This module contains functions that allow you to manipulate, encode or decode
strings and byte sequences.

import base64
import re
import string
import itertools
import six
import codecs
from kwonly_args import kwonly_defaults
import pwnypack.main
import binascii
from six.moves import range
from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote, quote_plus, unquote, unquote_plus, urlencode, parse_qs
    from collections import Counter
except ImportError:
    from counter import Counter

__all__ = [

def xor(key, data):
    Perform cyclical exclusive or operations on ``data``.

    The ``key`` can be a an integer *(0 <= key < 256)* or a byte sequence. If
    the key is smaller than the provided ``data``, the ``key`` will be

        key(int or bytes): The key to xor ``data`` with.
        data(bytes): The data to perform the xor operation on.

        bytes: The result of the exclusive or operation.

        >>> from pwny import *
        >>> xor(5, b'ABCD')
        >>> xor(5, b'DGFA')
        >>> xor(b'pwny', b'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')
        >>> xor(b'pwny', b'15-=51)19=%5=9!)!%=-%!9!)-')

    if type(key) is int:
        key = six.int2byte(key)
    key_len = len(key)

    return b''.join(
        six.int2byte(c ^ six.indexbytes(key, i % key_len))
        for i, c in enumerate(six.iterbytes(data))

def find_xor_mask(data, alphabet=None, max_depth=3, min_depth=0, iv=None):
    Produce a series of bytestrings that when XORed together end up being
    equal to ``data`` and only contain characters from the giving
    ``alphabet``. The initial state (or previous state) can be given as

        data (bytes): The data to recreate as a series of XOR operations.
        alphabet (bytes): The bytestring containing the allowed characters
            for the XOR values. If ``None``, all characters except NUL bytes,
            carriage returns and newlines will be allowed.
        max_depth (int): The maximum depth to look for a solution.
        min_depth (int): The minimum depth to look for a solution.
        iv (bytes): Initialization vector. If ``None``, it will be assumed the
            operation starts at an all zero string.

        A list of bytestrings that, when XOR'ed with ``iv`` (or just eachother
        if ``iv` is not providede) will be the same as ``data``.

        Produce a series of strings that when XORed together will result in
        the string 'pwnypack' using only ASCII characters in the range 65 to

        >>> from pwny import *
        >>> find_xor_mask('pwnypack', alphabet=''.join(chr(c) for c in range(65, 97)))
        [b'````````', b'AAAAABAA', b'QVOXQCBJ']
        >>> xor(xor(b'````````', b'AAAAABAA'), b'QVOXQCBJ')

    if alphabet is None:
        alphabet = set(i for i in range(256) if i not in (0, 10, 13))
        alphabet = set(six.iterbytes(alphabet))

    if iv is None:
        iv = b'\0' * len(data)

    if len(data) != len(iv):
        raise ValueError('length of iv differs from data')

    if not min_depth and data == iv:
        return []
    data = xor(data, iv)

    # Pre-flight check to see if we have all the bits we need.
    mask = 0
    for ch in alphabet:
        mask |= ch
    mask = ~mask

    # Map all bytes in data into a {byte: [pos...]} dictionary, check
    # if we have enough bits along the way.
    data_map_tmpl = {}
    for i, ch in enumerate(six.iterbytes(data)):
        if ch & mask:
            raise ValueError('Alphabet does not contain enough bits.')
        data_map_tmpl.setdefault(ch, []).append(i)

    # Let's try to find a solution.
    for depth in range(max(min_depth, 1), max_depth + 1):
        # Prepare for round.
        data_map = data_map_tmpl.copy()
        results = [[None] * len(data) for _ in range(depth)]

        for values in itertools.product(*([alphabet] * (depth - 1))):
            # Prepare cumulative mask for this combination of alphabet.
            mask = 0
            for value in values:
                mask ^= value

            for ch in list(data_map):
                r = ch ^ mask
                if r in alphabet:
                    # Found a solution for this character, mark the result.
                    pos = data_map.pop(ch)
                    for p in pos:
                        results[0][p] = r
                        for i, value in enumerate(values):
                            results[i + 1][p] = value

                    if not data_map:
                        # Aaaand.. We're done!
                        return [
                            b''.join(six.int2byte(b) for b in r)
                            for r in results

        # No solution found at this depth. Increase depth, try again.

    raise ValueError('No solution found.')

def caesar(shift, data, shift_ranges=('az', 'AZ')):
    Apply a caesar cipher to a string.

    The caesar cipher is a substition cipher where each letter in the given
    alphabet is replaced by a letter some fixed number down the alphabet.

    If ``shift`` is ``1``, *A* will become *B*, *B* will become *C*, etc...

    You can define the alphabets that will be shift by specifying one or more
    shift ranges. The characters will than be shifted within the given ranges.

        shift(int): The shift to apply.
        data(str): The string to apply the cipher to.
        shift_ranges(list of str): Which alphabets to shift.

        str: The string with the caesar cipher applied.

        >>> caesar(16, 'Pwnypack')
        >>> caesar(-16, 'Fmdofqsa')
        >>> caesar(16, 'PWNYpack', shift_ranges=('AZ',))
        >>> caesar(16, 'PWNYpack', shift_ranges=('Az',))
    alphabet = dict(
        (chr(c), chr((c - s + shift) % (e - s + 1) + s))
        for s, e in map(lambda r: (ord(r[0]), ord(r[-1])), shift_ranges)
        for c in range(s, e + 1)
    return ''.join(alphabet.get(c, c) for c in data)

rot13_encode = codecs.getencoder('rot-13')
rot13 = lambda d: rot13_encode(d)[0]
rot13.__doc__ = """
Rotate all characters in the alphabets A-Z and a-z by 13 positions in the
alphabet. This is a :func:`caesar` shift of 13 along the fixed alphabets
``A-Z`` and ``a-z``.

    d(str): The string to the apply the cipher to.

    str: The string with the rot13 cipher applied.

    >>> rot13('whax')
    >>> rot13('junk')

def enhex(d, separator=''):
    Convert bytes to their hexadecimal representation, optionally joined by a
    given separator.

        d(bytes): The data to convert to hexadecimal representation.
        separator(str): The separator to insert between hexadecimal tuples.

        str: The hexadecimal representation of ``d``.

        >>> from pwny import *
        >>> enhex(b'pwnypack')
        >>> enhex(b'pwnypack', separator=' ')
        '70 77 6e 79 70 61 63 6b'

    v = binascii.hexlify(d).decode('ascii')
    if separator:
        return separator.join(
            for i in range(0, len(v), 2)
        return v

dehex_clean = re.compile('[^a-fA-F0-9]')
dehex = lambda d: binascii.unhexlify(dehex_clean.sub('', d).encode('ascii'))
dehex.__doc__ = """
Convert a hexadecimal representation of a byte sequence to bytes. All
non-hexadecimal characters will be removed from the input.

    d(str): The string of hexadecimal tuples.

    bytes: The byte sequence represented by ``d``.

    >>> from pwny import *
    >>> dehex('70776e797061636b')
    >>> dhex('70 77 6e 79 70 61 63 6b')

enb64 = lambda d: base64.b64encode(d).decode('ascii')
enb64.__doc__ = """
Convert bytes to their base64 representation.

    d(bytes): The data to convert to its base64 representation.

    str: The base64 representation of ``d``.

    >>> from pwny import *
    >>> enb64(b'pwnypack')

deb64 = lambda d: base64.b64decode(d.encode('ascii'))
deb64.__doc__ = """
Convert a base64 representation back to its original bytes.

    d(str): The base64 representation to decode.

    bytes: The bytes represented by ``d``.

    >>> from pwny import *
    >>> deb64('cHdueXBhY2s=')

def enurlform(q):
    Convert a dictionary to a URL encoded query string.

        q(dict): The query to encode.

        str: The urlencoded representation of ``q``.

        >>> from pwny import *
        >>> enurlform({'foo': 'bar', 'baz': ['quux', 'corge']})
    return urlencode(q, doseq=True)

def deurlform(d):
    Convert a URL encoded query string to a dictionary.

        d(str): The URL encoded query string.

        dict: A dictionary containing each key and all its values as a list.

        >>> from pwny import *
        >>> deurlform('foo=bar&baz=quux&baz=corge')
        {'foo': ['bar'], 'baz': ['quux', 'corge']}
    return parse_qs(d)

def enurlquote(v, plus=False):
    Percent encode a string for use in an URL.

        v(str): The value to percent encode.
        plus(bool): Use a plus symbol for spaces, otherwise use %20.

        str: The percent encoded string.

        >>> from pwny import *
        >>> enurlquote('Foo Bar/Baz', True)
    return quote_plus(v) if plus else quote(v)

def deurlquote(d, plus=False):
    Decode a percent encoded string.

        d(str): The percent encoded value to decode.
        plus(bool): Parse a plus symbol as a space.

        str: The decoded version of the percent encoded of ``d``.

        >>> from pwny import *
        >>> deurlquote('Foo+Bar/Baz')
        'Foo Bar/Baz'
    return unquote_plus(d) if plus else unquote(d)

frequency = lambda v: dict(Counter(v))
frequency.__doc__ = """
Perform a frequency analysis on a byte sequence or string.

    d(bytes or str): The sequence to analyse.

    dict: A dictionary of unique elements in ``d`` and how often the occur.

    >>> frequency('pwnypack')
    {'a': 1, 'c': 1, 'k': 1, 'n': 1, 'p': 2, 'w': 1, 'y': 1}

def xor_app(parser, cmd, args):  # pragma: no cover
    Xor a value with a key.

        '-d', '--dec',
        help='interpret the key as a decimal integer',
        '-x', '--hex',
        help='interpret the key as an hexadecimal integer',
        const=lambda v: int(v, 16)
    parser.add_argument('key', help='the key to xor the value with')
    parser.add_argument('value', help='the value to xor, read from stdin if omitted', nargs='?')

    args = parser.parse_args(args)
    if args.type is not None:
        args.key = args.type(args.key)

    return xor(args.key, pwnypack.main.binary_value_or_stdin(args.value))

def caesar_app(parser, cmd, args):  # pragma: no cover
    Caesar crypt a value with a key.

    parser.add_argument('shift', type=int, help='the shift to apply')
    parser.add_argument('value', help='the value to caesar crypt, read from stdin if omitted', nargs='?')
        '-s', '--shift-range',
        help='specify a character range to shift (defaults to a-z, A-Z)'

    args = parser.parse_args(args)
    if not args.shift_ranges:
        args.shift_ranges = ['az', 'AZ']

    return caesar(args.shift, pwnypack.main.string_value_or_stdin(args.value), args.shift_ranges)

def rot13_app(parser, cmd, args):  # pragma: no cover
    rot13 encrypt a value.

    parser.add_argument('value', help='the value to rot13, read from stdin if omitted', nargs='?')
    args = parser.parse_args(args)
    return rot13(pwnypack.main.string_value_or_stdin(args.value))

def enb64_app(parser, cmd, args):  # pragma: no cover
    base64 encode a value.

    parser.add_argument('value', help='the value to base64 encode, read from stdin if omitted', nargs='?')
    args = parser.parse_args(args)
    return enb64(pwnypack.main.binary_value_or_stdin(args.value))

def deb64_app(parser, cmd, args):  # pragma: no cover
    base64 decode a value.

    parser.add_argument('value', help='the value to base64 decode, read from stdin if omitted', nargs='?')
    args = parser.parse_args(args)
    return deb64(pwnypack.main.string_value_or_stdin(args.value))

def enhex_app(parser, cmd, args):  # pragma: no cover
    hex encode a value.

    parser.add_argument('value', help='the value to hex encode, read from stdin if omitted', nargs='?')
        '--separator', '-s',
        help='the separator to place between hex tuples'
    args = parser.parse_args(args)
    return enhex(pwnypack.main.binary_value_or_stdin(args.value), args.separator)

def dehex_app(parser, cmd, args):  # pragma: no cover
    hex decode a value.

    parser.add_argument('value', help='the value to base64 decode, read from stdin if omitted', nargs='?')
    args = parser.parse_args(args)
    return dehex(pwnypack.main.string_value_or_stdin(args.value))

def enurlform_app(parser, cmd, args):  # pragma: no cover
    encode a series of key=value pairs into a query string.

    parser.add_argument('values', help='the key=value pairs to URL encode', nargs='+')
    args = parser.parse_args(args)
    return enurlform(dict(v.split('=', 1) for v in args.values))

def deurlform_app(parser, cmd, args):  # pragma: no cover
    decode a query string into its key value pairs.

    parser.add_argument('value', help='the query string to decode')
    args = parser.parse_args(args)
    return ' '.join('%s=%s' % (key, value) for key, values in deurlform(args.value).items() for value in values)

def frequency_app(parser, cmd, args):  # pragma: no cover
    perform frequency analysis on a value.

    parser.add_argument('value', help='the value to analyse, read from stdin if omitted', nargs='?')
    args = parser.parse_args(args)
    data = frequency(six.iterbytes(pwnypack.main.binary_value_or_stdin(args.value)))
    return '\n'.join(
        '0x%02x (%c): %d' % (key, chr(key), value)
        if key >= 32 and chr(key) in string.printable else
        '0x%02x ---: %d' % (key, value)
        for key, value in data.items()