"""Builds automatic documentation of the installed webviz-config plugins.
The documentation is designed to be used by the YAML configuration file end
user. Sphinx has not been used, as the documentation from Sphinx is geared
mostly towards Python end users. It is also a small task generating `webviz`
documentation, and most of the Sphinx machinery is not needed.

Overall workflow is:
    * Find all installed plugins.
    * Automatically read docstring and __init__ function signatures (both
      argument names and which arguments have default values).
    * Output the extracted plugin information into docsify input using jinja2.

import shutil
import inspect
import pathlib
from importlib import import_module
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple

import pkg_resources
import jinja2
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

import webviz_config.plugins
from webviz_config._config_parser import SPECIAL_ARGS

class PluginInfo(TypedDict):
    arg_strings: Dict[str, str]
    argument_description: Optional[str]
    data_input: Optional[str]
    description: Optional[str]
    module: str
    name: str
    package: str
    package_doc: Optional[str]
    package_version: str

def _document_plugin(plugin: Tuple[str, Any]) -> PluginInfo:
    """Takes in a tuple (from e.g. inspect.getmembers), and returns
    a dictionary according to the type definition PluginInfo.

    name, reference = plugin
    docstring = reference.__doc__ if reference.__doc__ is not None else ""
    docstring_parts = docstring.strip().split("\n---\n")
    argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(reference.__init__)
    module = inspect.getmodule(reference)
    subpackage = inspect.getmodule(module).__package__  # type: ignore
    top_package_name = subpackage.split(".")[0]  # type: ignore

    plugin_info: PluginInfo = {
        "arg_strings": {arg: "" for arg in argspec.args if arg not in SPECIAL_ARGS},
        "argument_description": docstring_parts[1]
        if len(docstring_parts) > 1
        else None,
        "data_input": docstring_parts[2] if len(docstring_parts) > 2 else None,
        "description": docstring_parts[0] if docstring != "" else None,
        "name": name,
        "module": module.__name__,  # type: ignore
        "package": top_package_name,
        "package_doc": import_module(subpackage).__doc__,  # type: ignore
        "package_version": pkg_resources.get_distribution(top_package_name).version,

    # Add default value and the string '# Optional' to plugin
    # arguments with default values:
    if argspec.defaults is not None:
        for arg, default in dict(
            zip(reversed(argspec.args), reversed(argspec.defaults))
            if default == "":
                default = "''"
            plugin_info["arg_strings"][arg] = f"{default}  # Optional."

    # ...and for the other arguments add '# Required':
    for arg, string in plugin_info["arg_strings"].items():
        if string == "":
            plugin_info["arg_strings"][arg] = "  # Required."

    # Add a human readable type hint (for arguments with type annotation):
    for arg, annotation in argspec.annotations.items():
        if arg in plugin_info["arg_strings"]:
            ] += f" Type {_annotation_to_string(annotation)}."

    return plugin_info

def get_plugin_documentation() -> defaultdict:
    """Find all installed webviz plugins, and then document them
    by grabbing docstring and input arguments / function signature.

    plugin_doc = [
        for plugin in inspect.getmembers(webviz_config.plugins, inspect.isclass)
        if not plugin[0].startswith("Example")

    # Sort the plugins by package:
    package_ordered: defaultdict = defaultdict(lambda: {"plugins": []})
    for sorted_plugin in sorted(plugin_doc, key=lambda x: (x["module"], x["name"])):
        package = sorted_plugin["package"]
        package_ordered[package]["doc"] = sorted_plugin["package_doc"]
        package_ordered[package]["version"] = sorted_plugin["package_version"]

    return package_ordered

def _annotation_to_string(annotation: Any) -> str:
    """Takes in a type annotation (that could come from e.g. inspect.getfullargspec)
    and transforms it into a human readable string.

    def remove_fix(string: str, fix: str, prefix: bool = True) -> str:
        if prefix and string.startswith(fix):
            return string[len(fix) :]
        if not prefix and string.endswith(fix):
            return string[: -len(fix)]
        return string

    text_type = str(annotation)
    text_type = remove_fix(text_type, "typing.")
    text_type = remove_fix(text_type, "<class '")
    text_type = remove_fix(text_type, "'>", prefix=False)
    text_type = text_type.replace("pathlib.Path", "str (corresponding to a path)")

    return text_type

def build_docs(build_directory: pathlib.Path) -> None:

    # From Python 3.8, copytree gets an argument dirs_exist_ok.
    # Then the rmtree command can be removed.
        pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "static", build_directory,

    template_environment = jinja2.Environment(  # nosec
        loader=jinja2.PackageLoader("webviz_config", "templates"),

    plugin_documentation = get_plugin_documentation()

    template = template_environment.get_template("README.md.jinja2")
    for package_name, package_doc in plugin_documentation.items():
        (build_directory / (package_name + ".md")).write_text(
            template.render({"package_name": package_name, "package_doc": package_doc})

    template = template_environment.get_template("sidebar.md.jinja2")
    (build_directory / "sidebar.md").write_text(
        template.render({"packages": plugin_documentation.keys()})