# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Oct 28 11:49:44 2015

@author: ebachelet

import telnetlib

import numpy as np
from astropy import constants as astronomical_constants
from scipy import interpolate
import struct

from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.coordinates import solar_system_ephemeris, EarthLocation,spherical_to_cartesian, cartesian_to_spherical
from astropy.coordinates import get_body_barycentric, get_body, get_moon, get_body_barycentric_posvel

TIMEOUT_JPL = 120  # seconds. The time you allow telnetlib to discuss with JPL, see space_parallax.

### Uncomment the following if the spacecraft dataset is huge! and also in optcallback
# MAX_WINDOW_WIDTH = 80 # Max Value: 65535
# MAX_WINDOW_HEIGHT = 65535 # Max Value: 65535

def horizons_obscodes(observatory):
    """Transform observatory names to JPL horizon codes.
    Write by Tim Lister, thanks :)

    :param str observatory: the satellite name you would like to obtain ephemeris. As to be in the dictionnary
           JPL_HORIZONS_ID (exact name matching!).

    :return: the JPL ID of your satellite.
    :rtype: int

        'Geocentric': '500',
        'Kepler': '-227',
        'Spitzer': '-79',
        'HST': '-48',
        'Gaia': '-139479',
        'New Horizons': '-98'

    # Check if we were passed the JPL site code directly
    if (observatory in list(JPL_HORIZONS_ID.values())):
        OBSERVATORY_ID = observatory
        # Lookup observatory name in map, use ELP's code as a default if not found
        OBSERVATORY_ID = JPL_HORIZONS_ID.get(observatory, 'V37')


def optcallback(socket, command, option):
    """Write by Tim Lister, thanks :)
    cnum = ord(command)
    onum = ord(option)
    if cnum == telnetlib.WILL:  # and onum == ECHO:
        socket.write(telnetlib.IAC + telnetlib.DONT + onum)
    if cnum == telnetlib.DO and onum == telnetlib.TTYPE:
        socket.write(telnetlib.IAC + telnetlib.WONT + telnetlib.TTYPE)

        ### Uncomment the following if the spacecraft dataset is huge! and also the global variables
        # at the begining of the module
        # width = struct.pack('H', MAX_WINDOW_WIDTH)
        # height = struct.pack('H', MAX_WINDOW_HEIGHT)
        # socket.send(telnetlib.IAC + telnetlib.SB + telnetlib.NAWS + width + height + telnetlib.IAC + telnetlib.SE)

def compute_parallax_curvature(piE, delta_positions):
    """ Compute the curvature induce by the parallax of from
    deltas_positions of a telescope.

    :param array_like piE: the microlensing parallax vector. Have a look :
    :param array_like delta_positions: the delta_positions of the telescope. More details in microlparallax module.
    :return: delta_tau and delta_u, the shift introduce by parallax
    :rtype: array_like,array_like

    delta_tau = np.dot(piE, delta_positions)
    delta_beta = np.cross(piE, delta_positions.T)

    return delta_tau, delta_beta

class MLParallaxes(object):
    ######## Parallax module ########

    This module compute the parallax shifts due to different parallax effects.

    Attributes :

    event : the event object on which you perform the fit on. More details on the event module.

    parallax_model : The parallax effect you want to fit. Have to be a list containing the
    parallax model name
    and the reference time to_par (in JD unit). Example : ['Annual',2457000.0]

    AU : the astronomical unit,  as defined by astropy (in meter)

    speed_of_light : the speed light c,  as defined by astropy (in meter/second)

    Earth_radius : the Earth equatorial radius,  as defined by astropy (in meter)

    target_angles_in_the_sky : a list containing [RA,DEC] of the target in radians unit.

   :param event: the event object on which you perform the fit on. More details on the event module.
   :param parallax_model: The parallax effect you want to fit. Have to be a list containing the
   parallax model name
        and the to_par value. Example : ['Annual',2457000.0]


    def __init__(self, event, parallax_model):
        """Initialization of the attributes described above."""

        self.event = event
        self.parallax_model = parallax_model[0]
        self.to_par = parallax_model[1]
        self.AU = astronomical_constants.au.value
        self.speed_of_light = astronomical_constants.c.value
        self.Earth_radius = astronomical_constants.R_earth.value

        self.target_angles_in_the_sky = [self.event.ra * np.pi / 180, self.event.dec * np.pi / 180]

    def North_East_vectors_target(self):
        """This function define the North and East vectors projected on the sky plane
        perpendicular to the line
        of sight (i.e the line define by RA,DEC of the event).
        target_angles_in_the_sky = self.target_angles_in_the_sky
        Target = np.array(
            [np.cos(target_angles_in_the_sky[1]) * np.cos(target_angles_in_the_sky[0]),
             np.cos(target_angles_in_the_sky[1]) * np.sin(target_angles_in_the_sky[0]),

        self.East = np.array(
            [-np.sin(target_angles_in_the_sky[0]), np.cos(target_angles_in_the_sky[0]), 0.0])
        self.North = np.cross(Target, self.East)

    def HJD_to_JD(self, time_to_transform):
        """Transform the input time from HJD to JD.

        :param array_like time_to_transform: the numpy array containing the time in HJD you want
        to transform in JD.
        :return: the time in JD
        :rtype: array_like
        AU = self.AU
        light_speed = self.speed_of_light

        time_correction = []
        # DTT=[]

        for time in time_to_transform:

            count = 0
            jd = Time(time,format='jd')

            while count < 3:

                loc = EarthLocation.of_site('greenwich')
                angles = get_body('sun', jd, loc)
                Sun_angles = [angles.ra.value * np.pi / 180, angles.dec.value * np.pi / 180]

                target_angles_in_the_sky = self.target_angles_in_the_sky

                Time_correction = angles.distance.value * AU / light_speed * (
                                          np.sin(Sun_angles[1]) * np.sin(
                                      target_angles_in_the_sky[1]) + np.cos(
                                      Sun_angles[1]) * np.cos(
                                      target_angles_in_the_sky[1]) * np.cos(
                                      target_angles_in_the_sky[0] - Sun_angles[0])) / (
                                          3600 * 24.0)
                count = count + 1

        # DTT.append(slalib.sla_dtt(jd)/(3600*24))

        JD = time_to_transform + np.array(time_correction)

        return JD

    def parallax_combination(self, telescope):
        """ Compute, and set, the deltas_positions attributes of the telescope object
       inside the list of telescopes. deltas_positions is the offset between the position of the
       observatory at the time t, and the
       center of the Earth at the date to_par. More details on each parallax functions.

       :param object telescope:  a telescope object on which you want to set the deltas_positions
       due to parallax.


        location = telescope.location

        time = telescope.lightcurve_flux[:, 0]
        delta_North = np.array([])
        delta_East = np.array([])

        if location == 'NewHorizon':
            delta_North, delta_East = self.lonely_satellite(time, telescope)

        if location == 'Earth':

            if (self.parallax_model == 'Annual'):
                telescope_positions = self.annual_parallax(time)

                delta_North = np.append(delta_North, telescope_positions[0])
                delta_East = np.append(delta_East, telescope_positions[1])

            if (self.parallax_model == 'Terrestrial'):
                altitude = telescope.altitude
                longitude = telescope.longitude
                latitude = telescope.latitude

                telescope_positions = -self.terrestrial_parallax(time, altitude, longitude, latitude)

                delta_North = np.append(delta_North, telescope_positions[0])
                delta_East = np.append(delta_East, telescope_positions[1])

            if (self.parallax_model == 'Full'):
                telescope_positions = self.annual_parallax(time)

                delta_North = np.append(delta_North, telescope_positions[0])
                delta_East = np.append(delta_East, telescope_positions[1])

                altitude = telescope.altitude
                longitude = telescope.longitude
                latitude = telescope.latitude

                telescope_positions = -self.terrestrial_parallax(time, altitude, longitude, latitude)

                delta_North += telescope_positions[0]
                delta_East += telescope_positions[1]

        if location == 'Space':
            telescope_positions = self.annual_parallax(time)
            delta_North = np.append(delta_North, telescope_positions[0])
            delta_East = np.append(delta_East, telescope_positions[1])
            name = telescope.spacecraft_name

            telescope_positions = -self.space_parallax(time, name, telescope)
            # import pdb;
            # pdb.set_trace()
            # delta_North = np.append(delta_North, telescope_positions[0])
            # delta_East = np.append(delta_East, telescope_positions[1])

            delta_North += telescope_positions[0]
            delta_East += telescope_positions[1]

        deltas_position = np.array([delta_North, delta_East])

        # set the attributes deltas_positions for the telescope object
        telescope.deltas_positions = deltas_position

    def annual_parallax(self, time_to_treat):
        """Compute the position shift due to the Earth movement. Please have a look on :
        "Resolution of the MACHO-LMC-5 Puzzle: The Jerk-Parallax Microlens Degeneracy"
        Gould, Andrew 2004. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2004ApJ...606..319G

        :param  time_to_treat: a numpy array containing the time where you want to compute this
        :return: the shift induce by the Earth motion around the Sun
        :rtype: array_like

        **WARNING** : this is a geocentric point of view.
                      slalib use MJD time definition, which is MJD = JD-2400000.5

        with solar_system_ephemeris.set('builtin'):
            time_jd_reference = Time(self.to_par, format='jd')
            Earth_position_time_reference = get_body_barycentric_posvel('Earth', time_jd_reference)
            Sun_position_time_reference = -Earth_position_time_reference[0]
            Sun_speed_time_reference = -Earth_position_time_reference[1]

            time_jd = Time(time_to_treat, format='jd')
            Earth_position = get_body_barycentric_posvel('Earth', time_jd)
            Sun_position = -Earth_position[0]

            delta_Sun = Sun_position.xyz.value.T - np.c_[
                time_to_treat - self.to_par] * Sun_speed_time_reference.xyz.value \
                        - Sun_position_time_reference.xyz.value

            delta_Sun_projected = np.array(
                [np.dot(delta_Sun, self.North), np.dot(delta_Sun, self.East)])

            return delta_Sun_projected

    def terrestrial_parallax(self, time_to_treat, altitude, longitude, latitude):
        """ Compute the position shift due to the distance of the obervatories from the Earth
        Please have a look on :
        "Parallax effects in binary microlensing events"
        Hardy, S.J and Walker, M.A. 1995. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1995MNRAS.276L..79H

        :param  time_to_treat: a numpy array containing the time where you want to compute this
        :param altitude: the altitude of the telescope in meter
        :param longitude: the longitude of the telescope in degree
        :param latitude: the latitude of the telescope in degree
        :return: the shift induce by the distance of the telescope to the Earth center.
        :rtype: array_like

        **WARNING** : slalib use MJD time definition, which is MJD = JD-2400000.5

        radius = (self.Earth_radius + altitude) / self.AU
        Longitude = longitude * np.pi / 180.0
        Latitude = latitude * np.pi / 180.0

        #delta_telescope = []
        #for time in time_to_treat:
        #    time_mjd = time - 2400000.5
        #    sideral_time = slalib.sla_gmst(time_mjd)
        #    telescope_longitude = - Longitude - self.target_angles_in_the_sky[
        #        0] + sideral_time

        #    delta_telescope.append(radius * slalib.sla_dcs2c(telescope_longitude, Latitude))
        #    import pdb;
        #    pdb.set_trace()
        times = Time(time_to_treat, format='jd')
        sideral_times = times.sidereal_time('apparent','greenwich').value/24*2*np.pi
        telescope_longitudes = - Longitude - self.target_angles_in_the_sky[0] + sideral_times

        x,y,z = spherical_to_cartesian(radius, Latitude, telescope_longitudes)
        delta_telescope = np.c_[x.value,y.value,z.value]
        delta_telescope_projected = np.array(
            [np.dot(delta_telescope, self.North), np.dot(delta_telescope, self.East)])
        return delta_telescope_projected

    def space_parallax(self, time_to_treat, satellite_name, telescope):
        """ Compute the position shift due to the distance of the obervatories from the Earth
        Please have a look on :
        "Parallax effects in binary microlensing events"
        Hardy, S.J and Walker, M.A. 1995. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1995MNRAS.276L..79H

        :param  time_to_treat: a numpy array containing the time where you want to compute this
        :param satellite_name: the name of the observatory. Have to be recognize by JPL HORIZON.
        :return: the shift induce by the distance of the telescope to the Earth center.
        :rtype: array_like
        **WARNING** : slalib use MJD time definition, which is MJD = JD-2400000.5

        tstart = min(time_to_treat) - 1
        tend = max(time_to_treat) + 1
        if len(telescope.spacecraft_positions) != 0:
            # allow to pass the user to give his own ephemeris
            satellite_positions = np.array(telescope.spacecraft_positions)
            # call JPL!
            satellite_positions = produce_horizons_ephem(satellite_name, tstart, tend, observatory='Geocentric',
                                                         step_size='1440m', verbose=False)[1]
            telescope.spacecraft_positions = np.array(satellite_positions).astype(float)
        satellite_positions = np.array(satellite_positions)
        dates = satellite_positions[:, 0].astype(float)
        ra = satellite_positions[:, 1].astype(float)
        dec = satellite_positions[:, 2].astype(float)
        distances = satellite_positions[:, 3].astype(float)

        interpolated_ra = interpolate.interp1d(dates, ra)
        interpolated_dec = interpolate.interp1d(dates, dec)
        interpolated_distance = interpolate.interp1d(dates, distances)

        ra_interpolated = interpolated_ra(time_to_treat)
        dec_interpolated = interpolated_dec(time_to_treat)
        distance_interpolated = interpolated_distance(time_to_treat)

        #delta_satellite = []
        #for index_time in range(len(time_to_treat)):
        #    delta_satellite.append(distance_interpolated[index_time] * slalib.sla_dcs2c(
        #        ra_interpolated[index_time] * np.pi / 180,
        #        dec_interpolated[index_time] * np.pi / 180))

        x, y, z = spherical_to_cartesian(distance_interpolated,  dec_interpolated* np.pi / 180,
                                         ra_interpolated * np.pi / 180)
        delta_satellite = np.c_[x.value, y.value, z.value]
        #delta_satellite = np.array(delta_satellite)
        delta_satellite_projected = np.array(
            [np.dot(delta_satellite, self.North), np.dot(delta_satellite, self.East)])

        return delta_satellite_projected

    def lonely_satellite(self, time_to_treat, telescope):

        satellite_positions = np.array(telescope.spacecraft_positions)

        dates = satellite_positions[:, 0].astype(float)
        X = satellite_positions[:, 1].astype(float)
        Y = satellite_positions[:, 2].astype(float)
        Z = satellite_positions[:, 3].astype(float)

        interpolated_X = interpolate.interp1d(dates, X)
        interpolated_Y = interpolate.interp1d(dates, Y)
        interpolated_Z = interpolate.interp1d(dates, Z)

        spacecraft_position_time_reference = np.array(
            [interpolated_X(self.to_par), interpolated_Y(self.to_par), interpolated_Z(self.to_par)])
        spacecraft_position_time_reference1 = np.array(
            [interpolated_X(self.to_par - 1), interpolated_Y(self.to_par - 1), interpolated_Z(self.to_par - 1)])
        spacecraft_position_time_reference2 = np.array(
            [interpolated_X(self.to_par + 1), interpolated_Y(self.to_par + 1), interpolated_Z(self.to_par + 1)])
        spacecraft_speed_time_reference = (
                                                      spacecraft_position_time_reference2 - spacecraft_position_time_reference1) / 2
        delta_spacecraft = []

        for time in time_to_treat:
            sat_position = np.array([interpolated_X(time), interpolated_Y(time), interpolated_Z(time)])

            delta_satellite = sat_position - (
                        time - self.to_par) * spacecraft_speed_time_reference - spacecraft_position_time_reference


        delta_Sat = np.array(delta_spacecraft)

        delta_spacecraft_projected = np.array(
            [np.dot(delta_Sat, self.North), np.dot(delta_Sat, self.East)])

        return delta_spacecraft_projected

def produce_horizons_ephem(body, start_time, end_time, observatory='ELP', step_size='60m',
    Write by Tim Lister. Thanks for sharing :) Produce RA,DEC and distance from the Geocentric Center.

    # Lookup observatory name
    OBSERVATORY_ID = horizons_obscodes(observatory)
    body = horizons_obscodes(body)
    if (verbose):
        print("Observatory ID= ", OBSERVATORY_ID)

    tstart = 'JD' + str(start_time)

    if (verbose):
        print("tstart = ", tstart)

    tstop = 'JD' + str(end_time)
    # timeout = TIMEOUT_JPL
    expected_number_of_lines = (end_time - start_time) * 24
    timeout = max(JPL_TYPICAL_REQUEST_TIME_PER_LINE * expected_number_of_lines, 5)

    t = telnetlib.Telnet('horizons.jpl.nasa.gov', 6775)
    data = t.read_until('Horizons> '.encode('utf-8'))
    if (verbose):
        print("data = ", data)
        #        print "hex string = %s\n\n" % binascii.hexlify(data)
    while (data.find('Horizons>'.encode('utf-8')) < 0):
        data = t.read_until('Horizons> '.encode('utf-8'))
        if (verbose):
            print("data = ", data)
    t.write((body + '\n').encode('utf-8'))
    data = t.read_until('Select ... [E]phemeris, [F]tp, [M]ail, [R]edisplay, ?, <cr>: '.encode('utf-8'),
    if len(data) == 0:
        print('No connection to JPL, sorry :(')
        flag = 'No connection to JPL'
        return flag

    if (verbose):
        print("data = ", data)
    if (data.find('phemeris'.encode('utf-8')) < 0):
        if (data.find('EXACT'.encode('utf-8')) >= 0):
            data = t.read_until('Select ... [E]phemeris, [F]tp, [M]ail, [R]edisplay, ?, <cr>: '.encode('utf-8'),
            if (verbose):
            useID = ''
            # then we have a conflict in the name.
            # e.g. Titan vs. Titania, or Mars vs. Mars Barycenter
            # Try to resolve by forcing an exact match.
            lines = data.split('\n')
            if (verbose):
                print("Multiple entries found, using exact match")
                print("nlines = %d" % (len(lines)))
            firstline = -1
            lastvalidline = -1
            l = 0
            useID = -1
            for line in lines:
                if (verbose):
                if (line.find('-----') >= 0):
                    if (firstline == -1):
                        firstline = l + 1
                    tokens = line.split()
                    if (firstline >= 0 and lastvalidline == -1):
                        if (len(tokens) < 2):
                            lastvalidline = l - 1
                        elif (tokens[1] == body and len(tokens) < 3):
                            # The <3 is necessary to filter out entries for a planet's
                            # barycenter
                            useID = int(tokens[0])
                            useBody = tokens[1]
                            if (verbose):
                                print("Use instead the id = %s = %d" % (tokens[0], useID))
                l = l + 1
            if (useID == -1):
                # Try again with only the first letter capitalized, Probably not necessary
                body = str.upper(body[0]) + str.lower(body[1:])
                #          print "Try the exact match search again with body = ", body
                firstline = -1
                lastvalidline = -1
                l = 0
                for line in lines:
                    if (verbose):
                    if (line.find('-----') >= 0):
                        if (firstline == -1):
                            firstline = l + 1
                    elif (firstline > 0):
                        if (verbose):
                            print("Splitting this line = %s" % (line))
                        tokens = line.split()
                        if (verbose):
                            print("length=%d,  %d tokens found" % (len(line), len(tokens)))
                        if (firstline >= 0 and lastvalidline == -1):
                            if (len(tokens) < 2):
                                # this is the final (i.e. blank) line in the list
                                lastvalidline = l - 1
                            elif (tokens[1] == body):
                                #                  print "%s %s is equal to %s." % (tokens[
                                # 0],tokens[1],body)
                                useID = int(tokens[0])
                                useBody = tokens[1]
                                if (len(tokens) < 3):
                                    if (verbose):
                                        print("Use instead the id = %s = %d" % (
                                            tokens[0], useID))
                                elif (len(tokens[2].split()) < 1):
                                    if (verbose):
                                        print("Use instead the id = ", tokens[0])
                                if (verbose):
                                    print("%s %s is not equal to %s." % (
                                        tokens[0], tokens[1], body))
                    l = l + 1
            if (verbose):
                print("line with first possible source = ", firstline)
                print("line with last possible source = ", lastvalidline)
                print("first possible source = ", (lines[firstline].split())[1])
                print("last possible source = ", (lines[lastvalidline].split())[1])
                print("Writing ", useID)
            t.write((str(useID) + '\n').encode('utf-8'))
            data = t.read_until('Select ... [E]phemeris, [F]tp, [M]ail, [R]edisplay, ?, <cr>: '.encode('utf-8'))
            if (verbose):
        useID = ''

    data = t.read_until('Observe, Elements, Vectors  [o,e,v,?] : '.encode('utf-8'))
    if (verbose):
    data = t.read_until('Coordinate center [ <id>,coord,geo  ] : '.encode('utf-8'))
    if (verbose):
    t.write(('%s\n' % OBSERVATORY_ID).encode('utf-8'))
    data = t.read_until('[ y/n ] --> '.encode('utf-8'))
    pointer = data.find('----------------'.encode('utf-8'))
    ending = data[pointer:]
    lines = ending.split('\n'.encode('utf-8'))
        if (verbose):
            print("Parsing line = %s" % (lines))
        tokens = lines[1].split()
        print("Telescope code unrecognized by JPL.")
        return ([], [], [])

    if (verbose):
    obsname = ''
    for i in range(4, len(tokens)):
        obsname += (tokens[i]).decode('utf-8')
        if (i < len(tokens) + 1):
            obsname += ' '
    print("Confirmed Observatory name = ", obsname)
    if (useID != ''):
        print("Confirmed Target ID = %d = %s" % (useID, useBody))
    data = t.read_until('] : '.encode('utf-8'), 1)
    if (verbose):

    t.write((tstart + '\n').encode('utf-8'))
    data = t.read_until('] : '.encode('utf-8'), 1)
    if (verbose):
    t.write((tstop + '\n').encode('utf-8'))
    data = t.read_until(' ? ] : '.encode('utf-8'), timeout)
    if (verbose):
    t.write((step_size + '\n').encode('utf-8'))
    data = t.read_until(', ?] : '.encode('utf-8'), timeout)
    if (verbose):
    if (1 == 1):
        # t.write('n\n1,3,4,9,19,20,23,\nJ2000\n\n\nMIN\nDEG\nYES\n\n\nYES\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n')
        t.write('y\n'.encode('utf-8'))  # accept default output?
        data = t.read_until(', ?] : '.encode('utf-8'))  # ,timeout)
        if (verbose):

    t.read_until('$$SOE'.encode('utf-8'), timeout)
    data = t.read_until('$$EOE'.encode('utf-8'), timeout)
    if (verbose):

    lines = data.split('\n'.encode('utf-8'))
    horemp = []
    for hor_line in lines:
        if (verbose):
            print("hor_line = ", hor_line)
        data_line = True
        # print hor_line

        if (len(hor_line.split()) == 4):

            (time, raDegrees, decDegrees, light_dist) = hor_line.split()

        elif (len(hor_line.split()) == 0 or len(hor_line.split()) == 1):
            data_line = False
            data_line = False
            print("Wrong number of fields (", len(hor_line.split()), ")")
            print("hor_line=", hor_line)

        if (data_line == True):

            horemp_line = [time, raDegrees, decDegrees, light_dist]
            if (verbose):

            # Construct ephem_info
    ephem_info = {'obj_id': body,
                  'emp_sitecode': OBSERVATORY_ID,
                  'emp_timesys': '(UT)',
                  'emp_rateunits': '"/min'
    flag = 'Succes connection to JPL'
    print('Successfully ephemeris from JPL!')
    # import pdb;
    # pdb.set_trace()
    return flag, horemp