from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
import h5py
import theano

import argparse
import itertools
import subprocess
import logging
import time
import codecs
import os
from copy import deepcopy
import math
import sys

from data_generator import VisualWordDataGenerator
import models

# Set up logger
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Dimensionality of image feature vector
IMG_FEATS = 4096
MULTEVAL_DIR = '../multeval-0.5.1' if "util" in os.getcwd() else "multeval-0.5.1"

class cd:
    """Context manager for changing the current working directory"""
    def __init__(self, newPath):
        self.newPath = newPath

    def __enter__(self):
        self.savedPath = os.getcwd()

    def __exit__(self, etype, value, traceback):

class GroundedTranslationGenerator:

    def __init__(self, args):
        self.args = args
        self.vocab = dict()
        self.unkdict = dict()
        self.counter = 0
        self.maxSeqLen = 0

        # consistent with
        self.use_sourcelang = args.source_vectors is not None
        self.use_image = not args.no_image
        self.model = None

        # this results in two file handlers for dataset (here and
        # data_generator)
        if not self.args.dataset:
            logger.warn("No dataset given, using flickr8k")
            self.dataset = h5py.File("flickr8k/dataset.h5", "r")
            self.dataset = h5py.File("%s/dataset.h5" % self.args.dataset, "r")

        if self.args.debug:
            theano.config.optimizer = 'None'
            theano.config.exception_verbosity = 'high'

    def prepare_datagenerator(self):
        self.data_gen = VisualWordDataGenerator(self.args,
        self.args.checkpoint = self.find_best_checkpoint()
        self.vocab_len = len(self.data_gen.index2word)
        self.index2word = self.data_gen.index2word
        self.word2index = self.data_gen.word2index

    def generate(self):
        Entry point for this module.
        Loads up a data generator to get the relevant image / source features.
        Builds the relevant model, given the command-line arguments.
        Generates sentences for the images in the val / test data.
        Calculates BLEU and PPLX, unless requested.

        if self.use_sourcelang:
            # HACK FIXME unexpected problem with input_data
            self.hsn_size = self.data_gen.hsn_size
            self.hsn_size = 0

        if self.model == None:

        self.generate_sentences(self.args.checkpoint, val=not self.args.test)
        if not self.args.without_scores:
            score = self.bleu_score(self.args.checkpoint, val=not self.args.test)
            if self.args.multeval:
                score, _, _ = self.multeval_scores(self.args.checkpoint,
                                                    val=not self.args.test)
            if not self.args.no_pplx:
                self.calculate_pplx(self.args.checkpoint, val=not self.args.test)
            return score

    def generate_sentences(self, filepath, val=True):
        Generates descriptions of images for --generation_timesteps
        iterations through the LSTM. Each input description is clipped to
        the first <BOS> token, or, if --generate_from_N_words is set, to the
        first N following words (N + 1 BOS token).
        This process can be additionally conditioned
        on source language hidden representations, if provided by the
        --source_vectors parameter.
        The output is clipped to the first EOS generated, if it exists.

        TODO: duplicated method with

        if self.args.beam_width > 1:
            prefix = "val" if val else "test"
            handle ="%s/%sGenerated" % (filepath, prefix), "w",
  "Generating %s descriptions", prefix)

            start_gen = self.args.generate_from_N_words  # Default 0
            start_gen = start_gen + 1  # include BOS

            generator = self.data_gen.generation_generator(prefix, batch_size=1)
            seen = 0
            # we are going to beam search for the most probably sentence.
            # let's do this one sentence at a time to make the logging output
            # easier to understand
            for data in generator:
                text = data[0]['text']
                # Append the first start_gen words to the complete_sentences list
                # for each instance in the batch.
                complete_sentences = [[] for _ in range(text.shape[0])]
                for t in range(start_gen):  # minimum 1
                    for i in range(text.shape[0]):
                        w = np.argmax(text[i, t])
                del data[0]['text']
                text = self.reset_text_arrays(text, start_gen)
                Y_target = data[1]['output']
                data[0]['text'] = text

                max_beam_width = self.args.beam_width
                structs = self.make_duplicate_matrices(data[0], max_beam_width)

                # A beam is a 2-tuple with the probability of the sequence and
                # the words in that sequence. Start with empty beams
                beams = [(0.0, [])]
                # collects beams that are in the top candidates and 
                # emitted a <E> token.
                finished = [] 
                for t in range(start_gen, self.args.generation_timesteps):
                    # Store the candidates produced at timestep t, will be
                    # pruned at the end of the timestep
                    candidates = []

                    # we take a view of the datastructures, which means we're only
                    # ever generating a prediction for the next word. This saves a
                    # lot of cycles.
                    preds = self.model.predict(structs, verbose=0)

                    # The last indices in preds are the predicted words
                    next_word_indices = preds[:, t-1]
                    sorted_indices = np.argsort(-next_word_indices, axis=1)

                    # Each instance in structs is holding the history of a
                    # beam, and so there is a direct connection between the
                    # index of a beam in beams and the index of an instance in
                    # structs.
                    for beam_idx, b in enumerate(beams):
                        # get the sorted predictions for the beam_idx'th beam
                        beam_predictions = sorted_indices[beam_idx]
                        for top_idx in range(self.args.beam_width):
                            wordIndex = beam_predictions[top_idx]
                            wordProb = next_word_indices[beam_idx][beam_predictions[top_idx]]
                            # For the beam_idxth beam, add the log probability
                            # of the top_idxth predicted word to the previous
                            # log probability of the sequence, and  append the 
                            # top_idxth predicted word to the sequence of words 
                            candidates.append([b[0] + math.log(wordProb), b[1] + [wordIndex]])

                    candidates.sort(reverse = True)
                    if self.args.verbose:
              "Candidates in the beam")
                        for c in candidates:
                  " ".join([self.index2word[x] for x in c[1]]) + " (%f)" % c[0])

                    beams = candidates[:max_beam_width] # prune the beams
                    pruned = []
                    for b in beams:
                        # If a top candidate emitted an EOS token then 
                        # a) add it to the list of finished sequences
                        # b) remove it from the beams and decrease the 
                        # maximum size of the beams.
                        if b[1][-1] == self.word2index["<E>"]:
                            if max_beam_width >= 1:
                                max_beam_width -= 1
                    beams = pruned[:max_beam_width]

                    if self.args.verbose:
              "Pruned beams")
                        for b in beams:
                  " ".join([self.index2word[x] for x in b[1]]) + "(%f)" % b[0])

                    if max_beam_width == 0:
                        # We have sampled max_beam_width sequences with an <E>
                        # token so stop the beam search.

                    # Reproduce the structs for the beam search so we can keep
                    # track of the state of each beam
                    structs = self.make_duplicate_matrices(data[0], max_beam_width)

                    # Rewrite the 1-hot word features with the
                    # so-far-predcicted tokens in a beam.
                    for bidx, b in enumerate(beams):
                        for idx, w in enumerate(b[1]):
                            next_word_index = w
                            structs['text'][bidx, idx+1, w] = 1.

                # If none of the sentences emitted an <E> token while
                # decoding, add the final beams into the final candidates
                if len(finished) == 0:
                    for leftover in beams:

                # Normalise the probabilities by the length of the sequences
                # as suggested by Graves (2012)
                for f in finished:
                    f[0] = f[0] / len(f[1])

                if self.args.verbose:
          "Length-normalised samples")
                    for f in finished:
              " ".join([self.index2word[x] for x in f[1]]) + "(%f)" % f[0])

                # Emit the lowest (log) probability sequence
                best_beam = finished[0]
                complete_sentences[i] = [self.index2word[x] for x in best_beam[1]]
                handle.write(' '.join([x for x
                                       in itertools.takewhile(
                                           lambda n: n != "<E>", complete_sentences[i])]) + "\n")
                if self.args.verbose:
          "%s (%f)",' '.join([x for x
                                          in itertools.takewhile(
                                              lambda n: n != "<E>",

                seen += text.shape[0]
                if seen == self.data_gen.split_sizes['val']:
                    # Hacky way to break out of the generator
            # We are going to arg max decode a sequence.
            prefix = "val" if val else "test"
  "Generating %s descriptions", prefix)
            start_gen = self.args.generate_from_N_words + 1  # include BOS
            handle ="%s/%sGenerated" % (filepath, prefix), 
                                 "w", 'utf-8')

            generator = self.data_gen.generation_generator(prefix)
            seen = 0
            for data in generator:
                text = deepcopy(data[0]['text'])
                # Append the first start_gen words to the complete_sentences list
                # for each instance in the batch.
                complete_sentences = [[] for _ in range(text.shape[0])]
                for t in range(start_gen):  # minimum 1
                    for i in range(text .shape[0]):
                        w = np.argmax(text[i, t])
                del data[0]['text']
                text = self.reset_text_arrays(text, start_gen)
                Y_target = data[1]['output']
                data[0]['text'] = text

                for t in range(start_gen, self.args.generation_timesteps):
                    logger.debug("Input token: %s" % self.index2word[np.argmax(text[0,t-1])])
                    preds = self.model.predict(data[0],

                    # Look at the last indices for the words.
                    next_word_indices = np.argmax(preds[:, t-1], axis=1)
                    logger.debug("Predicted token: %s" % self.index2word[next_word_indices[0]])
                    # update array[0]/sentence-so-far with generated words.
                    for i in range(len(next_word_indices)):
                        data[0]['text'][i, t, next_word_indices[i]] = 1.
                    next_words = [self.index2word[x] for x in next_word_indices]
                    for i in range(len(next_words)):

                # print/extract each sentence until it hits the first end-of-string token
                for s in complete_sentences:
                    if self.args.verbose:
              "%s",' '.join([x for x
                                              in itertools.takewhile(
                                                  lambda n: n != "<E>",
                    decoded_str = ' '.join([x for x
                                            in itertools.takewhile(
                                                lambda n: n != "<E>", s[1:])])
                    handle.write(decoded_str + "\n")

                seen += text.shape[0]
                if seen == self.data_gen.split_sizes[prefix]:
                    # Hacky way to break out of the generator

    def calculate_pplx(self, path, val=True):
        """ Splits the input data into batches of self.args.batch_size to
        reduce the memory footprint of holding all of the data in RAM. """

        prefix = "val" if val else "test""Calculating pplx over %s data", prefix)
        sum_logprobs = 0
        y_len = 0

        generator = self.data_gen.generation_generator(prefix)
        seen = 0
        for data in generator:
            Y_target = deepcopy(data[1]['output'])
            del data[1]['output']

            preds = self.model.predict(data[0],

            for i in range(Y_target.shape[0]):
                for t in range(Y_target.shape[1]):
                    target_idx = np.argmax(Y_target[i, t])
                    target_tok = self.index2word[target_idx]
                    if target_tok != "<P>":
                        log_p = math.log(preds[i, t, target_idx],2)
                        sum_logprobs += -log_p
                        y_len += 1

            seen += data[0]['text'].shape[0]
            if seen == self.data_gen.split_sizes[prefix]:
                # Hacky way to break out of the generator

        norm_logprob = sum_logprobs / y_len
        pplx = math.pow(2, norm_logprob)"PPLX: %.4f", pplx)
        handle = open("%s/%sPPLX" % (path, prefix), "w")
        handle.write("%f\n" % pplx)
        return pplx

    def reset_text_arrays(self, text_arrays, fixed_words=1):
        """ Reset the values in the text data structure to zero so we cannot
        accidentally pass them into the model.

        Helper function for generate_sentences().
        reset_arrays = deepcopy(text_arrays)
        reset_arrays[:,fixed_words:, :] = 0
        return reset_arrays

    def make_duplicate_matrices(self, generator_data, k):
        Prepare K duplicates of the input data for a given instance yielded by
        the data generator.

        Helper function for the beam search decoder in generation_sentences().

        if self.use_sourcelang and self.use_image:
            # the data generator yielded a dictionary with the words, the
            # image features, and the source features
            dupes = [[],[],[]]
            words = generator_data['text']
            img = generator_data['img']
            source = generator_data['src']
            for x in range(k):
                # Make a deep copy of the word_feats structures 
                # so the arrays will never be shared

            # Turn the list of arrays into a numpy array
            dupes[0] = np.array(dupes[0])
            dupes[1] = np.array(dupes[1])
            dupes[2] = np.array(dupes[2])

            return {'text': dupes[0], 'img': dupes[2], 'src': dupes[1]}

        elif self.use_image:
            # the data generator yielded a dictionary with the words and the
            # image features
            dupes = [[],[]]
            words = generator_data['text']
            img = generator_data['img']
            for x in range(k):
                # Make a deep copy of the word_feats structures 
                # so the arrays will never be shared

            # Turn the list of arrays into a numpy array
            dupes[0] = np.array(dupes[0])
            dupes[1] = np.array(dupes[1])

            return {'text': dupes[0], 'img': dupes[1]}

        elif self.use_sourcelang:
            # the data generator yielded a dictionary with the words and the
            # source features
            dupes = [[],[]]
            words = generator_data['text']
            source= generator_data['src']
            for x in range(k):
                # Make a deep copy of the word_feats structures 
                # so the arrays will never be shared

            # Turn the list of arrays into a numpy array
            dupes[0] = np.array(dupes[0])
            dupes[1] = np.array(dupes[1])

            return {'text': dupes[0], 'src': dupes[1]}

    def find_best_checkpoint(self):
        Read the summary file from the directory and scrape out the run ID of
        the highest BLEU scoring checkpoint. Then do an ls-stlye function in
        the directory and return the exact path to the best model.

        Assumes only one matching prefix in the model checkpoints directory.

        summary_data = open("%s/summary" % self.args.model_checkpoints).readlines()
        summary_data = [x.replace("\n", "") for x in summary_data]
        best_id = None
        target = "Best loss" if self.args.best_pplx else "Best Metric"
        for line in summary_data:
            if line.startswith(target):
                best_id = "%03d" % (int(line.split(":")[1].split("|")[0]))

        checkpoint = None
        if best_id is not None:
            checkpoints = os.listdir(self.args.model_checkpoints)
            for c in checkpoints:
                if c.startswith(best_id):
                    checkpoint = c
                    break"Best checkpoint: %s/%s" % (self.args.model_checkpoints, checkpoint))
        return "%s/%s" % (self.args.model_checkpoints, checkpoint)

    def bleu_score(self, directory, val=True):
        PPLX is only weakly correlated with improvements in BLEU,
        and thus improvements in human judgements. Let's also track
        BLEU score of a subset of generated sentences in the val split
        to decide on early stopping, etc.

        prefix = "val" if val else "test"
        self.extract_references(directory, val)

            ['perl multi-bleu.perl %s/%s_reference.ref < %s/%sGenerated | tee %s/%sBLEU'
             % (directory, prefix, directory, prefix, directory, prefix)], shell=True)
        bleudata = open("%s/%sBLEU" % (directory, prefix)).readline()
        data = bleudata.split(",")[0]
        bleuscore = data.split("=")[1]
        bleu = float(bleuscore.lstrip())
        return bleu

    def multeval_scores(self, directory, val=True):
        Maybe you want to evaluate with Meteor, TER, and BLEU?
        prefix = "val" if val else "test"
        self.extract_references(directory, val)

        with cd(MULTEVAL_DIR):
                ['./ eval --refs ../%s/%s_reference.* \
                 --hyps-baseline ../%s/%sGenerated \
                 --meteor.language %s \
		 --threads 4 \
		2> multevaloutput 1> multevaloutput'
                % (directory, prefix, directory, prefix, self.args.meteor_lang)], shell=True)
            handle = open("multevaloutput")
            multdata = handle.readlines()
            for line in multdata:
              if line.startswith("RESULT: baseline: BLEU: AVG:"):
                mbleu = line.split(":")[4]
                mbleu = mbleu.replace("\n","")
                mbleu = mbleu.strip()
                lr = mbleu.split(".")
                mbleu = float(lr[0]+"."+lr[1][0:2])
              if line.startswith("RESULT: baseline: METEOR: AVG:"):
                mmeteor = line.split(":")[4]
                mmeteor = mmeteor.replace("\n","")
                mmeteor = mmeteor.strip()
                lr = mmeteor.split(".")
                mmeteor = float(lr[0]+"."+lr[1][0:2])
              if line.startswith("RESULT: baseline: TER: AVG:"):
                mter = line.split(":")[4]
                mter = mter.replace("\n","")
                mter = mter.strip()
                lr = mter.split(".")
                mter = float(lr[0]+"."+lr[1][0:2])

  "Meteor = %.2f | BLEU = %.2f | TER = %.2f", 
			mmeteor, mbleu, mter)

            return mmeteor, mbleu, mter

    def extract_references(self, directory, val=True):
        Get reference descriptions for split we are generating outputs for.

        Helper function for bleu_score().
        prefix = "val" if val else "test"
        references = self.data_gen.get_refs_by_split_as_list(prefix)

        for refid in xrange(len(references[0])):
                        % (directory, prefix, refid), 'w', 'utf-8').write('\n'.join([x[refid] for x in references]))

    def build_model(self, generate=False):
        Build a Keras model if one does not yet exist.

        Helper function for generate().

        if generate:
            t = self.args.generation_timesteps
            t = self.data_gen.max_seq_len
        if self.args.mrnn:
            m = models.MRNN(self.args.embed_size, self.args.hidden_size,
                            self.args.optimiser, self.args.l2reg,
            m = models.NIC(self.args.embed_size, self.args.hidden_size,
                           self.args.optimiser, self.args.l2reg,

        self.model = m.buildKerasModel(use_sourcelang=self.use_sourcelang,

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate descriptions from a trained model")

    # General options
    parser.add_argument("--run_string", default="", type=str,
                        help="Optional string to help you identify the run")
    parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true",
                        help="Print debug messages to stdout?")
    parser.add_argument("--fixed_seed", action="store_true",
                        help="Start with a fixed random seed? Useful for\
                        reproding experiments. (default = False)")
    parser.add_argument("--num_sents", default=5, type=int,
                        help="Number of descriptions/image for training")
    parser.add_argument("--model_checkpoints", type=str, required=True,
                        help="Path to the checkpointed parameters")
    parser.add_argument("--best_pplx", action="store_true",
                        help="Use the best PPLX checkpoint instead of the\
                        best BLEU checkpoint? Default = False.")

    # Define the types of input data the model will receive
    parser.add_argument("--dataset", default="", type=str, help="Path to the\
                        HDF5 dataset to use for training / val input\
                        (defaults to flickr8k)")
    parser.add_argument("--supertrain_datasets", nargs="+", help="Paths to the\
                        datasets to use as additional training input (defaults\
                        to None)")
    parser.add_argument("--unk", type=int,
                        help="unknown character cut-off. Default=3", default=3)
    parser.add_argument("--maximum_length", type=int, default=50,
                        help="Maximum length of sequences permissible\
			in the training data (Default = 50)")
    parser.add_argument("--existing_vocab", type=str, default="",
                        help="Use an existing vocabulary model to define the\
                        vocabulary and UNKing in this dataset?\
                        (default = "", which means we will derive the\
                        vocabulary from the training dataset")
    parser.add_argument("--no_image", action="store_true",
                        help="Do not use image data.")
    parser.add_argument("--source_vectors", default=None, type=str,
                        help="Path to final hidden representations of\
                        encoder/source language VisualWordLSTM model.\
                        (default: None.) Expects a final_hidden_representation\
                        vector for each image in the dataset")
    parser.add_argument("--source_enc", type=str, default=None,
                        help="Which type of source encoder features? Expects\
                        either 'mt_enc' or 'vis_enc'. Required.")
    parser.add_argument("--source_type", type=str, default=None,
                        help="Source features over gold or predicted tokens?\
                        Expects 'gold' or 'predicted'. Required")
    parser.add_argument("--source_merge", type=str, default="sum",
                        help="How to merge source features. Only applies if \
                        there are multiple feature vectors. Expects 'sum', \
                        'avg', or 'concat'.")

    # Model hyperparameters
    parser.add_argument("--batch_size", default=100, type=int)
    parser.add_argument("--embed_size", default=256, type=int)
    parser.add_argument("--hidden_size", default=256, type=int)
    parser.add_argument("--dropin", default=0.5, type=float,
                        help="Prob. of dropping embedding units. Default=0.5")
    parser.add_argument("--gru", action="store_true", help="Use GRU instead\
                        of LSTM recurrent state? (default = False)")
    parser.add_argument("--big_batch_size", default=10000, type=int,
                        help="Number of examples to load from disk at a time;\
                        0 loads entire dataset. Default is 10000")
    parser.add_argument("--mrnn", action="store_true", 
                        help="Use a Mao-style multimodal recurrent neural\
    parser.add_argument("--peeking_source", action="store_true",
                        help="Input the source features at every timestep?\

    # Optimisation details
    parser.add_argument("--optimiser", default="adam", type=str,
                        help="Optimiser: rmsprop, momentum, adagrad, etc.")
    parser.add_argument("--lr", default=0.001, type=float)
    parser.add_argument("--beta1", default=None, type=float)
    parser.add_argument("--beta2", default=None, type=float)
    parser.add_argument("--epsilon", default=None, type=float)
    parser.add_argument("--stopping_loss", default="bleu", type=str,
                        help="minimise cross-entropy or maximise BLEU?")
    parser.add_argument("--l2reg", default=1e-8, type=float,
                        help="L2 cost penalty. Default=1e-8")
    parser.add_argument("--clipnorm", default=-1, type=float,
                        help="Clip gradients? (default = -1, which means\
                        don't clip the gradients.")
    parser.add_argument("--max_epochs", default=50, type=int,
                        help="Maxmimum number of training epochs. Used with\
    parser.add_argument("--patience", type=int, default=10, help="Training\
                        will be terminated if validation BLEU score does not\
                        increase for this number of epochs")
    parser.add_argument("--no_early_stopping", action="store_true")

    # Language generation details
    parser.add_argument("--generation_timesteps", default=10, type=int,
                        help="Maximum number of words to generate for unseen\
                        data (default=10).")
    parser.add_argument("--test", action="store_true",
                        help="Generate for the test images? (Default=False)\
                        which means we will generate for the val images")
    parser.add_argument("--without_scores", action="store_true",
                        help="Don't calculate BLEU or perplexity. Useful if\
                        you only want to see the generated sentences or if\
                        you don't have ground-truth sentences for evaluation.")
    parser.add_argument("--beam_width", type=int, default=1,
                        help="Number of hypotheses to consider when decoding.\
                        Default=1, which means arg max decoding.")
    parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true",
                        help="Verbose output while decoding? If you choose\
                        verbose output then you'll see the total beam search\
                        decoding process. (Default = False)")
    parser.add_argument("--multeval", action="store_true",
                        help="Evaluate using multeval?")
    parser.add_argument("--meteor_lang", type=str, required=True,
                        help="Language of the input dataset. Required for\
			correct Meteor evaluation. See\
                        for options.")
    parser.add_argument("--no_pplx", action="store_true",
			help="Skip perplexity calculation?")

    # Legacy options
    parser.add_argument("--generate_from_N_words", type=int, default=0,
                        help="Use N words as starting point when generating\
                        strings. Useful mostly for mt-only model (in other\
                        cases, image provides enough useful starting\
    parser.add_argument("--predefined_epochs", action="store_true",
                        help="Do you want to stop training after a specified\
                        number of epochs, regardless of early-stopping\
                        criteria? Use in conjunction with --max_epochs.")

    # Neccesary but unused in this module
    parser.add_argument("--h5_writeable", action="store_true",
                        help="Open the H5 file for write-access? Useful for\
                        serialising hidden states to disk. (default = False)")
    parser.add_argument("--use_predicted_tokens", action="store_true",
                        help="Generate final hidden state\
                        activations over oracle inputs or from predicted\
                        inputs? Default = False ( == Oracle)")

    w = GroundedTranslationGenerator(parser.parse_args())