# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Spyder Editor
Created on Fri Mar 31 14:35:34 2017
Function to compute the K-category correlation coefficient

@author: Denson Smith
Comparing two K-category assignments by a K-category correlation coefficient
Predicted assignments of biological sequences are often evaluated by
Matthews correlation coefficient. However, Matthews correlation coefficient applies
only to cases where the assignments belong to two categories, and cases with more
than two categories are often artificially forced into two categories by considering
what belongs and what does not belong to one of the categories, leading to the
loss of information. Here, an extended correlation coefficient that applies to
K-categories is proposed, and this measure is shown to be highly applicable for
evaluating prediction of RNA secondary structure in cases where some predicted
pairs go into the category “unknown” due to lack of reliability in predicted pairs
or unpaired residues. Hence, predicting base pairs of RNA secondary structure can
be a three-category problem. The measure is further shown to be well in agreement
with existing performance measures used for ranking protein secondary structure
Server and software is available at http://rk.kvl.dk/
Paper is available at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1476927104000799

# __author__ = 'Denson Smith'

import numpy as np
from typing import List, Tuple

from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, confusion_matrix

def compute_RkCC(confusion_matrix):
    Function to compute the K-category correlation coefficient


    confusion_matrix : k X k confusion matrix of int

    n_samples : int

    RkCC: float

    rows, cols = np.shape(confusion_matrix)

    RkCC_numerator = 0
    for k_ in range(cols):
        for l_ in range(cols):
            for m_ in range(cols):
                this_term = (confusion_matrix[k_, k_] * confusion_matrix[m_, l_]) - \
                            (confusion_matrix[l_, k_] * confusion_matrix[k_, m_])

                RkCC_numerator = RkCC_numerator + this_term

    RkCC_denominator_1 = 0
    for k_ in range(cols):
        RkCC_den_1_part1 = 0
        for l_ in range(cols):
            RkCC_den_1_part1 = RkCC_den_1_part1 + confusion_matrix[l_, k_]

        RkCC_den_1_part2 = 0
        for f_ in range(cols):
            if f_ != k_:

                for g_ in range(cols):
                    RkCC_den_1_part2 = RkCC_den_1_part2 + confusion_matrix[g_, f_]

        RkCC_denominator_1 = (RkCC_denominator_1 + (RkCC_den_1_part1 * RkCC_den_1_part2))

    RkCC_denominator_2 = 0
    for k_ in range(cols):
        RkCC_den_2_part1 = 0
        for l_ in range(cols):
            RkCC_den_2_part1 = RkCC_den_2_part1 + confusion_matrix[k_, l_]

        RkCC_den_2_part2 = 0
        for f_ in range(cols):
            if f_ != k_:

                for g_ in range(cols):
                    RkCC_den_2_part2 = RkCC_den_2_part2 + confusion_matrix[f_, g_]

        RkCC_denominator_2 = (RkCC_denominator_2 + (RkCC_den_2_part1 * RkCC_den_2_part2))

    RkCC = (RkCC_numerator) / (np.sqrt(RkCC_denominator_1) * np.sqrt(RkCC_denominator_2))

    return RkCC

def print_cm(cm, labels, hide_zeroes=False, hide_diagonal=False, hide_threshold=None):
    """pretty print for confusion matrixes"""
    columnwidth = max([len(x) for x in labels] + [6])  # 5 is value length
    empty_cell = " " * columnwidth
    # Print header
    print("    " + empty_cell)
    for label in labels:
        print("%{0}s".format(columnwidth) % label)
    # Print rows
    for i, label1 in enumerate(labels):
        print("    %{0}s".format(columnwidth) % label1)
        for j in range(len(labels)):
            cell = "%{0}.4f".format(columnwidth) % cm[i, j]
            if hide_zeroes:
                cell = cell if float(cm[i, j]) != 0 else empty_cell
            if hide_diagonal:
                cell = cell if i != j else empty_cell
            if hide_threshold:
                cell = cell if cm[i, j] > hide_threshold else empty_cell

def report(y_true: List[int], y_pred: List[int], labels: List[int],
           class_name: List[str] = None, report_name: str = "Default Name") -> Tuple:
    print("{} Result Reporting:".format(report_name))

    if class_name is None:
        class_name = ["class {}".format(i) for i in labels]

    assert len(class_name) == len(labels)

    cmatrix = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, labels=labels)

    print("Sklearn Confusion Matrix:")
    print(classification_report(y_true, y_pred, target_names=class_name, digits=5))

    RkCC = compute_RkCC(cmatrix)
    print('Rk correlation coefficient = %.4f' % RkCC)

    return cmatrix, RkCC

if __name__ == "__main__":
    y_true = [0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    y_pred = [0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

    labels = [0, 1, 2]

    report(y_true, y_pred, labels, ['S', 'R', 'NEI'], 'report test')