                kwargs['timeout'] = kwargs['timeout'] if 'timeout' in kwargs else 5
                return request(method, proxies=proxies, headers=self.headers, cookies=self.cookies, *args, **kwargs)
                raise RequestHandlerException("Unsupported method: {}".format(method))
        except ProxyError:
            # TODO: Apply fail over for bad proxies or drop them
            raise RequestHandlerException("Error connecting to proxy")
        except (ConnectTimeout, ReadTimeout):
            raise RequestHandlerException("Connection with server timed out")
        except NewConnectionError:
            raise RequestHandlerException("Address cannot be resolved")
            # New connection error == Can't resolve address
        except ConnectionError:
            # TODO: Increase delay
            raise RequestHandlerException("Error connecting to host")
        except TooManyRedirects:
            raise RequestHandlerException("Infinite redirects detected - too many redirects error")
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            # Following issue #19, apparently some sites do not use utf-8 in their uris :<>

    def get_new_session(self):
        """Returns a new session using the object's proxies and headers"""
        session = Session()
        session.headers = self.headers
        session.proxies = self._get_request_proxies()
        return session