""" Test utilities """

import json
from django.test import Client
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, exceptions
from search.search_engine_base import SearchEngine
from search.tests.mock_search_engine import MockSearchEngine
from search.elastic import ElasticSearchEngine

TEST_INDEX_NAME = "test_index"

def post_request(body, course_id=None):
    """ Helper method to post the request and process the response """
    address = '/' if course_id is None else '/{}'.format(course_id)
    response = Client().post(address, body)

    return getattr(response, "status_code", 500), json.loads(getattr(response, "content", None).decode('utf-8'))

def post_discovery_request(body):
    """ Helper method to post the request and process the response """
    address = '/course_discovery/'
    response = Client().post(address, body)

    return getattr(response, "status_code", 500), json.loads(getattr(response, "content", None).decode('utf-8'))

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class SearcherMixin:
    """ Mixin to provide searcher for the tests """
    _searcher = None

    def searcher(self):
        """ cached instance of search engine """
        if self._searcher is None:
            self._searcher = SearchEngine.get_search_engine(TEST_INDEX_NAME)
        return self._searcher

# We override ElasticSearchEngine class in order to force an index refresh upon index
# otherwise we often get results from the prior state, rendering the tests less useful
class ForceRefreshElasticSearchEngine(ElasticSearchEngine):
    Override of ElasticSearchEngine that forces the update of the index,
    so that tests can relaibly search right afterward

    def index(self, doc_type, sources, **kwargs):
            "refresh": True
        super(ForceRefreshElasticSearchEngine, self).index(doc_type, sources, **kwargs)

    def remove(self, doc_type, doc_ids, **kwargs):
            "refresh": True
        super(ForceRefreshElasticSearchEngine, self).remove(doc_type, doc_ids, **kwargs)

class ErroringSearchEngine(MockSearchEngine):
    """ Override to generate search engine error to test """

    def search(self,
               **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        raise Exception("There is a problem here")

class ErroringIndexEngine(MockSearchEngine):
    """ Override to generate search engine error to test """

    def index(self, doc_type, sources, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument, arguments-differ
        raise Exception("There is a problem here")

class ErroringElasticImpl(Elasticsearch):
    """ Elasticsearch implementation that throws exceptions"""

    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    def search(self, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        """ this will definitely fail """
        raise exceptions.ElasticsearchException("This search operation failed")